• 666

    It's strange to me how people can claim #Democrats are #Evil, but those same people cannot discern that their counterparts, the #Republicans, are just as Evil!

    These people cannot seem to grasp the FACT that the entire two party system is #Satan's system! And it is not just politics folks! The #Courts are also operating on behalf of Satan, with their illegitimate and unjust "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Fraud based system of #Slavery!

    A "Court" under maritime admiralty law is a #Bank!
    ALL "banks" are front organizations for Satan!
    Their owners are all Luciferians

    Hollywood is entirely Satanic also. As are EVERY 3 LETTER AGENCY within the FRAUDULENT CORPORATION WE KNOW AS "GOVERNMENT"

    People will willingly go and "vote" for the "Lesser of 2 evils"
    Not realizing that they are still ENDORSING BEING A SLAVE TO EVIL

    I just don't understand people!
    These people SHOW YOU their affiliation.... yet people still "vote" to have the Luciferians RULE OVER THEM AND CONTROL THEIR LIVES!

    It is insanity beyond comprehension

    666 It's strange to me how people can claim #Democrats are #Evil, but those same people cannot discern that their counterparts, the #Republicans, are just as Evil! These people cannot seem to grasp the FACT that the entire two party system is #Satan's system! And it is not just politics folks! The #Courts are also operating on behalf of Satan, with their illegitimate and unjust "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Fraud based system of #Slavery! A "Court" under maritime admiralty law is a #Bank! ALL "banks" are front organizations for Satan! Their owners are all Luciferians Hollywood is entirely Satanic also. As are EVERY 3 LETTER AGENCY within the FRAUDULENT CORPORATION WE KNOW AS "GOVERNMENT" People will willingly go and "vote" for the "Lesser of 2 evils" Not realizing that they are still ENDORSING BEING A SLAVE TO EVIL I just don't understand people! These people SHOW YOU their affiliation.... yet people still "vote" to have the Luciferians RULE OVER THEM AND CONTROL THEIR LIVES! It is insanity beyond comprehension https://old.bitchute.com/video/Nx8M11u0SNlQ/
    666 [👌]
    👇 All #CONops #cons # #frauds #PARASITES #EpicFailures 👎 Trump, Elon, Stew Peters, Alex Jones, David Icke, Assange, Snowden, Candace Owens, DOQ, VK, Runner, AmericanFoster, Dan Scamvino, DJT, etc. Lots and lots of 🤡's here!! 👎 https://www.youtube.…
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 477 Views

    What does that tell you boys and girls?

    I used to follow James, before I realized that ALL "GOVERNMENT" is just a #Luciferian #Cult that employees a few "useful idiots" that don't yet know what they are involved in!

    "Government" itself is in #Satan's Service!
    And you are going to supposedly Choose the "Lesser of two #Evils"to rule over you like a king?

    F*ck that!
    They ALL need to be tried in a common law court!

    everyone attending should be eliminated

    BOHEMIAN GROVE AND THE CREMATION OF CARE CEREMONY JAMES O'KEEFE WAS IN ATTENDANCE! What does that tell you boys and girls? I used to follow James, before I realized that ALL "GOVERNMENT" is just a #Luciferian #Cult that employees a few "useful idiots" that don't yet know what they are involved in! "Government" itself is in #Satan's Service! And you are going to supposedly Choose the "Lesser of two #Evils"to rule over you like a king? F*ck that! They ALL need to be tried in a common law court! everyone attending should be eliminated https://old.bitchute.com/video/H383WWykfhuy/
    Bohemian Grove And The Cremation Of Care Ceremony
    Summer camp for elitists or ancient religion of sacrifice https://gregreese.substack.com/ The Bohemian Grove was founded in 1878 by the Bohemian Club, which was formed in 1872. It is twenty-seven-hundred acres of private land in Monte Rio, Californ…
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 590 Views
  • SCIENTISM EXPOSED Full Documentary

    I have no issue with the "Scientific Method"
    But today's "Science" does NOT use the scientific method!

