• Amina Wadud’s Fantasy Islam
    Amina Wadud’s Fantasy Islam https://www.jihadwatch.org/2024/07/amina-waduds-fantasy-islam
    Amina Wadud’s Fantasy Islam
    Some Muslim scholars, such as Amina Wadud, read the Qur'an differently regarding women's rights. Wadud wrote: "In the area of gender, conservative thinkers read explicit Qur'anic reforms of existing historical and cultural practices as the literal and definitive statement on these practices for all times and places. What I am calling for is a reading...
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  • The Croglin Grange Vampire exists within the realms of the paranormal. But what was this creature? There was once such an entity that appeared to dwell solely in the realm of fiction and fantasy, the vampire. However, despite the seemingly mythical nature of these immortal, blood-drinking beings, there are instances that have surfaced as purported encounters with these creatures, and one such account allegedly occurred in the tranquil English countryside in the late 1800s. It is a tale that has become a curious part of local lore and a historical anomaly, still discussed to this day. https://youtu.be/eee4eHp_HwI
    The Croglin Grange Vampire exists within the realms of the paranormal. But what was this creature? There was once such an entity that appeared to dwell solely in the realm of fiction and fantasy, the vampire. However, despite the seemingly mythical nature of these immortal, blood-drinking beings, there are instances that have surfaced as purported encounters with these creatures, and one such account allegedly occurred in the tranquil English countryside in the late 1800s. It is a tale that has become a curious part of local lore and a historical anomaly, still discussed to this day. https://youtu.be/eee4eHp_HwI
    0 Comments 0 Shares 151 Views
  • There was never a choice to vote for anyone other than Biden, And the plan all along was that he would step aside, and the backroom brokering would pick their candidate. There were to be no debates – Remember? Then Biden suddenly agreed, and that was to show he was incompetent. The Democrats ate their own. They trashed Biden all for the Party. He was NEVER in charge, He was just a placeholder. All you have heard from the MSM Buttpuppets is they are fighting to keep Trump off the ballot because they were “DEFENDING DEMOCRACY”, The World Economic Forum has publicly stated that the US is a threat to their goal of a one-world government, and that Democracy no longer works and should be discarded. These are not conspiracy theories, And the MSM press that calls them that are part of the agenda.
    There was never a choice to vote for anyone other than Biden, And the plan all along was that he would step aside, and the backroom brokering would pick their candidate. There were to be no debates – Remember? Then Biden suddenly agreed, and that was to show he was incompetent. The Democrats ate their own. They trashed Biden all for the Party. He was NEVER in charge, He was just a placeholder. All you have heard from the MSM Buttpuppets is they are fighting to keep Trump off the ballot because they were “DEFENDING DEMOCRACY”, The World Economic Forum has publicly stated that the US is a threat to their goal of a one-world government, and that Democracy no longer works and should be discarded. These are not conspiracy theories, And the MSM press that calls them that are part of the agenda. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/the-death-of-the-fantasy-of-democracy/
    The Death of the Fantasy of Democracy
    COMMENT: A friend of mine insisted I read you because you have real experience. I tuned in only so I could argue with my friend. I raise the white flag. You
    0 Comments 0 Shares 401 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/cal-stategender-academic-inspired-pedophilic-fantasy-on-castrating-enslaving-young-boys/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 270 Views
