• Ep 3296b – We Are At War,Not Everything Will Be Clean, Trump Was Right About The VP
    The [DS] is waging war on the American people. They tell you each day what they think of you. They call the people deplorables, MAGA extremists, white supremacist and now neanderthal. Believe them when they say it. The [DS] is pushing the idea if we enter war Russia’s nuclear arsenal is not that big of a threat. Not everything will be clean. Trump is right about the VP, the people will still be with him no matter who he picks.

    Ep 3296b – We Are At War,Not Everything Will Be Clean, Trump Was Right About The VP https://rumble.com/v4gogre-ep-3296b-we-are-at-warnot-everything-will-be-clean-trump-was-right-about-th.html The [DS] is waging war on the American people. They tell you each day what they think of you. They call the people deplorables, MAGA extremists, white supremacist and now neanderthal. Believe them when they say it. The [DS] is pushing the idea if we enter war Russia’s nuclear arsenal is not that big of a threat. Not everything will be clean. Trump is right about the VP, the people will still be with him no matter who he picks.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 840 Views
  • According to Yonhap, #north_korea’s state-sponsored hackers were responsible for cryptocurrency theft worth nearly $1.7 billion in 2022. The UN Panel of Experts on UNSC sanctions against Pyongyang also confirmed that North Korea’s state-sponsored hackers were responsible for cryptocurrency theft worth nearly $1.7 billion last year The White House has emphasized the need to enhance cybersecurity, highlighting cyber thefts committed by North Korean actors. It said poor cybersecurity has allowed North Korea to steal over $1 billion in cryptocurrency. Experts have said that the country, facing heavy sanctions, is turning to #crypto_theft to fund its #nuclear_arsenal.
    According to Yonhap, #north_korea’s state-sponsored hackers were responsible for cryptocurrency theft worth nearly $1.7 billion in 2022. The UN Panel of Experts on UNSC sanctions against Pyongyang also confirmed that North Korea’s state-sponsored hackers were responsible for cryptocurrency theft worth nearly $1.7 billion last year The White House has emphasized the need to enhance cybersecurity, highlighting cyber thefts committed by North Korean actors. It said poor cybersecurity has allowed North Korea to steal over $1 billion in cryptocurrency. Experts have said that the country, facing heavy sanctions, is turning to #crypto_theft to fund its #nuclear_arsenal.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 8655 Views
  • More Money for War, CV19 Vax Mass Awakening, Autos & Economy Plunge

    The money for more war in Ukraine keeps flowing out of the U.S. Congress. The Senate passed a monster pork spending package called the Omnibus bill. It was nearly $1.7 trillion. In that pork bucket was another $45 billion for the money laundering scheme that is Ukraine. They say they need it to fight the invading Russians, but not a dime for the invaders on the Southern U.S. border. Meanwhile, Putin is upgrading his nuclear arsenal. Does anybody in Congress see a problem coming here? Idiots and criminals are in charge of the federal government.

    Every week there are dozens of people who “die suddenly.” There are blogs that track this phenomenon all around the world. Of course, it’s people dying from the CV19 bioweapon, but you will never hear this from the Lying Legacy Media (LLM). The LLM told everyone to take the injection and that it was “safe and effective.” That was a lie, and everyone involved in this clear genocide is trying to cover it up including the CDC. No matter how hard they all try, what is coming is a mass awakening to the deadly and debilitating scam they passed off as a vaccine. Just ask vax proponent Academy Award winning actor Tim Robbins if he still believes in the clot shots—spoiler alert– he does not. What does that say about the rest of Hollywood? Do you think he has a few friends that think the same way he does?

