• 3 big hand-outs for non-citizens
    #1. $30,000 home grants: Oregon is granting free $30,000 house down payments to non-citizens through the Hacienda Home Ownership Program.
    #2. $1,000/Month Youth Homeless stipend. The governor’s Direct Cash Transfer Program gives $1,000 monthly checks to younger homeless people.
    #3. $30 million welcome center. The State of Oregon spent $30 million for a “welcome center” airport hotel exclusively for migrants and non-citizens
    3 big hand-outs for non-citizens https://oregoncatalyst.com/80291-3-big-handouts-noncitizens.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawFaXutleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHbTwfELd44zABmCaCRqIW42GZavEFZoRi6UgE4MV2KlSLDDA1lqfDxUJzA_aem_04yBn4WRkNH1emadD-pdIw #1. $30,000 home grants: Oregon is granting free $30,000 house down payments to non-citizens through the Hacienda Home Ownership Program. #2. $1,000/Month Youth Homeless stipend. The governor’s Direct Cash Transfer Program gives $1,000 monthly checks to younger homeless people. #3. $30 million welcome center. The State of Oregon spent $30 million for a “welcome center” airport hotel exclusively for migrants and non-citizens
    3 big hand-outs for non-citizens
    By Taxpayers Association of Oregon OregonWatchdog.com We discovered 3 Oregon Government handouts for non-citizens at taxpayer expense. #1. $30,000 home grants: Oregon is granting free $30,000 house down payments to non-citizens through the Hacienda Home Ownership Program. The program was ad
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 107 Views
  • The ONLY 10 Things That Matter For Weight Loss

    The ONLY 10 Things That Matter For Weight Loss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1YvN6cbTw0
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 131 Views

    The damn #Jews run every #Corporation that calls itself a "Country" in the world....
    and they WANT illegal aliens coming into your country!

    But I want you to watch these guys scurry out from under this
    VERY TIGHT steel coffin! I don't know about you, but I'm FAR too claustrophobic to be locked into a 12 inch opening...

    And you've also gotta consider.... WHAT IF THE GUY DON'T OPEN IT?
    Or if he gets shot? Or whatever....

    So unless you are packing a blowtorch.... You are SCREWED!

    And BTW, I'm NOT "claustrophobic" as a rule...
    But I'm NOT going into ANYTHING that tight!

    That is like the morons who explore the "crawl caves"
    Where if you get wedged in there, there's nobody to hear you scream!

    5 ILLEGAL #IMMIGRANTS TRYING TO ESCAPE TO EUROPE WERE CAUGHT IN A SPECIAL COMPARTMENT IN A TRUCK The damn #Jews run every #Corporation that calls itself a "Country" in the world.... and they WANT illegal aliens coming into your country! But I want you to watch these guys scurry out from under this VERY TIGHT steel coffin! I don't know about you, but I'm FAR too claustrophobic to be locked into a 12 inch opening... And you've also gotta consider.... WHAT IF THE GUY DON'T OPEN IT? Or if he gets shot? Or whatever.... THAT IS COLD HARD STEEL SON! So unless you are packing a blowtorch.... You are SCREWED! And BTW, I'm NOT "claustrophobic" as a rule... But I'm NOT going into ANYTHING that tight! That is like the morons who explore the "crawl caves" Where if you get wedged in there, there's nobody to hear you scream! https://old.bitchute.com/video/xplp5dSz6f7z/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 388 Views



    Are they going to PROSECUTE THEMSELVES for the same behavior???
    This phony ass "wiretapping" BS is used over and over by butt hurt #Police criminals

    RETALIATION! 3 TO 5 YEARS IN JAIL FOR A PHONE CALL EXPOSING TYRANT COPS?? more #Criminal BS BY YOUR ILLEGITIMATE #CORPORATE "GOVERNMENT" Who btw..... RECORDS YOU EVERY TIME TO SPEAK TO THEM! Are they going to PROSECUTE THEMSELVES for the same behavior??? This phony ass "wiretapping" BS is used over and over by butt hurt #Police criminals https://old.bitchute.com/video/_riaKV3Y4cI/
    RETALIATION! 3 to 5 years in Jail for a PHONE CALL Exposing Tyrant COPS??
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch - The Armed Fisherman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV26TWTuM4E&t=138s - My New Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VM2iDQ8FWWc&t=3s Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/chann…
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 330 Views
  • Emily Matthews
    MANY BELIEVE THAT Musk is part of the globalist cabal, but like Trump, I believe you have to study the man, because first appearances can be deceiving. Both men are similar, in backgrounds and makeup. Willfull visionaries who wanted to create a better world through efforts of their own minds and hands. They believed in their own power tremendously, and rightly so because these are both exceedingly gifted individuals. These types of men would normally be on the globalist track to become the kings of this world, the globalist elite.

