• These were the moments of terror experienced by one of the truck drivers affected by the rock avalanche in the San Mateo sector, in Peru. The driver managed to get out of the heavy vehicle in time before the huge stones fell on the road.
    🎬 These were the moments of terror experienced by one of the truck drivers affected by the rock avalanche in the San Mateo sector, in Peru. The driver managed to get out of the heavy vehicle in time before the huge stones fell on the road. https://qu.ax/UoL.mp4
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 810 Просмотры 8
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/we-are-witnessing-an-avalanche-of-branch-closings-as-us-banks-desperately-try-to-stay-alive/
    We Are Witnessing An Avalanche Of Branch Closings As US Banks Desperately Try To Stay Alive - The Washington Standard
    If you do things the right way, in the long run you will get positive results. But if you do things the wrong way, in the long run you will get negative results. Our banks are the beating heart of our entire economy, and unfortunately they have been doing things ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1258 Просмотры
  • At least my message may have reached a few people!
    Now it's time to make it a REALITY!

    I've been preaching for years now...
    But I'm advocating for a Policy to bought by every officer as a requirement for employment as a LEO AND to collect retirement and pension benefits!

    So that abusive officers who lose their insurance lose their ability to work as a LEO AND lose any pension or retirement!

    I think that is very reasonable....
    considering their Victims often LOSE THEIR LIVES!

    #Police need to be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry their own
    "Liability Insurance" policy to cover them in the event they are sued for civil rights violations and / or misconduct or brutality!

    It needs to be REQUIRED BY LAW for police to renew their LEO certification, to work as a LEO, AND to collect pension / retirement benefits!

    This way TAXPAYERS are protected from paying out the avalanche of lawsuits!

    Also... It would actually bring accountability to an agency which currently has no accountability! When insurance companies start paying out big lawsuits for misconduct and brutality FIRST their rates will go up, incentivizing the cops to ACT RIGHT!

    Secondly... after an abusive cops gets several of these lawsuits filed against them THE INSURANCE COMPANY WILL DROP HIM as a bad risk, leaving him permanently unable to work as a LEO, collect a pension, or retire as a cop! He can no longer move one county over and go right back to work, abusing more citizens!

    We need to FORCE THIS ISSUE!
    It needs to be made #LAW in all 50 states!

    The SAME needs to be required by LAW for all judges and politicians!

    These individuals should then be stripped of ALL "Qualified Immunity"

    Which is nothing more than something a JUDGE LEGISLATED FROM THE BENCH!

    It's time to END the abuses of the #Judiciary as well as the Criminal actions of ALL Government Employees!

    It is time for EVERY AMERICAN to be treated EQUALLY UNDER THE LAW!

    NO MORE playing favorites and governmental protections for government employees! It has created #Tyranny and Lawlessness!

    Our system of Admiralty Law needs to be dismantled....
    But until it is....
    At least my message may have reached a few people! Now it's time to make it a REALITY! I've been preaching for years now... But I'm advocating for a Policy to bought by every officer as a requirement for employment as a LEO AND to collect retirement and pension benefits! So that abusive officers who lose their insurance lose their ability to work as a LEO AND lose any pension or retirement! I think that is very reasonable.... considering their Victims often LOSE THEIR LIVES! #Police need to be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry their own "Liability Insurance" policy to cover them in the event they are sued for civil rights violations and / or misconduct or brutality! It needs to be REQUIRED BY LAW for police to renew their LEO certification, to work as a LEO, AND to collect pension / retirement benefits! This way TAXPAYERS are protected from paying out the avalanche of lawsuits! Also... It would actually bring accountability to an agency which currently has no accountability! When insurance companies start paying out big lawsuits for misconduct and brutality FIRST their rates will go up, incentivizing the cops to ACT RIGHT! Secondly... after an abusive cops gets several of these lawsuits filed against them THE INSURANCE COMPANY WILL DROP HIM as a bad risk, leaving him permanently unable to work as a LEO, collect a pension, or retire as a cop! He can no longer move one county over and go right back to work, abusing more citizens! We need to FORCE THIS ISSUE! It needs to be made #LAW in all 50 states! The SAME needs to be required by LAW for all judges and politicians! These individuals should then be stripped of ALL "Qualified Immunity" Which is nothing more than something a JUDGE LEGISLATED FROM THE BENCH! It's time to END the abuses of the #Judiciary as well as the Criminal actions of ALL Government Employees! It is time for EVERY AMERICAN to be treated EQUALLY UNDER THE LAW! NO MORE playing favorites and governmental protections for government employees! It has created #Tyranny and Lawlessness! PLEASE DEMAND THIS IS WRITTEN INTO LAW IN YOUR STATE! Our system of Admiralty Law needs to be dismantled.... But until it is....
    Mandatory Professional Liability for Police Officers: How Insurance Can Step Up According to This Criminal Law Scholar
    Criminal law professor Deborah Ramirez says it's time for mandatory professional liability insurance for police officers. Will insurance step up to help?
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 5791 Просмотры
  • I've been preaching for years now...
    #Police need to be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry their own
    "Liability Insurance" policy to cover them in the event they are sued for civil rights violations and / or misconduct or brutality!

