• Serious note and I seriously dont care what people think about this. Truth is truth. THERE IS NOTHING RACIST ABOUT THE REBEL FLAG! Abe Lincoln was more racist AND he was a fascist dictator. So.......... Fuck him. Old Abe was one of the biggest enemies of our Constitutionalist Republic. He started the Top Down structure that we have now.
    Serious note and I seriously dont care what people think about this. Truth is truth. THERE IS NOTHING RACIST ABOUT THE REBEL FLAG! Abe Lincoln was more racist AND he was a fascist dictator. So.......... Fuck him. Old Abe was one of the biggest enemies of our Constitutionalist Republic. He started the Top Down structure that we have now.
    9 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 456 مشاهدة
  • Free Bird: On Elon Musk and Twitter

    I've ALWAYS considered myself a #Rebel.
    I always flew the Rebel Flag, and consider myself a "Black Sheep"

    It took me years to understand WHY I always felt this way!
    I'm NOT a #Racist (Or anything else associated with the Rebel Flag)
    What I AM is someone who has ALWAYS KNOWN that #Government has

    I have ALWAYS thought that "Traditions of MEN" were STUPID and that only the weak-minded allowed "traditions" to dictate our behavior and celebrations!

    Maybe the folks who started the "Traditions" were MORONS!
    I'm NOT going to celebrate something just because "everyone else does"
    #Christmas was celebrated in my house UNTIL THE LAST 2 YEARS!

    When I learned that "Santa" is really #Satan, and everything about Christmas is PAGAN! The bible even speaks to this!

    Jeremiah Chapter 10

    1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

    2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

    3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

    4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

    5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

    6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.

    Satan WANTS YOU to "go along with the crowd" because they are DECEIVED!
    I choose to stand for what is right, and what pleases the Creator!

    I'm NOT "a go along to get along" guy!
    I'm a REBEL who recognizes the FACT that GOVERNMENT is "Organized Crime" who uses FORCE & VIOLENCE to force you to behave a certain way and to THINK a certain way!

    It's nothing but CRIMINAL, mob-like behavior, posing as "The good guys"
    But they are NOT good! They are EVIL!

    "I grew convinced that night that Twitter meant trouble for me. It had become an opinion-sculpting instrument, an oracle of the establishment, and I knew I would end up out of step with it, if only because I’m of a temperament which habitually goes against the flow to challenge and test the flow, to keep it honest. Mass agreement, in my experience, both as a person and a journalist, is typically achieved at a cost to reality and truth. "

    Free Bird: On Elon Musk and Twitter I've ALWAYS considered myself a #Rebel. I always flew the Rebel Flag, and consider myself a "Black Sheep" It took me years to understand WHY I always felt this way! I'm NOT a #Racist (Or anything else associated with the Rebel Flag) What I AM is someone who has ALWAYS KNOWN that #Government has NO AUTHORITY TO RULE OVER ME! ( US ) I have ALWAYS thought that "Traditions of MEN" were STUPID and that only the weak-minded allowed "traditions" to dictate our behavior and celebrations! Maybe the folks who started the "Traditions" were MORONS! I'm NOT going to celebrate something just because "everyone else does" #Christmas was celebrated in my house UNTIL THE LAST 2 YEARS! When I learned that "Santa" is really #Satan, and everything about Christmas is PAGAN! The bible even speaks to this! Jeremiah Chapter 10 1 Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2 Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5 They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. 6 Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O LORD; thou art great, and thy name is great in might. Satan WANTS YOU to "go along with the crowd" because they are DECEIVED! I choose to stand for what is right, and what pleases the Creator! I'm NOT "a go along to get along" guy! I'm a REBEL who recognizes the FACT that GOVERNMENT is "Organized Crime" who uses FORCE & VIOLENCE to force you to behave a certain way and to THINK a certain way! It's nothing but CRIMINAL, mob-like behavior, posing as "The good guys" But they are NOT good! They are EVIL! "I grew convinced that night that Twitter meant trouble for me. It had become an opinion-sculpting instrument, an oracle of the establishment, and I knew I would end up out of step with it, if only because I’m of a temperament which habitually goes against the flow to challenge and test the flow, to keep it honest. Mass agreement, in my experience, both as a person and a journalist, is typically achieved at a cost to reality and truth. " https://www.thefp.com/p/free-bird-on-elon-musk-and-twitter
    Free Bird: On Elon Musk and Twitter
    In more than a decade on Twitter, Walter Kirn watched as the platform manipulated reality in real-time. Now? ‘Let the wild rumpus begin.’
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 329 مشاهدة
  • Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit

    Here's another bi*ch that belongs in PRISON!