    A few nights back Elon Musk chose to give Trump the megaphone on his social media platform Twitter/X. The globalists saw what was clearly a very real and present danger in allowing Trump to gain traction on the X platform. The EU leaders, globalists all, sent a strong message to Musk warning him to not give Trump a voice. Musk ignored them.

    Think about that for a moment. It is incredible to see the chariots aligned all across a world stage, doing all that they can to knock out one man, Trump. Why would they work so hard to keep Trump out of the most powerful position in the entire world? Because they know that Trump is not a part of their club. Trump knows what the globalists have planned for America, it is to knock the United States down to size and fold us into the stable with all of the other whipped and trained work horses, kept for the sole purpose to serve the globalists evil elite.

    It was natural that Musk would gravitate towards lending support to Trump by interviewing him for almost two hours on Twitter/X. But only if you took the time to understand one transformational moment in Elon Musk's life, the death of his son.
    In the interview with Trump, Musk explains what his motivation is now and why he is doing what he is doing. If you have not listened to the almost two hour interview, you should because it is an audio eye opener.

    Btw, the interview was attacked and tried to be stopped through a denial of service scheme by bad internet actors on the world stage. That attack kept the interview from going live for the better part of an hour. There are many who now see Musk, as well as Trump, as enemy number one because they are both an impediment to the planned collapse and destruction of the United States of America.

    Both men are on a transformational path. God is clearly doing something big in Trump's life, as well as Musk's.

    Musk has moved his prioroties (or had his priorities moved for him). He was once on the Bill Gates trajectory of becoming a premier globalist. Musk talks of how the system killed his oldest child. Very few are willing to study people. It is so much easier to simply snap judge. But life events, like seeing ones own child destroyed before a parent's eyes, are earth shaking events. Musk's life has clearly changed, if you study him and not just snap judge him, as most are prone to do.

    People make the same mistake with Trump because they are not willing to research and study the man and his history. The opposition then fills that vacuum with "orange man bad" BS and lazy people buy into it, knowing very little about the real person.

    God speaks to His creation in many ways. In the old testament, He spoke by sending prophets, messengers, to His creation. Why? To warn them, to help them, to attempt to bring them to His protection and lastly to certify His justification for what was about to come next...judgement.

    How were God's emissaries receieved? In some cases they were rejected to the point of killing them. In others, such as Jonah sent to the people of Niniva, they immediately fell to their knees and repented upon hearing God's message of warning to them.

    Where are we in all of this? Trump knows now that there is a God in Heaven who saved his life, he has spoken as such about it publicly. Trump knows that his life was spared for a purpose. Some of us do to. But the media was quick to make that story go away because they are a spiritual anathema to God's purpose and plan. It is a spiritual war that we are in the middle of right now. But will the vast majority of people pick up on that fact?

    Trump is a sent one but many have been sent before, clearly with the hand of God upon them and they were rejected and killed.

    Some would like to believe that because God has placed his mark upon Trump that it is a given that this country will be saved. I am not one of those. I have studied history. This country has done much to spit in the face of our Creator God. It may very well be that this is God's final offer to repent. If we reject this final offer it will be our destruction by the blood upon our own hands. With God's final drop of the hammer, it will be all done in perfect justification and justice for what we have wrought.

    All but a few spritual leaders have been completely blind to what is happening right before our very eyes. I have watched the stage being set for decades now. My continual ongoing prayer for years now has not changed.