    It uses theoretical nonsense, trickery, and deception!
    It truly is the "Doctrine of Devils"

    🔬 SCIENTISM EXPOSED 🔭 Full Documentary I have no issue with the "Scientific Method" But today's "Science" does NOT use the scientific method! It uses theoretical nonsense, trickery, and deception! It truly is the "Doctrine of Devils" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeIGrEtPMmE
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 553 Views
  • And that is a FACT people!

    And when you "vote" for the "lesser of two evils"
    you are still voting for #Evil! So don't act all innocent!

    One day the American people will realize
    what I've been telling them for YEARS now is true....

    You have no legitimate "government"
    What you call #government is a for-profit #Corporation located offshore!

    The "Statutes and Codes" passed by #Congress are NOT Laws!
    They are CORPORATE POLICIES that must be followed by State & Federal employees and people who declare themselves to be "Citizens"

    A "citizen" is a willing #Slave to the CORPORATION!
    PROPERTY of the corporation actually

    American "Courts" and courts around the world are operating under a #Fraudulent system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" (the law of the SEA)

    ONLY "citizen slaves" and state & federal employees are subject to their #Jurisdiction... but YOU can be manipulated and brought under their jurisdiction via "Implied Consent" or FRAUD or by your "consent"

    To give "consent" however, requires that you first comprehend

    It's ALL about #Jurisdiction folks!
    MEN & WOMEN fall under the Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW
    YOU likely have no "constitutional protections" because you have been duped into "consenting" to be ruled under maritime admiralty law.

    YOU need to learn how to stand as a MAN under COMMON LAW!
    And do not ever be duped into the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law again!

    Learn the information within these videos!



    And that is a FACT people! And when you "vote" for the "lesser of two evils" you are still voting for #Evil! So don't act all innocent! One day the American people will realize what I've been telling them for YEARS now is true.... You have no legitimate "government" What you call #government is a for-profit #Corporation located offshore! The "Statutes and Codes" passed by #Congress are NOT Laws! They are CORPORATE POLICIES that must be followed by State & Federal employees and people who declare themselves to be "Citizens" A "citizen" is a willing #Slave to the CORPORATION! PROPERTY of the corporation actually American "Courts" and courts around the world are operating under a #Fraudulent system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" (the law of the SEA) ONLY "citizen slaves" and state & federal employees are subject to their #Jurisdiction... but YOU can be manipulated and brought under their jurisdiction via "Implied Consent" or FRAUD or by your "consent" To give "consent" however, requires that you first comprehend WHAT YOU ARE CONSENTING TO! It's ALL about #Jurisdiction folks! MEN & WOMEN fall under the Jurisdiction of COMMON LAW YOU likely have no "constitutional protections" because you have been duped into "consenting" to be ruled under maritime admiralty law. YOU need to learn how to stand as a MAN under COMMON LAW! And do not ever be duped into the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law again! PLEASE FREE YOURSELF! Learn the information within these videos! https://youtu.be/Ov90nZ2nKJY https://youtu.be/1udn7rAp81s https://youtu.be/USvJd8iVeXQ
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 777 Views
  • Donald Trump vs Joe Biden - First Presidental Debate - LIVE

    If you #Vote what you are really doing is saying that you NEED TO BE RULED because you are not capable of handling your own affairs!

    If you feel the need to "vote" let's hold a nationwide referendum on how high we should hang the #Corporate #Traitors who call themselves "government!

    I don't NEED to claim myself "incompetent" by voting... and THAT is exactly what you are doing when you vote! You are claiming that you are mentally incompetent, and giving the #Corporation of the United States "Power of Attorney" over your life!

    Voting for the "lesser of two EVILS" (Like you ALWAYS end up doing)
    YOU are still voting for EVIL!

    We all should KNOW that our "vote" means NOTHING!
    If our "vote" meant anything at all... we would NOT end up voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" because we'd actually be choosing the candidates!

    But the "primaries" are more rigged than the elections!
    YOU are going through the motions.... But your "choice" don't mean sh*t!

    It is time to STOP being a #Statist twit!
    It's time to STOP being a #Slave!

    It's time to STOP allowing your Rockefeller funded indoctrination into Slavery control your life! Stand up and be a man! Tell these corporate scumbags to f*ck off!
    Better yet, how about form a posse and arrest them?

