• Ron Durbin Triangle Productions Investigates and Busts Government

    You must comprehend that the illegitimate #Corporation we call "government"
    is actually nothing more than #OrganizedCrime, which charges you
    "protection money" which you must pay.... Or go to a cage!

    These are actually #Criminals who pretend to be the "good guys"
    I don't blame ALL of them.... They've been brainwashed to accept this criminal behavior as "normal" and seem to think this organized robbery is somehow

    You see.... these people criminalize your inalienable human rights....
    And they they then "sell you a permission slip" to exercise your rights again!

    It's just like criminalizing FISHING & HUNTING to feed your family!
    But for around $60 EACH you can buy these inalienable human rights back!

    These people do the same thing with your inalienable human right to TRAVEL unmolested. These criminals threaten you with force, violence, and being locked in a cage, UNLESS you first PAY THEM to recover your inalienable human rights which they have unlawfully criminalized!

    Every last employee of this CORPORATION is guilty of some form of human rights violation against the people! ALL of them belong in prison for their violent, coercive, unlawful threats made against your rights as a human being!

    This is why they are so secretive, and seek to prohibit cameras in the places they are committing these crimes! Americans need to let their balls drop and put an end to this extortion and Roadside #Piracy

    These people are literally PIRATES ,unlawfully operating their
    "Maritime Admiralty Law"courts on the LAND of the United States!

    Admiralty Law is the LAW OF THE SEA!
    These deceivers committed #Fraud and a whole lot of deception, to deceive you into believing their criminal operation is actually "Legal"

    But it's NOT!
    The CONSTITUTION is the "Law of the Land" (As is COMMON LAW)

    The corrupt gang of organized Crime thugs are fraudulently claiming to have a "Contract" with you despite the FACT any contract is NULL & VOID if entered into based on FRAUD!

    Ron Durbin Triangle Productions Investigates and Busts Government You must comprehend that the illegitimate #Corporation we call "government" is actually nothing more than #OrganizedCrime, which charges you "protection money" which you must pay.... Or go to a cage! These are actually #Criminals who pretend to be the "good guys" I don't blame ALL of them.... They've been brainwashed to accept this criminal behavior as "normal" and seem to think this organized robbery is somehow "justified" You see.... these people criminalize your inalienable human rights.... And they they then "sell you a permission slip" to exercise your rights again! It's just like criminalizing FISHING & HUNTING to feed your family! But for around $60 EACH you can buy these inalienable human rights back! These people do the same thing with your inalienable human right to TRAVEL unmolested. These criminals threaten you with force, violence, and being locked in a cage, UNLESS you first PAY THEM to recover your inalienable human rights which they have unlawfully criminalized! Every last employee of this CORPORATION is guilty of some form of human rights violation against the people! ALL of them belong in prison for their violent, coercive, unlawful threats made against your rights as a human being! And THEY KNOW IT! This is why they are so secretive, and seek to prohibit cameras in the places they are committing these crimes! Americans need to let their balls drop and put an end to this extortion and Roadside #Piracy These people are literally PIRATES ,unlawfully operating their "Maritime Admiralty Law"courts on the LAND of the United States! Admiralty Law is the LAW OF THE SEA! These deceivers committed #Fraud and a whole lot of deception, to deceive you into believing their criminal operation is actually "Legal" But it's NOT! The CONSTITUTION is the "Law of the Land" (As is COMMON LAW) The corrupt gang of organized Crime thugs are fraudulently claiming to have a "Contract" with you despite the FACT any contract is NULL & VOID if entered into based on FRAUD! https://youtu.be/FnvHe4sO-dg
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2220 Ansichten
  • Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda – Mark Crispin Miller, Greg Hunter

