Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior...

    Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous!

    He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves....
    But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball!

    The same is true of James Corbett!
    And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious!

    ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are...

    And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS!
    I agree with 100% of Larkin says......

    Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway!

    Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world
    CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment!

    “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55

    VICTIMS AND VICTIMIZERS Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior... Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous! He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves.... But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball! The same is true of James Corbett! And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious! ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are... And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS! I agree with 100% of Larkin says...... Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway! Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment! “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55 https://www.bitchute.com/video/edkLwmluxII/
    Victims and Victimizers
    To subscribe to "The Rose Channel," just go to: http://www.TheRoseChannel.com ( To get the NOVEL, "The Jones Plantation," go to: http://www.TheJonesPlantationBook.com ) Feel free to keep enjoying the free stuff on this channel. And if you want to …
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 571 Vue
  • https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/131669
    Who owns the educational system? Bankers. (42 seconds)
    https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/131669 Who owns the educational system? Bankers. (42 seconds)
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 261 Vue 1
  • Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate This is absolutely heartbreaking. “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior

    FIRST of all.....
    Nobody can "force you" to do anything!

    YOU always have a choice!
    Now that "choice" may lead to you losing a job...
    It may even lead to you living to see a ripe old age!

    You CANNOT allow a system of UNLAWFUL "Maritime Admiralty Law" instituted and controlled by #Luciferian scumbag #BANKERS to rule your life!

    YOU must make the CHOICE to step out of the #Jurisdiction of this complete and total #Fraud of a system, which is based in coercion, lies, and deception!

    And step back into COMMON LAW
    where ALL MEN & WOMEN belong!

    These BANKER scumbags, with the help of their "#Corporation of the United States" friends have committed FRAUD against every American!

    The FRAUD started with your BERTH CERTIFICATE
    (I spelled it correctly)

    Your "birth certificate" is actually a BERTH CERTIFICATE because it "docked" a legal fiction (Your all caps name) to the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law!

    It turned that legal fiction into

    Then the #Criminals spent the next 18 years of your life convincing YOU (A MAN or a WOMAN) to "represent" the legal fiction, and to believe that the "legal fiction," created and owned by a CORPORATION, is YOU!

    It's NOT you!
    It's a FRAUD based crime committed by EVIL men

    YOU need to learn how to step out of the JURISDICTION of their fraudulent "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System, and back into COMMON LAW where all of mankind belong!

    THEN, we can try these criminals for their crimes,
    and EXECUTE them when found guilty! This would include ALL who participate in this FRAUD based system... The Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors, and #Police

    The very SAME "Policy Enforcing" police who tried to force YOU to comply with the unlawful, unconstitutional "Stay at Home" orders AND business closures!

    These were ALL crimes against humanity!
    And ANYONE who helped to implement or enforce them is a criminal

    Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate This is absolutely heartbreaking. “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior FIRST of all..... Nobody can "force you" to do anything! YOU always have a choice! Now that "choice" may lead to you losing a job... It may even lead to you living to see a ripe old age! You CANNOT allow a system of UNLAWFUL "Maritime Admiralty Law" instituted and controlled by #Luciferian scumbag #BANKERS to rule your life! YOU must make the CHOICE to step out of the #Jurisdiction of this complete and total #Fraud of a system, which is based in coercion, lies, and deception! And step back into COMMON LAW where ALL MEN & WOMEN belong! These BANKER scumbags, with the help of their "#Corporation of the United States" friends have committed FRAUD against every American! The FRAUD started with your BERTH CERTIFICATE (I spelled it correctly) Your "birth certificate" is actually a BERTH CERTIFICATE because it "docked" a legal fiction (Your all caps name) to the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law! It turned that legal fiction into PROPERTY OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES Then the #Criminals spent the next 18 years of your life convincing YOU (A MAN or a WOMAN) to "represent" the legal fiction, and to believe that the "legal fiction," created and owned by a CORPORATION, is YOU! It's NOT you! It's a FRAUD based crime committed by EVIL men YOU need to learn how to step out of the JURISDICTION of their fraudulent "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System, and back into COMMON LAW where all of mankind belong! THEN, we can try these criminals for their crimes, and EXECUTE them when found guilty! This would include ALL who participate in this FRAUD based system... The Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, Prosecutors, and #Police The very SAME "Policy Enforcing" police who tried to force YOU to comply with the unlawful, unconstitutional "Stay at Home" orders AND business closures! These were ALL crimes against humanity! And ANYONE who helped to implement or enforce them is a criminal https://ugetube.com/watch/vaccine-injured-pharmacist-breaks-down-into-tears-testifying-before-ohio-state-senate-this-is-absolu_8XRZ4fjVqSzV7vJ.html
    Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate This is absolutely heartbreaking. “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior
    Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate This is absolutely heartbreaking. “I was a father, a husband, a pharmacist, and a healthy person prior to being coerced into receivi
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1143 Vue
  • Canada and Australia same speech