    Their thin blue line Stasi enforcers are just as guilty of crimes against humanity!
    You should look upon these people with utter disdain!

    They are literally WORSE than #Pedophiles!
    Of course they are likely pedophiles TOO!

    Donald Trump vs Joe Biden - First Presidental Debate - LIVE If you #Vote what you are really doing is saying that you NEED TO BE RULED because you are not capable of handling your own affairs! If you feel the need to "vote" let's hold a nationwide referendum on how high we should hang the #Corporate #Traitors who call themselves "government! I don't NEED to claim myself "incompetent" by voting... and THAT is exactly what you are doing when you vote! You are claiming that you are mentally incompetent, and giving the #Corporation of the United States "Power of Attorney" over your life! Voting for the "lesser of two EVILS" (Like you ALWAYS end up doing) YOU are still voting for EVIL! We all should KNOW that our "vote" means NOTHING! If our "vote" meant anything at all... we would NOT end up voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" because we'd actually be choosing the candidates! But the "primaries" are more rigged than the elections! YOU are going through the motions.... But your "choice" don't mean sh*t! It is time to STOP being a #Statist twit! It's time to STOP being a #Slave! It's time to STOP allowing your Rockefeller funded indoctrination into Slavery control your life! Stand up and be a man! Tell these corporate scumbags to f*ck off! Better yet, how about form a posse and arrest them? Their thin blue line Stasi enforcers are just as guilty of crimes against humanity! You should look upon these people with utter disdain! They are literally WORSE than #Pedophiles! Of course they are likely pedophiles TOO! https://rumble.com/v53ywbq-donald-trump-vs-joe-biden-first-presidental-debate-live.html
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1351 Views
  • Now there's a little tid-bit you don't see every day!
    But these days you can just "google it"

    Of course they'll try to say Jesus is December 25th too. WRONG!

    Luke 1

    26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,

    27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.

    28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

    29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.

    30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. 31And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

    That would put His birth around MARCH!
    The devil has you worshiping some SUN god sh*t!

    Besides... Nowhere in the bible are we told to celebrate His birthday!
    If the bible don't say it then it's that "Doctrines of MEN" stuff
    Or "Doctrines of Devils"
    Now there's a little tid-bit you don't see every day! But these days you can just "google it" Of course they'll try to say Jesus is December 25th too. WRONG! Luke 1 26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, 27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. 28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. 29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. 30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. 31And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. That would put His birth around MARCH! The devil has you worshiping some SUN god sh*t! Besides... Nowhere in the bible are we told to celebrate His birthday! If the bible don't say it then it's that "Doctrines of MEN" stuff Or "Doctrines of Devils"
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1613 Views
  • The "majority of experts" have sold their souls for the almighty dollar!
    Satan now owns their souls, he gave them some worthless paper in return for it!

    It's what you call a "Raw Deal"
    Now these "experts" work for, and are owned by Satan himself!

    Everything they tell you has been carefully crafted to sound sensible...
    while being detrimental to you, your health, and to society as a whole

    Experts generally recite the "Doctrines of Devils" for a living.
    And push #Pharmakeia products designed to shorten your lifespan and keep you ill.

    So you cannot say that you haven't been warned!

    Micah 5:12
    And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:
    The "majority of experts" have sold their souls for the almighty dollar! Satan now owns their souls, he gave them some worthless paper in return for it! It's what you call a "Raw Deal" Now these "experts" work for, and are owned by Satan himself! Everything they tell you has been carefully crafted to sound sensible... while being detrimental to you, your health, and to society as a whole Experts generally recite the "Doctrines of Devils" for a living. And push #Pharmakeia products designed to shorten your lifespan and keep you ill. So you cannot say that you haven't been warned! Micah 5:12 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1844 Views
  • The U.S.National Bird & Great Seal of the Phoenix

    While I don't label myself as a "Gnostic" (Or a Christian really)
    I'm a believer who worships The Creator, Yahuwah, Yahweh or YHWH whichever you prefer.... THE MOST HIGH!

    The CREATOR of heaven and Earth!
    That is my guy!

    I try not to fall into the deceptions created by the Roman #Catholic Church, which is as Anti-Christ as ANYONE ever has been!