    From the VERY BEGINNING of the Coronavirus #HOAX and subsequent bio-weapon deployment I was telling EVERYONE who would listen that this sh*t is NOT CONSTITUTIONAL and there's NO WAY that Americans should comply!

    I said it about masks too!
    And I did go out and vote for Donald Trump
    (Despite my belief BOTH PARTIES are #Criminals)

    But I did NOT wear a mask to do so!

    I rode down to the polls with my cousin and his 2 daughters....

    Nobody told me a word. But if they would have, we'd have had problems! #Government HAS NO AUTHORITY to make me wear a mask OR to close my business!

    People seriously best start DEFENDING their Constitutionally guaranteed rights.... Or they soon won't have any!

    Freedom is a state of mind!
    If you walk around believing that government has the right to rob you every payday and tell you what you can and cannot do every day, then you DESERVE to be a #Slave!

    I fly the Rebel Flag! NOT because I "hate" anyone!

    I fly it because the rebel flag represents rebelling against government authority! NOBODY has the right to control your life, dictate what you can and cannot do!

    Is the ONLY legitimate "Law" in this world!

    NO MAN has the right to dictate YOUR BEHAVIOR!

    As long as you do not HARM ANOTHER PERSON either Financially or Physically then you have not violated any law!


    Until all of humanity comes back to COMMON LAW principles and CAST OFF the illegitimate "Admiralty Law" or
    "Corporate Law" that our courts now use....

    We will live in an UNJUST society where people are #Slaves to a system set up by Criminals and Devil worshipers so that they could hide among us and protect themselves from being discovered!

    EVERY COURT IN AMERICA needs to be deemed illegitimate and SHUT DOWN in it's current form!

    Then every court in America needs to start practicing the ONLY legitimate "Law" that there is! COMMON LAW!

    Under common law NO MAN CAN PUT YOU IN PRISON unless you have "Harmed another human being Financially or Physically"

    You know.... UNLIKE TODAY where you can be sent to prison for trespassing in a PUBLIC PLACE owned by the people!

    Or because you smoke marijuana, or you drive fast, or they can just make something up!!!

    It has not been a problem for you BECAUSE THEY'VE NEVER SENT YOU TO PRISON YET! A trip to prison for breaking some guy's rules???

    NO! Common Law is the ONLY LAW THAT MATTERS!
    I don't CARE what rules "legislators" want to make!
    Because they are NOT my masters!

    They are supposed to "Work for me"
    But that's just another LIE!

    They WORK AGAINST YOU! NOT "For You"
    WAKE UP and stop being a slave!

    Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit Here's another bi*ch that belongs in PRISON! From the VERY BEGINNING of the Coronavirus #HOAX and subsequent bio-weapon deployment I was telling EVERYONE who would listen that this sh*t is NOT CONSTITUTIONAL and there's NO WAY that Americans should comply! I said it about masks too! And I did go out and vote for Donald Trump (Despite my belief BOTH PARTIES are #Criminals) But I did NOT wear a mask to do so! I rode down to the polls with my cousin and his 2 daughters.... ALL 3 OF THEM WERE MASKED UP! Nobody told me a word. But if they would have, we'd have had problems! #Government HAS NO AUTHORITY to make me wear a mask OR to close my business! People seriously best start DEFENDING their Constitutionally guaranteed rights.... Or they soon won't have any! Freedom is a state of mind! If you walk around believing that government has the right to rob you every payday and tell you what you can and cannot do every day, then you DESERVE to be a #Slave! I have ALWAYS BEEN A REBEL! I fly the Rebel Flag! NOT because I "hate" anyone! I fly it because the rebel flag represents rebelling against government authority! NOBODY has the right to control your life, dictate what you can and cannot do! COMMON LAW or NATURAL LAW (God's Law) Is the ONLY legitimate "Law" in this world! ALL LAW THAT IS LEGISLATED BY MAN IS ILLEGITIMATE! NO MAN has the right to dictate YOUR BEHAVIOR! As long as you do not HARM ANOTHER PERSON either Financially or Physically then you have not violated any law! WITHOUT A VICTIM THERE IS NO CRIME! Until all of humanity comes back to COMMON LAW principles and CAST OFF the illegitimate "Admiralty Law" or "Corporate Law" that our courts now use.... We will live in an UNJUST society where people are #Slaves to a system set up by Criminals and Devil worshipers so that they could hide among us and protect themselves from being discovered! EVERY COURT IN AMERICA needs to be deemed illegitimate and SHUT DOWN in it's current form! Then every court in America needs to start practicing the ONLY legitimate "Law" that there is! COMMON LAW! Under common law NO MAN CAN PUT YOU IN PRISON unless you have "Harmed another human being Financially or Physically" You know.... UNLIKE TODAY where you can be sent to prison for trespassing in a PUBLIC PLACE owned by the people! Or because you smoke marijuana, or you drive fast, or they can just make something up!!! It has not been a problem for you BECAUSE THEY'VE NEVER SENT YOU TO PRISON YET! A trip to prison for breaking some guy's rules??? NO! Common Law is the ONLY LAW THAT MATTERS! I don't CARE what rules "legislators" want to make! Because they are NOT my masters! They are supposed to "Work for me" But that's just another LIE! They WORK AGAINST YOU! NOT "For You" WAKE UP and stop being a slave! https://brownstone.org/articles/dr-birx-praises-herself-while-revealing-ignorance-treachery-and-deceit/
    Dr. Birx Praises Herself While Revealing Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit ⋆ Brownstone Institute
    The story of the lockdowns is a tale of Biblical proportions, at once evil and desperately sad and tragic, a story of power, scientific failure, intellectual insularity and insanity, outrageous arrogance, feudalistic impulses, mass delusion, plus political treachery and conspiracy. It is real-life horror for the ages, a tale of how the land of the free became a despotic hellscape so quickly and unexpectedly. Birx was at the center of it, confirming all of your worst fears.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 352 مشاهدة
  • The Milgram Experiment 1962 Full Documentary

    I look at things like this, and it's just beyond me how people could allow themselves to be manipulated into literally committing #Murder or #Genocide!

    It's got to be something with how they pound the individualism out of you in school! I'm sure of it! I never really liked school much

    I LOVE TO LEARN THINGS... I just hated school!
    I DON'T feel as if I need to "ask permission" to use the bathroom!
    I DON'T feel as if learning to recite information helps anyone!
    I DON'T feel that I need to show respect to anyone undeserving of it!
    I DON'T feel that most things schools teach are needed in life!

    So.... I never liked school! I disliked it so much that I failed the 7th grade because I missed too many days (My grades were passing, I just missed too many days)

    Well that ticked me off, I just needed a reason, so I quit school and went to work!
    Of course I had been working since I was 8 years old already...

    My family had several convenience stores, and every weekend I worked at one of them, made $25 a day CASH. At 8 years old I could not tell you how many grown women I taught to count change! (Some people can't count change LOL)

    Anyway.... I've always been in construction and cared less about a diploma....
    But in like 1997 my mom died, and I moved up North for a couple of years....
    Construction was dead all winter, and nobody would hire you without a diploma

    So I went down to the local college to take my GED
    I went in and took a "Practice Test" on my first day there to
    "see what I needed to work on" the instructor said..

    The day after taking the practice test I showed up and the guy said
    "You passed your practice test, you are ready to take the real test"

    On the GED test that I took you needed like 225 points to pass it, I scored a 303
    I scored in the top 97th percentile in science!

    It's pretty scary to think that I outscored 97% of kids who went to school !
    I mean that scares me! LOL

    I guess my point is that SCHOOLS are pretty useless! REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES are a much better teacher! Of course I've always been blessed with numbers, like my dad, I can do most math in my head.

    I was just too hard-headed to fit into their system
    A "REBEL" so to speak! I ALWAYS liked the Rebel Flag, but it had nothing to do with #Racism! It was because I despised #Government & #Authority because NOTHING THEY DO MAKES SENSE TO ME!

