• I had a father-in-law that spent quite a bit of time in prison....
    He HATED #Police, and this is back before I knew how corrupt and demonic they were...

    My Father in law worked at #Whataburger, and cops got FREE FOOD!

    EVERY TIME one of these scumbags ordered a burger he hawked a loogie on it!
    I used to tell him "Man... that is just wrong dude!"

    Well, I've now had a change of heart!
    I believe if he were alive, and still working at Whataburger....
    I'd encourage him!

    I'm someone who WOULD NOT do anything to someone's food!
    I just don't have it in me! But my ex father in law had no issues with it!

    These rhodents have no honor, no morals, and no soul
    (Unless it's a demonic one)

    I won't shed a tear when the American people
    have had enough and remedy the situation
    I had a father-in-law that spent quite a bit of time in prison.... He HATED #Police, and this is back before I knew how corrupt and demonic they were... My Father in law worked at #Whataburger, and cops got FREE FOOD! EVERY TIME one of these scumbags ordered a burger he hawked a loogie on it! I used to tell him "Man... that is just wrong dude!" Well, I've now had a change of heart! I believe if he were alive, and still working at Whataburger.... I'd encourage him! I'm someone who WOULD NOT do anything to someone's food! I just don't have it in me! But my ex father in law had no issues with it! These rhodents have no honor, no morals, and no soul (Unless it's a demonic one) I won't shed a tear when the American people have had enough and remedy the situation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 225 Views

    True enough!
    However.... You all will have to excuse me if I don't take advice from a man who don't have the common sense to keep a c*ck out of his mouth & a**!

    Call it a judgement call!
    His first attack is ALWAYS on the bible.

    And that is because what he does is an ABOMINATION in the bible!
    These people should NOT be talking on the internet and at #Davos....
    They should be in PRISON, where they belong!

    The problem we face is that #Police are just as #Criminal as these trolls are!
    AND the Police work for these psychopaths!

    Sheriffs AND Police are both CORPORATIONS!
    They are subsidiary corporations of the Corporation of the United States

    And it's time to remedy that situation!
    It is time to STOP being ruled over by a corrupt, #Evil CORPORATION!

    Let me re-phrase... No American has KNOWINGLY "consented" to this!

    You are "consenting" every time you vote OR call yourself a "US Citizen"

    YUVAL NOAH HARARI | "AN INSTITUTION THAT NEVER ADMITS MISTAKES IS A VERY DANGEROUS INSTITUTION." True enough! However.... You all will have to excuse me if I don't take advice from a man who don't have the common sense to keep a c*ck out of his mouth & a**! Call it a judgement call! His first attack is ALWAYS on the bible. And that is because what he does is an ABOMINATION in the bible! These people should NOT be talking on the internet and at #Davos.... They should be in PRISON, where they belong! The problem we face is that #Police are just as #Criminal as these trolls are! AND the Police work for these psychopaths! Sheriffs AND Police are both CORPORATIONS! They are subsidiary corporations of the Corporation of the United States And it's time to remedy that situation! It is time to STOP being ruled over by a corrupt, #Evil CORPORATION! NO AMERICAN HAS CONSENTED TO THIS! Let me re-phrase... No American has KNOWINGLY "consented" to this! You are "consenting" every time you vote OR call yourself a "US Citizen" https://old.bitchute.com/video/5NXYSMmWv3vB/
    Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution."
    Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution. Tenth Commandments Endorses Slavery. There Is An Endorsement of Slavery In the Ten Commandments." - 9/12/2024 PROTECT YOUR WEALTH AGAINST INFLATION & CE…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 309 Views
  • Dr. Berg is my GO-TO health guru for all things in the Natural Remedy Department.
    5 Ways Tallow (Beef Fat) Can Help You Lose Weight
    Dr. Berg is my GO-TO health guru for all things in the Natural Remedy Department. 5 Ways Tallow (Beef Fat) Can Help You Lose Weight
    0 Comments 0 Shares 141 Views
  • Reported a BAD COP, Then Got ARRESTED

    More #Criminals with badges
    It's simply what #Police are!

    Police are #OrganizedCrime

    I like Chille, and I respect what he does, But I don't share his stuff much anymore because he needs to WAKE UP and smell the coffee!

    He STILL believes that he can defeat the Police and their maritime admiralty law courts.... AND HE CAN'T!