    Our bibles have been perversely translated and all kinds of deception is at play.
    So I try to be SPECIFIC!

    The "GOD" (All caps) found on our worthless fiat currency is NOT who I worship
    I worship ONLY my Father in Heaven, The CREATOR, and Most High!

    NOT some "sign language or debased Latin garbage that the #Evil men of this world try to deceive me with! But having said all of that.....

    Moe at Gnostic Warrior does some pretty good research!
    I DON'T follow the "Doctrines of Devils" or the Doctrines of MEN!
    I stick to the guidance given to me through the inspired word found in the bible

    And I allow my Father to guide me through my thoughts, prayers, and actions..
    Which He has written upon my heart!

    But so many people follow #Symbols and the Corporate Deceivers who fill their heads from cradle to grave with LIES and false teachings!

    I guess I said all of that to say.... That ain't no "Eagle" which the United States holds in such high regards! NOT on the military uniforms or the statues and paintings! It's a "Phoenix" representing #Satan and his rise!

    So don't be suckered into believing lies! While Moe flies the Gnostic flag, I find him a researching machine who collects a lot of good information!

    Check out this article!
    And I'd read Manly P Hall's Book "THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES" which I'll post a link to next post! Here's a slice.

    Clement, one of the ante-Nicæan Fathers, describes, in the first century after Christ, the peculiar nature
    and habits of the phoenix, in this wise: "There is a certain bird which is called a Phoenix. This is the only
    one of its kind and lives five hundred years. And when the time of its dissolution draws near that it must
    die, it builds itself a nest of frankincense, and myrrh, and other spices, into which, when the time is
    fulfilled, it enters and dies. But as the flesh decays a certain kind of worm is produced, which, being
    nourished by the juices of the dead bird, brings forth feathers. Then, when it has acquired strength, it
    takes up that nest in which are the bones of its parent, and bearing these it passes from the land of Arabia
    into Egypt, to the city called Heliopolis. And, in open day, flying in the sight of all men, it places them
    on the altar of the sun, and having done this, hastens back to its former abode. The priests then inspect
    the registers of the dates, and find that it has returned exactly as the five hundredth year was completed."

    Mediæval Hermetists regarded the phoenix as a symbol of the accomplishment of alchemical
    transmutation, a process equivalent to human regeneration. The name phoenix was also given to one of
    the secret alchemical formula. The familiar pelican of the Rose Croix degree, feeding its young from its
    own breast, is in reality a phoenix, a fact which can be confirmed by an examination of the head of the
    bird. The ungainly lower part of the pelican's beak is entirely missing, the head of the phoenix being far
    more like that of an eagle than of a pelican. In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as
    phoenixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the
    physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a
    consciousness of the Spiritual world. This is the mystery of initiation to which Christ referred when he
    said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John iii. 3). The phoenix is a
    fitting symbol of this spiritual truth.

