• Carahsoft has dealt with charges of violating the False Claims Act previously. In 2015, the company and VMWare agreed to pay a fine of $75.5 million to settle allegations...
    Carahsoft has won more than $960 million in prime contracts.
    Additionally, court documents show two other recent allegations of False Claims Act violations that DoJ decided not to pursue.https://federalnewsnetwork.com/contracting/2024/09/fbi-dcis-raid-carahsoft-headquarters/
    Carahsoft has dealt with charges of violating the False Claims Act previously. In 2015, the company and VMWare agreed to pay a fine of $75.5 million to settle allegations... Carahsoft has won more than $960 million in prime contracts. Additionally, court documents show two other recent allegations of False Claims Act violations that DoJ decided not to pursue.https://federalnewsnetwork.com/contracting/2024/09/fbi-dcis-raid-carahsoft-headquarters/
    FBI, DCIS raid Carahsoft headquarters
    Sources say the law enforcement activity included two criminal and one civil subpoena.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 139 Vue
  • Google loses major antitrust case to Department of Justice over search engine monopolization
    -US District Judge Amit Mehta Mehta ruled that Google must stop its anticompetitive behavior, where it monopolizes exclusive contracts that make it the default search engine on smartphones and computers. The antitrust lawsuit during Trump 1st Term. Could Trump 2nd Term break up more Big Tech monopolies?
    Google loses major antitrust case to Department of Justice over search engine monopolization https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/cybersecurity/google-loses-major-antitrust-case-department-justice -US District Judge Amit Mehta Mehta ruled that Google must stop its anticompetitive behavior, where it monopolizes exclusive contracts that make it the default search engine on smartphones and computers. The antitrust lawsuit during Trump 1st Term. Could Trump 2nd Term break up more Big Tech monopolies?
    Google loses major antitrust case to Department of Justice over search engine monopolization
    US District Judge Amit Mehta Mehta ruled that Google must stop its anticompetitive behavior, where it monopolizes exclusive contracts that make it the default search engine on smartphones and computers.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 832 Vue

    Whatever gave you that idea?

    YOU supposedly "consent" to being RULED by #Satanic #Pedophile scumbags....
    What did you expect?

    The entire idea that you "consent" to live under their
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM is a joke in and of itself!

    The #Truth is that you have been DECEIVED into believing
    that YOU "run things"via your "vote" (which is meaningless)

    You are RULED BY A #Corporation under Maritime Admiralty Law
    because they have committed #Fraud to deceive YOU into entering "contracts"

    But again... their "contracts are unenforceable
    because fraud nullifies ALL CONTRACTS!

    So what you need to focus on is leaving their BS maritime admiralty law #Jurisdiction and returning to COMMON LAW, where ALL MEN & WOMEN BELONG!

    And once you return there, the very FIRST thing you should do is file charges on the criminals who scammed you and stole your land and your money!

    You may even want to "de-populate" them!

    WEF MEMO REVEALS PLAN TO DEPOPULATE THE WORLD OF 1 BILLION WHITE PEOPLE BY 2030 Whatever gave you that idea? YOU supposedly "consent" to being RULED by #Satanic #Pedophile scumbags.... What did you expect? The entire idea that you "consent" to live under their "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM is a joke in and of itself! The #Truth is that you have been DECEIVED into believing that YOU "run things"via your "vote" (which is meaningless) You are RULED BY A #Corporation under Maritime Admiralty Law because they have committed #Fraud to deceive YOU into entering "contracts" But again... their "contracts are unenforceable because fraud nullifies ALL CONTRACTS! So what you need to focus on is leaving their BS maritime admiralty law #Jurisdiction and returning to COMMON LAW, where ALL MEN & WOMEN BELONG! And once you return there, the very FIRST thing you should do is file charges on the criminals who scammed you and stole your land and your money! You may even want to "de-populate" them! https://old.bitchute.com/video/FL3GKKMLY7S1/
    WEF Memo Reveals Plan To Depopulate the World of 1 Billion White People by 2030
    mirrored form rumble The People's Voice channel Note: I removed all the annoying ads in this video. I lost the sound while editing so I couldn't tell if it cut in the right place. My PC is old and slow...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 843 Vue


    I've been shouting it from the rooftops for 3 years now......
    and a FEW people have woken up!

    And the rest of you are running around talking about "voting"
    for the next #CEO of the #Corporation of the United States!

    So I ask again.....

