Spamhaus daily bad IP autoblocker script
      curl -s >drop.txt   cut -d' ' -f 1 drop.txt >drop2.txt mv drop2.txt drop.txt grep -v '^{;}' drop.txt >drop2.txt   echo "#!/bin/sh" >script   cat drop3.txt | while read line do # $line="$line{var ;*}" echo iptables -A INPUT -s $line -j DROP >>script echo iptables -A OUTPUT -s $line -j DROP >>script   done   curl -s >drop.txt   cut -d' ' -f 1 drop.txt...
    Par Jess Sosnoski 2023-04-19 07:49:46 2 940
    Sysctl.conf example security settings
    There are probably better ways of doing this, buuuuttt.... kernel.printk = 4 4 1 7 kernel.panic = 10 kernel.sysrq = 0 kernel.shmmax = 4294967296 kernel.shmall = 4194304 kernel.core_uses_pid = 1 kernel.msgmnb = 65536 kernel.msgmax = 65536 vm.swappiness = 20 vm.dirty_ratio = 80 vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5 fs.file-max = 2097152 net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 262144 net.core.rmem_default = 31457280 net.core.rmem_max =...
    Par Jess Sosnoski 2022-04-23 19:33:40 0 993
    Example iptables firewall #security
    Use at your own risk.  There are probably better ways to do this, and I use this (and more) may want to open or close more ports depending on what you want to do. ### 1: Drop invalid packets ### /sbin/iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP   ### 2: Drop TCP packets that are new and are not SYN ### /sbin/iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp ! --syn -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j DROP  ### 3: Drop SYN packets with...
    Par Jess Sosnoski 2022-04-23 19:12:48 0 975
    Connectivity issues?
    internet outage in the NE? The article sounds like finger pointing galore.... Thank you Simon Parkes
    Par Scarecrow III 2021-01-26 19:16:17 0 1252
    Press Release 1#
    Press Release 1# Everyone is distracted. Now is the time to get back into academia. I’m going to really try and improve my life and push it the extra mile. I have started working out and I’ve been regaining my strength. My medical issues had gotten in the way, the NHS has huge problems. I got setback for a little bit, but I’ve bounced back.   I need to focus my will here. I really do. I got all the pieces ready, I just need to get them set. 2020 has been my best year to...
    Par Matthew Gray 2020-11-29 19:01:44 0 1232
    Let's kick it in gear!
    LOONY Inc. It's time to kick in gear   Oh hey! It's been a long time! Things have been crazy in my life. But I'm trying really hard to be a success. Navigating the world has been nuts. But I've been moving up.  I'm from the streets, self-made. I'm not bragging. I want others to say the same. I've been focusing on my local life and try to lead with the lessons Trump taught me. It's working out!!! I need to go more professional. So I need to get used to writing documents. What I...
    Par Matthew Gray 2020-11-28 23:42:01 0 1286
    New arrival
    What is Xephula?
    Par Laurence Phillips 2020-05-05 21:52:21 1 1414
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White and Black Make Grey
Read the story here... One thing you should always consider whenever some great disaster happens...
Par Scathing Take 2020-08-03 02:24:17 0 1209
The Gibs State - [10/4/2020]
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Par Scathing Take 2020-10-12 21:38:37 0 1162
Evil Employee Acts Still Require Insurer to Defend Employer
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Par Barry Zalma 2022-08-22 12:54:54 0 784
Does it help to recognise that the organised mayhem is not just in the US but is all part of the Oligarchy's plan for chaos?
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Par Scarecrow III 2020-10-30 15:26:54 0 1046