    The U.S.National Bird & Great Seal of the Phoenix While I don't label myself as a "Gnostic" (Or a Christian really) I'm a believer who worships The Creator, Yahuwah, Yahweh or YHWH whichever you prefer.... THE MOST HIGH! The CREATOR of heaven and Earth! That is my guy! I try not to fall into the deceptions created by the Roman #Catholic Church, which is as Anti-Christ as ANYONE ever has been! Our bibles have been perversely translated and all kinds of deception is at play. So I try to be SPECIFIC! The "GOD" (All caps) found on our worthless fiat currency is NOT who I worship I worship ONLY my Father in Heaven, The CREATOR, and Most High! NOT some "sign language or debased Latin garbage that the #Evil men of this world try to deceive me with! But having said all of that..... Moe at Gnostic Warrior does some pretty good research! I DON'T follow the "Doctrines of Devils" or the Doctrines of MEN! I stick to the guidance given to me through the inspired word found in the bible And I allow my Father to guide me through my thoughts, prayers, and actions.. Which He has written upon my heart! But so many people follow #Symbols and the Corporate Deceivers who fill their heads from cradle to grave with LIES and false teachings! I guess I said all of that to say.... That ain't no "Eagle" which the United States holds in such high regards! NOT on the military uniforms or the statues and paintings! It's a "Phoenix" representing #Satan and his rise! So don't be suckered into believing lies! While Moe flies the Gnostic flag, I find him a researching machine who collects a lot of good information! Check out this article! And I'd read Manly P Hall's Book "THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES" which I'll post a link to next post! Here's a slice. THE PHOENIX Clement, one of the ante-Nicæan Fathers, describes, in the first century after Christ, the peculiar nature and habits of the phoenix, in this wise: "There is a certain bird which is called a Phoenix. This is the only one of its kind and lives five hundred years. And when the time of its dissolution draws near that it must die, it builds itself a nest of frankincense, and myrrh, and other spices, into which, when the time is fulfilled, it enters and dies. But as the flesh decays a certain kind of worm is produced, which, being nourished by the juices of the dead bird, brings forth feathers. Then, when it has acquired strength, it takes up that nest in which are the bones of its parent, and bearing these it passes from the land of Arabia into Egypt, to the city called Heliopolis. And, in open day, flying in the sight of all men, it places them on the altar of the sun, and having done this, hastens back to its former abode. The priests then inspect the registers of the dates, and find that it has returned exactly as the five hundredth year was completed." Mediæval Hermetists regarded the phoenix as a symbol of the accomplishment of alchemical transmutation, a process equivalent to human regeneration. The name phoenix was also given to one of the secret alchemical formula. The familiar pelican of the Rose Croix degree, feeding its young from its own breast, is in reality a phoenix, a fact which can be confirmed by an examination of the head of the bird. The ungainly lower part of the pelican's beak is entirely missing, the head of the phoenix being far more like that of an eagle than of a pelican. In the Mysteries it was customary to refer to initiates as phoenixes or men who had been born again, for just as physical birth gives man consciousness in the physical world, so the neophyte, after nine degrees in the womb of the Mysteries, was born into a consciousness of the Spiritual world. This is the mystery of initiation to which Christ referred when he said, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John iii. 3). The phoenix is a fitting symbol of this spiritual truth. https://www.gnosticwarrior.com/us-phoenix.html
    The U.S.National Bird & Great Seal of the Phoenix
    Before humans could communicate with words and written language, they used signs and symbols to tell their stories. In the psychology of Carl Jung, archetypes are the images, patterns, and symbols that rise out of the collective unconscious and appear in dreams, mythology, and fairy tales. This is why Confucius had said, “Signs and symbols rule the world,
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1251 Views
  • While I've always liked her spunk and truthfulness most times, she has shown to be just another corporate cog in the corporate machine!

    BUT.... Even a busted clock is RIGHT twice a day!
    There has NEVER BEEN a "Free and Fair Election" in the United States!

    This is very easily proven, because ALL US Presidents ever elected are

    Back in 2012 a 12 year old girl named BridgeAnne d’Avignon discovered that all U.S. presidents but one ( Martin van Buren ) are blood related to each other. They are descendants of the same English king, John Lackland Plantagenet.

    This CANNOT HAPPEN in a system of "Free and Fair Elections"
    And it demonstrates the pure unadulterated #Fraud of our #Corrupt system!
    It's ALL RIGGED!

    Ever notice that YOU supposedly "Choose" who is eligible to run in the general election when you VOTE IN THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS! Which are RIGGED!

    And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly how you ALWAYS end up voting for "The lesser of 2 #Evils"

    How is that EVERYONE "CHOOSES" who is running in the general election....
    But are ALWAYS condemned to vote for the "Lesser of two evils"
    HOW can that be if we actually "Choose" the people running?

    I'll tell you..... It's NOT POSSIBLE!
    Because the game is RIGGED just like it ALWAYS HAS BEEN!
    It's a PATHETIC JOKE at this point in time!

    To even make the claim that we have "Free and Fair Elections" is an exercise in pure DELUSION..... A FANTASY that only a child could believe!