    Or is your mind gone forever lost to the brainwashing???
    It's just a question

    ...CONTRACTS DO YOU UNDERSTAND, COMMON LAW, COVID, VAX & CONSPIRATORS, UN AGENDA & HISTORY LIES? ARE YOU CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING THE #TRUTH? I've been shouting it from the rooftops for 3 years now...... and a FEW people have woken up! And the rest of you are running around talking about "voting" for the next #CEO of the #Corporation of the United States! So I ask again..... ARE YOU CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING THE TRUTH? Or is your mind gone forever lost to the brainwashing??? It's just a question https://old.bitchute.com/video/HPNv4ncbcBTd/
    ...contracts do you understand, common law, covid, vax & conspirators, un agenda & history lies?
    If you enjoyed today's video, if you feel you got something from it, there are ways to support this channel. And I thank all those that do. https://ko-fi.com/ceylon please buy me a coffee. Bitcoin: bc1qhxsc2phc6y0fch662xxfauhlddmzhxdj3pfy94 Pirate…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 715 Vue

    ...contracts do you understand, common law, covid, vax & conspirators, un agenda & history lies?
    If you enjoyed today's video, if you feel you got something from it, there are ways to support this channel. And I thank all those that do. https://ko-fi.com/ceylon please buy me a coffee. Bitcoin: bc1qhxsc2phc6y0fch662xxfauhlddmzhxdj3pfy94 Pirate…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 423 Vue

    Trump may be their hero here on earth....
    But they serve #Satan (As does their heroes)

    There is NOTHING that gives these maggots control over YOU except YOU!

    EXIT the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System!
    WHY would anyone "consent" to being ruled over by people
    who want to KILL THEM?

    There is no legitimate "consent" and therefore the ENTIRETY of the "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM is illegitimate!

    It is based in "CONTRACT LAW"
    They CLAIM that you have "contracted with them"

    But people.....
    You CANNOT unknowingly enter into a contract!

    There are rules about what is needed for an enforceable contract!

    What is an enforceable contract?
    A legally recognized agreement between two or more parties, which satisfies specific legal requirements, is an “enforceable contract.”

    In order for a contract to be enforceable, it must contain key elements.

    These ensure the contract represents a genuine and binding commitment.

    When a contract is enforceable, it means that if one party fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined in it, the other party or parties have the legal right to seek remedies and enforce its terms through the legal system.

    Such remedies may include monetary damages to compensate for losses incurred due to the breach or a court order for specific performance, which compels the breaching party to carry out their obligations as specified in the agreement.

    What makes a contract enforceable?
    For a contract to be enforceable, it must meet several essential criteria, including:

    1. Offer and acceptance
    Both parties must make a specific, clear offer and receive a corresponding, straightforward acceptance.

    They must also understand and agree to the terms and value of contract.

    2. An intention to create legal relations
    The parties entering into the contract must have the intention of forming a legally binding agreement.

    Contracts made in a social or casual context may lack this.

    3. Consideration
    Consideration refers to something of value exchanged between the parties.

    Each party must provide this, whether it’s money, goods, services, or a promise to do something in the future.

    4. Legal capacity
    The parties involved must have the legal capacity to enter into the contract.

    This means they must be of sound mind, of legal age, and not under the influence of coercion or fraud.

    5. Legality of purpose
    The purpose of the contract must be legal too. Contracts that involve illegal activities or are against public policy are typically not enforceable.

    6. Compliance with formalities
    In some cases, contracts may also need to adhere to specific formalities, such as being in writing or being witnessed by a notary public, to be enforceable.

    7. Consent and genuine assent
    Both parties must enter into the contract willingly and with genuine assent. If one party is deceived, coerced, or pressured, the contract may be voidable.

    8. Properly executed
    The contract must be properly executed with all necessary signatures and approvals from the involved parties.

    9. Certainty and possibility of performance
    The terms and conditions, including the contract effective date, must be clear and specific.

    It must be possible for the parties to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract.

    10. A meeting of minds
    There must be a mutual understanding between the parties regarding the essential terms of the contract.

    Misunderstandings or a lack of clarity can render it unenforceable.