    The economy is plunging. The economic signals are the same as they were before the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009. Meanwhile, the Fed is on a course to continue to raise rates. There is no so-called Fed pivot. There is just a plunge to the downside, and the used car market is reflecting this trend with a massive new wave of car repossessions.
    More Money for War, CV19 Vax Mass Awakening, Autos & Economy Plunge https://rumble.com/v21zzac-december-23-2022.html The money for more war in Ukraine keeps flowing out of the U.S. Congress. The Senate passed a monster pork spending package called the Omnibus bill. It was nearly $1.7 trillion. In that pork bucket was another $45 billion for the money laundering scheme that is Ukraine. They say they need it to fight the invading Russians, but not a dime for the invaders on the Southern U.S. border. Meanwhile, Putin is upgrading his nuclear arsenal. Does anybody in Congress see a problem coming here? Idiots and criminals are in charge of the federal government. Every week there are dozens of people who “die suddenly.” There are blogs that track this phenomenon all around the world. Of course, it’s people dying from the CV19 bioweapon, but you will never hear this from the Lying Legacy Media (LLM). The LLM told everyone to take the injection and that it was “safe and effective.” That was a lie, and everyone involved in this clear genocide is trying to cover it up including the CDC. No matter how hard they all try, what is coming is a mass awakening to the deadly and debilitating scam they passed off as a vaccine. Just ask vax proponent Academy Award winning actor Tim Robbins if he still believes in the clot shots—spoiler alert– he does not. What does that say about the rest of Hollywood? Do you think he has a few friends that think the same way he does? The economy is plunging. The economic signals are the same as they were before the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009. Meanwhile, the Fed is on a course to continue to raise rates. There is no so-called Fed pivot. There is just a plunge to the downside, and the used car market is reflecting this trend with a massive new wave of car repossessions.
    More Money for War, CV19 Mass Awakening, Autos & Economy Plunge
    There is much more in the 57-min newscast. Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up for 12.23.24. To Donate to USAWatchdog.com Click here
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 261 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/putin-vows-improve-readiness-nuclear-arsenal-us-uniparty-votes-donate-100-billion-ukrainian-war-efforts-us-war-russia/
    Putin Vows to Improve Readiness of Nuclear Arsenal as US Uniparty Votes to Donate $100 Billion More to Ukrainian War Efforts in US War on Russia
    Vladimir Putin on Wednesday delivered remarks to the Russian Defense Ministry. Putin vowed to increase the readiness of the Russian nuclear arsenal as the US Uniparty votes to donate $100 billion to the Ukrainian war efforts. The US is openly engaging in a war against Russia at this point. CNN reported: Russian President Vladimir Putin…
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 187 Views
  • Nuclear Weapon Proliferation Takes on New Life

    ”Russia and the U.S. have the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons—90% of global totals, according to SIPRI. In 2021, their count of nuclear warheads had decreased slightly due to decommissioning old warheads. Overall however, the trend has been towards modernising and expanding nuclear arsenals„

    Nuclear Weapon Proliferation Takes on New Life 🌐”Russia and the U.S. have the largest arsenals of nuclear weapons—90% of global totals, according to SIPRI. In 2021, their count of nuclear warheads had decreased slightly due to decommissioning old warheads. Overall however, the trend has been towards modernising and expanding nuclear arsenals„ https://europeanconservative.com/articles/news/nuclear-weapon-proliferation-takes-on-new-life/
    Nuclear Weapon Proliferation Takes on New Life – The European Conservative
    There are clear indications that the reductions that have characterised global nuclear arsenals since the end of the Cold War have ended.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 180 Views
  • China will most likely succeed.