    While I've always liked her spunk and truthfulness most times, she has shown to be just another corporate cog in the corporate machine! BUT.... Even a busted clock is RIGHT twice a day! There has NEVER BEEN a "Free and Fair Election" in the United States! This is very easily proven, because ALL US Presidents ever elected are BLOOD RELATIVES OF ONE MAN! ( Except ONE ) Back in 2012 a 12 year old girl named BridgeAnne d’Avignon discovered that all U.S. presidents but one ( Martin van Buren ) are blood related to each other. They are descendants of the same English king, John Lackland Plantagenet. This CANNOT HAPPEN in a system of "Free and Fair Elections" And it demonstrates the pure unadulterated #Fraud of our #Corrupt system! It's ALL RIGGED! Ever notice that YOU supposedly "Choose" who is eligible to run in the general election when you VOTE IN THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS! Which are RIGGED! And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly how you ALWAYS end up voting for "The lesser of 2 #Evils" How is that EVERYONE "CHOOSES" who is running in the general election.... But are ALWAYS condemned to vote for the "Lesser of two evils" HOW can that be if we actually "Choose" the people running? I'll tell you..... It's NOT POSSIBLE! Because the game is RIGGED just like it ALWAYS HAS BEEN! It's a PATHETIC JOKE at this point in time! To even make the claim that we have "Free and Fair Elections" is an exercise in pure DELUSION..... A FANTASY that only a child could believe! https://xephula.com/posts/816462
    Defiant America ​
    Create an account and log into XEPHULA. Connect with friends, family and other people from all around the world. It's more than just social media, it's an adventure!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 523 Views
  • Do you recall when you studied this quote from Abraham Lincoln in school? YEAH... ME EITHER!


    People today seem to THINK "They are the smartest, most advanced, civilization in history" when IN FACT..... Ours is the most deceived generation in all of history!

    We are "Ruled Over by Demons" who have NEVER WON A FAIR ELECTION IN ALL OF HISTORY!

    They have only DECEIVED YOU into believing that you "Elected them"
    When in fact, #Elections are just a SHOW for the #Slaves to THINK that anyone in government "represents them"

    It's funny you know......
    How people who supposedly "Represent YOU" do nothing but further enslave you!

    Funny how EVERY TIME an "Election" rolls around...
    BOTH SIDES end up voting on the "Lesser of two #Evils"

    Well..... how'd that happen???
    Didn't we PICK THEM???

    No stupid! They were SELECTED not elected!
    And THAT is why THEY ALL SUCK!

    They suck because they come from an ancient and Evil bloodline of servants of #Satan who seek to ENSLAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD!

    But I won't be participating in any more FAKE ELECTIONS!

    Where they'll tell you "better luck next time SLAVE!"
    You don't see it because you are under a spell... cast on you by demons!
    Laugh if you will.... but the whole world is BLIND!

    Blinded by ancient druids and Jews who literally cast demonic incantations into movies, albums, and actually use movies to cast spells on you!

    WHY do you think they call it "Holly Wood"?

    Do you recall when you studied this quote from Abraham Lincoln in school? YEAH... ME EITHER! It's because EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER BEEN TAUGHT IS A LIE! People today seem to THINK "They are the smartest, most advanced, civilization in history" when IN FACT..... Ours is the most deceived generation in all of history! We are "Ruled Over by Demons" who have NEVER WON A FAIR ELECTION IN ALL OF HISTORY! They have only DECEIVED YOU into believing that you "Elected them" When in fact, #Elections are just a SHOW for the #Slaves to THINK that anyone in government "represents them" It's funny you know...... How people who supposedly "Represent YOU" do nothing but further enslave you! Funny how EVERY TIME an "Election" rolls around... BOTH SIDES end up voting on the "Lesser of two #Evils" Well..... how'd that happen??? Didn't we PICK THEM??? No stupid! They were SELECTED not elected! And THAT is why THEY ALL SUCK! They suck because they come from an ancient and Evil bloodline of servants of #Satan who seek to ENSLAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD! I'D SURE LIKE TO LIVE TO SEE THEM HUNG IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE! But I won't be participating in any more FAKE ELECTIONS! Where they'll tell you "better luck next time SLAVE!" You don't see it because you are under a spell... cast on you by demons! Laugh if you will.... but the whole world is BLIND! Blinded by ancient druids and Jews who literally cast demonic incantations into movies, albums, and actually use movies to cast spells on you! WHY do you think they call it "Holly Wood"? https://gab.com/kizzey/posts/109618220014604774
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1196 Views
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