• The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is a Fight to Stop It

    This post is a bit of a long read on Based Underground. YET, the post examines the relentless cultural propagandizing of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) down the throats of Americans by Corporatist (can you say, “The New Fascists with a mix of Marxism?”) Elitists and Hollywood. The author – Brandon Smith – explains some Americans are rejecting the propaganda.
    The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is a Fight to Stop It https://basedunderground.com/2024/06/22/the-woke-movement-is-actually-corporate-enslavement-the-culture-war-is-a-fight-to-stop-it/ This post is a bit of a long read on Based Underground. YET, the post examines the relentless cultural propagandizing of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) down the throats of Americans by Corporatist (can you say, “The New Fascists with a mix of Marxism?”) Elitists and Hollywood. The author – Brandon Smith – explains some Americans are rejecting the propaganda.
    The Woke Movement Is Actually Corporate Enslavement – The Culture War Is a Fight to Stop It
    (Alt-Market)—I was recently watching a video by some of my favorite movie commentators in which they were lamenting the apparent death of the movie theater business. They cited a long list of recent blockbuster bombs with some confusion as to why so many films were failing. In particular, they had predicted the film ‘Furiosa’ (a […]
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 702 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/catholic-couple-blocked-from-fostering-children-for-rejecting-lgbtqia-ideology-win-first-court-battle/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 474 Visualizações
  • -- Motivated by Truth, Rejecting ‘Revenge’: – Road to Rescue America
    -- Motivated by Truth, Rejecting ‘Revenge’: – Road to Rescue America https://surgecolumns331790116.wordpress.com/2024/06/07/motivated-by-truth-rejecting-revenge-road-to-rescue-america/
    Motivated by Truth, Rejecting ‘Revenge’: – Road to Rescue America
    By Allan Erickson Striker Summary: Right-thinking, fair-minded people – especially including MAGA supporters – need to keep to the high-road in responding to the ludicrous ‘hush-money” verdict agai…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 237 Visualizações
  • United States and the IRS two peas in a pod
    a Corporate fraud is all they can do to get to you

    brothers and sisters, YOU are free!
    You just never have been taught how to STAND in #Freedom!

    You have been brainwashed since you were a baby to believe that you ARE a "legal fiction" or a "legal person" or a "legal entity"

    ANY "LEGAL" entity is a creation of MAN!
    YOU are a creation of the Most High!

    YOU do not have to represent ANY "legal entity or fiction"
    YOU must represent yourself as a FREE MAN or WOMAN!

    The entire "Legal" system is nothing more than a #Slave system

    The entirety of the "Legal System" and their statutes and codes goes against the Most High's LAWS!

    YOU have been duped into believing that a "Legal Fiction" or "Legal Entity" is YOU!


    No MAN or COURT has any authority over a FREE MAN that has harmed nobody!

    If you have not harmed someone financially or physically
    you have not violated the law

    You MUST LEARN that you are NOT the "legal entity" the courts claim you are!

    You MUST LEARN how to not be deceived into consenting to anything....

    especially being the creation of some black robed priest!

    The #Justice System is little more than an elaborate system #Fraud and robbery!
    The bottom line is that is EXACTLY what it is!

    The "Courts" do NOT "dispense Justice"
    They dispense FRAUD!

    They dispense #Slavery and Control!
    But mostly FRAUD!

    So learn how to FREE YOURSELF from bondage and servitude!

    Hosea 4:6
    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

    Operating under the "Legal System" is REJECTING GOD'S LAW!
    The term "Legal" can be defined as "Against Yah's Law"

    I love you, and Yahuwah loves you....

    So STOP rejecting His Laws and living in #Slavery under MAN'S "Legal System" which goes AGAINST the Most High's Laws!

    United States and the IRS two peas in a pod a Corporate fraud is all they can do to get to you brothers and sisters, YOU are free! You just never have been taught how to STAND in #Freedom! You have been brainwashed since you were a baby to believe that you ARE a "legal fiction" or a "legal person" or a "legal entity" ANY "LEGAL" entity is a creation of MAN! YOU are a creation of the Most High! YOU do not have to represent ANY "legal entity or fiction" YOU must represent yourself as a FREE MAN or WOMAN! The entire "Legal" system is nothing more than a #Slave system The entirety of the "Legal System" and their statutes and codes goes against the Most High's LAWS! YOU have been duped into believing that a "Legal Fiction" or "Legal Entity" is YOU! It's NOT! So STOP REPRESENTING THAT ENTITY AS IF IT IS YOU!!! No MAN or COURT has any authority over a FREE MAN that has harmed nobody! If you have not harmed someone financially or physically you have not violated the law You MUST LEARN that you are NOT the "legal entity" the courts claim you are! You MUST LEARN how to not be deceived into consenting to anything.... especially being the creation of some black robed priest! The #Justice System is little more than an elaborate system #Fraud and robbery! The bottom line is that is EXACTLY what it is! The "Courts" do NOT "dispense Justice" They dispense FRAUD! They dispense #Slavery and Control! But mostly FRAUD! So learn how to FREE YOURSELF from bondage and servitude! Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Operating under the "Legal System" is REJECTING GOD'S LAW! The term "Legal" can be defined as "Against Yah's Law" I love you, and Yahuwah loves you.... So STOP rejecting His Laws and living in #Slavery under MAN'S "Legal System" which goes AGAINST the Most High's Laws! https://youtu.be/3R1pmOLFAE8
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 986 Visualizações
  • ───── The European Union ─────
    What is happening in Europe?

