I want to put forth an argument you've likely never heard before!
And that argument is for the fact that #Police along with the state, are forces of #Satan!

Most people will think that I'm nuts here, But hear me out!

Police LIE as a part of almost EVERY INVESTIGATION!!!
This is a fact!

POLICE LIE FOR A LIVING! If you are one of the very few decent police officers in the world, my apologies... I'm referencing the AVERAGE OFFICER HERE!

Let's go to the bible: John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.

What does that say about Police?

Let’s start with Miller v. Fenton. In this case, the court reversed the defendant’s conviction based on the interviewer presenting himself as a friend who wanted to help if the defendant would just unburden himself. Miller was also falsely told that the victim was still alive. The interviewer stated several times that Miller was not a criminal who should be punished but a sick individual who should receive help. One hour into the interview Miller confessed, then collapsed, and was taken to the hospital.

Let’s now consider People v. Adrian Thomas. In that case, police interviewed the defendant for hours. Investigators told Thomas they would pick up his wife if he didn't confess to injuring his son. They also told him 67 times it was an accident, 14 times that he wouldn't be arrested, 8 times that he would be going home and 21 times that disclosure of the circumstances under which he injured his child was essential to assist the doctors attempting to save the child's life (the infant was already brain dead). The court found the interview “patently coercive.”

In re D.A.S. followed Oregon v. Mathiason, 429 U.S. 492 (1977) in which the Supreme Court upheld police falsely telling the defendant they had found his fingerprints at the scene. See also, Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96 (1975) (confessing suspect had been told that another person had named him as the gunman.)

In Arthur v. Commonwealth, 480 S.E. 2d 749 (Va. 1997), the appellate court held that police showing a suspect "dummy" reports indicating his fingerprints and hair were found at the crime scene was not unduly coercive. The court addressed the Cayward court's concern by noting the police kept the false documents in a separate file from the actual investigative and lab reports.

In Sheriff, Washoe Co. v. Bessey, 914 P. 2d 618 (Nev. 1996), the Nevada Supreme Court criticized the Cayward court's distinction between a verbal lie and the same lie "embodied in a piece of paper," concluding there was no real difference. The court upheld police creating a "falsified lab report" showing a defendant had committed a sexual assault against a minor, stating, "There was nothing about the fabricated document presented in this case which would have produced a false confession."

I want to put forth an argument you've likely never heard before! And that argument is for the fact that #Police along with the state, are forces of #Satan! Most people will think that I'm nuts here, But hear me out! Police LIE as a part of almost EVERY INVESTIGATION!!! This is a fact! POLICE LIE FOR A LIVING! If you are one of the very few decent police officers in the world, my apologies... I'm referencing the AVERAGE OFFICER HERE! Let's go to the bible: John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. What does that say about Police? Let’s start with Miller v. Fenton. In this case, the court reversed the defendant’s conviction based on the interviewer presenting himself as a friend who wanted to help if the defendant would just unburden himself. Miller was also falsely told that the victim was still alive. The interviewer stated several times that Miller was not a criminal who should be punished but a sick individual who should receive help. One hour into the interview Miller confessed, then collapsed, and was taken to the hospital. Let’s now consider People v. Adrian Thomas. In that case, police interviewed the defendant for hours. Investigators told Thomas they would pick up his wife if he didn't confess to injuring his son. They also told him 67 times it was an accident, 14 times that he wouldn't be arrested, 8 times that he would be going home and 21 times that disclosure of the circumstances under which he injured his child was essential to assist the doctors attempting to save the child's life (the infant was already brain dead). The court found the interview “patently coercive.” In re D.A.S. followed Oregon v. Mathiason, 429 U.S. 492 (1977) in which the Supreme Court upheld police falsely telling the defendant they had found his fingerprints at the scene. See also, Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96 (1975) (confessing suspect had been told that another person had named him as the gunman.) In Arthur v. Commonwealth, 480 S.E. 2d 749 (Va. 1997), the appellate court held that police showing a suspect "dummy" reports indicating his fingerprints and hair were found at the crime scene was not unduly coercive. The court addressed the Cayward court's concern by noting the police kept the false documents in a separate file from the actual investigative and lab reports. In Sheriff, Washoe Co. v. Bessey, 914 P. 2d 618 (Nev. 1996), the Nevada Supreme Court criticized the Cayward court's distinction between a verbal lie and the same lie "embodied in a piece of paper," concluding there was no real difference. The court upheld police creating a "falsified lab report" showing a defendant had committed a sexual assault against a minor, stating, "There was nothing about the fabricated document presented in this case which would have produced a false confession." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-7o9xYp7eE
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