The very people who promise to "Protect and Serve" you, and then raise their hand to the Creator and SWEAR AN OATH TO HIM to "Protect and defend the Constitution" are the very SAME PEOPLE who rape and murder your children!

    The Devil hides in the church house!
    The CRIMINAL:S hide on the Police Force and inside the #Courts!
    The lawbreakers hide among the lawMAKERS!

    It is just how they operate folks!
    The psychopathic murdering mad scientist hides in the hospitals....
    on and on and on!

    Show me a "Philanthropist" and I'll show YOU a demonic psychopathic murderer!

    MURDERED FBI CHIEF'S LAST INTERVIEW UNCOVERED: 'D.C. ELITE ARE SATANIC PEDOPHILES' The very people who promise to "Protect and Serve" you, and then raise their hand to the Creator and SWEAR AN OATH TO HIM to "Protect and defend the Constitution" are the very SAME PEOPLE who rape and murder your children! The Devil hides in the church house! The CRIMINAL:S hide on the Police Force and inside the #Courts! The lawbreakers hide among the lawMAKERS! It is just how they operate folks! The psychopathic murdering mad scientist hides in the hospitals.... on and on and on! Show me a "Philanthropist" and I'll show YOU a demonic psychopathic murderer! https://old.bitchute.com/video/idbwE2I93etz/
    Murdered FBI Chief's Last Interview Uncovered: 'D.C. Elite Are Satanic Pedophiles'
    R.I.P. Ted Gunderson mirrored from rumble The People's Voice channel Note: I removed the annoying ads from this video.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 436 Views

    #Police are nothing more than highly trained #Criminals and psychopaths who work for the corrupt system, and protect THEM from YOU!

    COP TURNS PSYCHO DURING ROUTINE TRAFFIC STOP #Police are nothing more than highly trained #Criminals and psychopaths who work for the corrupt system, and protect THEM from YOU! https://old.bitchute.com/video/GOPtcl6lgSc/
    COP TURNS PSYCHO During Routine Traffic Stop
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch New channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMQsvY1h_XQ Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/hig…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 157 Views

    True enough!
    However.... You all will have to excuse me if I don't take advice from a man who don't have the common sense to keep a c*ck out of his mouth & a**!

    Call it a judgement call!
    His first attack is ALWAYS on the bible.

    And that is because what he does is an ABOMINATION in the bible!
    These people should NOT be talking on the internet and at #Davos....
    They should be in PRISON, where they belong!

    The problem we face is that #Police are just as #Criminal as these trolls are!
    AND the Police work for these psychopaths!

    Sheriffs AND Police are both CORPORATIONS!
    They are subsidiary corporations of the Corporation of the United States

    And it's time to remedy that situation!
    It is time to STOP being ruled over by a corrupt, #Evil CORPORATION!

    Let me re-phrase... No American has KNOWINGLY "consented" to this!

    You are "consenting" every time you vote OR call yourself a "US Citizen"

    YUVAL NOAH HARARI | "AN INSTITUTION THAT NEVER ADMITS MISTAKES IS A VERY DANGEROUS INSTITUTION." True enough! However.... You all will have to excuse me if I don't take advice from a man who don't have the common sense to keep a c*ck out of his mouth & a**! Call it a judgement call! His first attack is ALWAYS on the bible. And that is because what he does is an ABOMINATION in the bible! These people should NOT be talking on the internet and at #Davos.... They should be in PRISON, where they belong! The problem we face is that #Police are just as #Criminal as these trolls are! AND the Police work for these psychopaths! Sheriffs AND Police are both CORPORATIONS! They are subsidiary corporations of the Corporation of the United States And it's time to remedy that situation! It is time to STOP being ruled over by a corrupt, #Evil CORPORATION! NO AMERICAN HAS CONSENTED TO THIS! Let me re-phrase... No American has KNOWINGLY "consented" to this! You are "consenting" every time you vote OR call yourself a "US Citizen" https://old.bitchute.com/video/5NXYSMmWv3vB/
    Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution."
    Yuval Noah Harari | "An Institution That Never Admits Mistakes Is a Very Dangerous Institution. Tenth Commandments Endorses Slavery. There Is An Endorsement of Slavery In the Ten Commandments." - 9/12/2024 PROTECT YOUR WEALTH AGAINST INFLATION & CE…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 306 Views
  • ONLY a #Slave chooses who to be RULED by psychopaths!

    I encourage EVERYONE to watch "The Jones Plantation" by
    Larken Rose and I also highly recommend that you read his book
    "The Most Dangerous Superstition"

    Folks... Choosing who RULES OVER YOU is not the same thing as being "Free." Of this I am certain, and you should be too!

    We have all been enslaved under a system of
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" which is the law of the SEA,
    not the "Law of the LAND"

    Maritime Admiralty Law is the law of the sea, UCC, or the
    "Law of COMMERCE." And under that system, YOU are the commerce!

    The entire system is based purely on #Fraud and deception!

    That is why the people running the system keep you busy with "Bread and Circuses," because they don't want you figuring it out!

    How is it do you think, the wealthiest people in the world
    NEVER LIFT A FINGER??? They never work or have a job!

