• HOW in the HELL do People Take THEM SERIOUSLY!?

    There are some seriously mentally defective people in the USA!
    And I'm NOT just speaking about #DemonRats who will support Camel Toe Harris!

    #Trump is an ACTOR!
    You can claim whatever you like...

    People KNOW these thing....
    But because they are brainwashed #Slaves with Stockholm syndrome they WILL
    go down and give up their INALIENABLE RIGHTS and "Vote" to give
    "Power of Attorney" over their LIFE to the ACTOR Donald Trump!

    A guy with a picture of Apollyon painted on his ceiling, even the supposed #Christians will "vote" to be ruled by this man... Despite the FACT that he worships the anti-Christ, claims to be a Christian but has NEVER ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS!

    All I want to know is how they square this with THEMSELVES!
    It's easy enough to rationalize your insanity to other people, but HOW do you rationalize it to yourself?

    If you want to change this world, you MUST start by changing YOURSELF!\
    I changed myself! The day I fell to my knees and asked forgiveness of my own sins

    That very day, and the weeks that followed,
    the Most High SHOWED ME THE #TRUTH... And the TRUTH is that all of these people are Satan's minions, deceiving YOU into participating in SATAN'S SYSTEM!

    The very word "Legal" means "AGAINST GOD'S LAW"

    HOW in the HELL do People Take THEM SERIOUSLY!? There are some seriously mentally defective people in the USA! And I'm NOT just speaking about #DemonRats who will support Camel Toe Harris! #Trump is an ACTOR! You can claim whatever you like... BUT I HAVE SEEN HIM ON WWE WRESTLING AND "THE APPRENTICE" MYSELF! People KNOW these thing.... But because they are brainwashed #Slaves with Stockholm syndrome they WILL go down and give up their INALIENABLE RIGHTS and "Vote" to give "Power of Attorney" over their LIFE to the ACTOR Donald Trump! A guy with a picture of Apollyon painted on his ceiling, even the supposed #Christians will "vote" to be ruled by this man... Despite the FACT that he worships the anti-Christ, claims to be a Christian but has NEVER ASKED FOR FORGIVENESS! All I want to know is how they square this with THEMSELVES! It's easy enough to rationalize your insanity to other people, but HOW do you rationalize it to yourself? If you want to change this world, you MUST start by changing YOURSELF!\ I changed myself! The day I fell to my knees and asked forgiveness of my own sins That very day, and the weeks that followed, the Most High SHOWED ME THE #TRUTH... And the TRUTH is that all of these people are Satan's minions, deceiving YOU into participating in SATAN'S SYSTEM! The very word "Legal" means "AGAINST GOD'S LAW" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_L6TdNRhd2U
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 704 Views
  • I mean.... WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED???

    The guy has a painting of Apollyon on his ceiling!
    He just LOVES the #Jews trying to kill YOU!

    And right here, he actually poses as "The Snake"

    But the whole country is full of brainwashed people who believe that "YHWH Intervened" in a phony, staged "attack"

    And for the record... YHWH rarely intervenes on behalf of people who build "Temples for Ba'al" (Trump Tower)

    And you can pretend that is not what Trump Tower is.....
    But you cannot actually LOOK INTO IT and come away believing that!

    Go right now and LOOK at the reasons I'm saying this!
    Trump Tower IS a "Tribute to Ba'al"
    End of discussion!

    So whatever "god" is protecting Trump.....
    It's certainly NOT the Most High!

    Are you willing to VIEW THE #Evidence?
    Or are you too brainwashed to even look?

    I mean.... WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED??? The guy has a painting of Apollyon on his ceiling! He just LOVES the #Jews trying to kill YOU! And right here, he actually poses as "The Snake" But the whole country is full of brainwashed people who believe that "YHWH Intervened" in a phony, staged "attack" ALL OF THIS IS #PROPAGANDA PEOPLE! And for the record... YHWH rarely intervenes on behalf of people who build "Temples for Ba'al" (Trump Tower) And you can pretend that is not what Trump Tower is..... But you cannot actually LOOK INTO IT and come away believing that! Go right now and LOOK at the reasons I'm saying this! Trump Tower IS a "Tribute to Ba'al" End of discussion! So whatever "god" is protecting Trump..... It's certainly NOT the Most High! Are you willing to VIEW THE #Evidence? Or are you too brainwashed to even look? https://christianobserver.net/the-trump-chronicles/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 924 Views
  • Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'!

    First of all... One of the most common comments I've been seeing under the phony "#Trump shot" news and photos goes something like this.....

    "God was watching over President Trump. God is using Trump..."