    New York University (NYU) Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) is an expert in propaganda. Dr. Miller says from infection to injection, Covid 19 was a global “propaganda masterpiece.” Propaganda on this level has never happened before in human history. Dr. Miller explains, “The media has been crucial to this entire operation, and I would take that a little further. I would say since the beginning of 2020, we have been subjected to a ‘Rolling Thunder of Propaganda’ drives one after another. First, there was the (CV19) virus panic. Then, there was the George Floyd moment. Now, there is a new documentary that shows George Floyed was not actually murdered. . . . It’s called ‘The Fall of Minneapolis.’ . . . . There was the 2020 Election. There was the so-called ‘insurrection.’ That was a wave of crackpot hysteria . . . because it was not an insurrection . . . or coup attempt. Then, there was Ukraine, and the entire back story of Russia’s invasion was completely missing from all the coverage. . . . This is all the result of the media doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do. The ‘Framers’ (of the Constitution) realized the absolute necessity of having a free press. . . . This was before the corporate media cartels, which is what we have now. . . . The Framers knew . . . to offer a counterforce to federal power, we absolutely had to have a free press. . . . The reason why the press has First Amendment protections is it . . .tells truths the federal authorities does not want us to know. To say the press has failed abysmally is actually giving them too much credit. They have been instrumental throughout this nightmare, whose aim is radical depopulation and destruction of democracy. . . . if you just tell the other side of the story, you are public enemy #1.”

    With more than 700 million mRNA CV19 bioweapon injections in the US alone and more than 13 billion CV19 injections globally, the implications of this depopulation agenda is the biggest story ever short of a global thermal nuclear exchange. This, too, was part of the “Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda” campaign. Dr. Miller has dedicated his Substack to reveal mounting and massive deaths and injuries one person at a time. Many doctors are revealing data and sources proving the CV19 vax did not help a single person. Dr. Miller calls the CV19 so-called vaccine “the perfect crime.” Dr. Miller explains, “It’s the perfect crime because there is a long delay between the pulling of the trigger and the collapse due to the bullet. You see what I mean? Sometimes it can take people two years to succumb to the consequences of taking the shot. It’s the perfect crime. I also liken it to the infamous mass murders of mid-century. . . . This had much more sophistication than those mass murders. It’s not just the bigger numbers, but they got people to take this willingly. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were all coercive. . . . This is the first mass murder that is the result of getting people to clamor for it. The panic over the Corona virus was so successful that people were craving vaccination—craving it.”