    Maritime Admiralty Law is NOT "The Law of the LAND"

    You must CONSENT to being put into the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law folks! The key to beating these CRIMINALS is staying out of their maritime admiralty law JURISDICTION, and then holding the accountable AS A MAN under COMMON LAW!

    The PEOPLE have every right to convene a grand jury!
    We do not need to enter their "Maritime Admiralty Law" Jurisdiction to beg and plead for justice to be done! (And it will NEVER BE DONE)

    You must go after these people under the COMMON LAW!
    Common Law is a higher form of law than is maritime admiralty law!

    You must go after the MAN or WOMAN in their capacity as a MAN or WOMAN! You DON'T go after their title or office!

    EVERY AMERICAN must come to realize that our system has been usurped by a CORPORATION!

    THE PEOPLE have a remedy, they just don't know how to use it!
    JURY NULLIFICATION is something all Americans should know about!

    And we ALL need to restore COMMON LAW to our courts and cities and towns and kick the corporate #Parasites out! (Put them in prison)

    Reported a BAD COP, Then Got ARRESTED More #Criminals with badges It's simply what #Police are! Police are #OrganizedCrime I like Chille, and I respect what he does, But I don't share his stuff much anymore because he needs to WAKE UP and smell the coffee! He STILL believes that he can defeat the Police and their maritime admiralty law courts.... AND HE CAN'T! YOU WILL NEVER WIN WHILE PLAYING ANOTHER MAN'S GAME! Maritime Admiralty Law is NOT "The Law of the LAND" COMMON LAW IS! You must CONSENT to being put into the #Jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law folks! The key to beating these CRIMINALS is staying out of their maritime admiralty law JURISDICTION, and then holding the accountable AS A MAN under COMMON LAW! The PEOPLE have every right to convene a grand jury! We do not need to enter their "Maritime Admiralty Law" Jurisdiction to beg and plead for justice to be done! (And it will NEVER BE DONE) You must go after these people under the COMMON LAW! Common Law is a higher form of law than is maritime admiralty law! You must go after the MAN or WOMAN in their capacity as a MAN or WOMAN! You DON'T go after their title or office! EVERY AMERICAN must come to realize that our system has been usurped by a CORPORATION! THE PEOPLE have a remedy, they just don't know how to use it! JURY NULLIFICATION is something all Americans should know about! And we ALL need to restore COMMON LAW to our courts and cities and towns and kick the corporate #Parasites out! (Put them in prison) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF2iI6kCofs
    0 Comments 0 Shares 594 Views
  • Cops Charge Innocent Man With Damaging Car After Pushing Him Into It.

    I'm to the point now that I can't even hardly watch this sh*t!
    These #Criminals with a badge NEED to be tried in a COMMON LAW COURT, not as a fictitious "Legal Fiction" but as a MAN or WOMAN who has harmed another MAN or WOMAN!

    While I like to see the activism....
    These channels are telling people to try finding justice for these criminals, using he CRIMINAL'S OWN "COURT"

    Which will never happen. The REMEDY is COMMON LAW
    and proving ACTUAL: HARM to a man or woman

    This happens EVERY DAY across America!
    The assault and kidnapping of innocent Americans

    And it must stop!
    This is basically a "Private Society" of #Pirates, ACTUAL CRIMINALS who are protected from the consequences of their actions by a criminal system, run by the very same "Private Society" of Pirates!

    It has become INTOLERABLE and something has got to be done!
    This is a perfect case to put in front of a GRAND JURY of the people!

    And I'm NOT speaking about a "Maritime Admiralty Law" proceeding.....
    I'm talking about a COMMON LAW proceeding!

    You see, MEN and WOMEN fall under the #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW.....
    These CRIMINALS are trying too claim that Americans have "consented" too being treated like PROPERTY under maritime admiralty law that they are unaware even exists!

    That is pure #Fraud folks!
    Under common law as long as you harm no other man or woman financially or physically you have not broken the law!

    The criminals with badges HAVE harmed another MAN or WOMAN!
    Actually, they harmed 2 people during this interaction

    But because people are ignorant about
    HOW YOU MOVE A COMMON LAW AGAINST A MAN OR WOMAN they will NEVER get #Justice, and will continue being abused and robbed / kidnapped at the hands of these modern day PIRATES who have moved their maritime operations from the SEA to the LAND!