    Dear heavenly Father, please open the eyes and ears of your people that destruction might pass us by in this country. You were kind to hear Abraham's plea for Lot and his family. We plead with you now for your mercy once again even though we acknowledge that in no way do we deserve it. We beg upon Your mercy, nevertheless, let thy will be done, amen.
    Emily Matthews MANY BELIEVE THAT Musk is part of the globalist cabal, but like Trump, I believe you have to study the man, because first appearances can be deceiving. Both men are similar, in backgrounds and makeup. Willfull visionaries who wanted to create a better world through efforts of their own minds and hands. They believed in their own power tremendously, and rightly so because these are both exceedingly gifted individuals. These types of men would normally be on the globalist track to become the kings of this world, the globalist elite. A few nights back Elon Musk chose to give Trump the megaphone on his social media platform Twitter/X. The globalists saw what was clearly a very real and present danger in allowing Trump to gain traction on the X platform. The EU leaders, globalists all, sent a strong message to Musk warning him to not give Trump a voice. Musk ignored them. Think about that for a moment. It is incredible to see the chariots aligned all across a world stage, doing all that they can to knock out one man, Trump. Why would they work so hard to keep Trump out of the most powerful position in the entire world? Because they know that Trump is not a part of their club. Trump knows what the globalists have planned for America, it is to knock the United States down to size and fold us into the stable with all of the other whipped and trained work horses, kept for the sole purpose to serve the globalists evil elite. It was natural that Musk would gravitate towards lending support to Trump by interviewing him for almost two hours on Twitter/X. But only if you took the time to understand one transformational moment in Elon Musk's life, the death of his son. In the interview with Trump, Musk explains what his motivation is now and why he is doing what he is doing. If you have not listened to the almost two hour interview, you should because it is an audio eye opener. Btw, the interview was attacked and tried to be stopped through a denial of service scheme by bad internet actors on the world stage. That attack kept the interview from going live for the better part of an hour. There are many who now see Musk, as well as Trump, as enemy number one because they are both an impediment to the planned collapse and destruction of the United States of America. Both men are on a transformational path. God is clearly doing something big in Trump's life, as well as Musk's. Musk has moved his prioroties (or had his priorities moved for him). He was once on the Bill Gates trajectory of becoming a premier globalist. Musk talks of how the system killed his oldest child. Very few are willing to study people. It is so much easier to simply snap judge. But life events, like seeing ones own child destroyed before a parent's eyes, are earth shaking events. Musk's life has clearly changed, if you study him and not just snap judge him, as most are prone to do. People make the same mistake with Trump because they are not willing to research and study the man and his history. The opposition then fills that vacuum with "orange man bad" BS and lazy people buy into it, knowing very little about the real person. God speaks to His creation in many ways. In the old testament, He spoke by sending prophets, messengers, to His creation. Why? To warn them, to help them, to attempt to bring them to His protection and lastly to certify His justification for what was about to come next...judgement. How were God's emissaries receieved? In some cases they were rejected to the point of killing them. In others, such as Jonah sent to the people of Niniva, they immediately fell to their knees and repented upon hearing God's message of warning to them. Where are we in all of this? Trump knows now that there is a God in Heaven who saved his life, he has spoken as such about it publicly. Trump knows that his life was spared for a purpose. Some of us do to. But the media was quick to make that story go away because they are a spiritual anathema to God's purpose and plan. It is a spiritual war that we are in the middle of right now. But will the vast majority of people pick up on that fact? Trump is a sent one but many have been sent before, clearly with the hand of God upon them and they were rejected and killed. Some would like to believe that because God has placed his mark upon Trump that it is a given that this country will be saved. I am not one of those. I have studied history. This country has done much to spit in the face of our Creator God. It may very well be that this is God's final offer to repent. If we reject this final offer it will be our destruction by the blood upon our own hands. With God's final drop of the hammer, it will be all done in perfect justification and justice for what we have wrought. All but a few spritual leaders have been completely blind to what is happening right before our very eyes. I have watched the stage being set for decades now. My continual ongoing prayer for years now has not changed. Dear heavenly Father, please open the eyes and ears of your people that destruction might pass us by in this country. You were kind to hear Abraham's plea for Lot and his family. We plead with you now for your mercy once again even though we acknowledge that in no way do we deserve it. We beg upon Your mercy, nevertheless, let thy will be done, amen.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1041 Views
  • On this day in 1992, the federal government went to war against Randy Weaver in Ruby Ridge, ID--eventually assassinating his son Sammy with a shot in the back & his unarmed wife Linda while she was holding their 10-month old baby in the house. Snipers killed their dog, too.

    Attorney General Bill Barr, the same man who presided over the mysterious death of Jeffrey Epstein, was responsible for both the U.S. Marshals Service and the FBI during the seige at Ruby Ridge. Later, he worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the sniper murderer Lon Horiuchi was exonerated.