    Well folks... If there is a "god" watching over Trump it's NOT YHWH!
    It would likely be the small "G" god #Apollyon who Trump has painted on his ceiling!

    Secondly.... this "shooting" was as staged as an event as I've ever seen!
    NOBODY needed to watch over Trump, this was a staged event!

    While there may be some "god" watching over Trump....
    It's NOT my God! It's NOT the Most High!

    It may be one of those false, #Satanic "gods" like Apollyon or Ba'al or Molech....
    But it's definitely NOT the Most High Yahuwah!

    Now... If Trump were to REPENT that may change!
    But as long as he's running around claiming "I am the chosen one" and deceiving Americans into taking toxic injections and losing their freedoms... I don't think so!

    Remember it's TRUMP who is the "Father of the Vaccine"
    Remember that it was TRUMP who had you locked down like a #Slave
    Remember it was TRUMP who said he has NEVER asked for forgiveness!

    That does NOT sound like one of Yahuwah's people to me!
    So don't be a sucker!

    Get out of the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law and return to COMMON LAW where you belong! STOP participating in the #Corporation of the United States selections, and their maritime admiralty law #Courts!

    STOP allowing their "POLICY ENFORCERS" to claim jurisdiction over YOU, a MAN!

    These #Police only have jurisdiction over FEDERAL / STATE EMPLOYEES and those of you who "Consent" to being their #Slaves / Chattel PROPERTY by declaring yourself a "US Citizen"

    Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'! First of all... One of the most common comments I've been seeing under the phony "#Trump shot" news and photos goes something like this..... "God was watching over President Trump. God is using Trump..." Well folks... If there is a "god" watching over Trump it's NOT YHWH! It would likely be the small "G" god #Apollyon who Trump has painted on his ceiling! Secondly.... this "shooting" was as staged as an event as I've ever seen! NOBODY needed to watch over Trump, this was a staged event! While there may be some "god" watching over Trump.... It's NOT my God! It's NOT the Most High! It may be one of those false, #Satanic "gods" like Apollyon or Ba'al or Molech.... But it's definitely NOT the Most High Yahuwah! Now... If Trump were to REPENT that may change! But as long as he's running around claiming "I am the chosen one" and deceiving Americans into taking toxic injections and losing their freedoms... I don't think so! Remember it's TRUMP who is the "Father of the Vaccine" Remember that it was TRUMP who had you locked down like a #Slave Remember it was TRUMP who said he has NEVER asked for forgiveness! That does NOT sound like one of Yahuwah's people to me! So don't be a sucker! Get out of the #Jurisdiction of Maritime Admiralty Law and return to COMMON LAW where you belong! STOP participating in the #Corporation of the United States selections, and their maritime admiralty law #Courts! STOP allowing their "POLICY ENFORCERS" to claim jurisdiction over YOU, a MAN! These #Police only have jurisdiction over FEDERAL / STATE EMPLOYEES and those of you who "Consent" to being their #Slaves / Chattel PROPERTY by declaring yourself a "US Citizen" https://www.bitchute.com/video/YzxdRqgNsGo5
    Truth Seeker: The Pedophile Psyop Donald Trump Rally Shooting Was Very 'Strange'!
    The World Ahead 2024: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=h_&q=the+world+ahead+2024&ia=web Truth Seeker 18.2K subscribers 383 views 1 hour ago https://youtu.be/l-OybR1OfJE?si=7aCFqxntj4va-btg https://www.youtube.com/@TheOfficialTruthSeeker
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1368 Views
  • Nobody seems to notice that #NASA named the BS "moon missions" after Apollo..... Also known as Apollyon, the anti-Christ

    You know.... this guy......

    Revelation 9:11
    “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”

    But by all means, carry on living in the delusion sent by God, for those who refuse to accept the #Truth!

    Schools teach you WHAT to think, not how to think....

    So we have Propaganda filled idiots who couldn't THINK their way out of a paper bag, convinced they are the smartest people who've ever lived!

    I'm sure it's all a coincidence and I'm just "uneducated"
    Nobody seems to notice that #NASA named the BS "moon missions" after Apollo..... Also known as Apollyon, the anti-Christ You know.... this guy...... Revelation 9:11 “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” But by all means, carry on living in the delusion sent by God, for those who refuse to accept the #Truth! Schools teach you WHAT to think, not how to think.... So we have Propaganda filled idiots who couldn't THINK their way out of a paper bag, convinced they are the smartest people who've ever lived! I'm sure it's all a coincidence and I'm just "uneducated"
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1445 Views
  • #Apollo or "Apollyon" is plainly stated to be the Anti-Christ released from the bottomless pit in Revelation!

