• ‘Definition of Corruption’: AG Merrick Garland Calling GOP Lawmakers to Persuade Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/definition-of-corruption-ag-merrick-garland-calling-gop-lawmakers-to-persuade-them-not-to-vote-for-inherent-contempt/
    ‘Definition of Corruption’: AG Merrick Garland Calling GOP Lawmakers to Persuade Them Not to Vote for ‘Inherent Contempt’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/definition-of-corruption-ag-merrick-garland-calling-gop-lawmakers-to-persuade-them-not-to-vote-for-inherent-contempt/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 172 Vue
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/this-is-definition-corruption-ag-merrick-garland-is/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 109 Vue
  • Why Americans Are Leaving Third World #Shithole States #ShareThisPost

    Americans are fed-up with democrat-run states and cities. Virtually every one of them can be classified as a third world shithole.

    Ironically, many of those leaving have been suckling on the teat of socialism and cultural Marxism so long, they bring their communistic ideas with them and can't understand why their new hosts don't like them. They're too stupid to realize and understand that the very definition of insanity is doing the same things the same way over and over and over again and expecting different results.

    In 2022, over 817,000 people left California. At the same time, New York experienced a net loss of around 75,000 families. Houses on the northeast and west coasts of the United States were once the most sought-after residences in the nation. Now, people are leaving these areas in droves to live a less expensive and more fulfilling life. Where are people going? Why are they leaving? And could this signal a fundamental shift in the way the United States looks and operates? Let's take a closer look.

    Why Americans Are Leaving Third World #Shithole States #ShareThisPost Americans are fed-up with democrat-run states and cities. Virtually every one of them can be classified as a third world shithole. Ironically, many of those leaving have been suckling on the teat of socialism and cultural Marxism so long, they bring their communistic ideas with them and can't understand why their new hosts don't like them. They're too stupid to realize and understand that the very definition of insanity is doing the same things the same way over and over and over again and expecting different results. In 2022, over 817,000 people left California. At the same time, New York experienced a net loss of around 75,000 families. Houses on the northeast and west coasts of the United States were once the most sought-after residences in the nation. Now, people are leaving these areas in droves to live a less expensive and more fulfilling life. Where are people going? Why are they leaving? And could this signal a fundamental shift in the way the United States looks and operates? Let's take a closer look. https://rumble.com/v51nbh6-why-americans-are-leaving-third-world-shithole-states.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 577 Vue
  • Fauci changed the definition of gain-of-function research to make it appear safe and to skirt culpability in the design, development and release of bioweapons and predatory vaccine and testing programs.
    Fauci changed the definition of gain-of-function research to make it appear safe and to skirt culpability in the design, development and release of bioweapons and predatory vaccine and testing programs. https://newstarget.com/2024-06-11-nih-profited-710-million-from-corrupt-dealings.html
    PAYDAY: NIH profited $710 million in royalties from vaccine mandates and other corrupt dealings with Big Pharma
    In 2023, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) was entitled to $48 billion in taxpayer funds, with no official audit process to detect for waste, fraud and abuse. Every year, in the name of advancing “the science,” the NIH is allowed to gut the U.S. treasury, while being held to no ethical standards for […]
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 298 Vue
  • #SUCKERS #COVIDIOTS #ShareThisPost
    BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions

    #SUCKERS #COVIDIOTS #ShareThisPost BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions
    BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
    The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 542 Vue
  • While I certainly do NOT give much attention to the lying scumbags at #MSNBC... There is a video halfway down the page that is worth listening to!

    At least the beginning of the video, which talks about the Judge's remarks!
    This Judge has ACTUALLY SPOKEN THE #TRUTH and said it out loud....
    QUALIFIED IMMUNITY IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and is legislating from the bench

    Every Court in this country is a pathetic joke!

    ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE that would allow the #Crimes and Abuses that have occurred due to "Qualified Immunity," which is used every time some criminal cop kills an innocent man and his dog or whatever... THEY CAN'T BE TRUSTED!

    The Courts have WATCHED as police brutality has skyrocketed, police criminality has skyrocketed, police abuse has skyrocketed, as #Prosecutors become COMPLICIT in the crimes by FAILING TO PROSECUTE THESE CASES UNDER
    18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 AS IS REQUIRED BY LAW!!!

    So technically.... The PROSECUTOR who fails to charge Police or "government" under these statutes is also GUILTY under the same statutes!

    And they need to be TRIED AND CONVICTED under those statutes!

    ANY "statute" or "code" is USELESS when it requires a #Criminal PROSECUTOR to
    "File it." Since the Police, Government, and these Prosecutors are one big happy, criminal family....

    Naturally these prosecutors WON'T PROSECUTE THEIR CRIMINAL FRIENDS!

    Since when did we NEED a corporation (who supposedly "works for us" to file charges against themselves??? I mean they "Investigate themselves" all the time....

    Do you see the problem here?
    We must set up COMMON LAW COURTS across America where ANY AMERICAN can sit in front of other Americans (Acting as jurors and JUDGES) and present their case!

    Then.... after hearing the case, those Americans (unaffiliated with government) rule on the case.... their decisions being BINDING, their sentences carried out immediately

    You see... this way, you could actually get a "fair day in court"
    Unlike now, where you are treated as "Property" under maritime admiralty law

    I'll bet you money that Police Criminality,
    Abuse, and #Violence would abruptly END overnight!

    It's time to END the abuses!

    While I certainly do NOT give much attention to the lying scumbags at #MSNBC... There is a video halfway down the page that is worth listening to! At least the beginning of the video, which talks about the Judge's remarks! This Judge has ACTUALLY SPOKEN THE #TRUTH and said it out loud.... QUALIFIED IMMUNITY IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL and is legislating from the bench Every Court in this country is a pathetic joke! ANY GROUP OF PEOPLE that would allow the #Crimes and Abuses that have occurred due to "Qualified Immunity," which is used every time some criminal cop kills an innocent man and his dog or whatever... THEY CAN'T BE TRUSTED! The Courts have WATCHED as police brutality has skyrocketed, police criminality has skyrocketed, police abuse has skyrocketed, as #Prosecutors become COMPLICIT in the crimes by FAILING TO PROSECUTE THESE CASES UNDER 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 AS IS REQUIRED BY LAW!!! So technically.... The PROSECUTOR who fails to charge Police or "government" under these statutes is also GUILTY under the same statutes! And they need to be TRIED AND CONVICTED under those statutes! ANY "statute" or "code" is USELESS when it requires a #Criminal PROSECUTOR to "File it." Since the Police, Government, and these Prosecutors are one big happy, criminal family.... Naturally these prosecutors WON'T PROSECUTE THEIR CRIMINAL FRIENDS! This is why ANY AMERICAN SHOULD BE ABLE TO FILE UNDER THESE STATUTES! Since when did we NEED a corporation (who supposedly "works for us" to file charges against themselves??? I mean they "Investigate themselves" all the time.... Do you see the problem here? We must set up COMMON LAW COURTS across America where ANY AMERICAN can sit in front of other Americans (Acting as jurors and JUDGES) and present their case! Then.... after hearing the case, those Americans (unaffiliated with government) rule on the case.... their decisions being BINDING, their sentences carried out immediately You see... this way, you could actually get a "fair day in court" Unlike now, where you are treated as "Property" under maritime admiralty law I'll bet you money that Police Criminality, Abuse, and #Violence would abruptly END overnight! It's time to END the abuses! https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/who-is-carlton-reeves-federal-judge-criticises-us-supreme-court-over-its-definition-of-qualified-immunity/ar-BB1mWFzU?ocid=BingNewsSerp
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 976 Vue
  • In case you missed it, this is how PedoHitler got his nickname. He sinned against his own body by having sexual relations with his own daughter.

