Недавние обновления
  • The new Woke Rules for Cis-Gender, Hetero, White Men:
    1: No posting Memes of Blacks (Digital Black Face)
    2: no posting Memes of Women (Gender appropriation)
    3: No posting Memes of Gays (Digital Gay appropriation)
    4: No posting Memes of BLM (You arn't Black, so STFU)
    5: No posting Memes of Antifa (It will hurt their snowflake heart)
    6: No posting Memes about Abortion (You aren't a woman, so you can't have an opinion)
    7: No posting Memes of Native Americans (Digital Indian Face & cultural appropriation)
    8: No posting Memes of the Founding Fathers (They were slave owners, so that is Racist)

    By these rules, you cannot post memes. I guess we are left with pictures of our cars, pet dogs, and guns. Oh wait, the Peta people will be upset by the enslavement of the dog, Gretta will cry because of the car, and the Progressives will be mad you put a picture of your weapons online.
    The new Woke Rules for Cis-Gender, Hetero, White Men: 1: No posting Memes of Blacks (Digital Black Face) 2: no posting Memes of Women (Gender appropriation) 3: No posting Memes of Gays (Digital Gay appropriation) 4: No posting Memes of BLM (You arn't Black, so STFU) 5: No posting Memes of Antifa (It will hurt their snowflake heart) 6: No posting Memes about Abortion (You aren't a woman, so you can't have an opinion) 7: No posting Memes of Native Americans (Digital Indian Face & cultural appropriation) 8: No posting Memes of the Founding Fathers (They were slave owners, so that is Racist) By these rules, you cannot post memes. I guess we are left with pictures of our cars, pet dogs, and guns. Oh wait, the Peta people will be upset by the enslavement of the dog, Gretta will cry because of the car, and the Progressives will be mad you put a picture of your weapons online.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1278 Просмотры
  • 0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 747 Просмотры
  • WOKE WARNING: CITI is going ESG by 2025 Bail out now while you can.
    They just announced targeted opportunities based on ESG. Replay of SVB.
    WOKE WARNING: CITI is going ESG by 2025 Bail out now while you can. They just announced targeted opportunities based on ESG. Replay of SVB.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1311 Просмотры
  • An artisan at work. It is beautiful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8SEst-LBDA&t=292s
    An artisan at work. It is beautiful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8SEst-LBDA&t=292s
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 689 Просмотры
  • Said like a good stooge for the WEF
    Said like a good stooge for the WEF https://www.rt.com/russia/573147-kuleba-ukraine-support-warning/
    Kiev issues warning to countries that don’t support Ukraine
    Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has warned that countries who did not support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia will be held accountable
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 808 Просмотры
  • "Q" and follow the plan are just catchphrases to give false hope to the masses. The Right is waiting for a mythical Deus Da Mecanica to come and save the republic. There is no one coming to save us. Our republic is on life support, and the globalist is pulling the plug.
    1: Most of our's and the EU's weapons went to Ukraine.
    2: The Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme is unraveling. Soon the US dollar with only be good for starting fires.
    3: Most of our manufacturing is in China, India, and other Asian countries.
    4: The Elections are rigged. They let some republicans win to give the illusion of choice. (Who believes Biden got 80 million votes?)
    5: BRICS nations are shoring up their currencies with Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Oil. We are printing trillions of Dollars out of thin air.
    6: the young generation has been brainwashed to follow orders no matter how insane.
    7: DAs nationwide are releasing hardened criminals and incarcerating ordinary people to defend themselves.
    8: The Reps in the Congress and Senate make fortunes with insider trading and enact laws they are exempt from.