    So WHY THEN would we trust "doctors" who swear an #Oath to him?
    I'm just asking questions here folks!

    They've changed the Hippocratic Oath since to allow Rockefeller educated doctors to use POISONS to "Treat their patients"

    Modern "Medicine" and #Science is nothing more than #Alchemy re-branded!
    And that's a FACT!
    #Apollo or "Apollyon" is plainly stated to be the Anti-Christ released from the bottomless pit in Revelation! So WHY THEN would we trust "doctors" who swear an #Oath to him? I'm just asking questions here folks! They've changed the Hippocratic Oath since to allow Rockefeller educated doctors to use POISONS to "Treat their patients" Modern "Medicine" and #Science is nothing more than #Alchemy re-branded! And that's a FACT!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 710 Views
  • A pretty good video!

    And despite the fact that #Trump woke a lot of sleeping folks up, and I voted for him too, I DON'T trust HIM or "The PLAN" as far as I could toss either one!

    Let me recap the events of the past several years for everyone quickly...

    TRUMP signs an "Executive Order" valid against FEDERAL EMPLOYEES and people who've declared themselves "Citizens" meaning #Slaves of the Federal Corporation....

    Authorizing a #Military Operation against THE PEOPLE of the US and authorizing the use of "New Technologies" found in the "#Vaccine" called the thing "Operation Warp Speed" and filled the symbol for said operation with Satanic Symbolism

    People get injected with this wonderful new tech and DROP DEAD!

    Then he ALLOWS a US #Election to be STOLEN by #Criminals who want to destroy the country AFTER allowing #Police & Soros Clowns dressed as #Antifa to burn down half of the country, so he can DECEIVE THE PUBLIC into supporting "Law and Order" (And naturally Police)

    The very SAME POLICE who allowed the country to be burned to the ground mind you........ And who are now killing people daily!

    Announces "Space Force" which is the biggest crock of sh*t I have personally EVER SEEN! Even f*cking "Buzz Aldrin" the #Freemason scumbag could not hide his obvious disbelief after being outed himself for faking the moon landing.

    The look on his face was PRICELESS as Trump spewed the BS!

    Fast forward, those "Police" that conservatives support so heartily are now violating people's rights and being Authoritarian scumbags!

    Trump gets Americans to show at January 6th to fall into a #FBI trap and go to prison for NOTHING, yet people still cry "Trump"

    Let us NOT even discuss the FACT that Trump Tower is a giant symbol to Ba'al and that Trump, the professed "Christian" admits that he has NEVER asked forgiveness from Yahuwah or His Son. Not very Christian

    And there's that damn pesky painting of Apollyon the destroyer on his living room ceiling ( THE Anti-Christ from the Bible )

    Then we enter into this supposed "Plan" where the "White Hats" are going to "Save us All" as people are dropping DEAD from Trump's "Vaccine" created and distributed by the MILITARY using the drug companies as cover The DOD ran the whole thing!

    And I'll assume NOW he's supposed to return and "Lock them all up" you know, like he ran on in 2016 but never did with Hillary?

    And at some point I feel as if this will tie up in the end with Him being the "Man of Sin" the entire dumba** world will support!

    All of these "White Hats" sure don't seem to give a rat's ass about the lives of Americans OR chemical attacks on our country OR stolen elections OR the fact that these scumbags are attempting to get us all into WW3 as they completely DESTROY our economy and job market

    You know.... Along with US Soil and WATER SUPPLY as the "government" continues spraying us all like cockroaches with toxins and poisons!

    White Hats my a**!
    Somewhere in the midst of ALL THIS MAYHEM I learned a LOT about the #Law and how Americans have been DECEIVED into believing that the Federal Corporation is anything but a SLAVE OWNER that owns every genius who gives up his own sovereignty so he may "Vote"

    Registering ANYTHING actually means "To give it away"
    So go ahead and give your vote away, and power of attorney over your LIFE to corporate scum that wants you DEAD! I don't mind!


    I'm NOT interested i being such a "Citizen"
    I'm NOT interested in supporting such a corporation!

    I'm sure I left some stuff out here, but you should get the jest of my concerns! TRUMP can't save you! ONLY YOU & the power of your Creator can do that!

    I suggest YOU turn to Him with the POWER TO SAVE YOU!
    And screw the Corporate #Parasites trying to enslave and kill you!
    TRUMP included!

    But still, a pretty decent video. Just NOT buying Trump
    "Is on my side" is all!

    However I DO THANK HIM for awakening the world to the BS which is government! Now the ball is in OUR COURT!