    First, yes, Russia’s military has been exposed as shambolic at best, especially when used offensively.
    Plus, it appears that Putin will not surrender until his military is decimated.
    And on top of that, their materiel losses are horrific, and Russia is going to lack the manufacturing capability to re-arm.
    But I think that all of that is secondary. I think there is little chance that China will invade. Not because the couldn’t, but because there is no reason to.
    See, China is thinking in 100 year increments. And over the next 100 years, there is two things they need in order to ensure growth:

    Access to raw materials
    Access to markets
    For both of these, Siberia (the part of Russia east of the Urals) is critical. Take a look at this map:
    Now, what’s interesting about Russia is that the distribution of the population is not uniform. Here’s another very interesting map:

    The largest parts of Russia, in the east, are (1) very lightly populated, (2) further from Moscow than Seattle is from Boston, and (3) very very close to China.
    Now, last but least, running right up the middle of Russia is a large mountain range, the Ural Mountains.
    Like the Rocky Mountains in North America, these have only a few passes through:

    But wait! There’s more. There’s actually an incredible difference in the population of Russia and China.
    Russia has an aging population, with a dearth of young men (not helped by the fact that the men are being wounded and killed in Ukraine).
    China, on the other hand, has a surplus of young, well educated men. Well, a surplus compared to the number of women.
    China still has population problems, stemming from the One Child policy. But they have less of a problem than Russia.

    Last but not least: China has already told us what their long-term ambition is: The Belt and Road Initiative,
    connecting a growing China to European and African markets (Belt and Road Initiative - Wikipedia):

    Notice where this runs: Right through Russia. That does not work to well when it’s a war zone.

    So, what are my predictions?
    First, predicating all of this, Russia’s internal civil aviation industry will collapse this calendar year (2022). With that, all Russian territory east of the Urals
    (I’ll call it “Siberia” from now on as shorthand) will become very very very difficult to access for most Russians west of the Urals.
    I expect that over the next two to five years, Siberian business interests will increasingly align with China, particularly for access to capital, management expertise, and equipment.
    The Russian state will be essentially powerless to stop this.
    At the same time, there will be a wave of young, educated, single men deployed by China into Siberia to work on these projects
    (Many of whom cannot find wives due to the One Child policy). I would expect that the Siberian women will overwhelmingly choose these new immigrants as mates,
    and within 20 years or so we will see a de facto Sinoization of Siberia, making it a province of Beijing in all but name.
    With nothing to fear from Moscow, the flow of both formal (tax) and informal (corruption) money from Siberia to Moscow will dry up.
    As for the European Russia west of the Urals, I expect a much much worse outcome.
    The war in Ukraine will inevitably end with the death of Putin, which will accelerate the economic collapse of Russia.
    The lack of Western expertise and equipment will first lead to the collapse of the domestic aviation industry,
    but that will be followed by the collapse of other infrastructure (electricity, water, rail, internet). Why? Because that infrastructure is dependent on Western equipment and parts.
    By this time next year (winter/spring 2023) I expect that we will be seeing mass starvation in European Russia.
    I’d expect that this is when China will step in, and in return for long-term security guarantees for the Belt and Road initiative, will “help” Russia recover.
    Again, the long-term plan will be to turn European Russia into a Chinese asset, however unlike Siberia the focus here will probably be in advanced industrial production (military, software, aviation).
    Due to the xenophobia of European Russia, this will probably be accomplished by installing a Beijing-friendly government, but with a Russian nominally in charge.
    I’d expect to see it headed up by a younger, media-savvy oligarch. This will also allow China to assume de facto control over the Russian nuclear arsenal —
    and it will do this not to threaten the West, but to remove the threat to China from another Putinesque adventure facing eastwards.
    In all cases, Russia is reduced to a vassal state of China.

