Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, a conservative bible reading, gun totin pissed off deplorable living in a land full of antifa faggots and milk toast self loathing white hatin brain dead liberals. Keep honking you Prius driving pansies, I'm re-loading...
- Class of 94
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- A warning to all you "passers-by" in Portland - Don't Fucking Stop. If you show up in your truck, and stop because you're afraid of hitting the fucking protesters, then you deserve to get your ass handed to you like this dumb-ass. Don't be a dumb-ass. Punch it, and make bowling pins out of the #ANTIFA and #BLM terrorist protesters. There! Now you know better!
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/08/17/rioters-in-portland-savagely-beat-driver-n2574472TOWNHALL.COMRioters In Portland Savagely Beat Up Driver After Crashing His CarA Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob in Portland savagely beat a man when they dragged him out of his car that he crashed as he was trying to get - A warning to all you "passers-by" in Portland - Don't Fucking Stop. If you show up in your truck, and stop because you're afraid of hitting the fucking protesters, then you deserve to get your ass handed to you like this dumb-ass. Don't be a dumb-ass. Punch it, and make bowling pins out of the #ANTIFA and #BLM terrorist protesters. There! Now you know better!
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/08/17/rioters-in-portland-savagely-beat-driver-n2574472A warning to all you "passers-by" in Portland - Don't Fucking Stop. If you show up in your truck, and stop because you're afraid of hitting the fucking protesters, then you deserve to get your ass handed to you like this dumb-ass. Don't be a dumb-ass. Punch it, and make bowling pins out of the #ANTIFA and #BLM terrorist protesters. There! Now you know better! https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/08/17/rioters-in-portland-savagely-beat-driver-n2574472TOWNHALL.COMRioters In Portland Savagely Beat Up Driver After Crashing His CarA Black Lives Matter and Antifa mob in Portland savagely beat a man when they dragged him out of his car that he crashed as he was trying to get - WWW.AMERICANTHINKER.COMLawlessness, the Murder of Our Children, and the Soul of AmericaBLM, Inc., Joe Biden and the DNC own the death and destruction of this past weekend, in cities like, Atlanta, New York and Cleveland! Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) have surrendered to the Radical Left (Black Lives Matter, I...
- That was supremely righteous and suh-weeet to witness!!!
https://youtu.be/L98OyepXgHE - That was supremely righteous and suh-weeet to witness!!!
https://youtu.be/L98OyepXgHEThat was supremely righteous and suh-weeet to witness!!! https://youtu.be/L98OyepXgHE - The snowflakes and #chaz - # #chop turds are melting today... Livestream -> https://www.pscp.tv/w/1mnxelbdYNnJXWWW.PSCP.TVSubpixel Alchemist @MarcusKulik#chopcomms #seattleprotestcomms #seattleprotests stream rebooted for maintenance
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