    Sold out Government lies and fraud, been going on for way too long.
    Countless dead because the people are not in control.
    If voting actuality mattered they would not let you do it.

    The sooner that the PEOPLE of the world realize that EVERY "government" and every "Politician" are nothing more than fronts for a #Luciferian #Corporation of #Bankers!

    The people who PRINT WORTHLESS MONEY
    control the world through GREED and DECEPTION!

    These people rule over YOU because you place value on worthless "notes of debt" that they print out like a Kinko's prints business cards!

    People will KILL THEIR OWN MOTHER to obtain this worthless paper,
    because they THINK that it has value!

    When the truth is that THE PEOPLE could easily trade without them,
    and put them ALL in the soup-line, where they belong!

    Armies kill civilians on the word of BANKERS!
    And they'll kill you too... if only there's some worthless paper in it for them!

    Canada and Australia same speech Sold out Government lies and fraud, been going on for way too long. Countless dead because the people are not in control. If voting actuality mattered they would not let you do it. The sooner that the PEOPLE of the world realize that EVERY "government" and every "Politician" are nothing more than fronts for a #Luciferian #Corporation of #Bankers! The people who PRINT WORTHLESS MONEY control the world through GREED and DECEPTION! These people rule over YOU because you place value on worthless "notes of debt" that they print out like a Kinko's prints business cards! People will KILL THEIR OWN MOTHER to obtain this worthless paper, because they THINK that it has value! When the truth is that THE PEOPLE could easily trade without them, and put them ALL in the soup-line, where they belong! Armies kill civilians on the word of BANKERS! And they'll kill you too... if only there's some worthless paper in it for them! https://bastyon.com/embedVideo.php?host=video01.brighteon.io&id=f3d68ff6-bf24-4499-9230-8872f5a2cf64&embed=true&s=a9f0791cf5068aeb78f5fd6d9b62c8e2f254ce19c458cf05abd30cc46a50afaf
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 806 Vue

    I absolutely LOVE what these guys do!

    But having said that...
    EVERYONE needs to be Educated to the FACT that #Police are nothing more than POLICY ENFORCERS who work for a #Criminal CORPORATION which is controlled WORLDWIDE by #Bankers!

    YOU (And these scumbags in blue) are Slaves under the illegitimate system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" which is based 100% in #Fraud and deception!

    We are ALL #Slaves to a bunch of Luciferians who PRINT MONEY!
    (Including these blue belly scumbags who harm their fellow man daily)

    These bankers DON'T produce anything, or contribute to society in any way... ALL that they do is use the MONEY that they print at will, to get YOU and I (and the Police) to do their #Evil bidding

    "MONEY" is absolutely WORTHLESS!
    We could all trade with copper coins, sea-shells, whatever......

    Money is nothing more than a system of TRADE!
    Mankind MUST stop allowing BANKERS to enslave them with worthless paper "notes of debt" which is NOT actual money anyway!

    I should get myself a printing press.......
    Maybe then I could hire gangs of thugs to beat and kill people on my behalf! I'll just print up a bunch of worthless paper to "pay them with"

    Whenever I need a new house, I'll print up some worthless paper!

    You see.... the REAL TRICK is convincing the Slaves to use my worthless paper to trade with EACH OTHER!

    We could put bankers out of business (and out of control) simply by agreeing to STOP using their worthless notes of debt!

