I want you to listen to this demonic WITCH (I mean a REAL ONE)
    who has some 70 "friends" and close acquaintances who have been SUICIDED like Jeffery Epstein... because they knew too much about #Hillary......

    And she wants to talk about arresting people!
    START at her house!

    Then you got #Trump telling us he'll "Cure immigration" if he gets elected.....
    Kinda like he said that he'd "Lock her up" if he got elected huh????

    It's a puppet show people!
    And a f*cking joke!

    TYRANNY BOMBSHELL: TOP DEMOCRATS ANNOUNCE PLAN TO CONFISCATE GUNS, ARREST TRUMP SUPPORTERS & MORE!! I want you to listen to this demonic WITCH (I mean a REAL ONE) who has some 70 "friends" and close acquaintances who have been SUICIDED like Jeffery Epstein... because they knew too much about #Hillary...... And she wants to talk about arresting people! START at her house! Then you got #Trump telling us he'll "Cure immigration" if he gets elected..... Kinda like he said that he'd "Lock her up" if he got elected huh???? It's a puppet show people! And a f*cking joke! https://old.bitchute.com/video/KMKswQAR9ECU/
    TYRANNY BOMBSHELL: Top Democrats Announce Plan To Confiscate Guns, Arrest Trump Supporters & More!!
    **NEW STORE** https://thealexjonesstore.com/ ENTER to Win A Ram AEV Prospector XL!!! Trump Bulletproof T-Shirt - https://www.infowarsstore.com/gear/apparel/trump-bullet-proof-shirt **ALEX JONES ON X https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones **https://drjone…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 89 Views
  • The Coming Demonic Invasion (Revelation 9:12–21)
    The Coming Demonic Invasion (Revelation 9:12–21) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYzkCtbwHqU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 60 Views

    The very people who promise to "Protect and Serve" you, and then raise their hand to the Creator and SWEAR AN OATH TO HIM to "Protect and defend the Constitution" are the very SAME PEOPLE who rape and murder your children!

    The Devil hides in the church house!
    The CRIMINAL:S hide on the Police Force and inside the #Courts!
    The lawbreakers hide among the lawMAKERS!

    It is just how they operate folks!
    The psychopathic murdering mad scientist hides in the hospitals....
    on and on and on!

    Show me a "Philanthropist" and I'll show YOU a demonic psychopathic murderer!

    MURDERED FBI CHIEF'S LAST INTERVIEW UNCOVERED: 'D.C. ELITE ARE SATANIC PEDOPHILES' The very people who promise to "Protect and Serve" you, and then raise their hand to the Creator and SWEAR AN OATH TO HIM to "Protect and defend the Constitution" are the very SAME PEOPLE who rape and murder your children! The Devil hides in the church house! The CRIMINAL:S hide on the Police Force and inside the #Courts! The lawbreakers hide among the lawMAKERS! It is just how they operate folks! The psychopathic murdering mad scientist hides in the hospitals.... on and on and on! Show me a "Philanthropist" and I'll show YOU a demonic psychopathic murderer! https://old.bitchute.com/video/idbwE2I93etz/
    Murdered FBI Chief's Last Interview Uncovered: 'D.C. Elite Are Satanic Pedophiles'
    R.I.P. Ted Gunderson mirrored from rumble The People's Voice channel Note: I removed the annoying ads from this video.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 130 Views
  • Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle

    Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia. Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.” Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight. 2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.” Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia.

    Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine.

    There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times: “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.”

    Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis. This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia. The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’ That’s the bottom line. All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III. This will not be getting any better.”

    There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia. So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war. It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too. Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe. NATO Headquarters will be toast. D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive. So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.”

    Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.” In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo. Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit. The banking stocks are in deadly peril. I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers. I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards. I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped. This is what my sources tell me is going to happen. The ‘when’ is up to God.”
    Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle https://rumble.com/v5evt5x-threat-of-wwiii-is-not-fear-porn-steve-quayle.html Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia. Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.” Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight. 2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.” Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia. Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine. There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times: “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.” Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis. This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia. The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’ That’s the bottom line. All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III. This will not be getting any better.” There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia. So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war. It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too. Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe. NATO Headquarters will be toast. D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive. So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.” Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.” In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo. Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit. The banking stocks are in deadly peril. I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers. I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards. I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped. This is what my sources tell me is going to happen. The ‘when’ is up to God.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 330 Views
  • In November 2011, the Ammons moved into a rental home in Gary, Indiana. Soon after, strange and frightening things began to occur. Latoya’s mother, Rosa Campbell, saw the shadow of a man pacing their living room and Latoya witnessed her then-12-year-old daughter levitating above a bed. The family sought religious counsel and advice from clairvoyants who claimed that more than 200 demons or spirits controlled the Carolina Street home. Latoya later reported that demonic forces had possessed her and her three children. This video gives a play by play of the case as well as any updates, new information and previously unknown information. Essentially everything you could ever need and want to know about the case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL4dQ1kKsso
    In November 2011, the Ammons moved into a rental home in Gary, Indiana. Soon after, strange and frightening things began to occur. Latoya’s mother, Rosa Campbell, saw the shadow of a man pacing their living room and Latoya witnessed her then-12-year-old daughter levitating above a bed. The family sought religious counsel and advice from clairvoyants who claimed that more than 200 demons or spirits controlled the Carolina Street home. Latoya later reported that demonic forces had possessed her and her three children. This video gives a play by play of the case as well as any updates, new information and previously unknown information. Essentially everything you could ever need and want to know about the case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL4dQ1kKsso
    0 Comments 0 Shares 181 Views
  • In November 2011, the Ammons moved into a rental home in Gary, Indiana. Soon after, strange and frightening things began to occur. Latoya’s mother, Rosa Campbell, saw the shadow of a man pacing their living room and Latoya witnessed her then-12-year-old daughter levitating above a bed. The family sought religious counsel and advice from clairvoyants who claimed that more than 200 demons or spirits controlled the Carolina Street home. Latoya later reported that demonic forces had possessed her and her three children. This video gives a play by play of the case as well as any updates, new information and previously unknown information. Essentially everything you could ever need and want to know about the case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL4dQ1kKsso
    In November 2011, the Ammons moved into a rental home in Gary, Indiana. Soon after, strange and frightening things began to occur. Latoya’s mother, Rosa Campbell, saw the shadow of a man pacing their living room and Latoya witnessed her then-12-year-old daughter levitating above a bed. The family sought religious counsel and advice from clairvoyants who claimed that more than 200 demons or spirits controlled the Carolina Street home. Latoya later reported that demonic forces had possessed her and her three children. This video gives a play by play of the case as well as any updates, new information and previously unknown information. Essentially everything you could ever need and want to know about the case. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pL4dQ1kKsso
    0 Comments 0 Shares 185 Views

    I really try not to cast aspersions on groups of people....
    But with the #Jew it's different!

    The people who "SAY THEY ARE JEWS, AND ARE NOT,

    These people are NOT Jews folks!
    NONE of them are!

    These are a people who literally HIJACKED ANOTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE!

    They have CLAIMED to be the descendants of the "Jews of the bible"
    But they are NOT!

    These people are demonic worshipers of #Satan who have been ejected from over 100 countries because of their #Evil deeds, like the killing and torturing of babies

    These are a people worthy of your disdain!
    Highly organized.... You will NEVER DEFEAT THEM unless YOU GET ORGANIZED!

    Right now they are committing #Genocide against the WORLD!
    And calling those who notice "Antisemitic"

    These people have made you a #Slave through their control over the monetary system! And you will STAY A SLAVE until you stop using their worthless paper
    "notes of debt" to trade with!

    We could trade using ANYTHING!
    So why would people continue using a piece of paper that makes them a SLAVE?

    It just makes no sense!