  • 2023 Spiderman PS4 White Armor Jumpsuit Cosplay Costume
    Armor construction is another hallmark of cosplay craftsmanship, particularly in genres like fantasy and science fiction. Cosplayers utilize materials like worbla, EVA foam, and fiberglass to sculpt intricate armor pieces that mimic the look and feel of their chosen characters. Whether it's the gleaming plates of a knight's armor or the futuristic exoskeleton of a space marine, armor crafting requires precision, patience, and a keen eye for detail.
    2023 Spiderman PS4 White Armor Jumpsuit Cosplay Costume Armor construction is another hallmark of cosplay craftsmanship, particularly in genres like fantasy and science fiction. Cosplayers utilize materials like worbla, EVA foam, and fiberglass to sculpt intricate armor pieces that mimic the look and feel of their chosen characters. Whether it's the gleaming plates of a knight's armor or the futuristic exoskeleton of a space marine, armor crafting requires precision, patience, and a keen eye for detail. https://www.ccosplay.com/2023-spiderman-ps4-white-armor-jumpsuit-cosplay-costume
    2023 Spider-Man PS4 White Armored Battlesuit Spiderman Jumpsuit - Champion Cosplay
    We sell 2023 Spider-Man PS4 White Armored Battlesuit Spiderman Jumpsuit all over the world, Fastest Delivery, 24/7 Online Service!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 570 Views
  • The neocon approach to Russia, delusional and hubristic from the start, lies in ruins. NATO will never enlarge to Ukraine and Georgia. Russia will not be toppled by a CIA covert operation. Ukraine is being horribly bloodied on the battlefield, often losing 1,000 or more dead and wounded in a single day. The failed neocon game plan brings us closer to nuclear Armageddon.
    Yet Biden still refuses to negotiate. Following Putin’s speech, the U.S., NATO, and Ukraine firmly rejected negotiations once again. Biden and his team have still not relinquished the neocon fantasy of defeating Russia and expanding NATO to Ukraine.
    The Ukrainian people have been lied to time and again by Zelensky and Biden and other leaders of NATO countries, who told them falsely and repeatedly that Ukraine would prevail on the battlefield and that there were no options to negotiate. Ukraine is now under martial law. The public is given no say about its own slaughter.
    The neocon approach to Russia, delusional and hubristic from the start, lies in ruins. NATO will never enlarge to Ukraine and Georgia. Russia will not be toppled by a CIA covert operation. Ukraine is being horribly bloodied on the battlefield, often losing 1,000 or more dead and wounded in a single day. The failed neocon game plan brings us closer to nuclear Armageddon. Yet Biden still refuses to negotiate. Following Putin’s speech, the U.S., NATO, and Ukraine firmly rejected negotiations once again. Biden and his team have still not relinquished the neocon fantasy of defeating Russia and expanding NATO to Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have been lied to time and again by Zelensky and Biden and other leaders of NATO countries, who told them falsely and repeatedly that Ukraine would prevail on the battlefield and that there were no options to negotiate. Ukraine is now under martial law. The public is given no say about its own slaughter. https://original.antiwar.com/Jeffrey_Sachs/2024/06/25/why-wont-the-us-help-negotiate-a-peaceful-end-to-the-war-in-ukraine/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 848 Views
  • bob
    Have you wondered why white men are being marginalized on television and in movies, often shown to be weak and stupid, and needing to be rescued by women who are stronger than they are? There is a purpose behind it. Obviously the rambolina fantasy is an important part of feminist indoctrination, but there is more to it than just that.