    They are MORONS who force you to conform to their STUPID way of thinking!
    And I simply refuse! I WON'T! And YOU shouldn't either

    Teach them YOURSELF and start with the Holy Bible

    Teach them to be a #Rebel and NOT a coward conformist

    Besides we ALL KNOW NOW that government is your enemy, and everything they do is to either enslave you or harm you! The US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS A CORPORATION THAT BELIEVES THEY OWN YOU! YOU ARE A SLAVE THAT GIVES 40% OF YOUR EARNINGS TO THEM

    The Milgram Experiment 1962 Full Documentary I look at things like this, and it's just beyond me how people could allow themselves to be manipulated into literally committing #Murder or #Genocide! It's got to be something with how they pound the individualism out of you in school! I'm sure of it! I never really liked school much I LOVE TO LEARN THINGS... I just hated school! I DON'T feel as if I need to "ask permission" to use the bathroom! I DON'T feel as if learning to recite information helps anyone! I DON'T feel that I need to show respect to anyone undeserving of it! I DON'T feel that most things schools teach are needed in life! So.... I never liked school! I disliked it so much that I failed the 7th grade because I missed too many days (My grades were passing, I just missed too many days) Well that ticked me off, I just needed a reason, so I quit school and went to work! Of course I had been working since I was 8 years old already... My family had several convenience stores, and every weekend I worked at one of them, made $25 a day CASH. At 8 years old I could not tell you how many grown women I taught to count change! (Some people can't count change LOL) Anyway.... I've always been in construction and cared less about a diploma.... But in like 1997 my mom died, and I moved up North for a couple of years.... Construction was dead all winter, and nobody would hire you without a diploma So I went down to the local college to take my GED I went in and took a "Practice Test" on my first day there to "see what I needed to work on" the instructor said.. The day after taking the practice test I showed up and the guy said "You passed your practice test, you are ready to take the real test" On the GED test that I took you needed like 225 points to pass it, I scored a 303 I scored in the top 97th percentile in science! Mind you I QUIT SCHOOL IN THE 7TH GRADE! It's pretty scary to think that I outscored 97% of kids who went to school ! I mean that scares me! LOL I guess my point is that SCHOOLS are pretty useless! REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES are a much better teacher! Of course I've always been blessed with numbers, like my dad, I can do most math in my head. I was just too hard-headed to fit into their system A "REBEL" so to speak! I ALWAYS liked the Rebel Flag, but it had nothing to do with #Racism! It was because I despised #Government & #Authority because NOTHING THEY DO MAKES SENSE TO ME! They are MORONS who force you to conform to their STUPID way of thinking! And I simply refuse! I WON'T! And YOU shouldn't either DON'T SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO A PUBLIC SCHOOL Teach them YOURSELF and start with the Holy Bible Teach them to be a #Rebel and NOT a coward conformist Besides we ALL KNOW NOW that government is your enemy, and everything they do is to either enslave you or harm you! The US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS A CORPORATION THAT BELIEVES THEY OWN YOU! YOU ARE A SLAVE THAT GIVES 40% OF YOUR EARNINGS TO THEM https://youtu.be/rdrKCilEhC0
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 390 مشاهدة
  • Talk smack about the South and the Rebel Flag if you like!
    They got a helluva lot more sand than most!

    NOT because "I'm a racist" but because it stands for REBELLION against authority

    And now knowing what we now know... That the "Authorities" worship Satan,,,
    I fly her even higher!

    My best friend (Of over 20 years) is black so you may have a hard time labeling me a racist scumbag or a #Nazi

    But you can TRY! And in the words of Doc Holiday in that movie
    "You can kiss my Rebel d*ck" LOL

    How to deal with the Jews
    Talk smack about the South and the Rebel Flag if you like! They got a helluva lot more sand than most! I've ALWAYS FLOWN THE REBEL FLAG! NOT because "I'm a racist" but because it stands for REBELLION against authority And now knowing what we now know... That the "Authorities" worship Satan,,, I fly her even higher! My best friend (Of over 20 years) is black so you may have a hard time labeling me a racist scumbag or a #Nazi But you can TRY! And in the words of Doc Holiday in that movie "You can kiss my Rebel d*ck" LOL How to deal with the Jews https://www.bitchute.com/video/5GIjZjhIYGim/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 304 مشاهدة

    ‘Southerners thought they were fighting the second American Revolution and Northerners thought they were fighting to hold the union together’

    DEFENDING THE REBEL FLAG ‘Southerners thought they were fighting the second American Revolution and Northerners thought they were fighting to hold the union together’ https://www.infowars.com/defending-the-rebel-flag/
    Defending The Rebel Flag
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 260 مشاهدة
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