    Ever man, woman, and child would instantly become wealthy!
    And that is because the bankers would not be taking 3/4 of everything they work for!

    "Money" is the puppet strings that the devil works you with!
    People will KILL another human being for a pile of worthless PAPER!

    The Creator gave us EVERYTHING WE NEED...
    And we let some moron with a printing press enslave us with PAPER!

    This is so incredible to me that I don't have the words!

    ONE OF THESE COPS SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT BE A SGT!! I absolutely LOVE what these guys do! But having said that... EVERYONE needs to be Educated to the FACT that #Police are nothing more than POLICY ENFORCERS who work for a #Criminal CORPORATION which is controlled WORLDWIDE by #Bankers! YOU (And these scumbags in blue) are Slaves under the illegitimate system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" which is based 100% in #Fraud and deception! We are ALL #Slaves to a bunch of Luciferians who PRINT MONEY! (Including these blue belly scumbags who harm their fellow man daily) These bankers DON'T produce anything, or contribute to society in any way... ALL that they do is use the MONEY that they print at will, to get YOU and I (and the Police) to do their #Evil bidding "MONEY" is absolutely WORTHLESS! We could all trade with copper coins, sea-shells, whatever...... WE DO NOT NEED MONEY! Money is nothing more than a system of TRADE! Mankind MUST stop allowing BANKERS to enslave them with worthless paper "notes of debt" which is NOT actual money anyway! I should get myself a printing press....... Maybe then I could hire gangs of thugs to beat and kill people on my behalf! I'll just print up a bunch of worthless paper to "pay them with" Whenever I need a new house, I'll print up some worthless paper! You see.... the REAL TRICK is convincing the Slaves to use my worthless paper to trade with EACH OTHER! We could put bankers out of business (and out of control) simply by agreeing to STOP using their worthless notes of debt! Ever man, woman, and child would instantly become wealthy! And that is because the bankers would not be taking 3/4 of everything they work for! "Money" is the puppet strings that the devil works you with! People will KILL another human being for a pile of worthless PAPER! The Creator gave us EVERYTHING WE NEED... And we let some moron with a printing press enslave us with PAPER! This is so incredible to me that I don't have the words! https://www.bitchute.com/video/IvKE0_GfegU/
    One of these Cops Should ABSOLUTELY NOT be a SGT!!
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/highimpactflix ✅ CashApp: https://cash.app/$HighImpactDonate…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1121 Vue

    You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation!

    Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen"

    If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO???

    This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation"

    You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together!

    Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you!

    Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT!

    I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily!

    I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT)


    It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING
    for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever!

    This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM!

    UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen"

    Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights!
    They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so

    The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT!

    Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong!

    COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea!

    I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway.

    What we got to care about is CONSENT!
    And none of us need to "consent" to any of it!

    The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS!

    TRUMPERTARIANISM (PART 3) You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation! Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen" If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO??? This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation" You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together! Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you! Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT! I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily! I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT) EVERYTHING "Maritime Admiralty Law" REQUIRES YOUR CONSENT! It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever! This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM! NO VICTIM = NO CRIME! UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen" Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights! They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT! Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong! COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea! I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway. What we got to care about is CONSENT! And none of us need to "consent" to any of it! The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6MGx-S7G2DA/
    Trumpertarianism (Part 3)
    As promised, here is my take on the all-too-predictable spectacle of the Orange Fuhrer doing his schtick at the "Libertarian" (sic) convention. This is Part THREE (of three). ____________________________ If you want to support what we do here, dona…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1167 Vue
  • https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00413QFLK&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ANFXNF4M6AVFWXW18CXQ

    Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
    Shared via Kindle. Description: How America secretly recovered Yamashita's Gold immediately after World War 2. Great masses of treasure in gold, platinum, diamonds, other precious gems, solid gold Buddhas, art works, ancient artifacts, priceless manuscripts...
    ..." Once citizens of a country relinquish control of their money to private bankers, they are at the banker's mercy- which is the whole idea. When citizens are then deprived of the right to keep precious metals like gold, (silver, platinum, etc.), - which has true value because of it's rarity- they have no alternative but to make do with the paper money printed and manipulated by private bankers - literally "monopoly money".....
    https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00413QFLK&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ANFXNF4M6AVFWXW18CXQ Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave Shared via Kindle. Description: How America secretly recovered Yamashita's Gold immediately after World War 2. Great masses of treasure in gold, platinum, diamonds, other precious gems, solid gold Buddhas, art works, ancient artifacts, priceless manuscripts... read.amazon.com ..." Once citizens of a country relinquish control of their money to private bankers, they are at the banker's mercy- which is the whole idea. When citizens are then deprived of the right to keep precious metals like gold, (silver, platinum, etc.), - which has true value because of it's rarity- they have no alternative but to make do with the paper money printed and manipulated by private bankers - literally "monopoly money".....
    Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
    Shared via Kindle. Description: How America secretly recovered Yamashita's Gold immediately after World War 2. Great masses of treasure in gold, platinum, diamonds, other precious gems, solid gold Buddhas, art works, ancient artifacts, priceless manuscripts...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 987 Vue

    I dislike cameras myself!
    I will rarely even step in front of one at a family event!

    So I make it a practice to NOT step up to cameramen!

    Of course ANYWHERE I GO the corrupt #Corporation that we mistakenly call "government" has 14 cameras watching my every move!

    But when you point a camera AT THEM they will flip out completely!
    Just like these morons who "support" their #Criminal actions!

    People like these are NPC zombies, a part of the #Matrix so to speak, brain dead and BRAINWASHED into accepting their own enslavement and abuse at the hands of a #Corporation which deceptively named itself "government."

    And these enslaved NPC Zombies are just as bad as the criminals they have allowed to enslave them! They are just as responsible for the EVIL conducted by Police, because they support the actions of Police!

    So next time Police Murder some innocent child and/or his dog, parents, or grandparents..... These NPC morons are JUST AS GUILTY as the cop!

    Because they have done NOTHING to demand and REQUIRE accountability for their criminal actions

    The "United States" is a CORPORATION and nothing more!
    They are a for-profit CORPORATION do different than McDonald's

    Except their pimple faced, fresh out of school, first job they've ever had employees are HEAVILY ARMED! And the "Board of Directors" actually encourages violence against their customers! And "US Corporate" mediates all complaints!

    And they do it in such a way, that that the pimple faced little sissies they hire are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Because in reality YOU ARE NOT A "CUSTOMER"

    In their view, you are a #Slave under their control!
    And that's just how they view you folks!

    They believe themselves to be PUBLIC MASTERS,
    Not the "Public Servants" they are supposed to be!

    And YOU FUND THIS BS every time you pay "taxes"
    Which DON'T "build roads or improve schools" like you think it does!

    ALL TAXES go to either the World Bank or the British Crown........
    Then.... these corporate scumbags BORROW THE MONEY to build schools & roads!

    They BORROW this money from the #Jew #Bankers at INTEREST!
    And they also allow the Jew Bankers to PRINT NEW MONEY!

    And for every dollar they print, YOUR CHILDREN go another $1.08 in debt!
    See how that works???

    They could tax you 100% forever, and the "debt" will never get paid!
    Because "taxes" don't go to the debt! It goes into the pockets of scumbags!