    JEWS DANCING FOR THEIR PUPPET & HEAD JEW, TRUMP ✡️ Trump may be their hero here on earth.... But they serve #Satan (As does their heroes) There is NOTHING that gives these maggots control over YOU except YOU! EXIT the "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System! WHY would anyone "consent" to being ruled over by people who want to KILL THEM? There is no legitimate "consent" and therefore the ENTIRETY of the "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM is illegitimate! It is based in "CONTRACT LAW" They CLAIM that you have "contracted with them" But people..... You CANNOT unknowingly enter into a contract! There are rules about what is needed for an enforceable contract! What is an enforceable contract? A legally recognized agreement between two or more parties, which satisfies specific legal requirements, is an “enforceable contract.” In order for a contract to be enforceable, it must contain key elements. These ensure the contract represents a genuine and binding commitment. When a contract is enforceable, it means that if one party fails to fulfill its obligations as outlined in it, the other party or parties have the legal right to seek remedies and enforce its terms through the legal system. Such remedies may include monetary damages to compensate for losses incurred due to the breach or a court order for specific performance, which compels the breaching party to carry out their obligations as specified in the agreement. What makes a contract enforceable? For a contract to be enforceable, it must meet several essential criteria, including: 1. Offer and acceptance Both parties must make a specific, clear offer and receive a corresponding, straightforward acceptance. They must also understand and agree to the terms and value of contract. 2. An intention to create legal relations The parties entering into the contract must have the intention of forming a legally binding agreement. Contracts made in a social or casual context may lack this. 3. Consideration Consideration refers to something of value exchanged between the parties. Each party must provide this, whether it’s money, goods, services, or a promise to do something in the future. 4. Legal capacity The parties involved must have the legal capacity to enter into the contract. This means they must be of sound mind, of legal age, and not under the influence of coercion or fraud. 5. Legality of purpose The purpose of the contract must be legal too. Contracts that involve illegal activities or are against public policy are typically not enforceable. 6. Compliance with formalities In some cases, contracts may also need to adhere to specific formalities, such as being in writing or being witnessed by a notary public, to be enforceable. 7. Consent and genuine assent Both parties must enter into the contract willingly and with genuine assent. If one party is deceived, coerced, or pressured, the contract may be voidable. 8. Properly executed The contract must be properly executed with all necessary signatures and approvals from the involved parties. 9. Certainty and possibility of performance The terms and conditions, including the contract effective date, must be clear and specific. It must be possible for the parties to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the contract. 10. A meeting of minds There must be a mutual understanding between the parties regarding the essential terms of the contract. Misunderstandings or a lack of clarity can render it unenforceable. https://old.bitchute.com/video/W8uDiW7LBwn0/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1470 Vue
  • Driver VS Traveler - I don't need a driver's license unless I'm doing Commerce

    By no means do I consider myself "the sharpest tool in the shed" but I do pay attention to what is going on around me

    And I'm here to tell you IT'S ALL ABOUT #JURISDICTION
    I'm no expert in these matters of law! But I do know some stuff

    First... NEVER claim that your DOB is the day your "birth certificate" was created
    NEVER give them the DOB listed for the "Legal fiction" on your birth certificate

    When the #Police approach you and ask you for your DOB and a driver's license they are attempting to get YOU to claim that your "DATE OF BIRTH" is the day your mother had you, which is, in reality, the DOB of the "Legal Fiction" and NOT YOU

    So if you rattle off the DOB of the LEGAL FICTION created by government on the day your were born, THEN YOU Are representing the "legal fiction." He has you

    On the other hand... if you are educated on the subject, you will tell him that your DOB is the SECOND DATE ON YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the day that your Christian name was filed with the registrar... then he has problems because you are NOT representing the "Legal Fiction" that the state created and owns!

    If you are "representing" their "legal fiction" then THEY OWN YOU!
    They can jail you, and you are in the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law!

    You see... In order for YOU to fall under the JURISDICTION of America's corrupt & illegitimate #Court system YOU MUST "CONSENT"

    Now consent can be obtained by the state in many ways!
    The "tacit agreement" is one of their favorites!

    If you refer to someone's tacit agreement or approval, you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so, often because they are unwilling to admit to doing so. [...] (Or they are being duped by government)

    B. Formation of Tacit Agreements
    10 A tacit agreement may arise from the concurrent conduct or practice of the parties concerned. It may also arise from the silence or inaction of one party in relation to the conduct of another party if such conduct calls for a response. In the latter case, a tacit agreement may take the form of acquiescence in the sense of ‘tacit recognition manifested by unilateral conduct which the other party may interpret as consent’ (Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area para. 130; Gulf of Maine Case).