    And that is because they live parasitically off of YOUR LABOR, which they steal half of, and then steal 40% of what you have left after the first theft!

    If being robbed out of 40% of EVERY PENNY YOU EARN is not #Slavery, then I don't know what you'd call it!

    ONLY a #Slave chooses who to be RULED by psychopaths! I encourage EVERYONE to watch "The Jones Plantation" by Larken Rose and I also highly recommend that you read his book "The Most Dangerous Superstition" Folks... Choosing who RULES OVER YOU is not the same thing as being "Free." Of this I am certain, and you should be too! We have all been enslaved under a system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" which is the law of the SEA, not the "Law of the LAND" Maritime Admiralty Law is the law of the sea, UCC, or the "Law of COMMERCE." And under that system, YOU are the commerce! The entire system is based purely on #Fraud and deception! That is why the people running the system keep you busy with "Bread and Circuses," because they don't want you figuring it out! How is it do you think, the wealthiest people in the world NEVER LIFT A FINGER??? They never work or have a job! And that is because they live parasitically off of YOUR LABOR, which they steal half of, and then steal 40% of what you have left after the first theft! If being robbed out of 40% of EVERY PENNY YOU EARN is not #Slavery, then I don't know what you'd call it! https://rumble.com/v5eu47h-the-debt-system-deceived-into-the-world-of-commerce-maritime-admiralty-law.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 303 Views
  • STOP giving your consent to being RULED over by psychopaths!

    That is exactly what "voting" does!
    Tell these f*cks that you "Vote" to hang them from neck until they are DEAD for their crimes against all of mankind!

    That, I'd vote for!
    STOP giving your consent to being RULED over by psychopaths! That is exactly what "voting" does! Tell these f*cks that you "Vote" to hang them from neck until they are DEAD for their crimes against all of mankind! That, I'd vote for!
    0 Comments 0 Shares 182 Views

    This video is mis-titled!

    This female "diagnosed herself" with "gender dysphoria" and the medical establishment then destroyed her body!

    She regretted the transition to a MAN,
    and went back to being FEMALE!

    So now, a once confused teen, has to deal with her BODY BEING DESTROYED by supposed "doctors" for the rest of her life!

    This BS is a #CRIME
    And these "witch-doctors should be in JAIL!

    So now you have a young lady who sounds like a young man
    and can possibly grow a beard! This is wrong and shameful!

    To call the people who did this "doctors" is a perversion of the English language!

    ANOTHER SICK SATANIC PERVERSE PEDOPHILE LGBTQIA+ PSYCHOPATH IN PLAIN SIGHT! This video is mis-titled! THIS IS AN ACTUAL FEMALE! NOT a tranny! This female "diagnosed herself" with "gender dysphoria" and the medical establishment then destroyed her body! She regretted the transition to a MAN, and went back to being FEMALE! So now, a once confused teen, has to deal with her BODY BEING DESTROYED by supposed "doctors" for the rest of her life! This BS is a #CRIME And these "witch-doctors should be in JAIL! So now you have a young lady who sounds like a young man and can possibly grow a beard! This is wrong and shameful! To call the people who did this "doctors" is a perversion of the English language! https://old.bitchute.com/video/OHraFmGz22Jc/
    Another Sick Satanic Perverse Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Psychopath in Plain Sight!
    Ask Not Why The Children Shouldn't See LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Faggot Drag Queens! Ask Why LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Faggot Drag Queens Crave An Audience Of Children! Periodic reminder that the concept of the LGBTQIA+ "gender identity" was made up by a pedoph…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 321 Views
  • While the findings indicate that all psychopaths break laws, regulations, and agreements, as well as social and moral codes, the data also show that if a psychopath is of higher socioeconomic status, they are less likely to manifest this attribute as they can pay or bribe other people to break laws and regulations on their behalf.

    While the findings indicate that all psychopaths break laws, regulations, and agreements, as well as social and moral codes, the data also show that if a psychopath is of higher socioeconomic status, they are less likely to manifest this attribute as they can pay or bribe other people to break laws and regulations on their behalf. https://ponerology.substack.com/p/control-through-calculated-ferocity
    Control through Calculated Ferocity
    Chapter 4 of Karen Mitchell's thesis - the core attributes of the dark personality
    0 Comments 0 Shares 166 Views

    #Criminals wear BLUE folks!
    it is that simple

    THIS is what you support when you #BackTheBlue like a retard!
    I wonder.... Do you think the Germans had a slogan saying
    "We back the #Stasis"

    How about the Russians, do you think they carried signs saying
    "We back the #KGB?" YOU are a moron if you support Police!

    We have armed psychopaths running around America wearing body armor and they have been brainwashed into believing that YOU ARE THE ENEMY, and they have more rights than you do! They are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE!

    This creates a problem!
    It is unnatural for ANYONE to be protected from the CONSEQUENCES of their actions
    It is a recipe for a monster, a criminal monster!

    #Police have been shielded from facing RESPONSIBILITY for their actions....
    So naturally, they don't give a f*ck! Because it won't affect THEM!

    It's intolerable folks!