    You best be learning about common law, jury nullification, and all of the other remedies we have at our disposal, because you will NEVER get justice in the courts controlled by the PIRATES who are robbing and kidnapping you! It won't happen

    Ignorance has destroyed this country, and the brainwashing has done the rest

    The CRIME is literally on video......
    Yet this man was railroaded by the PIRATES who committed the crime, and has been found "guilty" under their FRAUD BASED Maritime Admiralty Law system

    WHEN will Americans do something about this criminal behavior?
    When it's THEM getting butt-f*cked by maritime admiralty law??? Then it's too late

    Cops Charge Innocent Man With Damaging Car After Pushing Him Into It. I'm to the point now that I can't even hardly watch this sh*t! These #Criminals with a badge NEED to be tried in a COMMON LAW COURT, not as a fictitious "Legal Fiction" but as a MAN or WOMAN who has harmed another MAN or WOMAN! While I like to see the activism.... These channels are telling people to try finding justice for these criminals, using he CRIMINAL'S OWN "COURT" Which will never happen. The REMEDY is COMMON LAW and proving ACTUAL: HARM to a man or woman This happens EVERY DAY across America! The assault and kidnapping of innocent Americans And it must stop! This is basically a "Private Society" of #Pirates, ACTUAL CRIMINALS who are protected from the consequences of their actions by a criminal system, run by the very same "Private Society" of Pirates! It has become INTOLERABLE and something has got to be done! This is a perfect case to put in front of a GRAND JURY of the people! And I'm NOT speaking about a "Maritime Admiralty Law" proceeding..... I'm talking about a COMMON LAW proceeding! You see, MEN and WOMEN fall under the #Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW..... These CRIMINALS are trying too claim that Americans have "consented" too being treated like PROPERTY under maritime admiralty law that they are unaware even exists! That is pure #Fraud folks! Under common law as long as you harm no other man or woman financially or physically you have not broken the law! The criminals with badges HAVE harmed another MAN or WOMAN! Actually, they harmed 2 people during this interaction But because people are ignorant about HOW YOU MOVE A COMMON LAW AGAINST A MAN OR WOMAN they will NEVER get #Justice, and will continue being abused and robbed / kidnapped at the hands of these modern day PIRATES who have moved their maritime operations from the SEA to the LAND! You best be learning about common law, jury nullification, and all of the other remedies we have at our disposal, because you will NEVER get justice in the courts controlled by the PIRATES who are robbing and kidnapping you! It won't happen NOT EVER! Ignorance has destroyed this country, and the brainwashing has done the rest The CRIME is literally on video...... Yet this man was railroaded by the PIRATES who committed the crime, and has been found "guilty" under their FRAUD BASED Maritime Admiralty Law system WHEN will Americans do something about this criminal behavior? When it's THEM getting butt-f*cked by maritime admiralty law??? Then it's too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BToHFg6MRe0
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1070 Views

    You see?
    It's NOT just the #Police, it's NOT just #Congress, Prosecutors and Judges...
    ALL employees of the #Corporation of the United States THINK they have authority over YOU and have control over all public property!

    YOU are merely the peon #Slave who paid for this shit!
    What makes YOU think that you have the right to use the facility???

    What makes YOU, the lowly piss on, think that you can hold YOUR EMPLOYEES accountable??? (They really DON'T work for you, that's just a story they tell)

    They actually work for a CORPORATION that has unlawfully been enforcing
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" on you for over a century now, for the purpose of collecting REVENUE, stealing YOUR PROPERTY, and treating you like a slave!

    They have another purpose also....
    Which is to ensure that their #Criminal CORPORATION EMPLOYEE friends are never held accountable for their crimes against the people of the United States!

    Just picture this....
    AL CAPONE sets up shop downtown in your city, then he tells everyone...
    "Me and my boys are here to "Protect and Serve" YOU!

    So no matter what they do, YOU COOPERATE OR THEY'LL HAVE TO SHOOT YOU OR PUT YOU INTO A CAGE! We are here to make sure nobody breaks the laws I WROTE!"

    And by the way... We will also be running the #Courts...
    So if any of my boys get out of line, I'll investigate them, and decide if they broke my law. If they did, I'll pass judgement on them!

    See how that works???
    Then, he and his boys can break ALL LAWS, steal, rape, pillage, murder, destroy property etc.... And if they get caught, THEY DECIDE if they done anything wrong or not! THEY DECIDE IF THEY REALLY BROKE THE LAW OR NOT!