    Sometimes the TRUTH HURTS, but I just GOTTA SPEAK IT!

    I choose to roll with a TRUE WARRIOR OF JUSTICE...
    Exodus Chapter 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
    YHWH is actually His name! But we all get the point!

    And I'll gladly take the field with Him at my side!
    You can keep your CORPORATE deceivers and BS artists!

    Psalms 91

    4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

    5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

    6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

    7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

    8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

    9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

    10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

    YOU were meant for something BIGGER!
    And He has been waiting for YOU TO REALIZE IT and seek Him out!

    He has been knocking on the door for 3 years now!
    Are you going to answer it?

    A pretty good video! And despite the fact that #Trump woke a lot of sleeping folks up, and I voted for him too, I DON'T trust HIM or "The PLAN" as far as I could toss either one! Let me recap the events of the past several years for everyone quickly... TRUMP signs an "Executive Order" valid against FEDERAL EMPLOYEES and people who've declared themselves "Citizens" meaning #Slaves of the Federal Corporation.... Authorizing a #Military Operation against THE PEOPLE of the US and authorizing the use of "New Technologies" found in the "#Vaccine" called the thing "Operation Warp Speed" and filled the symbol for said operation with Satanic Symbolism People get injected with this wonderful new tech and DROP DEAD! Then he ALLOWS a US #Election to be STOLEN by #Criminals who want to destroy the country AFTER allowing #Police & Soros Clowns dressed as #Antifa to burn down half of the country, so he can DECEIVE THE PUBLIC into supporting "Law and Order" (And naturally Police) The very SAME POLICE who allowed the country to be burned to the ground mind you........ And who are now killing people daily! Announces "Space Force" which is the biggest crock of sh*t I have personally EVER SEEN! Even f*cking "Buzz Aldrin" the #Freemason scumbag could not hide his obvious disbelief after being outed himself for faking the moon landing. The look on his face was PRICELESS as Trump spewed the BS! Fast forward, those "Police" that conservatives support so heartily are now violating people's rights and being Authoritarian scumbags! Trump gets Americans to show at January 6th to fall into a #FBI trap and go to prison for NOTHING, yet people still cry "Trump" Let us NOT even discuss the FACT that Trump Tower is a giant symbol to Ba'al and that Trump, the professed "Christian" admits that he has NEVER asked forgiveness from Yahuwah or His Son. Not very Christian And there's that damn pesky painting of Apollyon the destroyer on his living room ceiling ( THE Anti-Christ from the Bible ) Then we enter into this supposed "Plan" where the "White Hats" are going to "Save us All" as people are dropping DEAD from Trump's "Vaccine" created and distributed by the MILITARY using the drug companies as cover The DOD ran the whole thing! And I'll assume NOW he's supposed to return and "Lock them all up" you know, like he ran on in 2016 but never did with Hillary? And at some point I feel as if this will tie up in the end with Him being the "Man of Sin" the entire dumba** world will support! All of these "White Hats" sure don't seem to give a rat's ass about the lives of Americans OR chemical attacks on our country OR stolen elections OR the fact that these scumbags are attempting to get us all into WW3 as they completely DESTROY our economy and job market You know.... Along with US Soil and WATER SUPPLY as the "government" continues spraying us all like cockroaches with toxins and poisons! White Hats my a**! Somewhere in the midst of ALL THIS MAYHEM I learned a LOT about the #Law and how Americans have been DECEIVED into believing that the Federal Corporation is anything but a SLAVE OWNER that owns every genius who gives up his own sovereignty so he may "Vote" Registering ANYTHING actually means "To give it away" So go ahead and give your vote away, and power of attorney over your LIFE to corporate scum that wants you DEAD! I don't mind! A "Citizen" is someone who CONSENTS to give up every INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHT THEY HAVE AND BE A SLAVE TO THE CORPORATION! I'm NOT interested i being such a "Citizen" I'm NOT interested in supporting such a corporation! I'm ONLY INTERESTED in HANGING EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! I'm sure I left some stuff out here, but you should get the jest of my concerns! TRUMP can't save you! ONLY YOU & the power of your Creator can do that! I suggest YOU turn to Him with the POWER TO SAVE YOU! And screw the Corporate #Parasites trying to enslave and kill you! TRUMP included! But still, a pretty decent video. Just NOT buying Trump "Is on my side" is all! However I DO THANK HIM for awakening the world to the BS which is government! Now the ball is in OUR COURT! Sometimes the TRUTH HURTS, but I just GOTTA SPEAK IT! I choose to roll with a TRUE WARRIOR OF JUSTICE... Exodus Chapter 15:3 The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. YHWH is actually His name! But we all get the point! And I'll gladly take the field with Him at my side! You can keep your CORPORATE deceivers and BS artists! Psalms 91 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; 10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. YOU were meant for something BIGGER! And He has been waiting for YOU TO REALIZE IT and seek Him out! He has been knocking on the door for 3 years now! Are you going to answer it? https://www.bitchute.com/video/ByTtUUKYZghN/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 715 Views
  • Jimmy Dore Unplugged

    Jimmy is alright sometimes!
    Of course believing that #Trump is your answer is a mistake!