    CRAZY SNOWFLAKEY PEOPLE ABSOLUTELY FLIP THEIR LIDS AT THE POST OFFICE I dislike cameras myself! I will rarely even step in front of one at a family event! So I make it a practice to NOT step up to cameramen! Of course ANYWHERE I GO the corrupt #Corporation that we mistakenly call "government" has 14 cameras watching my every move! But when you point a camera AT THEM they will flip out completely! Just like these morons who "support" their #Criminal actions! People like these are NPC zombies, a part of the #Matrix so to speak, brain dead and BRAINWASHED into accepting their own enslavement and abuse at the hands of a #Corporation which deceptively named itself "government." And these enslaved NPC Zombies are just as bad as the criminals they have allowed to enslave them! They are just as responsible for the EVIL conducted by Police, because they support the actions of Police! So next time Police Murder some innocent child and/or his dog, parents, or grandparents..... These NPC morons are JUST AS GUILTY as the cop! Because they have done NOTHING to demand and REQUIRE accountability for their criminal actions The "United States" is a CORPORATION and nothing more! They are a for-profit CORPORATION do different than McDonald's Except their pimple faced, fresh out of school, first job they've ever had employees are HEAVILY ARMED! And the "Board of Directors" actually encourages violence against their customers! And "US Corporate" mediates all complaints! And they do it in such a way, that that the pimple faced little sissies they hire are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Because in reality YOU ARE NOT A "CUSTOMER" In their view, you are a #Slave under their control! And that's just how they view you folks! They believe themselves to be PUBLIC MASTERS, Not the "Public Servants" they are supposed to be! And YOU FUND THIS BS every time you pay "taxes" Which DON'T "build roads or improve schools" like you think it does! ALL TAXES go to either the World Bank or the British Crown........ Then.... these corporate scumbags BORROW THE MONEY to build schools & roads! They BORROW this money from the #Jew #Bankers at INTEREST! And they also allow the Jew Bankers to PRINT NEW MONEY! And for every dollar they print, YOUR CHILDREN go another $1.08 in debt! See how that works??? They could tax you 100% forever, and the "debt" will never get paid! Because "taxes" don't go to the debt! It goes into the pockets of scumbags! https://www.bitchute.com/video/JEEf28MPSOU/
    Crazy Snowflakey People Absolutely Flip Their Lids at the Post Office
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/highimpactflix ✅ CashApp: https://cash.app/$HighImpactDonate…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1274 Vue

    ..." Once citizens of a country relinquish control of their money to private bankers, they are at the banker's mercy- which is the whole idea. When citizens are then deprived of the right to keep precious metals like gold, (silver, platinum, etc.), - which has true value because of it's rarity- they have no alternative but to make do with the paper money printed and manipulated by private bankers - literally "monopoly money".....

    IMHO: YOU REALLY MUST READ THIS EXCELLENT BOOK!!!: "GOLD WARRIORS" (by STERLING, and PEGGY SEAGRAVE). ..." Once citizens of a country relinquish control of their money to private bankers, they are at the banker's mercy- which is the whole idea. When citizens are then deprived of the right to keep precious metals like gold, (silver, platinum, etc.), - which has true value because of it's rarity- they have no alternative but to make do with the paper money printed and manipulated by private bankers - literally "monopoly money"..... https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00413QFLK&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_ANFXNF4M6AVFWXW18CXQ
    Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave
    Shared via Kindle. Description: How America secretly recovered Yamashita's Gold immediately after World War 2. Great masses of treasure in gold, platinum, diamonds, other precious gems, solid gold Buddhas, art works, ancient artifacts, priceless manuscripts...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 719 Vue
  • I clipped this from a post....
    EVERYONE should read it!

    If we want to change the WORLD, we must start by changing OURSELVES!
    Being "tolerant" of #Evil is NOT the position a Christian takes!

    I'll be "tolerant" of Freemasons, just like Jesus was "tolerant" of the money-changers!
    Speaking of which... We should not be tolerant of them either!

    #Bankers are modern money changers folks!
    And they are stealing the earth, which was given to YOU, using worthless paper!

    The Advent Truth

    Freemasonry: the all-embracing Heresy
    Freemasonry is a pagan cult that pretends to embrace all religions, but only in order to negate them all. Our lust for more power, money, and sex is unleashed inside this all-embracing heresy called Roman Catholic Freemasonry. The lower instincts become the higher. Accordingly, culture has been degraded and we have no real collective identity or ideals, just animal appetites. Lead by this satanic "G"ay m.a.f.i.a, all the humanity is becoming a bizarre sex cult.

    Inside the Freemasonry, only their inner circles are aware that the "Craft" is in fact devoted to Satanism, serving pagan gods behind a veil of false Judaism (Synagogue of Satan). These masonic Satanists disguise their agenda in warm and fuzzy buzzwords like "economic justice" and "international peace".

    They also have drafted a new world constitution called the "Earth Charter". In 2002, the Earth Charter was presented to the United Nations (UN) in a pantheistic 21st Century replica of the Ark of the Covenant called "the Ark of Hope". For many centuries, the world has been subject to a gradual and subtle process of Masonic occultist indoctrination.