    11 For conduct or practice of the parties to be relevant to the formation of a tacit agreement, it may have to be sufficiently clear and related to the subject of the agreement. Other relevant factors may include the degree of concurrence and consistency of the conduct of parties as well as its duration. The higher the degree of concurrence and consistency and the longer the continuation of such conduct, the more likely the conduct constitutes a tacit agreement. In this regard, it may be illustrative to consider what the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) held with respect to Art. 31 (3) (b) VCLT (‘[a]ny subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation’):

    You NEED to learn the law!
    You NEED to learn how to challenge the claims made by police and the state...
    Because if you have the opportunity to challenge their claims and you don't, you have just given them a "tacit agreement." In other words, without saying a word, you have given consent! You have AGREED to whatever they are claiming

    There are just so many aspects to all of this folks
    The main things you need to be aware of is the "tacit agreement" and how to avoid placing yourself in the JURISDICTION of Maritime Admiralty Law

    YOU are a living, breathing MAN or WOMAN
    You are NOT a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT or Property of the Corporation

    At least not until you allow them get JURISDICTION over you, a living man
    You don't want to enter into ANY contracts with the state! Including getting licenses, permits etc. And you don't want to get tricked into a tacit agreement either

    If the state tries to claim JURISDICTION over you then you MUST challenge their claim! If you do not you are agreeing to it!


    The truth is that the entire Court system is one built on #Fraud. The entire thing needs to be abolished and those involved sent to prison! But until that day comes You MUST learn to protect yourself and not enter into ANY
    contracts or agreements with the state

    You CANNOT "unknowingly" enter into a contract or agreement
    But the state claims that you CAN! Through tacit agreements (your behavior)

    It's something that all of us should have been educated on, but we were purposefully NOT educated on it. Instead we were brainwashed into believing that we ARE the "legal fiction." And into believing that we DO NEED LICENSES, despite not being involved in COMMERCE

    The #UCC is maritime admiralty law, and is a set of Statutes and Codes that the EMPLOYEES OF THE CORPORATION must follow

    Driver VS Traveler - I don't need a driver's license unless I'm doing Commerce By no means do I consider myself "the sharpest tool in the shed" but I do pay attention to what is going on around me And I'm here to tell you IT'S ALL ABOUT #JURISDICTION I'm no expert in these matters of law! But I do know some stuff First... NEVER claim that your DOB is the day your "birth certificate" was created NEVER give them the DOB listed for the "Legal fiction" on your birth certificate When the #Police approach you and ask you for your DOB and a driver's license they are attempting to get YOU to claim that your "DATE OF BIRTH" is the day your mother had you, which is, in reality, the DOB of the "Legal Fiction" and NOT YOU So if you rattle off the DOB of the LEGAL FICTION created by government on the day your were born, THEN YOU Are representing the "legal fiction." He has you On the other hand... if you are educated on the subject, you will tell him that your DOB is the SECOND DATE ON YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, the day that your Christian name was filed with the registrar... then he has problems because you are NOT representing the "Legal Fiction" that the state created and owns! If you are "representing" their "legal fiction" then THEY OWN YOU! They can jail you, and you are in the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law! You see... In order for YOU to fall under the JURISDICTION of America's corrupt & illegitimate #Court system YOU MUST "CONSENT" Now consent can be obtained by the state in many ways! The "tacit agreement" is one of their favorites! If you refer to someone's tacit agreement or approval, you mean they are agreeing to something or approving it without actually saying so, often because they are unwilling to admit to doing so. [...] (Or they are being duped by government) B. Formation of Tacit Agreements 10 A tacit agreement may arise from the concurrent conduct or practice of the parties concerned. It may also arise from the silence or inaction of one party in relation to the conduct of another party if such conduct calls for a response. In the latter case, a tacit agreement may take the form of acquiescence in the sense of ‘tacit recognition manifested by unilateral conduct which the other party may interpret as consent’ (Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area para. 130; Gulf of Maine Case). 11 For conduct or practice of the parties to be relevant to the formation of a tacit agreement, it may have to be sufficiently clear and related to the subject of the agreement. Other relevant factors may include the degree of concurrence and consistency of the conduct of parties as well as its duration. The higher the degree of concurrence and consistency and the longer the continuation of such conduct, the more likely the conduct constitutes a tacit agreement. In this regard, it may be illustrative to consider what the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) held with respect to Art. 31 (3) (b) VCLT (‘[a]ny subsequent practice in the application of the treaty which establishes the agreement of the parties regarding its interpretation’): You NEED to learn the law! You NEED to learn how to challenge the claims made by police and the state... Because if you have the opportunity to challenge their claims and you don't, you have just given them a "tacit agreement." In other words, without saying a word, you have given consent! You have AGREED to whatever they are claiming There are just so many aspects to all of this folks The main things you need to be aware of is the "tacit agreement" and how to avoid placing yourself in the JURISDICTION of Maritime Admiralty Law YOU are a living, breathing MAN or WOMAN You are NOT a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT or Property of the Corporation At least not until you allow them get JURISDICTION over you, a living man You don't want to enter into ANY contracts with the state! Including getting licenses, permits etc. And you don't want to get tricked into a tacit agreement either If the state tries to claim JURISDICTION over you then you MUST challenge their claim! If you do not you are agreeing to it! LEARN THE LAW FOLKS! The truth is that the entire Court system is one built on #Fraud. The entire thing needs to be abolished and those involved sent to prison! But until that day comes You MUST learn to protect yourself and not enter into ANY contracts or agreements with the state You CANNOT "unknowingly" enter into a contract or agreement But the state claims that you CAN! Through tacit agreements (your behavior) It's something that all of us should have been educated on, but we were purposefully NOT educated on it. Instead we were brainwashed into believing that we ARE the "legal fiction." And into believing that we DO NEED LICENSES, despite not being involved in COMMERCE The #UCC is maritime admiralty law, and is a set of Statutes and Codes that the EMPLOYEES OF THE CORPORATION must follow https://rumble.com/v28hv2e-driver-vs-traveler-i-dont-need-a-drivers-license.html?e9s=src_v1_cw&playlist_id=watch-history
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1639 Vue
  • Brother's and sisters.....
    You simply CANNOT continue doing what you have always done,
    and expect to be free, and expect for your children / grandchildren to be free!