    THE USA AND EUROPE ARE PARASITEVILLE KIKE TOWN! I really try not to cast aspersions on groups of people.... But with the #Jew it's different! The people who "SAY THEY ARE JEWS, AND ARE NOT, BUT ARE THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN These people are NOT Jews folks! NONE of them are! These are a people who literally HIJACKED ANOTHER GROUP OF PEOPLE! They have CLAIMED to be the descendants of the "Jews of the bible" But they are NOT! These people are demonic worshipers of #Satan who have been ejected from over 100 countries because of their #Evil deeds, like the killing and torturing of babies These are a people worthy of your disdain! Highly organized.... You will NEVER DEFEAT THEM unless YOU GET ORGANIZED! Right now they are committing #Genocide against the WORLD! And calling those who notice "Antisemitic" These people have made you a #Slave through their control over the monetary system! And you will STAY A SLAVE until you stop using their worthless paper "notes of debt" to trade with! We could trade using ANYTHING! So why would people continue using a piece of paper that makes them a SLAVE? It just makes no sense! https://old.bitchute.com/video/8ohTtkLaFnEx/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 452 Views
  • The Demonic Truth Behind Emojis ( Playlist of 5 videos )

    The Demonic Truth Behind Emojis ( Playlist of 5 videos ) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSB_QyIupFmHMBO9CZrMhlpYGOnwbWNdq
    0 Comments 0 Shares 140 Views
  • These demonic scumbags are NOT psychics people!
    So when they lay out "things that our future holds" for us.....

    The fact that these demons have not been arrested already, every last one of them,
    well... THAT should tell you everything you need to know about the "legitimacy" of "governments" around the world!

    Every last one of them are #Corporations and are ALL run by the very same #Criminals! There are no "countries" anymore.....

    It's just one big organized crime ring
    controlling the entire world because WE ALLOW IT!

    The worst part of it is.... When they send someone to kill you, it'll be ONE OF US
    going to kill our brothers and sisters, because we are #Slaves to a worthless
    "note of debt"

    It is truly sad!
    We could completely cut them out of the equation IF WE STOOD TOGETHER!
    But as soon as they offer some poor kid from the ghetto (who they put there) some WORTHLESS PAPER he will gladly do whatever they say!

    He'll destroy his own future for worthless paper!
    As will their "mercenary" armies!

    If you are in the military then YOU are a servant of #Satan!
    I have nothing but love for our veterans.... But there comes a time to pull your head from your ass and look around! The "Military" of ALL COUNTRIES is nothing more than shock troops of #Evil men!

    And you should be ashamed if you are one!
    You have NEVER "fought for freedom"

    You have just been the pawn of "worldly gouernours" using you to their evil ends!
    I will STAND OPPOSED every time! But I won't be standing alone!

    The Full Armor of God (Geneva Bible)

    10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

    11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaultes of the deuil.

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places.

    13 For this cause take vnto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to resist in the euill day, and hauing finished all things, stand fast.

    14 Stand therefore, and your loynes girded about with veritie, and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse,

    15 And your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.

    16 Aboue all, take the shielde of faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked,

    17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God.

    18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance & supplication for al Saints,