    The good news from Dr. Miller is that it appears people are waking up at a fast pace. He points to the low uptake of more CV19 boosters in a range of only 3%. Dr. Miller is dedicated to waking people up to the mass propaganda psyop that has led people in a disastrous direction. Dr. Miller says, “People can subscribe to my Substack, and you can do it for free. I am doing this for the public good. I am always grateful for paid subscribers because I am on disability now as a professor at NYU, but I am not doing it for that reason. I am doing it because something really, really evil is going on, and people have to snap out of it. People have to wake up. I do believe people can wake up, and there are indications that people are waking up.”
    Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda – Mark Crispin Miller, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v41jmgt-cv19-vax-was-rolling-thunder-global-propaganda-mark-crispin-miller.html New York University (NYU) Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) is an expert in propaganda. Dr. Miller says from infection to injection, Covid 19 was a global “propaganda masterpiece.” Propaganda on this level has never happened before in human history. Dr. Miller explains, “The media has been crucial to this entire operation, and I would take that a little further. I would say since the beginning of 2020, we have been subjected to a ‘Rolling Thunder of Propaganda’ drives one after another. First, there was the (CV19) virus panic. Then, there was the George Floyd moment. Now, there is a new documentary that shows George Floyed was not actually murdered. . . . It’s called ‘The Fall of Minneapolis.’ . . . . There was the 2020 Election. There was the so-called ‘insurrection.’ That was a wave of crackpot hysteria . . . because it was not an insurrection . . . or coup attempt. Then, there was Ukraine, and the entire back story of Russia’s invasion was completely missing from all the coverage. . . . This is all the result of the media doing the opposite of what it is supposed to do. The ‘Framers’ (of the Constitution) realized the absolute necessity of having a free press. . . . This was before the corporate media cartels, which is what we have now. . . . The Framers knew . . . to offer a counterforce to federal power, we absolutely had to have a free press. . . . The reason why the press has First Amendment protections is it . . .tells truths the federal authorities does not want us to know. To say the press has failed abysmally is actually giving them too much credit. They have been instrumental throughout this nightmare, whose aim is radical depopulation and destruction of democracy. . . . if you just tell the other side of the story, you are public enemy #1.” With more than 700 million mRNA CV19 bioweapon injections in the US alone and more than 13 billion CV19 injections globally, the implications of this depopulation agenda is the biggest story ever short of a global thermal nuclear exchange. This, too, was part of the “Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda” campaign. Dr. Miller has dedicated his Substack to reveal mounting and massive deaths and injuries one person at a time. Many doctors are revealing data and sources proving the CV19 vax did not help a single person. Dr. Miller calls the CV19 so-called vaccine “the perfect crime.” Dr. Miller explains, “It’s the perfect crime because there is a long delay between the pulling of the trigger and the collapse due to the bullet. You see what I mean? Sometimes it can take people two years to succumb to the consequences of taking the shot. It’s the perfect crime. I also liken it to the infamous mass murders of mid-century. . . . This had much more sophistication than those mass murders. It’s not just the bigger numbers, but they got people to take this willingly. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were all coercive. . . . This is the first mass murder that is the result of getting people to clamor for it. The panic over the Corona virus was so successful that people were craving vaccination—craving it.” The good news from Dr. Miller is that it appears people are waking up at a fast pace. He points to the low uptake of more CV19 boosters in a range of only 3%. Dr. Miller is dedicated to waking people up to the mass propaganda psyop that has led people in a disastrous direction. Dr. Miller says, “People can subscribe to my Substack, and you can do it for free. I am doing this for the public good. I am always grateful for paid subscribers because I am on disability now as a professor at NYU, but I am not doing it for that reason. I am doing it because something really, really evil is going on, and people have to snap out of it. People have to wake up. I do believe people can wake up, and there are indications that people are waking up.”
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 14656 Ansichten
  • https://southfront.press/netherlands-buying-russian-gas-despite-publicly-supporting-coercive-measures/
    Netherlands Buying Russian Gas Despite Publicly Supporting Coercive Measures
    The failure of sanctions against the Russian Federation appears increasingly clear. Now, data shows that the Netherlands continues to import Russian gas, despite the country publicly adhering to the sanctions launched by the EU. The case is further evidence that the coercive anti-Russian policy has failed and is only maintained due to the hypocrisy of its supporters.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 358 Ansichten
  • ‘NO!’ Biden SHOUTS At Reporter Asking If He Was With Hunter When Coercive Text Message Sent to Chinese Official

    ‘NO!’ Biden SHOUTS At Reporter Asking If He Was With Hunter When Coercive Text Message Sent to Chinese Official https://www.infowars.com/posts/no-biden-shouts-at-reporter-asking-if-he-was-with-hunter-when-coercive-text-message-sent-to-chinese-official
    ‘NO!’ Biden SHOUTS At Reporter Asking If He Was With Hunter When Coercive Text Message Sent to Chinese Official
    Denial comes as IRS whistleblower revealed WhatsApp messages showing Hunter attempted to coerce Chinese energy company head using father's office as leverage.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 114 Ansichten
  • (admin) Its on Russel Brand but here it is anyway:
    How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates
    Story at-a-glance