    The main reason is that the white man is the one that stands up for freedom in the greatest numbers (even though there are exceptions). So the enemy of freedom is on a crusade to push him out of leadership positions, including in the family, and reduce his influence on culture and politics, as much as possible.

    Women, especially single women, and nonwhite people, are much easier to herd like cattle; voting demographics make this clear, and undeniable. So those who want to control all of us want those they can control in the leadership positions, so that all of us can be controlled through them.

    And displacing the white man from the role of action hero, while at the same time showing him as a relative weakling and fool, helps prepare fertile ground for this in the minds of the indoctrinated masses.

    Also, the boy who dreams of being an action hero plays out that role as a man by providing a home and security for his family, or by fighting to defend his family (and his country). An important part of the communist war by subversion is the destruction of the family, and feminism has been a big part of this. Removing the father from the family has had a devastating effect on society.

    Those behind this indoctrination program sometimes claim that they really do it because young men like action movies, and they also like looking at pretty girls. But while this is true, pretty girls were in movies long before the rambolina appeared; they do not have to be the action heroes to give boys something to drool over, and men don't have to be weaklings that need to be protected by strong women.

    There is something disgusting about the saturation of fiction media with feminist dogma, in both men and women, because our instinct tells us that it's unnatural. Some will say that being unnatural is fine and good since it's fiction anyway; people having super powers is unnatural too.

    But the kind of unnatural that feminism consists of is a different thing than people flying through the air and moving faster than bullets. The unnaturalness of feminism is more like this:

    In the natural world people get together to eat, in pairs, in family groups, and even in big banquet halls. Then later they go into little rooms by themselves to take care of the other end of the digestion process. So imagine if movies and TV showed the exact opposite of this, pretending that it's the way things are really done.

    This is the kind of disgusting unnatural behavior feminism is. The pretty, scantily clad rambolina lays an enticing cloak over it, but our instinct still tells us that there is something sickening about it.

    Most of the population though has been programmed to deny their instinct, and keep it buried so deep they enjoy these movies. And in fact this is a good way to tell how deeply indoctrinated a person is.

    Feminist dogma of course tells us that men who don't like this simply fear strong women. Those who don't see through this lie don't want to be accused of being afraid of women, so they tell themselves that they should not feel disgust about white men being pushed out and replaced by the rambolina.

    This though is just another way the liberal cult herds cattle. It is common for that cult to claim that disagreement with liberal dogma is based in irrational fear:
    those who oppose feminism fear strong women,
    those who see homosexuality as a sickness are homophobes,
    those who oppose civilian disarmament are paranoid,
    those who see Islam as the homicidal cult that it is are Islamophobes,
    those who oppose the third world invasion are xenophobes...

    Open your eyes my friends, and see the extent that the population you are a part of is being fed massive amounts of propaganda, and the purpose of that propaganda is ultimately to turn us into slaves of a communist dictatorship. And as with all divide and conquer strategies, the goal is to turn all of us into slaves, not just the white man being marginalized.

    Once you understand the depth of this betrayal, and understand the mechanisms of it, you can go out and deprogram those who have succumbed to this indoctrination. The most deeply indoctrinated are probably beyond any help any of us can provide, but many people, especially the young, can be helped.

