• Looks like #RebelNews has sold out, just like Judas, for a few shekels!

    It makes me sick! If you are a KILLER I don't really care WHO you do your killing for, you are still a killer!

    I don't support murder whether it be Israel murdering people, or the US Military!

    MURDER is MURDER, and it is evil! And murdering on behalf of an illegitimate, psychopathic corporation you call "government" is about as insane as anything I've ever saw! So NO, I don't "Support the Troops," ours, or anyone else's!

    Do I hate the Israeli People? NO... But I HATE THEIR ACTIONS, and I think to myself that only a very lost soul could commit such heinous crimes against mankind!

    Historically.... I've liked Rebel News. But sorry guys... I draw the line at supporting Evil and the #Genocide of a people!

    Israel CONTROLS HAMAS! So whatever Hamas does, it's because #Israel told them to do it! The murder of innocent people cannot help that situation! The murder of the Israeli leadership could help, maybe....

    But the genocide of people who have done NOTHING does not do anything except expose you for the #Propaganda pushing pirates you ARE! F*ck yourself Rebel News! You've gotten the last of my support! Go collect your shekels and get f*cked.

    The Jew has ALWAYS existed for the sole reason of causing strife and turmoil and misery in the world! They have been ejected from countless countries for their animalistic rape, torture, and barbaric murder of non-Jewish children!

    The people calling themselves "Jews" have NOTHING to do with the Jews of the bible!

    And I mean NOTHING! They are more likely the seed of the Serpent, if anything!

    The Catholic Church is no better, as you all know!
    Or the Jesuits, the Illuminati, the knights of malta, etc etc etc.......
    ALL OF THEM are demonic ghouls who practice the same sick religion of DEATH!

    ALL OF THEM work together for the complete destruction of mankind!

    Did I forget to mention the #Bankers???
    Yeah.... they are in there too!