    The European Union has officially adopted the Migration Pact, with countries now having around two years to fully implement the decision.
    Under the new system, EU countries will be forced to express so-called “mandatory solidarity” with the Member States hardest hit by non-EU illegal migration and will be forced to accept a certain number of asylum seekers from these countries.

    (Photo by Carlos Gil Andreu/Getty Images)
    ───── The European Union ───── What is happening in Europe? MADNESS!! The European Union has officially adopted the Migration Pact, with countries now having around two years to fully implement the decision. Under the new system, EU countries will be forced to express so-called “mandatory solidarity” with the Member States hardest hit by non-EU illegal migration and will be forced to accept a certain number of asylum seekers from these countries. ❗ SHOULD THEY REFUSE, THEY WILL BE FORCED TO PAY €20,000 FOR EACH MIGRANT THEY END UP REJECTING ❗ (Photo by Carlos Gil Andreu/Getty Images)
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 427 Visualizações
  • Join the Monsanto/Bayer #BOYCOTT!
    There are several reasons that people are opposed to Monsanto, but among the top two are their involvement with GMOs and their corruption of the U.S. government.

    One of the more outrageous schemes they pulled off in recent years was to ensure the passing of the “Monsanto Protection Act” that essentially prevented courts from prosecuting Monsanto over GMO-related health issues and was allegedly partly written by the company itself. Though the Act was only in effect for six months, similar bills have been signed into law that protect companies over consumers.

    As for GMOs, many studies have suggested that genetically-modified food products can drastically alter the health of consumers in a negative way. The number of Americans with chronic illnesses has doubled since the mass production of GMOs began and animals given only a GMO diet have shown to develop organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. GMOs have also shown to cross-pollinate and last forever, meaning that the number of non-GMO products is decreasing and could ruin the health of future generations.

    Though many of the products below may not contain GMOs themselves, the objective of a product boycott is to lessen the profit for Monsanto to show them that consumers are rejecting their practices and that we will not stand for their pollution or corruption.
    Click on the link below to enlarge it.
    Join the Monsanto/Bayer #BOYCOTT! There are several reasons that people are opposed to Monsanto, but among the top two are their involvement with GMOs and their corruption of the U.S. government. One of the more outrageous schemes they pulled off in recent years was to ensure the passing of the “Monsanto Protection Act” that essentially prevented courts from prosecuting Monsanto over GMO-related health issues and was allegedly partly written by the company itself. Though the Act was only in effect for six months, similar bills have been signed into law that protect companies over consumers. As for GMOs, many studies have suggested that genetically-modified food products can drastically alter the health of consumers in a negative way. The number of Americans with chronic illnesses has doubled since the mass production of GMOs began and animals given only a GMO diet have shown to develop organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. GMOs have also shown to cross-pollinate and last forever, meaning that the number of non-GMO products is decreasing and could ruin the health of future generations. Though many of the products below may not contain GMOs themselves, the objective of a product boycott is to lessen the profit for Monsanto to show them that consumers are rejecting their practices and that we will not stand for their pollution or corruption. Click on the link below to enlarge it. https://imgflip.com/i/8pc3xr
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1267 Visualizações
  • Video
    Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - The Real Issue Behind The Red Heifers And #Israel - Bryan says: "I see a lot of people that are very excited about the nation of Israel recently receiving a couple of #RedHeifers. Many #Christians understand that this event is a big part of Bible #Prophecy for the end times. While this is true, a Christian must also remember that most of the #Jewish people reject the perfect sacrifice of the Lord #JesusChrist. These animal sacrifices are actually leading the way to bring in worldwide worship of the #Antichrist and #Satan, during the time of Jacob's trouble. The current Christ-rejecting Jewish people are trying to establish a new world kingdom where THEY rule all nations without #Jesus Christ!" https://youtu.be/a9zYBhGIsdk?si=QKvY0BmxyN5w23zD
    Video Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - The Real Issue Behind The Red Heifers And #Israel - Bryan says: "I see a lot of people that are very excited about the nation of Israel recently receiving a couple of #RedHeifers. Many #Christians understand that this event is a big part of Bible #Prophecy for the end times. While this is true, a Christian must also remember that most of the #Jewish people reject the perfect sacrifice of the Lord #JesusChrist. These animal sacrifices are actually leading the way to bring in worldwide worship of the #Antichrist and #Satan, during the time of Jacob's trouble. The current Christ-rejecting Jewish people are trying to establish a new world kingdom where THEY rule all nations without #Jesus Christ!" https://youtu.be/a9zYBhGIsdk?si=QKvY0BmxyN5w23zD
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1289 Visualizações
  • Shadowgate Documentary
    Story at-a-glance