    You see.... our criminal filled "government" which is NOT your government but a CORPORATION is doing that EXACT SAME THING!

    The criminals take over the courts, that way WHEN THEY GET CAUGHT STEALING, MURDERING, AND BREAKING THE LAW, they don't have to pay anyone off!
    They already run the courts!

    That is EXACTLY what we have going on in America and around the world!
    As soon as YOU will get off your duff, and stand shoulder to shoulder with every other American, we CAN remedy the situation!

    We are armed AND outnumber these criminals handily!

    THE PUBLIC IS NOT ALLOW TO TAKE PICTURES! Morristown, NJ You see? It's NOT just the #Police, it's NOT just #Congress, Prosecutors and Judges... ALL employees of the #Corporation of the United States THINK they have authority over YOU and have control over all public property! YOU are merely the peon #Slave who paid for this shit! What makes YOU think that you have the right to use the facility??? What makes YOU, the lowly piss on, think that you can hold YOUR EMPLOYEES accountable??? (They really DON'T work for you, that's just a story they tell) They actually work for a CORPORATION that has unlawfully been enforcing "Maritime Admiralty Law" on you for over a century now, for the purpose of collecting REVENUE, stealing YOUR PROPERTY, and treating you like a slave! They have another purpose also.... Which is to ensure that their #Criminal CORPORATION EMPLOYEE friends are never held accountable for their crimes against the people of the United States! Just picture this.... AL CAPONE sets up shop downtown in your city, then he tells everyone... "Me and my boys are here to "Protect and Serve" YOU! So no matter what they do, YOU COOPERATE OR THEY'LL HAVE TO SHOOT YOU OR PUT YOU INTO A CAGE! We are here to make sure nobody breaks the laws I WROTE!" And by the way... We will also be running the #Courts... So if any of my boys get out of line, I'll investigate them, and decide if they broke my law. If they did, I'll pass judgement on them! See how that works??? Then, he and his boys can break ALL LAWS, steal, rape, pillage, murder, destroy property etc.... And if they get caught, THEY DECIDE if they done anything wrong or not! THEY DECIDE IF THEY REALLY BROKE THE LAW OR NOT! You see.... our criminal filled "government" which is NOT your government but a CORPORATION is doing that EXACT SAME THING! The criminals take over the courts, that way WHEN THEY GET CAUGHT STEALING, MURDERING, AND BREAKING THE LAW, they don't have to pay anyone off! They already run the courts! That is EXACTLY what we have going on in America and around the world! As soon as YOU will get off your duff, and stand shoulder to shoulder with every other American, we CAN remedy the situation! We are armed AND outnumber these criminals handily! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyxZrUSAxiU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 875 Views

    If you don't think these cops are ACTORS for those body cameras

    Every time they are beating some poor guy down, he will be unconscious and they will continue saying
    "stop Resisting, stop resisting"

    These MF's are ACTORS who are fully aware that body camera will go to court! You see them actively AWARE of the camera at all times!

    They cover the camera when they want, mute it when they want, turn it off whenever they want!

    You know, while they are "Conspiring against the rights of Americans"
    and violating 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 242!!!

    I want you to note a couple of things.....
    ONE.... This cop flips out and shoots the woman because she said
    "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus"

    As soon as she says that, he yells
    "You better not, I'll shoot you right in the face!"

    She never raised the pot, she did not even have the pot in her hands!
    MAYBE this cop is living with some demons???

    And secondly, I want ALL of you to know that #Police check every box on this list! I'm serious now, they check EVERY BOX of

    Proverbs Chapter 6

    11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.

    12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth.

    13 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers;

    14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord.

    15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.

    16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    20 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:

    21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck.