    It should be noted that women have at times distinguished themselves very well as fighters in war, the Russian women snipers at the battle of Stalingrad being a well known example. But men were given the tools and instinct for this and they are better at it. God made men the action heros, with women having a different role, which is every bit as important.
    bob @deprogrammingservices /g/The_Donald Have you wondered why white men are being marginalized on television and in movies, often shown to be weak and stupid, and needing to be rescued by women who are stronger than they are? There is a purpose behind it. Obviously the rambolina fantasy is an important part of feminist indoctrination, but there is more to it than just that. The main reason is that the white man is the one that stands up for freedom in the greatest numbers (even though there are exceptions). So the enemy of freedom is on a crusade to push him out of leadership positions, including in the family, and reduce his influence on culture and politics, as much as possible. Women, especially single women, and nonwhite people, are much easier to herd like cattle; voting demographics make this clear, and undeniable. So those who want to control all of us want those they can control in the leadership positions, so that all of us can be controlled through them. And displacing the white man from the role of action hero, while at the same time showing him as a relative weakling and fool, helps prepare fertile ground for this in the minds of the indoctrinated masses. Also, the boy who dreams of being an action hero plays out that role as a man by providing a home and security for his family, or by fighting to defend his family (and his country). An important part of the communist war by subversion is the destruction of the family, and feminism has been a big part of this. Removing the father from the family has had a devastating effect on society. Those behind this indoctrination program sometimes claim that they really do it because young men like action movies, and they also like looking at pretty girls. But while this is true, pretty girls were in movies long before the rambolina appeared; they do not have to be the action heroes to give boys something to drool over, and men don't have to be weaklings that need to be protected by strong women. There is something disgusting about the saturation of fiction media with feminist dogma, in both men and women, because our instinct tells us that it's unnatural. Some will say that being unnatural is fine and good since it's fiction anyway; people having super powers is unnatural too. But the kind of unnatural that feminism consists of is a different thing than people flying through the air and moving faster than bullets. The unnaturalness of feminism is more like this: In the natural world people get together to eat, in pairs, in family groups, and even in big banquet halls. Then later they go into little rooms by themselves to take care of the other end of the digestion process. So imagine if movies and TV showed the exact opposite of this, pretending that it's the way things are really done. This is the kind of disgusting unnatural behavior feminism is. The pretty, scantily clad rambolina lays an enticing cloak over it, but our instinct still tells us that there is something sickening about it. Most of the population though has been programmed to deny their instinct, and keep it buried so deep they enjoy these movies. And in fact this is a good way to tell how deeply indoctrinated a person is. Feminist dogma of course tells us that men who don't like this simply fear strong women. Those who don't see through this lie don't want to be accused of being afraid of women, so they tell themselves that they should not feel disgust about white men being pushed out and replaced by the rambolina. This though is just another way the liberal cult herds cattle. It is common for that cult to claim that disagreement with liberal dogma is based in irrational fear: those who oppose feminism fear strong women, those who see homosexuality as a sickness are homophobes, those who oppose civilian disarmament are paranoid, those who see Islam as the homicidal cult that it is are Islamophobes, those who oppose the third world invasion are xenophobes... Open your eyes my friends, and see the extent that the population you are a part of is being fed massive amounts of propaganda, and the purpose of that propaganda is ultimately to turn us into slaves of a communist dictatorship. And as with all divide and conquer strategies, the goal is to turn all of us into slaves, not just the white man being marginalized. Once you understand the depth of this betrayal, and understand the mechanisms of it, you can go out and deprogram those who have succumbed to this indoctrination. The most deeply indoctrinated are probably beyond any help any of us can provide, but many people, especially the young, can be helped. It should be noted that women have at times distinguished themselves very well as fighters in war, the Russian women snipers at the battle of Stalingrad being a well known example. But men were given the tools and instinct for this and they are better at it. God made men the action heros, with women having a different role, which is every bit as important.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2294 Views
  • Critical Role Cosplay Costumes Laudna Cosplay Suit
    Armor construction is a hallmark of cosplay in genres such as fantasy, sci-fi, and gaming. Using materials like worbla, EVA foam, and fiberglass, cosplayers sculpt and shape armor pieces that mimic the appearance of their favorite characters' armor sets. Heat-shaping, molding, and painting techniques are employed to create realistic textures and finishes, resulting in stunningly lifelike armor sets.
    Critical Role Cosplay Costumes Laudna Cosplay Suit Armor construction is a hallmark of cosplay in genres such as fantasy, sci-fi, and gaming. Using materials like worbla, EVA foam, and fiberglass, cosplayers sculpt and shape armor pieces that mimic the appearance of their favorite characters' armor sets. Heat-shaping, molding, and painting techniques are employed to create realistic textures and finishes, resulting in stunningly lifelike armor sets. https://www.ccosplay.com/critical-role-cosplay-costumes-laudna-cosplay-suit
    0 Comments 0 Shares 710 Views
  • Bill Maher is a liberal and therefore a fool. He—like all liberals— is living in a fantasy. (2 min 32 sec) Imagine defending Hillary Clinton. Tough to comprehend how somebody could be that nqive about the world around them.

    It’s tough to listen to muggle media.
    Bill Maher is a liberal and therefore a fool. He—like all liberals— is living in a fantasy. (2 min 32 sec) Imagine defending Hillary Clinton. Tough to comprehend how somebody could be that nqive about the world around them. It’s tough to listen to muggle media. https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/129357
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  • Darkmoon75 Plays Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster - 01 - Darkmoon75

    #darkmoon75 #finalfantasy #festival #pixelart #remastered #gaming #retrogaming #corder #getoncorder #alttech

    Darkmoon75 Plays Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster - 01 - Darkmoon75 #darkmoon75 #finalfantasy #festival #pixelart #remastered #gaming #retrogaming #corder #getoncorder #alttech https://corder.tv/video/.7Wm-
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