    Looks like #RebelNews has sold out, just like Judas, for a few shekels! It makes me sick! If you are a KILLER I don't really care WHO you do your killing for, you are still a killer! I don't support murder whether it be Israel murdering people, or the US Military! MURDER is MURDER, and it is evil! And murdering on behalf of an illegitimate, psychopathic corporation you call "government" is about as insane as anything I've ever saw! So NO, I don't "Support the Troops," ours, or anyone else's! Do I hate the Israeli People? NO... But I HATE THEIR ACTIONS, and I think to myself that only a very lost soul could commit such heinous crimes against mankind! Historically.... I've liked Rebel News. But sorry guys... I draw the line at supporting Evil and the #Genocide of a people! Israel CONTROLS HAMAS! So whatever Hamas does, it's because #Israel told them to do it! The murder of innocent people cannot help that situation! The murder of the Israeli leadership could help, maybe.... But the genocide of people who have done NOTHING does not do anything except expose you for the #Propaganda pushing pirates you ARE! F*ck yourself Rebel News! You've gotten the last of my support! Go collect your shekels and get f*cked. The Jew has ALWAYS existed for the sole reason of causing strife and turmoil and misery in the world! They have been ejected from countless countries for their animalistic rape, torture, and barbaric murder of non-Jewish children! The people calling themselves "Jews" have NOTHING to do with the Jews of the bible! And I mean NOTHING! They are more likely the seed of the Serpent, if anything! The Catholic Church is no better, as you all know! Or the Jesuits, the Illuminati, the knights of malta, etc etc etc....... ALL OF THEM are demonic ghouls who practice the same sick religion of DEATH! ALL OF THEM work together for the complete destruction of mankind! Did I forget to mention the #Bankers??? Yeah.... they are in there too! https://www.bitchute.com/video/8YIquS0NNEk/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 3420 Views
  • What kind of psycho sees families hunted down in their homes by men with machine guns and balaclavas, tortured, raped, executed, their bodies defiled, and says, ‘hey, I identify with the depraved butchers, let’s go stage a protest for them”? Honestly, who are these ghouls?
    What kind of psycho sees families hunted down in their homes by men with machine guns and balaclavas, tortured, raped, executed, their bodies defiled, and says, ‘hey, I identify with the depraved butchers, let’s go stage a protest for them”? Honestly, who are these ghouls? https://youtu.be/W4Vw0ptT830?si=nQMrV8oXjpYjYptp
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 638 Views
  • To hell with being told we can’t handle the truth. We’ve had to handle wars, we’ve had to handle assassinations, we’ve had to handle a clotshot genocide, we’ve had to handle 9/11, we’ve had to handle school shootings, we’ve had to deal with a stolen election, we’ve had to deal with a media who puts out fake news and calls the President a liar because he fights back against the usurper and invokes the Insurrection act of 1807 to save this nation, we’ve had to handle a Supreme Court that gives us a big EFF YOU because we are bringing the election fraud to court, we’ve had to handle our Commander in Chief being arrested for a crime he didn’t commit and was forced to pay $5,000,000.00 just for saying he didn’t do it and the jury proved he didn’t do it, we’ve had to handle people illegally locked up for exercising their Constitutional rights to protest on J6, we’ve had to handle a paedophile-loving judge being nominated to the SCOTUS who wants to dismantle the sex offender registry system claiming it is too harsh on child pornographer and child rapists and she doesn’t even know what a woman is, we’ve had to handle gays and lesbians merging together and going after child sex predators who groom our kids because they themselves were groomed by the same child sex predators, we’ve had to handle a lying, cheating, racist, abortion-loving, gay marriage-defending, child sex change surgery-supporting, China-kissing, Taliban hugging, incestmongering, bribe-taking traitor give away over $110,000,000,000.00+ of our own money to the Ukraine, tons of our own baby formula to the southern border and now give away our prescription drugs to the Ukraine, give away 35,000,000 barrels of our oil reserves to France and Germany, we’ve had to handle a hell of a lot of stuff our grandparents never had to handle because the things we handle today did not exist in those days for them, and we can’t handle the truth about the satanic paedophilia and IIluminati crimes committed by these despicable, inhuman miscreants who want us dead by genocide in our food, drink and drugs?
    I DO NOT CARE. WE DO NOT CARE. Show everything even if it hurts.
    Show it all anyway, I don’t care if people start yelling and screaming as if they were in last stage labor and no painkillers and the baby is stuck sideways. I don’t care if they vomit, I don’t care if they have diarrhea, I don’t care if they get nightmares, I don’t care if they get ulcers, I don’t care if they get extreme stomach pain, I don’t care if they have sleepless nights, I don’t care if they get migraines. If they get projectile vomit every day nonstop for 3 weeks, I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts.
    Think of all the pain and illnesses and stress and PTSD these brave men and women rescuing these women and girls from sex trafficking rings have to deal with in these pits of hell. I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts.
    Think of the indescribable conditions these poor trafficked, raped, brutalized, mutilated human beings were found chained in the D.U.M.B.s where they were making hybrid human-animal species — the same kind of underground tunnels our White Hats found in February 2021 according to RRN, in the Ukraine that showed proof of human beings trafficked and chained up inside properties owned by Joe and his degenerate son, Hunter where gold bars and laptops were found, the chains holding necrotized flesh. I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts.
    These welfare-loving gender students and BLM/Antifa/Jane’s revenge-supporting people who voted for Biden and hate the “mean orange tweeter” and support the lying, cheating treasonous cabal defend these evil snakes and blackmail, attack and savage the one man — Donald John Trump — who can take them down with our help and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s help. And when these swamp creatures cannot go after him, they go after his family just like they went after Putin’s family. I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts.
    We have a usurper who lives in his basement who takes regular infusions of adrenochrome and had to go to the Ukraine to get more from Zelensky, quite presumably. Putin is mad as hell that this church attacking, press attacking, free speech attacking, Russian-hating filthy pig has to protect child sex traffickers underground and biolabs making plagues to kill us and the deep state has to use this US flag-stealing drag queen slut as an agent to prop up the New World order after even Blackrock admitted as fallen. Their testing ground for RFID-connected life functions and crypto-currency is part of DIIA, which is part of the Luciferian plan for world domination, and they say we cannot handle the truth? BOLLOCKS!!