    COP THREATENS INNOCENT MOM'S LIFE OVER A "CLERICAL ERROR" #Criminals wear BLUE folks! it is that simple THIS is what you support when you #BackTheBlue like a retard! I wonder.... Do you think the Germans had a slogan saying "We back the #Stasis" How about the Russians, do you think they carried signs saying "We back the #KGB?" YOU are a moron if you support Police! We have armed psychopaths running around America wearing body armor and they have been brainwashed into believing that YOU ARE THE ENEMY, and they have more rights than you do! They are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! This creates a problem! It is unnatural for ANYONE to be protected from the CONSEQUENCES of their actions It is a recipe for a monster, a criminal monster! #Police have been shielded from facing RESPONSIBILITY for their actions.... So naturally, they don't give a f*ck! Because it won't affect THEM! It's intolerable folks! https://old.bitchute.com/video/JrhjkISV2Vk/
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch 🔵 Snag a TriFold: https://bit.ly/5A-TriFold Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/highimpactflix ✅…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 613 Views

    I don't believe a "virus" exists!
    The "virus" is the #Vaccines given to to our children!

    And "Monkey Pox"
    Yeah... that also came from the weaponized injections!

    Allowing #Luciferian psychopaths to INJECT ANYTHING into our body is insane!'

    But I am fighting the SAME BATTLE as you and everyone else are!

    I tell people this stuff and they look at you like you just grew an extra head! Even people close to you!

    All I'm sure of is that I'll continue speaking the #Truth as long as my lungs have breathe in them! But it's really hard to watch people put their trust in these psychopaths no matter WHAT you tell them!

    No matter how much PROOF you show them!
    Having the discernment to see these things is as much a blessing as it is a curse!

    THE MEDICAL MAFIA IS EXPOSED BY THE HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE THAT "VIRUSES" AND "CANCER" ARE PARASITES! I don't believe a "virus" exists! The "virus" is the #Vaccines given to to our children! And "Monkey Pox" Yeah... that also came from the weaponized injections! Allowing #Luciferian psychopaths to INJECT ANYTHING into our body is insane!' But I am fighting the SAME BATTLE as you and everyone else are! I tell people this stuff and they look at you like you just grew an extra head! Even people close to you! All I'm sure of is that I'll continue speaking the #Truth as long as my lungs have breathe in them! But it's really hard to watch people put their trust in these psychopaths no matter WHAT you tell them! No matter how much PROOF you show them! Having the discernment to see these things is as much a blessing as it is a curse! https://old.bitchute.com/video/chcBTSNhahcF/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 750 Views
  • IMOGENE PASS Ouray To Telluride And Back. PT. 1

    We should ALL be out enjoying the Father's beautiful creation!
    Instead of worrying about what what the devil's minions are up to!

    "Government" and I mean ALL government is ILLEGITIMATE!
    It is all based in #Fraud, and Maritime Admiralty Law

    The #Vatican and #Jesuits essentially run this world, and they control the rest!
    The #Jews and #Freemason etc....

    These people should not feel safe in this country!
    They should FEAR showing their faces!

    But people must WAKE UP!
    For thousands of years these demons have had the people of the world enslaved, and it is high time that we put an end to it!

    You can sit around on your duff praying that the Most High will show up before you are murdered, or you can FIGHT these #Criminals and psychopaths, the way He would expect you to!

    I'm all for His return!
    Of course I may not live to see it! My kids may not even see it!

    You CANNOT count on two in the bush folks!
    I put my faith and trust in Him and FEAR NO MAN!

    And with Him watching over me,
    I'll fight these scumbags until the breathe leaves my body!

    Nothing in the bible says to lay down and be a coward!
    Matter of fact it says that COWARDS will find their place in the lake of fire!

    So be BOLD and STAND against #Evil like you've got a pair!
    Providing you are doing His will.... You will be fine!

    Revelation 21:8
    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

    IMOGENE PASS Ouray To Telluride And Back. PT. 1 We should ALL be out enjoying the Father's beautiful creation! Instead of worrying about what what the devil's minions are up to! "Government" and I mean ALL government is ILLEGITIMATE! It is all based in #Fraud, and Maritime Admiralty Law The #Vatican and #Jesuits essentially run this world, and they control the rest! The #Jews and #Freemason etc.... These people should not feel safe in this country! They should FEAR showing their faces! But people must WAKE UP! For thousands of years these demons have had the people of the world enslaved, and it is high time that we put an end to it! You can sit around on your duff praying that the Most High will show up before you are murdered, or you can FIGHT these #Criminals and psychopaths, the way He would expect you to! I'm all for His return! Of course I may not live to see it! My kids may not even see it! You CANNOT count on two in the bush folks! I put my faith and trust in Him and FEAR NO MAN! And with Him watching over me, I'll fight these scumbags until the breathe leaves my body! Nothing in the bible says to lay down and be a coward! Matter of fact it says that COWARDS will find their place in the lake of fire! So be BOLD and STAND against #Evil like you've got a pair! Providing you are doing His will.... You will be fine! Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” https://youtu.be/_yMw9OPadbU
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1099 Views
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