    It's just that simple!
    You and your ENTIRE BLOODLINE will die as #Slaves if you fail to STAND UP
    and remove yourself from your VOLUNTARY position of a SLAVE under
    "Maritime Admiralty Law"

    It's 110% VOLUNTARY to remain under the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law
    It REQUIRES your consent! Or your ignorance!

    Our True Relationship to Government
    There are 3 key reasons why the cabal masquerading as government can lawfully maintain their control: Your Incompetence, Their Breach of Trust and Implied Consent to their Authority, by all the other ‘citizens’ of government.

    I have not read this article as of yet....
    But the graphic is spot on!

    You MUST comprehend that your "CONSENT" is not only REQUIRED.....
    But it must also be completely VOLUNTARY!

    YOU cannot enter into legally binding CONTRACTS without your own knowledge!
    But the criminals will claim that you can!

    YOU had best learn the "Law" and stop falling into the SCAM of Implied Consent
    or any of their other maritime admiralty law SCAMS!

    EDUCATE YOURSELF and stop allowing people to tell you
    what you have "consented to," and START CHALLENGING THEIR CLAIMS!!!

    However.... If you enjoy being PROPERTY of a corporation, essentially their SLAVE...
    Then you just keep doing what you've always done... And you WILL die a slave

    Brother's and sisters..... You simply CANNOT continue doing what you have always done, and expect to be free, and expect for your children / grandchildren to be free! It's just that simple! You and your ENTIRE BLOODLINE will die as #Slaves if you fail to STAND UP and remove yourself from your VOLUNTARY position of a SLAVE under "Maritime Admiralty Law" It's 110% VOLUNTARY to remain under the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law It REQUIRES your consent! Or your ignorance! Our True Relationship to Government There are 3 key reasons why the cabal masquerading as government can lawfully maintain their control: Your Incompetence, Their Breach of Trust and Implied Consent to their Authority, by all the other ‘citizens’ of government. I have not read this article as of yet.... But the graphic is spot on! You MUST comprehend that your "CONSENT" is not only REQUIRED..... But it must also be completely VOLUNTARY! YOU cannot enter into legally binding CONTRACTS without your own knowledge! But the criminals will claim that you can! YOU had best learn the "Law" and stop falling into the SCAM of Implied Consent or any of their other maritime admiralty law SCAMS! EDUCATE YOURSELF and stop allowing people to tell you what you have "consented to," and START CHALLENGING THEIR CLAIMS!!! However.... If you enjoy being PROPERTY of a corporation, essentially their SLAVE... Then you just keep doing what you've always done... And you WILL die a slave https://geopolitics.co/2015/04/05/how-the-cabal-maintains-their-power/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1217 Vue
  • Woman Dies, Shown Pre-Birth Plan & Reveals How to Break Soul Contracts !