    KILLER COP UPDATE AS NATION EXPLODES OVER NEW TYRANNY If you don't think these cops are ACTORS for those body cameras YOU ARE A FOOL! Every time they are beating some poor guy down, he will be unconscious and they will continue saying "stop Resisting, stop resisting" These MF's are ACTORS who are fully aware that body camera will go to court! You see them actively AWARE of the camera at all times! They cover the camera when they want, mute it when they want, turn it off whenever they want! You know, while they are "Conspiring against the rights of Americans" and violating 18 U.S.C. § 241 & 242!!! I want you to note a couple of things..... ONE.... This cop flips out and shoots the woman because she said "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" As soon as she says that, he yells "You better not, I'll shoot you right in the face!" She never raised the pot, she did not even have the pot in her hands! MAYBE this cop is living with some demons??? And secondly, I want ALL of you to know that #Police check every box on this list! I'm serious now, they check EVERY BOX of "THINGS YHWH HATES" Proverbs Chapter 6 11 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man. 12 A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. 13 He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers; 14 Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. 15 Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy. 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. 20 My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: 21 Bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. https://old.bitchute.com/video/V-u_prGTkKM/
    Killer Cop Update as Nation Explodes Over NEW TYRANNY
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch ATTN YouTUBE screeners, every questionable image has been edited out of this video in compliance with your Terms of service and community guidelines. Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/chan…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1388 Views

    ALL cops are MORONS and order following scumbags!
    A threat too every peace loving person in America!

    Again... I love John Bryan and what he does!
    But a 1983 civil lawsuit is NOT THE REMEDY FOR THIS!

    Now there is nothing wrong with filing a 1983 lawsuit....


    18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and
    18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

    It's up to THE PEOPLE to convene a "Grand Jury" per the Constitution,
    and to PROSECUTE these criminal scumbags!

    The CORPORATION you know as "government" is never going to
    "Prosecute Themselves." And that is why THE PEOPLE must form their own grand jury and bring these charges against them!

    It's OUR REMEDY to criminals within the corporation!
    And it is high time we used it!

    I'm NOT interested in filing a 1983 civil lawsuit!
    I want these #Pirates CHARGED #CRIMINALLY like they deserve!

    We don't need to create new laws!
    We ALREADY have them on the books!


    COUNTRY SINGER WRITES SONG ABOUT ARREST BY IDIOT COP CHARGES NOW DROPPED ALL cops are MORONS and order following scumbags! A threat too every peace loving person in America! Again... I love John Bryan and what he does! But a 1983 civil lawsuit is NOT THE REMEDY FOR THIS! Now there is nothing wrong with filing a 1983 lawsuit.... But EVERY TIME #POLICE VIOLATE THE RIGHTS OF AMERICANS THEY MUST BE CHARGED #CRIMINALLY UNDER... 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law WHICH IS THE CRIMINAL STATUTES APPLYING TO THE SCUMBAGS! It's up to THE PEOPLE to convene a "Grand Jury" per the Constitution, and to PROSECUTE these criminal scumbags! The CORPORATION you know as "government" is never going to "Prosecute Themselves." And that is why THE PEOPLE must form their own grand jury and bring these charges against them! It's OUR REMEDY to criminals within the corporation! And it is high time we used it! I'm NOT interested in filing a 1983 civil lawsuit! I want these #Pirates CHARGED #CRIMINALLY like they deserve! We don't need to create new laws! We ALREADY have them on the books! WE THE PEOPLE MUST ENFORCE THEM! https://old.bitchute.com/video/d1zq0C28KPk/
    Country Singer Writes Song About Arrest by Idiot Cop | Charges now Dropped
    Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 857 Views
  • Video #2 - Trust Law, Your -
    All Caps Name and the Term "US citizen" Brandon Joe Williams

    while this guy is NOT real educated on the subject....
    He CAN point you in the right direction!

    YOU are going to have to do some work to get straightened out
    in our #Corrupt and #Fraud based system!

    ALL of this stuff needs to be into ONE PLACE!
    But I'll tell you... Finding out the #Truth is half of the battle folks!

    Now you KNOW!
    So you can get busy remedying the problem! (Your #Slavery)