    In 2022, Pfizer became the first drug company in history to break $100 billion in annual sales. That year, Pfizer spent $2.8 billion on ads, an increase of $800 million from 2021
    But Pfizer’s success isn’t due to direct ads. It’s because a) the U.S. government spent $1 billion of taxpayers’ money to promote the experimental COVID jab, and b) Pfizer paid millions to consumer, medical and civil rights groups that lobbied for COVID jab mandates on Pfizer’s behalf
    Special interest groups paid by Pfizer to push for COVID jab mandates and coercive vaccine policies include the Chicago Urban league (which argued that the jab mandate would benefit the Black community), the National Consumers League, the Immunization Partnership, the Advertising Council and a long list of universities and cancer, liver diseases, cardiology, rheumatology and medical science organizations
    April 19, 2023, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its COVID jab guidance. The original monovalent mRNA shots are no longer recommended for use in the U.S. Instead, the CDC recommends people 6 years old and older get an updated bivalent mRNA COVID shot, even if they’ve not completed the monovalent series
    While the World Health Organization seems to be backing off from endless COVID boosters for all, there’s clear evidence that mRNA gene therapy is here to stay. mRNA “vaccines” are in the works for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), shingles, genital herpes and cancer, just to name a few
    (admin) Its on Russel Brand but here it is anyway: How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates https://rumble.com/v2k5xy0-exclusive-report-holy-sht-pfizer-secretly-funded-who-114-stay-free-with-rus.html Story at-a-glance In 2022, Pfizer became the first drug company in history to break $100 billion in annual sales. That year, Pfizer spent $2.8 billion on ads, an increase of $800 million from 2021 But Pfizer’s success isn’t due to direct ads. It’s because a) the U.S. government spent $1 billion of taxpayers’ money to promote the experimental COVID jab, and b) Pfizer paid millions to consumer, medical and civil rights groups that lobbied for COVID jab mandates on Pfizer’s behalf Special interest groups paid by Pfizer to push for COVID jab mandates and coercive vaccine policies include the Chicago Urban league (which argued that the jab mandate would benefit the Black community), the National Consumers League, the Immunization Partnership, the Advertising Council and a long list of universities and cancer, liver diseases, cardiology, rheumatology and medical science organizations April 19, 2023, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its COVID jab guidance. The original monovalent mRNA shots are no longer recommended for use in the U.S. Instead, the CDC recommends people 6 years old and older get an updated bivalent mRNA COVID shot, even if they’ve not completed the monovalent series While the World Health Organization seems to be backing off from endless COVID boosters for all, there’s clear evidence that mRNA gene therapy is here to stay. mRNA “vaccines” are in the works for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), shingles, genital herpes and cancer, just to name a few https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/05/02/how-pfizer-bribes-led-to-vaccine-mandates.aspx?ui=551eda515442ee5cc8f0c77cc67b3f3febd63142ec0dc6cef1d4521e5ea666eb&sd=20200307&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20230502&cid=DM1392193&bid=1789126525
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1838 Ansichten
    * "It has both literally and figuratively weaponized the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service to persecute political opponents and dissidents, such as through the harassment and prosecutions of Trump and his supporters and the dramatically increased and abusive powers of tax authorities.
    *It has perverted and corrupted the private business sector through such coercive anti-American methods as the ESG (environmental, social, governance) agenda.
    *It has purposely sabotaged critically important sectors of the U.S. economy, such as the fossil fuel and agriculture industries."
    >> EVERY ONE NEEDS TO LEARN THESE ! << * "It has both literally and figuratively weaponized the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service to persecute political opponents and dissidents, such as through the harassment and prosecutions of Trump and his supporters and the dramatically increased and abusive powers of tax authorities. *It has perverted and corrupted the private business sector through such coercive anti-American methods as the ESG (environmental, social, governance) agenda. *It has purposely sabotaged critically important sectors of the U.S. economy, such as the fossil fuel and agriculture industries."
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 113 Ansichten
    " With all of these points in mind, let the following facts about the current U.S. federal government be submitted to the world:
    *It has repeatedly ignored, selectively applied, and violated the principles of the U.S. Constitution to advance its authoritarian, undemocratic, politicized agendas.
    *It has assumed numerous unconstitutional powers over the lives and activities of the people, as recently highlighted during the COVID pandemic.
    *It has subverted the constitutional rights and powers of the individual states, forcing federal powers and policies upon them through coercive means.
    EVERY ONE NEEDS TO LEARN THESE ! ! ! " With all of these points in mind, let the following facts about the current U.S. federal government be submitted to the world: *It has repeatedly ignored, selectively applied, and violated the principles of the U.S. Constitution to advance its authoritarian, undemocratic, politicized agendas. *It has assumed numerous unconstitutional powers over the lives and activities of the people, as recently highlighted during the COVID pandemic. *It has subverted the constitutional rights and powers of the individual states, forcing federal powers and policies upon them through coercive means.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 136 Ansichten
  • Rhode Island Dems Introduce Bill to Punish Parents of Teenagers 16 or Older Who Have Not Been Clot Shotted and Boosted by Doubling Their State Income Taxes

    This should make it pretty clear of what Dems see the purpose of government is. That is, a coercive means of controlling the people.