    China will most likely succeed. First, yes, Russia’s military has been exposed as shambolic at best, especially when used offensively. Plus, it appears that Putin will not surrender until his military is decimated. And on top of that, their materiel losses are horrific, and Russia is going to lack the manufacturing capability to re-arm. But I think that all of that is secondary. I think there is little chance that China will invade. Not because the couldn’t, but because there is no reason to. See, China is thinking in 100 year increments. And over the next 100 years, there is two things they need in order to ensure growth: Access to raw materials Access to markets For both of these, Siberia (the part of Russia east of the Urals) is critical. Take a look at this map: Now, what’s interesting about Russia is that the distribution of the population is not uniform. Here’s another very interesting map: The largest parts of Russia, in the east, are (1) very lightly populated, (2) further from Moscow than Seattle is from Boston, and (3) very very close to China. Now, last but least, running right up the middle of Russia is a large mountain range, the Ural Mountains. Like the Rocky Mountains in North America, these have only a few passes through: But wait! There’s more. There’s actually an incredible difference in the population of Russia and China. Russia has an aging population, with a dearth of young men (not helped by the fact that the men are being wounded and killed in Ukraine). China, on the other hand, has a surplus of young, well educated men. Well, a surplus compared to the number of women. China still has population problems, stemming from the One Child policy. But they have less of a problem than Russia. Last but not least: China has already told us what their long-term ambition is: The Belt and Road Initiative, connecting a growing China to European and African markets (Belt and Road Initiative - Wikipedia): Notice where this runs: Right through Russia. That does not work to well when it’s a war zone. So, what are my predictions? First, predicating all of this, Russia’s internal civil aviation industry will collapse this calendar year (2022). With that, all Russian territory east of the Urals (I’ll call it “Siberia” from now on as shorthand) will become very very very difficult to access for most Russians west of the Urals. I expect that over the next two to five years, Siberian business interests will increasingly align with China, particularly for access to capital, management expertise, and equipment. The Russian state will be essentially powerless to stop this. At the same time, there will be a wave of young, educated, single men deployed by China into Siberia to work on these projects (Many of whom cannot find wives due to the One Child policy). I would expect that the Siberian women will overwhelmingly choose these new immigrants as mates, and within 20 years or so we will see a de facto Sinoization of Siberia, making it a province of Beijing in all but name. With nothing to fear from Moscow, the flow of both formal (tax) and informal (corruption) money from Siberia to Moscow will dry up. As for the European Russia west of the Urals, I expect a much much worse outcome. The war in Ukraine will inevitably end with the death of Putin, which will accelerate the economic collapse of Russia. The lack of Western expertise and equipment will first lead to the collapse of the domestic aviation industry, but that will be followed by the collapse of other infrastructure (electricity, water, rail, internet). Why? Because that infrastructure is dependent on Western equipment and parts. By this time next year (winter/spring 2023) I expect that we will be seeing mass starvation in European Russia. I’d expect that this is when China will step in, and in return for long-term security guarantees for the Belt and Road initiative, will “help” Russia recover. Again, the long-term plan will be to turn European Russia into a Chinese asset, however unlike Siberia the focus here will probably be in advanced industrial production (military, software, aviation). Due to the xenophobia of European Russia, this will probably be accomplished by installing a Beijing-friendly government, but with a Russian nominally in charge. I’d expect to see it headed up by a younger, media-savvy oligarch. This will also allow China to assume de facto control over the Russian nuclear arsenal — and it will do this not to threaten the West, but to remove the threat to China from another Putinesque adventure facing eastwards. In all cases, Russia is reduced to a vassal state of China.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 631 Views
    US Astronaut Is About To Be Trapped In Space As Biden Attacks Russia
    article - https://www.infowars.com/posts/russia-threatens-to-leave-us-astronaut-and-abandon-space-station/ Website: https://saltmustflow.com OTHER PLATFORMS: Odysee: https://odysee.com/@SaltyCracker:a
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 207 Views
  • I'm not sure how Putin will react now that his partner in crime, China has turned on him, Chin denounced the Russian invasion and stopped processing their oil money at their bank as well...
    Hold on to you hat, Putin is, I believe, gone mad, insane, bust his buttons... we can only hope sane heads are in charge of the Nuclear arsenals
    I'm not sure how Putin will react now that his partner in crime, China has turned on him, Chin denounced the Russian invasion and stopped processing their oil money at their bank as well... Hold on to you hat, Putin is, I believe, gone mad, insane, bust his buttons... we can only hope sane heads are in charge of the Nuclear arsenals
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 304 Views

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