    Show the executions, show the tribunals, show the rap sheets by JAG, show the testimony transcripts, show the bodycam arrests, show the corpses being lined up on ice. There is no excuse for not showing us the proof because they say we can’t handle the truth.
    To hell with being told we can’t handle the truth. We’ve had to handle wars, we’ve had to handle assassinations, we’ve had to handle a clotshot genocide, we’ve had to handle 9/11, we’ve had to handle school shootings, we’ve had to deal with a stolen election, we’ve had to deal with a media who puts out fake news and calls the President a liar because he fights back against the usurper and invokes the Insurrection act of 1807 to save this nation, we’ve had to handle a Supreme Court that gives us a big EFF YOU because we are bringing the election fraud to court, we’ve had to handle our Commander in Chief being arrested for a crime he didn’t commit and was forced to pay $5,000,000.00 just for saying he didn’t do it and the jury proved he didn’t do it, we’ve had to handle people illegally locked up for exercising their Constitutional rights to protest on J6, we’ve had to handle a paedophile-loving judge being nominated to the SCOTUS who wants to dismantle the sex offender registry system claiming it is too harsh on child pornographer and child rapists and she doesn’t even know what a woman is, we’ve had to handle gays and lesbians merging together and going after child sex predators who groom our kids because they themselves were groomed by the same child sex predators, we’ve had to handle a lying, cheating, racist, abortion-loving, gay marriage-defending, child sex change surgery-supporting, China-kissing, Taliban hugging, incestmongering, bribe-taking traitor give away over $110,000,000,000.00+ of our own money to the Ukraine, tons of our own baby formula to the southern border and now give away our prescription drugs to the Ukraine, give away 35,000,000 barrels of our oil reserves to France and Germany, we’ve had to handle a hell of a lot of stuff our grandparents never had to handle because the things we handle today did not exist in those days for them, and we can’t handle the truth about the satanic paedophilia and IIluminati crimes committed by these despicable, inhuman miscreants who want us dead by genocide in our food, drink and drugs? I DO NOT CARE. WE DO NOT CARE. Show everything even if it hurts. Show it all anyway, I don’t care if people start yelling and screaming as if they were in last stage labor and no painkillers and the baby is stuck sideways. I don’t care if they vomit, I don’t care if they have diarrhea, I don’t care if they get nightmares, I don’t care if they get ulcers, I don’t care if they get extreme stomach pain, I don’t care if they have sleepless nights, I don’t care if they get migraines. If they get projectile vomit every day nonstop for 3 weeks, I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts. Think of all the pain and illnesses and stress and PTSD these brave men and women rescuing these women and girls from sex trafficking rings have to deal with in these pits of hell. I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts. Think of the indescribable conditions these poor trafficked, raped, brutalized, mutilated human beings were found chained in the D.U.M.B.s where they were making hybrid human-animal species — the same kind of underground tunnels our White Hats found in February 2021 according to RRN, in the Ukraine that showed proof of human beings trafficked and chained up inside properties owned by Joe and his degenerate son, Hunter where gold bars and laptops were found, the chains holding necrotized flesh. I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts. These welfare-loving gender students and BLM/Antifa/Jane’s revenge-supporting people who voted for Biden and hate the “mean orange tweeter” and support the lying, cheating treasonous cabal defend these evil snakes and blackmail, attack and savage the one man — Donald John Trump — who can take them down with our help and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s help. And when these swamp creatures cannot go after him, they go after his family just like they went after Putin’s family. I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts. THINK ABOUT WHAT OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS FEEL WHEN THEY ARE BEING RAPED, MOLESTED, TORTURED, TERRIFIED, TRAFFICKED, DISMEMBERED, EATEN, STRAPPED DOWN, CUT OPEN AND THEIR ORGANS ARE HARVESTED AND THEIR ADRENAL GLANDS ARE BEING CUT OPEN FOR ADRENOCHROME PRODUCTION FOR THESE VICIOUS GHOULS WHO HATE KIDS. I do not care. We do not care. Show everything even if it hurts. We have a usurper who lives in his basement who takes regular infusions of adrenochrome and had to go to the Ukraine to get more from Zelensky, quite presumably. Putin is mad as hell that this church attacking, press attacking, free speech attacking, Russian-hating filthy pig has to protect child sex traffickers underground and biolabs making plagues to kill us and the deep state has to use this US flag-stealing drag queen slut as an agent to prop up the New World order after even Blackrock admitted as fallen. Their testing ground for RFID-connected life functions and crypto-currency is part of DIIA, which is part of the Luciferian plan for world domination, and they say we cannot handle the truth? BOLLOCKS!! Show the executions, show the tribunals, show the rap sheets by JAG, show the testimony transcripts, show the bodycam arrests, show the corpses being lined up on ice. There is no excuse for not showing us the proof because they say we can’t handle the truth. SHOW IT ANYWAY.
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 5160 Views
  • If opposing transition ghouls who convince kids to mutilate themselves and take poisonous drugs cause some LGBTQI+ kids to kill themselves, then so be it. Children who have irrational thoughts do not set the standards for other children any more than children who hold their breath or wail on the floor, sets the standards for other children. Transition ghouls do not set the standards for your children either.
    If opposing transition ghouls who convince kids to mutilate themselves and take poisonous drugs cause some LGBTQI+ kids to kill themselves, then so be it. Children who have irrational thoughts do not set the standards for other children any more than children who hold their breath or wail on the floor, sets the standards for other children. Transition ghouls do not set the standards for your children either.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 141 Views
  • A victim of the medical transition ghouls speaks out.
    A victim of the medical transition ghouls speaks out.
    1 Commenti 0 condivisioni 106 Views 6
  • I really DON'T CARE what is a "Threat to Democracy!"