    Any parent who violates the mandate of this new bill to have anyone 16 or older clot shotted and boosted:

    “shall owe twice the amount of personal income taxes” to the state. https://bit.ly/3MqB5kU

    To gain an exemption will require 3 different doctors and the signature of the minor on the exemption form which, of course, will be nigh to impossible to get since doctors will be putting their own neck in the government noose if they consent to the exemption.

    Meanwhile, this garbage may actually pass since Dems hold a super majority in the Senate (33-5) and House (65-10) in Rhode Island.

    Time to vacate the state if you value your freedom and health it would seem to me.

    #covid19 #covidmandates #covidvaccine #vaccinemandates #rhodeisland
    Rhode Island Dems Introduce Bill to Punish Parents of Teenagers 16 or Older Who Have Not Been Clot Shotted and Boosted by Doubling Their State Income Taxes This should make it pretty clear of what Dems see the purpose of government is. That is, a coercive means of controlling the people. Any parent who violates the mandate of this new bill to have anyone 16 or older clot shotted and boosted: “shall owe twice the amount of personal income taxes” to the state. https://bit.ly/3MqB5kU To gain an exemption will require 3 different doctors and the signature of the minor on the exemption form which, of course, will be nigh to impossible to get since doctors will be putting their own neck in the government noose if they consent to the exemption. Meanwhile, this garbage may actually pass since Dems hold a super majority in the Senate (33-5) and House (65-10) in Rhode Island. Time to vacate the state if you value your freedom and health it would seem to me. #covid19 #covidmandates #covidvaccine #vaccinemandates #rhodeisland
    Rhode Island Dems Seek To Double State Income Tax For Parents Of Unvaccinated Minors
    Bill meant to punish unvaccinated individuals for violating blanket order requiring all residents receive the experimental COVID injection.
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2635 Ansichten
  • I want to put forth an argument you've likely never heard before!
    And that argument is for the fact that #Police along with the state, are forces of #Satan!

    Most people will think that I'm nuts here, But hear me out!

    Police LIE as a part of almost EVERY INVESTIGATION!!!
    This is a fact!

    POLICE LIE FOR A LIVING! If you are one of the very few decent police officers in the world, my apologies... I'm referencing the AVERAGE OFFICER HERE!

    Let's go to the bible: John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

    What does that say about Police?

    Let’s start with Miller v. Fenton. In this case, the court reversed the defendant’s conviction based on the interviewer presenting himself as a friend who wanted to help if the defendant would just unburden himself. Miller was also falsely told that the victim was still alive. The interviewer stated several times that Miller was not a criminal who should be punished but a sick individual who should receive help. One hour into the interview Miller confessed, then collapsed, and was taken to the hospital.

    Let’s now consider People v. Adrian Thomas. In that case, police interviewed the defendant for hours. Investigators told Thomas they would pick up his wife if he didn't confess to injuring his son. They also told him 67 times it was an accident, 14 times that he wouldn't be arrested, 8 times that he would be going home and 21 times that disclosure of the circumstances under which he injured his child was essential to assist the doctors attempting to save the child's life (the infant was already brain dead). The court found the interview “patently coercive.”

    In re D.A.S. followed Oregon v. Mathiason, 429 U.S. 492 (1977) in which the Supreme Court upheld police falsely telling the defendant they had found his fingerprints at the scene. See also, Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96 (1975) (confessing suspect had been told that another person had named him as the gunman.)

    In Arthur v. Commonwealth, 480 S.E. 2d 749 (Va. 1997), the appellate court held that police showing a suspect "dummy" reports indicating his fingerprints and hair were found at the crime scene was not unduly coercive. The court addressed the Cayward court's concern by noting the police kept the false documents in a separate file from the actual investigative and lab reports.

    In Sheriff, Washoe Co. v. Bessey, 914 P. 2d 618 (Nev. 1996), the Nevada Supreme Court criticized the Cayward court's distinction between a verbal lie and the same lie "embodied in a piece of paper," concluding there was no real difference. The court upheld police creating a "falsified lab report" showing a defendant had committed a sexual assault against a minor, stating, "There was nothing about the fabricated document presented in this case which would have produced a false confession."