    BTW, don't peep Randy's shirt too closely, the ADL says that's an antisemitic conspiracy theory. I'm sure it had nothing to do with anything.

    Twitter Boost:

    🇺🇸 On this day in 1992, the federal government went to war against Randy Weaver in Ruby Ridge, ID--eventually assassinating his son Sammy with a shot in the back & his unarmed wife Linda while she was holding their 10-month old baby in the house. Snipers killed their dog, too. Attorney General Bill Barr, the same man who presided over the mysterious death of Jeffrey Epstein, was responsible for both the U.S. Marshals Service and the FBI during the seige at Ruby Ridge. Later, he worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the sniper murderer Lon Horiuchi was exonerated. BTW, don't peep Randy's shirt too closely, the ADL says that's an antisemitic conspiracy theory. I'm sure it had nothing to do with anything. Twitter Boost: https://x.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1826254357610037445 https://gab.com/SamParkerSenate/posts/113000324071658621
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 522 Views
  • Bingo - The Democratic Party has morphed into a collective mob of intolerant Communists.
    OBTW – if we are such haters then why are there no MAGA’s attacking the DNC in Chicago right now?
    Bingo - The Democratic Party has morphed into a collective mob of intolerant Communists. OBTW – if we are such haters then why are there no MAGA’s attacking the DNC in Chicago right now? https://imgflip.com/i/90t2en
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 248 Views

    I'm NOT interested in the political aspect of this discussion, it's all BS!

    However.... The #Jews run America like a puppet, and it is all done under the "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM System! And btw... they want YOU dead!

    So people like this who make excuses for their #Crimes are the problem! ANYONE who condones criminal activity is a criminal in my book!

    There is NO EXCUSE for the #Evil committed by people claiming to be Jews, who are NOT! You cannot excuse Evil folks!

    Revelation 2:9
    “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”

    Revelation 3:9
    Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

    Being FORCED to support pure EVIL by a #Corporation known as
    "The United States of America" is not acceptable!

    Your participation in their Fraud based system of Maritime Admiralty Law is a choice, it is VOLUNTARY! You have every right to say "I do not consent"

    But in order to do that, you cannot run down and "vote"
    thereby giving your consent!

    It's just like their SCAM Courts!
    You need to learn how to remain in the COMMON LAW #Jurisdiction you belong in.

    Because if you give them JURISDICTION over you, then you MUST do as they say!

    We are lost as a people!
    And we must get back on track and realize that ALL supposed "authority" is in THE PEOPLE. Government has no authority unless YOU give it to them!

    I'm going to choose to remain under my Creator's Jurisdiction, Common Law

    And these political parasites can keep creating their "Statutes and Codes" which I'll wipe my a** with, because they do not apply to me, a living man!

    ALL of their system requires YOU to "consent" to being treated as PROPERTY of a Corporation with no inalienable human rights!

    PART TWO I'm NOT interested in the political aspect of this discussion, it's all BS! However.... The #Jews run America like a puppet, and it is all done under the "Maritime Admiralty Law" SCAM System! And btw... they want YOU dead! So people like this who make excuses for their #Crimes are the problem! ANYONE who condones criminal activity is a criminal in my book! There is NO EXCUSE for the #Evil committed by people claiming to be Jews, who are NOT! You cannot excuse Evil folks! Revelation 2:9 “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Being FORCED to support pure EVIL by a #Corporation known as "The United States of America" is not acceptable! Your participation in their Fraud based system of Maritime Admiralty Law is a choice, it is VOLUNTARY! You have every right to say "I do not consent" But in order to do that, you cannot run down and "vote" thereby giving your consent! It's just like their SCAM Courts! You need to learn how to remain in the COMMON LAW #Jurisdiction you belong in. Because if you give them JURISDICTION over you, then you MUST do as they say! We are lost as a people! And we must get back on track and realize that ALL supposed "authority" is in THE PEOPLE. Government has no authority unless YOU give it to them! EVERYTHING is about JURISDICTION! I'm going to choose to remain under my Creator's Jurisdiction, Common Law And these political parasites can keep creating their "Statutes and Codes" which I'll wipe my a** with, because they do not apply to me, a living man! ALL of their system requires YOU to "consent" to being treated as PROPERTY of a Corporation with no inalienable human rights! https://old.bitchute.com/video/UsPPTVhiijIv/
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 732 Views