    Unfortunately most of the world has no clue what the definition of fornication is, nor do they care enough to find out what it means. Fornication is any sexual relationship outside the confines of Holy matrimony.

    1 Corinthians 6:18 (KJV)
    Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

    1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV)
    Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
    In case you missed it, this is how PedoHitler got his nickname. He sinned against his own body by having sexual relations with his own daughter. https://imgflip.com/i/8r9ksf Unfortunately most of the world has no clue what the definition of fornication is, nor do they care enough to find out what it means. Fornication is any sexual relationship outside the confines of Holy matrimony. 1 Corinthians 6:18 (KJV) Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV) Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 596 Vue
  • Just when you thought the Democrats couldn't come up with anything else to destroy this country...

    Michigan Incentivizes Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens Instead of Americans
    Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) is incentivizing landlords to rent properties to illegal aliens over low-income Americans. Just when you thought the Democrat Party’s insults against heritage Americans couldn’t get any worse. Whitmer is paying landlords a monthly stipend in taxpayer funds for every illegal alien they rent to, in hopes of luring even more invaders to her purple state. The strategy seems to be working. At least one American woman has already been murdered by an illegal alien receiving Whitmer’s rent subsidy.

    Whitmer has even given the program an Orwellian name—the Newcomer Rental Subsidy. She calls the illegal invaders “newcomers” because it just sounds so welcoming. You have to wonder what the voters are going to think about this program come November. A lot of people don’t realize it, but Michigan is now the state being flooded with the fourth-highest number of illegal aliens, trailing California, Texas, and New York. Maybe it’s because welfare-for-invaders programs like this one are incentivizing more of them to come.

    Under the Newcomer Rental Subsidy, landlords can now get $500 per month in guaranteed taxpayer funds for each illegal alien they rent to. If you rent a three-bedroom apartment to a fake “family” of five, you get $2,500 a month. The cash is guaranteed and backed by the Michigan taxpayers.

    How does this incentivize landlords to rent to illegals? If you rent to an American family and they can’t come up with the rent, that creates a problem for you. If you rent to the illegals, you’re guaranteed cash that the taxpayers have to pony up. This is just one more example of illegal aliens being treated better by the Democrats than American citizens.

    To qualify for the program, the illegals must be designated as refugees, special immigration visa holders, victims of human trafficking, Cubans, Haitians, Afghan nationals, and Ukrainian humanitarian parolees. The Biden regime helps out with this by designating every illegal alien who breaches our southern border as a “refugee,” even though none of them fit the legal definition of that term under US or UN designation rules.

    Amy Hovey, Whitmer’s director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, says, “This program is truly a win-win, as it addresses the most pressing barrier to refugee resettlement by meeting housing needs while setting up families for success with increased employment and opportunity.”

    A win-win for who? Not for the American taxpayers certainly, or the low-income Americans struggling to keep up with paying their rent under Joe Biden’s hyperinflation.

    One of the illegal aliens who was receiving Whitmer’s rental assistance was Brandon Ortiz-Vite, from Mexico. President Trump’s administration deported Ortiz-Vite back in 2020. He’s back in the US now he enrolled in Whitmer’s Newcomer Rental Subsidy. The rent welfare program was probably part of the reason why he traveled from Mexico back to Michigan.

    That’s too bad for a 25-year-old American woman named Ruby Garcia. Ortiz-Vite allegedly car-jacked her, shot her, and left her dead body on US 131 in Grand Rapids. He’s been charged with felony murder, open murder, carjacking, carrying a concealed weapon, and felony use of a firearm.

    He’s not getting that $500-a-month in rental assistance as one of Gretchen Whitmer’s “Newcomers” now. He’s sitting in jail, and fortunately, prosecutors in Grand Rapids are holding him without bail.