    He's one of them! He always has been!
    I voted for him because he's a smooth TALKER (Like all of them)

    But there's just something about Trump Tower being a symbol of Ba'll that bothers me.... And that painting of Apollo (Apollyon) on his ceiling bothers me too... Call me crazy!

    Revelation 9
    11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

    Remember??? Yes, THAT Apollyon!

    Jimmy Dore Unplugged Jimmy is alright sometimes! Of course believing that #Trump is your answer is a mistake! He's one of them! He always has been! I voted for him because he's a smooth TALKER (Like all of them) But there's just something about Trump Tower being a symbol of Ba'll that bothers me.... And that painting of Apollo (Apollyon) on his ceiling bothers me too... Call me crazy! Revelation 9 11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. Remember??? Yes, THAT Apollyon! https://bastyon.com/embedVideo.php?host=peertube18mirror.pocketnet.app&id=0f9119be-51a7-4e47-9030-fc0697af94a8&embed=true&s=2b7ee1e0dbaebef050c1d1446676033484afd7cea92ef3ad661085db2604af57
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 633 Views
  • I want to draw to your attention WHO they are taking this #Oath to!

    It's NOT the God of the Bible, the Most High, the Creator!
    They are instead swearing to Apollyon! (Apollo)
    You know.... from Revelations?

    The Classic Hippocratic Oath
    "I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius the surgeon, likewise Hygeia and Panacea, and call all the gods and goddesses to witness, that I will observe and keep this underwritten oath, to the utmost of my power and judgment.
    I will reverence my master who taught me the art.

    With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage.
    I want to draw to your attention WHO they are taking this #Oath to! It's NOT the God of the Bible, the Most High, the Creator! They are instead swearing to Apollyon! (Apollo) You know.... from Revelations? The Classic Hippocratic Oath "I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius the surgeon, likewise Hygeia and Panacea, and call all the gods and goddesses to witness, that I will observe and keep this underwritten oath, to the utmost of my power and judgment. I will reverence my master who taught me the art. With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 166 Views
  • Don't allow someone else to give you their version of The Word!

    YOU are "The Church" when gathered with others in His Name!

    I'm not sure what these large organizations are, who never actually read The Scriptures.... But they are NOT doing His will!

    The Pope sits atop a 40 million dollar throne as he pretends to speak for The Father? Practicing "Traditions of MEN" with paintings of Apollyon the Destroyer on the walls of the Vatican....

    "Churches" all across the world teach the Traditions of MEN, quoting scripture out of context to make it suit THEIR PURPOSE!

    And they almost always do this under a #Symbol created by MAN!
    You do NOT NEED a symbol for The Living God Yahuwah!

    You only need to call out to Him, humble yourself and seek Him through the Spirit which lives in YOU, The Temple of God!

    YOU are the Temple! While a building such as this one is a work of art, it is NOTHING in comparison to YOU, the REAL TEMPLE!

    Seek The Father through His Word!
    Do NOT be deceived by those who speak in His name!

    If you read His Word these people are easy to spot!
    Don't allow someone else to give you their version of The Word! READ IT FOR YOURSELF! YOU are "The Church" when gathered with others in His Name! I'm not sure what these large organizations are, who never actually read The Scriptures.... But they are NOT doing His will! The Pope sits atop a 40 million dollar throne as he pretends to speak for The Father? Practicing "Traditions of MEN" with paintings of Apollyon the Destroyer on the walls of the Vatican.... "Churches" all across the world teach the Traditions of MEN, quoting scripture out of context to make it suit THEIR PURPOSE! And they almost always do this under a #Symbol created by MAN! You do NOT NEED a symbol for The Living God Yahuwah! You only need to call out to Him, humble yourself and seek Him through the Spirit which lives in YOU, The Temple of God! YOU are the Temple! While a building such as this one is a work of art, it is NOTHING in comparison to YOU, the REAL TEMPLE! Seek The Father through His Word! Do NOT be deceived by those who speak in His name! If you read His Word these people are easy to spot!
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 165 Views

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