    It needs to be REQUIRED BY LAW for police to renew their LEO certification, to work as a LEO, AND to collect pension / retirement benefits!

    This way TAXPAYERS are protected from paying out the avalanche of lawsuits!

    Also... It would actually bring accountability to an agency which currently has no accountability! When insurance companies start paying out big lawsuits for misconduct and brutality FIRST their rates will go up, incentivizing the cops to ACT RIGHT!

    Secondly... after an abusive cops gets several of these lawsuits filed against them THE INSURANCE COMPANY WILL DROP HIM as a bad risk, leaving him permanently unable to work as a LEO, collect a pension, or retire as a cop! He can no longer move one county over and go right back to work, abusing more citizens!

    We need to FORCE THIS ISSUE!
    It needs to be made #LAW in all 50 states!

    The SAME needs to be required by LAW for all judges and politicians!

    These individuals should then be stripped of ALL "Qualified Immunity"

    Which is nothing more than something a JUDGE LEGISLATED FROM THE BENCH!

    It's time to END the abuses of the #Judiciary as well as the Criminal actions of ALL Government Employees!

    It is time for EVERY AMERICAN to be treated EQUALLY UNDER THE LAW!

    NO MORE playing favorites and governmental protections for government employees! It has created #Tyranny and Lawlessness!

    I've been preaching for years now... #Police need to be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry their own "Liability Insurance" policy to cover them in the event they are sued for civil rights violations and / or misconduct or brutality! It needs to be REQUIRED BY LAW for police to renew their LEO certification, to work as a LEO, AND to collect pension / retirement benefits! This way TAXPAYERS are protected from paying out the avalanche of lawsuits! Also... It would actually bring accountability to an agency which currently has no accountability! When insurance companies start paying out big lawsuits for misconduct and brutality FIRST their rates will go up, incentivizing the cops to ACT RIGHT! Secondly... after an abusive cops gets several of these lawsuits filed against them THE INSURANCE COMPANY WILL DROP HIM as a bad risk, leaving him permanently unable to work as a LEO, collect a pension, or retire as a cop! He can no longer move one county over and go right back to work, abusing more citizens! We need to FORCE THIS ISSUE! It needs to be made #LAW in all 50 states! The SAME needs to be required by LAW for all judges and politicians! These individuals should then be stripped of ALL "Qualified Immunity" Which is nothing more than something a JUDGE LEGISLATED FROM THE BENCH! It's time to END the abuses of the #Judiciary as well as the Criminal actions of ALL Government Employees! It is time for EVERY AMERICAN to be treated EQUALLY UNDER THE LAW! NO MORE playing favorites and governmental protections for government employees! It has created #Tyranny and Lawlessness! PLEASE DEMAND THIS IS WRITTEN INTO LAW IN YOUR STATE!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 5090 Просмотры
  • Operation Avalanche (2016)

    While I have not watched the entire video yet....
    It appears to be a "Documentary" made to look fictional

    It's about the "moon mission," and how #NASA could not go to the moon, so the #CIA infiltrated NASA and faked it!

    ANYONE who has ever actually looked into the moon landing #Hoax KNOWS that we did NOT go to the moon.... Now, ironically enough.... It appears that #Hollywood is semi-admitting this FACT!