    Ortiz-Vite snuck back into the country at some point in the last three years and did not have any of the special designations that are required for “immigrants” to sign up for Whitmer’s rent welfare subsidy. The Michigan state government signed him up for it anyway.
    Just when you thought the Democrats couldn't come up with anything else to destroy this country... Michigan Incentivizes Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens Instead of Americans Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) is incentivizing landlords to rent properties to illegal aliens over low-income Americans. Just when you thought the Democrat Party’s insults against heritage Americans couldn’t get any worse. Whitmer is paying landlords a monthly stipend in taxpayer funds for every illegal alien they rent to, in hopes of luring even more invaders to her purple state. The strategy seems to be working. At least one American woman has already been murdered by an illegal alien receiving Whitmer’s rent subsidy. Whitmer has even given the program an Orwellian name—the Newcomer Rental Subsidy. She calls the illegal invaders “newcomers” because it just sounds so welcoming. You have to wonder what the voters are going to think about this program come November. A lot of people don’t realize it, but Michigan is now the state being flooded with the fourth-highest number of illegal aliens, trailing California, Texas, and New York. Maybe it’s because welfare-for-invaders programs like this one are incentivizing more of them to come. Under the Newcomer Rental Subsidy, landlords can now get $500 per month in guaranteed taxpayer funds for each illegal alien they rent to. If you rent a three-bedroom apartment to a fake “family” of five, you get $2,500 a month. The cash is guaranteed and backed by the Michigan taxpayers. How does this incentivize landlords to rent to illegals? If you rent to an American family and they can’t come up with the rent, that creates a problem for you. If you rent to the illegals, you’re guaranteed cash that the taxpayers have to pony up. This is just one more example of illegal aliens being treated better by the Democrats than American citizens. To qualify for the program, the illegals must be designated as refugees, special immigration visa holders, victims of human trafficking, Cubans, Haitians, Afghan nationals, and Ukrainian humanitarian parolees. The Biden regime helps out with this by designating every illegal alien who breaches our southern border as a “refugee,” even though none of them fit the legal definition of that term under US or UN designation rules. Amy Hovey, Whitmer’s director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, says, “This program is truly a win-win, as it addresses the most pressing barrier to refugee resettlement by meeting housing needs while setting up families for success with increased employment and opportunity.” A win-win for who? Not for the American taxpayers certainly, or the low-income Americans struggling to keep up with paying their rent under Joe Biden’s hyperinflation. One of the illegal aliens who was receiving Whitmer’s rental assistance was Brandon Ortiz-Vite, from Mexico. President Trump’s administration deported Ortiz-Vite back in 2020. He’s back in the US now he enrolled in Whitmer’s Newcomer Rental Subsidy. The rent welfare program was probably part of the reason why he traveled from Mexico back to Michigan. That’s too bad for a 25-year-old American woman named Ruby Garcia. Ortiz-Vite allegedly car-jacked her, shot her, and left her dead body on US 131 in Grand Rapids. He’s been charged with felony murder, open murder, carjacking, carrying a concealed weapon, and felony use of a firearm. He’s not getting that $500-a-month in rental assistance as one of Gretchen Whitmer’s “Newcomers” now. He’s sitting in jail, and fortunately, prosecutors in Grand Rapids are holding him without bail. Ortiz-Vite snuck back into the country at some point in the last three years and did not have any of the special designations that are required for “immigrants” to sign up for Whitmer’s rent welfare subsidy. The Michigan state government signed him up for it anyway.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1745 Vue
  • Video: Pastor Robert Breaker - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #christian - 7 Definitions of Sin - https://rumble.com/v4ulr72-7-definitions-of-sin-revival-sermon-1-paran-baptist-church.html
    Video: Pastor Robert Breaker - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #christian - 7 Definitions of Sin - https://rumble.com/v4ulr72-7-definitions-of-sin-revival-sermon-1-paran-baptist-church.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 259 Vue

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