    19 And for me, that vtterance may be giuen vnto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospel,

    20 Whereof I am the ambassadour in bonds, that therein I may speake boldely, as I ought to speake.

    These demonic scumbags are NOT psychics people! So when they lay out "things that our future holds" for us..... IT IS BECAUSE THEY PLAN TOO MAKE THEM HAPPEN!!! The fact that these demons have not been arrested already, every last one of them, well... THAT should tell you everything you need to know about the "legitimacy" of "governments" around the world! Every last one of them are #Corporations and are ALL run by the very same #Criminals! There are no "countries" anymore..... It's just one big organized crime ring controlling the entire world because WE ALLOW IT! The worst part of it is.... When they send someone to kill you, it'll be ONE OF US going to kill our brothers and sisters, because we are #Slaves to a worthless "note of debt" It is truly sad! We could completely cut them out of the equation IF WE STOOD TOGETHER! But as soon as they offer some poor kid from the ghetto (who they put there) some WORTHLESS PAPER he will gladly do whatever they say! He'll destroy his own future for worthless paper! As will their "mercenary" armies! If you are in the military then YOU are a servant of #Satan! I have nothing but love for our veterans.... But there comes a time to pull your head from your ass and look around! The "Military" of ALL COUNTRIES is nothing more than shock troops of #Evil men! And you should be ashamed if you are one! You have NEVER "fought for freedom" You have just been the pawn of "worldly gouernours" using you to their evil ends! I will STAND OPPOSED every time! But I won't be standing alone! The Full Armor of God (Geneva Bible) 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaultes of the deuil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places. 13 For this cause take vnto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to resist in the euill day, and hauing finished all things, stand fast. 14 Stand therefore, and your loynes girded about with veritie, and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse, 15 And your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. 16 Aboue all, take the shielde of faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked, 17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God. 18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance & supplication for al Saints, 19 And for me, that vtterance may be giuen vnto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospel, 20 Whereof I am the ambassadour in bonds, that therein I may speake boldely, as I ought to speake. https://bastyon.com/index?s=6cb2c2b5263187e274edc99c55bccbd3f62f503f1cc423b8678dda044aa9dd71&ref=PR73uNkFMJzvL9NtkL66NAZ2ci1GVQuW8E
    0 Comments 0 Shares 819 Views

    The #Jews used THE SAME PLAN against the Germans as they are using against White people TODAY! They tried to "breed them out of existence"

    Just like is now being done to White people!
    It's truly amazing to me, that an #Evil group of demonic scum could survive in the world today, who have systematically attacked and tried to destroy so many people!

    In the old days they could use disinformation to keep the uneducated believing their lies! But they cannot do that today!

    TODAY they must use the GREED of people who KNOW their Evil intent, to carry out their plans. The entire WORLD is controlled by it's own greed!

    The worthless paper these demons print has NO VALUE WHATSOEVER!
    Yet, most people are willing to kill their own mother top get it!
    They'll sell out their countrymen, and even their children

    It is truly pathetic!
    How many more people will be wiped out at the hands of the Jew?

    The Jew who'll use YOU to do his dirty work for him!
    He'll manipulate and lie, but more than anything BUY your soul

    For a few dollars more YOU will become a puppet of the Jew...
    At least that has been the case throughout history

    Conquered and turned into a tool of evil

    FREEMASONRY AND SATANISM, BOOK REVIEW 124 PT. 1, GERMANY MUST PERISH BY THEODORE KAUFMAN The #Jews used THE SAME PLAN against the Germans as they are using against White people TODAY! They tried to "breed them out of existence" Just like is now being done to White people! It's truly amazing to me, that an #Evil group of demonic scum could survive in the world today, who have systematically attacked and tried to destroy so many people! In the old days they could use disinformation to keep the uneducated believing their lies! But they cannot do that today! TODAY they must use the GREED of people who KNOW their Evil intent, to carry out their plans. The entire WORLD is controlled by it's own greed! The worthless paper these demons print has NO VALUE WHATSOEVER! Yet, most people are willing to kill their own mother top get it! They'll sell out their countrymen, and even their children It is truly pathetic! How many more people will be wiped out at the hands of the Jew? The Jew who'll use YOU to do his dirty work for him! He'll manipulate and lie, but more than anything BUY your soul For a few dollars more YOU will become a puppet of the Jew... At least that has been the case throughout history CONQUERED BY WORTHLESS NOTES OF DEBT! Conquered and turned into a tool of evil https://old.bitchute.com/video/JVeclV570ZSp/
    Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 124 Pt. 1, Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufman
    Repost from 20th August 2024 • Rick Miracle (The Truth Exposed by Rick Miracle - New World Order Exposed) • Freemasonry and Satanism, book review 124 pt 1, Germany Must Perish by Theodore Kaufman Did you know the Jews declared war on Germany wa…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 506 Views
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