    Religion is portrayed as irrelevant and the human "liberation" is defined as being able to have sex with anything and anyone, talking about bodily functions and exposing the body (the Temple of the Most High) in public. Also as humanity is continually made sicker by this heretic cult that is trying to rule over us, the man has become more and more beast-like.

    The untold fact is that we cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of a gigantic Masonic conspiracy, planned by the Vatican and the Jesuits (IHS). Without belonging to the freemasonry and participating in their pacts and filthy oaths, there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is.

    Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Zionist financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization. They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Vatican's "New World Order".

    Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, 300 mainly Zionist banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world. Masons are responsible for communism, Zionism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, anarchism and all the other "isms" in our society - "divide and conquer" they say.

    These "world revolutionary", "progressive" movements ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and "reason" and dedicated to "liberty, equality and fraternity," "public ownership" or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family ("all collective forces except our own") by promoting social division, self indulgence and "tolerance", miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual "liberation" and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush.

    Ultimately, Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including the so called "science and culture".

    In last instance, Freemasonry is a cancer on earth - a club of fraudsters - nothing but the Vatican's m.a.f.i.a. Wherever the name of the Catholic church can't appear involved, there you will find the Roman Catholic Freemasonry infiltrated - as in the schemes of the m.a.f.i.a itself.
    I clipped this from a post.... EVERYONE should read it! If we want to change the WORLD, we must start by changing OURSELVES! Being "tolerant" of #Evil is NOT the position a Christian takes! I'll be "tolerant" of Freemasons, just like Jesus was "tolerant" of the money-changers! Speaking of which... We should not be tolerant of them either! #Bankers are modern money changers folks! And they are stealing the earth, which was given to YOU, using worthless paper! The Advent Truth Admin Freemasonry: the all-embracing Heresy Freemasonry is a pagan cult that pretends to embrace all religions, but only in order to negate them all. Our lust for more power, money, and sex is unleashed inside this all-embracing heresy called Roman Catholic Freemasonry. The lower instincts become the higher. Accordingly, culture has been degraded and we have no real collective identity or ideals, just animal appetites. Lead by this satanic "G"ay m.a.f.i.a, all the humanity is becoming a bizarre sex cult. Inside the Freemasonry, only their inner circles are aware that the "Craft" is in fact devoted to Satanism, serving pagan gods behind a veil of false Judaism (Synagogue of Satan). These masonic Satanists disguise their agenda in warm and fuzzy buzzwords like "economic justice" and "international peace". They also have drafted a new world constitution called the "Earth Charter". In 2002, the Earth Charter was presented to the United Nations (UN) in a pantheistic 21st Century replica of the Ark of the Covenant called "the Ark of Hope". For many centuries, the world has been subject to a gradual and subtle process of Masonic occultist indoctrination. Religion is portrayed as irrelevant and the human "liberation" is defined as being able to have sex with anything and anyone, talking about bodily functions and exposing the body (the Temple of the Most High) in public. Also as humanity is continually made sicker by this heretic cult that is trying to rule over us, the man has become more and more beast-like. The untold fact is that we cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of a gigantic Masonic conspiracy, planned by the Vatican and the Jesuits (IHS). Without belonging to the freemasonry and participating in their pacts and filthy oaths, there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is. Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Zionist financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization. They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Vatican's "New World Order". Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, 300 mainly Zionist banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world. Masons are responsible for communism, Zionism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, anarchism and all the other "isms" in our society - "divide and conquer" they say. These "world revolutionary", "progressive" movements ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and "reason" and dedicated to "liberty, equality and fraternity," "public ownership" or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family ("all collective forces except our own") by promoting social division, self indulgence and "tolerance", miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual "liberation" and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush. Ultimately, Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including the so called "science and culture". In last instance, Freemasonry is a cancer on earth - a club of fraudsters - nothing but the Vatican's m.a.f.i.a. Wherever the name of the Catholic church can't appear involved, there you will find the Roman Catholic Freemasonry infiltrated - as in the schemes of the m.a.f.i.a itself.
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