    “Shadowgate” reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public
    Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty of covering up an even bigger scandal than the fact that Obama’s administration illegally spied on and tried to frame President Trump and others using manufactured evidence
    The shadow government consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials who are stealing the personal data collected by the NSA on all Americans, and have privatized and weaponized its use
    “Shadowgate” features two whistleblowers who have spent many years helping to develop the psychological warfare programs that are now directed at the American people and used to influence our elections
    We can protect our freedoms, first by rejecting and abandoning companies like Google and Facebook, which are the largest data collectors and manipulators; second, by promoting and aiding in the effort to expose Big Tech’s manipulations; and third, by restructuring legislatures and the government, and establishing new civil society institutions and news media that support and promote freedom rather than censorship and control

    Shadowgate Documentary https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/03/23/shadowgate-documentary.aspx?ui=551eda515442ee5cc8f0c77cc67b3f3febd63142ec0dc6cef1d4521e5ea666eb&sd=20200307&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20240323_HL2&foDate=false&mid=DM1546761&rid=2077263913 Story at-a-glance “Shadowgate” reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty of covering up an even bigger scandal than the fact that Obama’s administration illegally spied on and tried to frame President Trump and others using manufactured evidence The shadow government consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials who are stealing the personal data collected by the NSA on all Americans, and have privatized and weaponized its use “Shadowgate” features two whistleblowers who have spent many years helping to develop the psychological warfare programs that are now directed at the American people and used to influence our elections We can protect our freedoms, first by rejecting and abandoning companies like Google and Facebook, which are the largest data collectors and manipulators; second, by promoting and aiding in the effort to expose Big Tech’s manipulations; and third, by restructuring legislatures and the government, and establishing new civil society institutions and news media that support and promote freedom rather than censorship and control
    Who Are the Puppet Masters Pulling the Strings?
    The documentary 'Shadowgate' reveals how a secret cabal is manipulating society behind the scenes to control the American public.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2476 Visualizações

    use your talents to change the world!

    AMERICA: AN UNCLEAN NATION READY TO FALL: REJECTING GODLINESS MEANS REJECTING CLEANLINESS use your talents to change the world! https://www.bitchute.com/video/pgldlHq6PUjP/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 255 Visualizações
  • This is how you feel when speaking to the brainwashed masses!

    And you cannot be without empathy for them....
    Because not long ago, YOU were rejecting facts, logic, and #Truth like they are now!

    We all know the meanings of words like "charmed" or "hypnotized" or under a "spell." But most of us THOUGHT these were things of fiction!

    Until now.... We did not realize that people can actually exist in a trance like state, impervious to the Truth, facts, logic, and even to what their own eyes see!

    Your desire to reach them seems like an eternal uphill battle
    similar to tossing ricks into the Grand Canyon in hopes of filling it up

    But every now and then you'll awaken one of these sleepwalking sheeple... And it makes it all worthwhile!

    Then they too, can learn what it is like to try to awaken the walking dead, those going through life in trance, under some kind of spell, in a state of delusion

    And it's a good feeling!
    Speaking the TRUTH always leaves you with a good feeling!
    This is how you feel when speaking to the brainwashed masses! And you cannot be without empathy for them.... Because not long ago, YOU were rejecting facts, logic, and #Truth like they are now! We all know the meanings of words like "charmed" or "hypnotized" or under a "spell." But most of us THOUGHT these were things of fiction! Until now.... We did not realize that people can actually exist in a trance like state, impervious to the Truth, facts, logic, and even to what their own eyes see! Your desire to reach them seems like an eternal uphill battle similar to tossing ricks into the Grand Canyon in hopes of filling it up But every now and then you'll awaken one of these sleepwalking sheeple... And it makes it all worthwhile! Then they too, can learn what it is like to try to awaken the walking dead, those going through life in trance, under some kind of spell, in a state of delusion And it's a good feeling! Speaking the TRUTH always leaves you with a good feeling!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1787 Visualizações
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