    I want to put forth an argument you've likely never heard before! And that argument is for the fact that #Police along with the state, are forces of #Satan! Most people will think that I'm nuts here, But hear me out! Police LIE as a part of almost EVERY INVESTIGATION!!! This is a fact! POLICE LIE FOR A LIVING! If you are one of the very few decent police officers in the world, my apologies... I'm referencing the AVERAGE OFFICER HERE! Let's go to the bible: John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. What does that say about Police? Let’s start with Miller v. Fenton. In this case, the court reversed the defendant’s conviction based on the interviewer presenting himself as a friend who wanted to help if the defendant would just unburden himself. Miller was also falsely told that the victim was still alive. The interviewer stated several times that Miller was not a criminal who should be punished but a sick individual who should receive help. One hour into the interview Miller confessed, then collapsed, and was taken to the hospital. Let’s now consider People v. Adrian Thomas. In that case, police interviewed the defendant for hours. Investigators told Thomas they would pick up his wife if he didn't confess to injuring his son. They also told him 67 times it was an accident, 14 times that he wouldn't be arrested, 8 times that he would be going home and 21 times that disclosure of the circumstances under which he injured his child was essential to assist the doctors attempting to save the child's life (the infant was already brain dead). The court found the interview “patently coercive.” In re D.A.S. followed Oregon v. Mathiason, 429 U.S. 492 (1977) in which the Supreme Court upheld police falsely telling the defendant they had found his fingerprints at the scene. See also, Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96 (1975) (confessing suspect had been told that another person had named him as the gunman.) In Arthur v. Commonwealth, 480 S.E. 2d 749 (Va. 1997), the appellate court held that police showing a suspect "dummy" reports indicating his fingerprints and hair were found at the crime scene was not unduly coercive. The court addressed the Cayward court's concern by noting the police kept the false documents in a separate file from the actual investigative and lab reports. In Sheriff, Washoe Co. v. Bessey, 914 P. 2d 618 (Nev. 1996), the Nevada Supreme Court criticized the Cayward court's distinction between a verbal lie and the same lie "embodied in a piece of paper," concluding there was no real difference. The court upheld police creating a "falsified lab report" showing a defendant had committed a sexual assault against a minor, stating, "There was nothing about the fabricated document presented in this case which would have produced a false confession." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1087 Ansichten
  • A lot of us have seen this from narcissist uglies/heffers in any group unrelated to taking selfies of themselves. Let's destroy their common talking points.

    We aren't asking them to share risqué photos of themselves to the public.We're not their husbands they should be focusing on. Glad they're so happy. They married them and we didn't. This isn't their onlyfans where there are only fans to see it. They don't ask us if our eyes wanted to see them being revealing. When we disapprove we can't express disapproval without being berated. Admins and sites tend to side with them and it can be a bannable offense -- Patriarchies, amiright? When it ends in Onlyfans, it looks like a coercive method to get people to follow them. You're not a real man if you don't subscribe.

    It's a tragedy this concluded with low standard males feeding into her delusions. This is the cost of a softy internet with softy social media.

    I propose people join xephula.com where I will be mirroring this page. You can speak your mind there. Xephula.com/pages/exposingfeminism

    -Red Ranger

    #Facebook #Feminism #AntiFeminism
    A lot of us have seen this from narcissist uglies/heffers in any group unrelated to taking selfies of themselves. Let's destroy their common talking points. We aren't asking them to share risqué photos of themselves to the public.We're not their husbands they should be focusing on. Glad they're so happy. They married them and we didn't. This isn't their onlyfans where there are only fans to see it. They don't ask us if our eyes wanted to see them being revealing. When we disapprove we can't express disapproval without being berated. Admins and sites tend to side with them and it can be a bannable offense -- Patriarchies, amiright? When it ends in Onlyfans, it looks like a coercive method to get people to follow them. You're not a real man if you don't subscribe. It's a tragedy this concluded with low standard males feeding into her delusions. This is the cost of a softy internet with softy social media. I propose people join xephula.com where I will be mirroring this page. You can speak your mind there. Xephula.com/pages/exposingfeminism -Red Ranger #Facebook #Feminism #AntiFeminism
    1 Kommentare 0 Anteile 210 Ansichten

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