    These #Satanic ghouls want to stand up and shout everything is a
    "Threat to Democracy" despite the FACT that we don't live in a democracy!

    Queers and sexual deviates of all kinds want MORE RIGHTS than you have!
    Sorry.... it don't work that way! You are ALL an ABOMINATION!

    I want you to consider for a moment.... YOU WORK TO PAY THESE PEOPLE!!!
    So that they can sit around and find ways to screw you over, violate your rights, and ENSLAVE YOU!

    It may be time to WAKE UP!!!

    I really DON'T CARE what is a "Threat to Democracy!" We DO NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!!! These #Satanic ghouls want to stand up and shout everything is a "Threat to Democracy" despite the FACT that we don't live in a democracy! Queers and sexual deviates of all kinds want MORE RIGHTS than you have! Sorry.... it don't work that way! You are ALL an ABOMINATION! I want you to consider for a moment.... YOU WORK TO PAY THESE PEOPLE!!! So that they can sit around and find ways to screw you over, violate your rights, and ENSLAVE YOU! It may be time to WAKE UP!!! https://youtu.be/ndm0dBw5IO8
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 89 Views

    A babies heartbeat is "manufactured sound" according to the a fat slob named Stacey Abrams!

    This is what happens when you listen to #Satanic ghouls!

    JOE ROGAN DEMOLISHES DEMONIC DEMOCRAT'S TAKE ON CHILDREN A babies heartbeat is "manufactured sound" according to the a fat slob named Stacey Abrams! This is what happens when you listen to #Satanic ghouls! https://www.bitchute.com/video/bXlSOSTC5ns/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 117 Views
  • None Dare Call it Conspiracy – Gary Allen

    FREE PDF Download!