    These are just a few of the things wrong in our country. Our founding fathers would have had the rep in DC swinging from the capital building balcony by now, but we are OK to wait for our mythical savior to rise.
    We must take care of ourselves, our families, and our communities. Let the Fed print FIAT monopoly money, let the legislature pass all the restrictive laws they want, and let the governors mandate whatever. We, the people need to ignore them. Stock up on food, clothing, weapons, ammo, water filters, blankets, and camping supplies to use inside your houses when the gas and electricity are turned off due to the EVs breaking the grid. It is up to the individual to secure their homes and communities. We need to band together as communities to survive the banking/government collapse that is imminent.
    May GOD forgive and protect us.
    "Q" and follow the plan are just catchphrases to give false hope to the masses. The Right is waiting for a mythical Deus Da Mecanica to come and save the republic. There is no one coming to save us. Our republic is on life support, and the globalist is pulling the plug. 1: Most of our's and the EU's weapons went to Ukraine. 2: The Federal Reserve Ponzi scheme is unraveling. Soon the US dollar with only be good for starting fires. 3: Most of our manufacturing is in China, India, and other Asian countries. 4: The Elections are rigged. They let some republicans win to give the illusion of choice. (Who believes Biden got 80 million votes?) 5: BRICS nations are shoring up their currencies with Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Oil. We are printing trillions of Dollars out of thin air. 6: the young generation has been brainwashed to follow orders no matter how insane. 7: DAs nationwide are releasing hardened criminals and incarcerating ordinary people to defend themselves. 8: The Reps in the Congress and Senate make fortunes with insider trading and enact laws they are exempt from. These are just a few of the things wrong in our country. Our founding fathers would have had the rep in DC swinging from the capital building balcony by now, but we are OK to wait for our mythical savior to rise. We must take care of ourselves, our families, and our communities. Let the Fed print FIAT monopoly money, let the legislature pass all the restrictive laws they want, and let the governors mandate whatever. We, the people need to ignore them. Stock up on food, clothing, weapons, ammo, water filters, blankets, and camping supplies to use inside your houses when the gas and electricity are turned off due to the EVs breaking the grid. It is up to the individual to secure their homes and communities. We need to band together as communities to survive the banking/government collapse that is imminent. May GOD forgive and protect us.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 822 Просмотры
  • Copied from @Redactednews.com
    Could China be on a winning streak for peace? The Wall Street Journal reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to meet with Ukrainian President Zelensky next week after a meeting with Russian President Putin. Could he do what no one else has been able to do and broker an actual peace deal? 
    This follows a major peace deal last Friday between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The deal was cemented in China by Chinese officials. On the heels of that deal, China announced that it would host a meeting with Iran and the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council later this year. 
    The WSJ reports that President Jinping may visit other European countries after he leaves Moscow, reflecting “a conviction on the part of Mr. Xi and the Communist Party that China can offer an alternative to the U.S.-led model of international relations by relying on commercial ties rather than military might to sway the decisions of other countries.”
    China is going to use its purse strings to move the US out of power. If they can’t beat them they will buy them. A sound strategy until the money runs out, or when the west realizes they have made a deal with the Devil. When the Chinese start dictating new terms with the ability to withhold products, then the west is going to realize how bad this deal is. The US will no longer be a superpower. She will be little more than a destitute paper tiger; worse than it is now.
    Copied from @Redactednews.com Could China be on a winning streak for peace? The Wall Street Journal reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to meet with Ukrainian President Zelensky next week after a meeting with Russian President Putin. Could he do what no one else has been able to do and broker an actual peace deal?  This follows a major peace deal last Friday between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The deal was cemented in China by Chinese officials. On the heels of that deal, China announced that it would host a meeting with Iran and the six members of the Gulf Cooperation Council later this year.  The WSJ reports that President Jinping may visit other European countries after he leaves Moscow, reflecting “a conviction on the part of Mr. Xi and the Communist Party that China can offer an alternative to the U.S.-led model of international relations by relying on commercial ties rather than military might to sway the decisions of other countries.” China is going to use its purse strings to move the US out of power. If they can’t beat them they will buy them. A sound strategy until the money runs out, or when the west realizes they have made a deal with the Devil. When the Chinese start dictating new terms with the ability to withhold products, then the west is going to realize how bad this deal is. The US will no longer be a superpower. She will be little more than a destitute paper tiger; worse than it is now.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 866 Просмотры
  • California wants the rest of the country to be just as aborticide as they are. Newson is telling companies that they must conform to Cali laws all over the country. Walgreens did not stop selling the aborticide drugs everywhere, just in the states where the AG told them they were going to be in trouble if they continued.

    This is just sick.

    California wants the rest of the country to be just as aborticide as they are. Newson is telling companies that they must conform to Cali laws all over the country. Walgreens did not stop selling the aborticide drugs everywhere, just in the states where the AG told them they were going to be in trouble if they continued. This is just sick. https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-03-10-newsom-rejects-walgreens-california-refusal-abortion-drugs.html
    Newsom refusing to renew $54 million Walgreens contract for California because pharmacy chain refuses to sell abortion pills in some states
    Because the pharmacy chain refuses to sell drugs that kill unborn babies in some states, Walgreens has lost its contract with the state of California. Gov. Gavin Newsom made the decision to sever a $54 million contract that Walgreens had with the Golden State after the company chose to no longer
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 937 Просмотры
  • It looks like saying a transperson with male genitalia should not use the women's locker room get you locked out of Twitter. The truth hurts especially when you are not used to hearing it. I am locked out of twitter again.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 756 Просмотры
  • It looks like saying a transperson with male genitalia should not use the women's locker room get you locked out of Twitter. The truth hurts especially when you are not used to hearing it. I am locked out of twitter again.
    It looks like saying a transperson with male genitalia should not use the women's locker room get you locked out of Twitter. The truth hurts especially when you are not used to hearing it. I am locked out of twitter again.
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 1712 Просмотры