    Woman Dies, Shown Pre-Birth Plan & Reveals How to Break Soul Contracts ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDEvXL7JTAw&list=TLPQMTYwNjIwMjR9Yc4KmWjoxg&index=7
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 368 Vue
  • And that is because you ARE a #Slave under the Maritime Admiralty Law SLAVE SYSTEM that you have been duped into believing that you "consented" to!

    You cannot "consent" to something you don't know exists folks!

    You cannot enter into maritime admiralty law CONTRACTS that you do not even know exists either! The entirety of our corrupt, illegitimate, unlawful system is based on #Fraud!

    Our #Courts and the BS CORPORATION we have been brainwashed into believing is our "government" are based solely and purely on FRAUD and maritime admiralty law

    YOU are considered PROPERTY of the CORPORATION because your mother and father unknowingly signed you over to the state when they signed your
    "birth certificate"

    The "Berth Certificate" is an instrument of pure FRAUD, used by the CORPORATION and their COURTS to claim ownership over YOU!

    On the day of your "birth" the CORPORATION created a PATENTED HIEROGLYPH which is your ALL CAPS NAME.
    They created it, thus they OWN IT!

    Then the CORPORATION deceived your parents into sending you to a #Rockefeller funded indoctrination center to be brainwashed into REPRESENTING their creation, your all caps name, or STRAWMAN, which is a LEGAL FICTION and not you!

    YOU are a flesh and blood MAN or WOMAN, not a patented hieroglyph which represents a "vessel" created out of thin air to deceive you!

    These people are sick cowards who refuse to work.
    So instead they spent their life coming up with a way to DECEIVE YOU into being their "willing SLAVE."

    You see..... they claim that you "consent" to all of this BS you know nothing about! So they OWN YOU in their minds!

    I think it's time this corporation and ALL of it's executives are sent into BANKRUPTCY permanently, and with prejudice.

    Send every last one of these criminals to die in prison while mankind takes it's PROPERTY back that they have STOLEN through their lies and deception!

    This includes the black robed priests of the #BAR Association, lawyers, politicians, #Police, and all other CORPORATION CONTROLLED CRIMINALS!

    You should be pissed off about these FACTS!

    But you'll likely just shrug and claim "Conspiracy Theory" just like the #CIA and it's operation mockingbird #Media programmed you to do!

    And that is because you ARE a #Slave under the Maritime Admiralty Law SLAVE SYSTEM that you have been duped into believing that you "consented" to! You cannot "consent" to something you don't know exists folks! You cannot enter into maritime admiralty law CONTRACTS that you do not even know exists either! The entirety of our corrupt, illegitimate, unlawful system is based on #Fraud! Our #Courts and the BS CORPORATION we have been brainwashed into believing is our "government" are based solely and purely on FRAUD and maritime admiralty law YOU are considered PROPERTY of the CORPORATION because your mother and father unknowingly signed you over to the state when they signed your "birth certificate" The "Berth Certificate" is an instrument of pure FRAUD, used by the CORPORATION and their COURTS to claim ownership over YOU! On the day of your "birth" the CORPORATION created a PATENTED HIEROGLYPH which is your ALL CAPS NAME. They created it, thus they OWN IT! Then the CORPORATION deceived your parents into sending you to a #Rockefeller funded indoctrination center to be brainwashed into REPRESENTING their creation, your all caps name, or STRAWMAN, which is a LEGAL FICTION and not you! YOU are a flesh and blood MAN or WOMAN, not a patented hieroglyph which represents a "vessel" created out of thin air to deceive you! These people are sick cowards who refuse to work. So instead they spent their life coming up with a way to DECEIVE YOU into being their "willing SLAVE." You see..... they claim that you "consent" to all of this BS you know nothing about! So they OWN YOU in their minds! I think it's time this corporation and ALL of it's executives are sent into BANKRUPTCY permanently, and with prejudice. Send every last one of these criminals to die in prison while mankind takes it's PROPERTY back that they have STOLEN through their lies and deception! This includes the black robed priests of the #BAR Association, lawyers, politicians, #Police, and all other CORPORATION CONTROLLED CRIMINALS! You should be pissed off about these FACTS! But you'll likely just shrug and claim "Conspiracy Theory" just like the #CIA and it's operation mockingbird #Media programmed you to do! https://rumble.com/v4k0a7c-dead-in-the-water-maritime-admiralty-law.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2080 Vue
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