    I always say the SAME THING!!!

    If you can afford to to buy the book, then BUY THE BOOK!

    A man should be paid for his work!

    But having said that.... People around the world need to EDUCATE THEMSELVES on the tactics of the #Criminals within the #Parasite Class!

    STOP referring to these scumbags as "Elites"
    They are NOT "Elite" they are human scum, garbage, soulless ghouls, PARASITES!

    PARASITES who FEED on the despair and misery of others!
    #Parasites who extract wealth from their victims, so they never have to labor!

    PURE SCUM! Lazy, bereft of the drive to better mankind....
    but desire instead to DESTROY MANKIND!

    Of course....... While THIEVING THE WEALTH of every person on earth through the #OrganizedCrime of #Government and #Banking!

    So PLEASE...... Just STOP calling these people "Elites"
    There is NOTHING further from the #Truth!
    They are PARASITES of the human race!

    I'm about to share a video of this book..... my next post

    One thing I want to encourage you ALL to do..... Is sign up for a membership to PDF Drive! There is NO RESOURCE AVAILABLE TODAY which will give you access to so many books!!! It's a mere $3.99 per month!

    But you CAN download books for FREE! I encourage the membership top keep them online and profitable! They perform a great service to us ALL! Especially those of us who are RESEARCHERS!

    Buying all of these books is simply NOT FEASIBLE for the average person! But $3.99 a month is!

    None Dare Call it Conspiracy – Gary Allen FREE PDF Download! I always say the SAME THING!!! If you can afford to to buy the book, then BUY THE BOOK! A man should be paid for his work! But having said that.... People around the world need to EDUCATE THEMSELVES on the tactics of the #Criminals within the #Parasite Class! STOP referring to these scumbags as "Elites" They are NOT "Elite" they are human scum, garbage, soulless ghouls, PARASITES! PARASITES who FEED on the despair and misery of others! #Parasites who extract wealth from their victims, so they never have to labor! PURE SCUM! Lazy, bereft of the drive to better mankind.... but desire instead to DESTROY MANKIND! Of course....... While THIEVING THE WEALTH of every person on earth through the #OrganizedCrime of #Government and #Banking! So PLEASE...... Just STOP calling these people "Elites" There is NOTHING further from the #Truth! They are PARASITES of the human race! I'm about to share a video of this book..... my next post One thing I want to encourage you ALL to do..... Is sign up for a membership to PDF Drive! There is NO RESOURCE AVAILABLE TODAY which will give you access to so many books!!! It's a mere $3.99 per month! But you CAN download books for FREE! I encourage the membership top keep them online and profitable! They perform a great service to us ALL! Especially those of us who are RESEARCHERS! Buying all of these books is simply NOT FEASIBLE for the average person! But $3.99 a month is! https://www.pdfdrive.com/none-dare-call-it-conspiracy-gary-allen-e49060071.html
    None Dare Call it Conspiracy – Gary Allen - PDF Drive
    None Dare Call it Conspiracy. “I wish that every citizen of every country in the free world and every slave behind the Iron Curtain might read this book.”.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 136 Views
  • What CANADA Is Doing For Pro Abortion Ghouls Is Absolutely SICK…

    What CANADA Is Doing For Pro Abortion Ghouls Is Absolutely SICK… http://patriotnationpress.com/what-canada-is-doing-for-pro-abortion-ghouls-is-absolutely-sick/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 97 Views
  • Government Ghouls - The Child Kidnappers https://battleplan.news/watch?id=623158eb4f4ee07c16976131 #cps #AlexJonesWasRight
    Government Ghouls - The Child Kidnappers https://battleplan.news/watch?id=623158eb4f4ee07c16976131 #cps #AlexJonesWasRight
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 137 Views
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