    No arguments here! BTW people.... A "government" with absolute control of a country's #Borders can not ONLY keep those foreigners out, but it can also KEEP YOU IN! You know, like a prison

    CONSERVATIVE HYPOCRISY No arguments here! BTW people.... A "government" with absolute control of a country's #Borders can not ONLY keep those foreigners out, but it can also KEEP YOU IN! You know, like a prison https://old.bitchute.com/video/EItuGlcFPmc/
    Conservative Hypocrisy
    This video is a test, of sorts, to see if conservatives will do exactly what liberals do, when THEIR favorite unconstitutional, authoritarian bullpoop (e.g., "Muh borders!") is challenged. Commence excuse-making! _________________________________ I…
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 463 Views

    When you give #Criminals #Immunity from PROSECUTION and Immunity from being held liable in a civil proceeding.... YOU GET AMERICAN #POLICE

    These are corporate POLICY enforcers!
    They do NOT "enforce law"

    The #Law is COMMON LAW, and it has nothing to do with "statutes and codes"

    These criminals are literally allowed to
    "Investigate themselves" and prosecute themselves!

    Providing that ALL AMERICANS are afforded the exact same opportunity!

    As soon as ALL AMERICANS can "Investigate themselves" and then allowed to decide if they want to "prosecute themselves" then this will be acceptable!

    UNTIL THEN these c*cksuckers need to be held accountable by THE PEOPLE!
    NOT by their criminal government pals!

    These people need to be sh*t when acting as criminals...
    Just like any other criminal, and BTW that is perfectly "LEGAL" when he's acting in a criminal manner.... But his criminal buddies will NEVER allow you to see your day in court! They will murder you for holding their buddy accountable!

    That is why Americans must prepare to deal with them IN FORCE!
    In greater numbers than they have available!

    The time for roadside Pirate operations to STOP across America!
    And it's time to STOP the PROTECTED #Violence committed by these criminal scumbags!

    When you allow people to commit violence against others with impunity..... IT'S A F*CKING PROBLEM!

    And Americans are getting a little tired of a CORPORATION that thinks it can commit violence against Americans with impunity! It's time for CONSEQUENCES for these unlawful, criminal actions against people who have harmed nobody!

    The Police are just like school bullies!
    They are real tough while everyone cowers before them!

    But you get ONE GUY shooting back,
    and they turn into little scared girls

    When you get 300,000,000 who shoot back....

    ATTACKED BY A COP IN 5 SECONDS! When you give #Criminals #Immunity from PROSECUTION and Immunity from being held liable in a civil proceeding.... YOU GET AMERICAN #POLICE Who are POLICY ENFORCERS! These are corporate POLICY enforcers! They do NOT "enforce law" The #Law is COMMON LAW, and it has nothing to do with "statutes and codes" These criminals are literally allowed to "Investigate themselves" and prosecute themselves! Now I have NO PROBLEM WITH THIS STANDARD.... Providing that ALL AMERICANS are afforded the exact same opportunity! As soon as ALL AMERICANS can "Investigate themselves" and then allowed to decide if they want to "prosecute themselves" then this will be acceptable! UNTIL THEN these c*cksuckers need to be held accountable by THE PEOPLE! NOT by their criminal government pals! These people need to be sh*t when acting as criminals... Just like any other criminal, and BTW that is perfectly "LEGAL" when he's acting in a criminal manner.... But his criminal buddies will NEVER allow you to see your day in court! They will murder you for holding their buddy accountable! That is why Americans must prepare to deal with them IN FORCE! In greater numbers than they have available! The time for roadside Pirate operations to STOP across America! And it's time to STOP the PROTECTED #Violence committed by these criminal scumbags! When you allow people to commit violence against others with impunity..... IT'S A F*CKING PROBLEM! And Americans are getting a little tired of a CORPORATION that thinks it can commit violence against Americans with impunity! It's time for CONSEQUENCES for these unlawful, criminal actions against people who have harmed nobody! The Police are just like school bullies! They are real tough while everyone cowers before them! But you get ONE GUY shooting back, and they turn into little scared girls When you get 300,000,000 who shoot back.... THEY WILL HIDE LIKE THE COWARDS THEY ARE https://old.bitchute.com/video/sznmRc0a6lg/
    Attacked by a Cop in 5 Seconds!
    Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ Donate to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 1065 Views
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