    Video #2 - Trust Law, Your - All Caps Name and the Term "US citizen" Brandon Joe Williams while this guy is NOT real educated on the subject.... He CAN point you in the right direction! YOU are going to have to do some work to get straightened out in our #Corrupt and #Fraud based system! ALL of this stuff needs to be into ONE PLACE! But I'll tell you... Finding out the #Truth is half of the battle folks! Now you KNOW! So you can get busy remedying the problem! (Your #Slavery) https://www.bitchute.com/video/thjbqeZlhpzX
    Video #2 - Trust Law, Your - All Caps Name and the Term "US citizen" Brandon Joe Williams
    Video #2 - Trust Law, Your All Caps Name and the Term "US citizen" Original YouTube video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zYv7BLk1dA https://onestupidfuck.com/ContractKillerCourse Please subscribe to our back up channels: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/1LiveTruthDaily/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/2LiveTruthDaily/ https://www.facebook.com/LiveTruthDaily https://www.facebook.com/1LiveTruthDaily https://www.facebook.com/2LiveTruthDaily ………………………………………..……… John Quade Common Law, Understanding your God given Rights edge2productions https://www.bitchute.com/video/z1Xo0iSzPsrn/ Filing UCC 1 Become A Secured Party Creditor Protect Your Assets Debt Discharge Payment Coupon. https://www.bitchute.com/video/nlVBwwpdJKAZ/ 31 U.S. Code § 3123 - Payment of obligations and interest on the public debt. https://www.bitchute.com/video/f8GYUZCKmhHL/ Carl Miller - Right to travel without a license pl https://www.bitchute.com/video/bFcjLfAb8tdx/ HOW TO DISCHARGE A TRAFFIC TICKET (UCC Code) https://www.bitchute.com/video/bgocdjDv60Cb/ Meet Your Strawman, And Whatever You Want To Know. https://www.bitchute.com/video/M2RSoW1lx6Nc/ The Ucc Connection: How To Free Yourself From Legal Tyranny. https://www.bitchute.com/video/f5Ja559hTzlC/ ……………………………………………… Ways to download videos: Facebook Downloader https://toolzu.com/downloader/facebook/ Video Saver - Convert & Edit Fast HD Video Downloader https://apps.apple.com/us/app/video-saver-convert-edit/id1625547458 Video Saver Web Browser: iXpr Skip Ads Offline Music Player https://apps.apple.com/us/app/video-saver-web-browser-ixpr/id1550617472 vSave - Video Saver And Editor https://apps.apple.com/us/app/vsave-video-saver-editor/id1508854121 ……………………………… Capitalization tool: Making title capitalization easy. Automatically capitalize and case convert to Title Case (in AP, APA, Chicago, MLA, BB, AMA), sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, and more. https://capitalizemytitle.com/ ………………………… Protect your rights and know LAW: https://1livetruthdaily.wordpress.com/law/ https://AmericansInAction.info/ https://EducationCenter2000.com https://www.ClaimYourStrawman.com/ Family Guardian Fellowship https://FamGuardian.org/ Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry Website at https://SEDM.org ………………………… Resources for truth, but always verify: Gematria Effect News https://gematriaeffect.news/ Stop The Crime https://stopthecrime.net/wp/ Geoengineering Watch https://www.GeoengineeringWatch.org …………… Off grid living ideas 💡: No Grid Survival Projects. https://survivaldiyprojects.com/book/?gclid=CjwKCAjwk_WVBhBZEiwAUHQCmYWhLzeswYbAil8omIkH2VZuRK4of2yBINUJvUKyN3ogryC2Bk54sxoCU94QAvD_BwE . https://LiveTruthDaily.WordPress.com/2021/07/13/Ways-To-Subscribe/ . Please when you can help us continue our work: https://Cash.App/$LiveTruthDaily
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    The best advice I've heard in a while!
    Victor Hugo says "Create your own system!"

    You must break out of their matrix system and

    Your local community should have EVERYTHING you need to survive!
    If it doesn't.... you need to remedy that issue!

    These scumbags CANNOT destroy a LOCAL supply line!

    DUSTIN NEMOS FLAT EARTH DAVE VICTORHUGO ASK WHY DO ALEX JONES AND SGT REPORT PROMOTE ELON MUSK PSYOP The best advice I've heard in a while! Victor Hugo says "Create your own system!" You must break out of their matrix system and CREATE YOUR OWN SYSTEM! Your local community should have EVERYTHING you need to survive! If it doesn't.... you need to remedy that issue! These scumbags CANNOT destroy a LOCAL supply line! https://old.bitchute.com/video/WTrKvXLYAz3X/
    Dustin Nemos Flat Earth Dave VictorHugo Ask Why Do Alex Jones And SGT Report Promote Elon Musk Psyop
    Dustin Nemos Flat Earth Dave and the Maverick Artist Victor Hugo wonder Why Alex Jones and SGT Report Promote The Elon Musk Psyop. If you value these truth tellers and can contribute to keep their reports coming, please do so by clicking on the lin…
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