    I never seen this this 2016 film before
    Thought some of you may enjoy it

    Operation Avalanche (2016) While I have not watched the entire video yet.... It appears to be a "Documentary" made to look fictional It's about the "moon mission," and how #NASA could not go to the moon, so the #CIA infiltrated NASA and faked it! ANYONE who has ever actually looked into the moon landing #Hoax KNOWS that we did NOT go to the moon.... Now, ironically enough.... It appears that #Hollywood is semi-admitting this FACT! I never seen this this 2016 film before Thought some of you may enjoy it https://uflix.cc/movie/operation-avalanche-2016?api=stream2
    Watch Operation Avalanche (2016)
    In 1967, four undercover CIA agents were sent to NASA posing as a documentary film crew. What they discovered led to one of the biggest conspiracies i...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 926 Просмотры
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 410 Просмотры
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/brace-yourselves-for-an-economic-avalanche-because-a-major-credit-crunch-has-already-begun/
    Brace Yourselves For An Economic Avalanche, Because A Major Credit Crunch Has Already Begun - The Washington Standard
    This is moving even faster than a lot of us thought that it would.  For weeks, I have been warning my readers about the coming credit crunch.  When banks get into trouble, they start getting really tight with their money.  That means fewer mortgages, fewer commercial real estate loans, fewer auto ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 387 Просмотры
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/can-the-federal-reserve-stop-the-avalanche-of-bank-runs-that-has-already-begun/
    Can The Federal Reserve Stop The Avalanche Of Bank Runs That Has Already Begun? - The Washington Standard
    What in the world just happened?  On Friday, Silicon Valley Bank collapsed and was taken over by regulators, and then on Sunday regulators swooped in and shut down New York’s Signature Bank.  In a desperate attempt to prop up faith in our rapidly failing banking system, the Federal Reserve unveiled an emergency ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 392 Просмотры
  • Police State of Fear: Parents Arrested for Letting Kids Walk 2 Blocks Alone

    We have precious little time to rectify the issues within our #Police Departments! It's time to regain control over our own country!

    Allowing foreign Corporations to morph into Stasi Agents is NOT ACCEPTABLE and only we can stop it!

    It's time to check ALL these fools!

    We do not want or need a #CivilWar, which is what they ar attempting to start!
    What we need is an avalanche of lawsuits!

    And an avalannce of IMPEACHMENTS and claims or harm against the #Judges and #Prosecutors and #Police who have done us harm with their bad decisions!

    Check out #BondsForTheWin dot com for the steps to file Bond Claims!
    EVERY AMERICAN should have an active lawsuit!

    Enough is ENOUGH!

    Police State of Fear: Parents Arrested for Letting Kids Walk 2 Blocks Alone We have precious little time to rectify the issues within our #Police Departments! It's time to regain control over our own country! Allowing foreign Corporations to morph into Stasi Agents is NOT ACCEPTABLE and only we can stop it! It's time to check ALL these fools! We do not want or need a #CivilWar, which is what they ar attempting to start! What we need is an avalanche of lawsuits! And an avalannce of IMPEACHMENTS and claims or harm against the #Judges and #Prosecutors and #Police who have done us harm with their bad decisions! Check out #BondsForTheWin dot com for the steps to file Bond Claims! EVERY AMERICAN should have an active lawsuit! Enough is ENOUGH! https://odysee.com/@DavidKnightShow:1/Police-State-of-Fear-Parents-Arrested-for-Letting-Kids-Walk-2-Blocks-Alone:b
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1640 Просмотры
  • A sixteen-year-old boy came home with a new Chevrolet Avalanche and his parents began to yell and scream, "Where did you get that truck?!" He calmly told them, "I bought it today."

    "With what money?" demanded his parents.

    They knew what a Chevrolet Avalanche cost.

    "Well," said the boy, "this one cost me just fifteen dollars."

    So the parents began to yell even louder.

    "Who would sell a truck like that for fifteen dollars?" they said.

    "It was the lady up the street," replied the boy. "I don't know her name - they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars."

    "Oh my Goodness!," moaned the mother, "she must be a child abuser. Who knows what she will do next? John, you go right up there and see what's going on." so the boy's father walked up the street to the house where the lady lived and found her out in the yard calmly planting petunias!

    He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold a new Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars and demanded to know why she did it.

    "Well," she said, "this morning I got a phone call from my husband. "I thought he was on a business trip, but learned from a friend he had run off to Hawaii with his mistress and really doesn’t intend to come back."

    "He claimed he was stranded and needed cash, and asked me to sell his new Chevrolet Avalanche and send him the money.

    So I did."
    A sixteen-year-old boy came home with a new Chevrolet Avalanche and his parents began to yell and scream, "Where did you get that truck?!" He calmly told them, "I bought it today." "With what money?" demanded his parents. They knew what a Chevrolet Avalanche cost. "Well," said the boy, "this one cost me just fifteen dollars." So the parents began to yell even louder. "Who would sell a truck like that for fifteen dollars?" they said. "It was the lady up the street," replied the boy. "I don't know her name - they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars." "Oh my Goodness!," moaned the mother, "she must be a child abuser. Who knows what she will do next? John, you go right up there and see what's going on." so the boy's father walked up the street to the house where the lady lived and found her out in the yard calmly planting petunias! He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold a new Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars and demanded to know why she did it. "Well," she said, "this morning I got a phone call from my husband. "I thought he was on a business trip, but learned from a friend he had run off to Hawaii with his mistress and really doesn’t intend to come back." "He claimed he was stranded and needed cash, and asked me to sell his new Chevrolet Avalanche and send him the money. So I did."
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 409 Просмотры
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