    So apparently people in the United States are okay with their illegitimate, #Criminal, Maritime Admiralty Law #Slave system and the corporation called "government"

    Even with the #Truth put in their faces... they STILL comply!

    Do you think those same people will feel any different once they know the entire system was set up by #Luciferians who want to rape and then KILL their children?

    At this point I just don't know!
    There MUST come a point where these people are arrested!

    NOT by the criminal "Police"
    But by the PEOPLE! (The Police will be among the arrestees for their crimes)

    Police operate as ACTORS most of the time!
    They ACT as if they are the "good guys"

    But the truth is that Police DO NOT EXIST TO PROTECT YOU!
    They exists to protect these Luciferian psychopaths FROM YOU!

    The Courts are also complicit
    As is the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc... etc... etc...

    THEY WILL NOW COME FULL FORCE FOR THE CHILDREN Okay..... So apparently people in the United States are okay with their illegitimate, #Criminal, Maritime Admiralty Law #Slave system and the corporation called "government" Even with the #Truth put in their faces... they STILL comply! Do you think those same people will feel any different once they know the entire system was set up by #Luciferians who want to rape and then KILL their children? At this point I just don't know! There MUST come a point where these people are arrested! NOT by the criminal "Police" But by the PEOPLE! (The Police will be among the arrestees for their crimes) Police operate as ACTORS most of the time! They ACT as if they are the "good guys" But the truth is that Police DO NOT EXIST TO PROTECT YOU! They exists to protect these Luciferian psychopaths FROM YOU! The Courts are also complicit As is the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc... etc... etc... https://www.bitchute.com/video/k3g3CG8s5kVP/
    They Will Now Come Full Force For The Children
    The elite's NWO Satanic system's last evil wish is now unleashed. They will come for the children with zero pushback and absolute terror. **ALEX JONES ON X https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones **https://drjonesnaturals.com/ - SAVE INFOWARS!! BUY NOW!! …
    1 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 200 Views

    While I'm not really into the #Gematria...
    The #Luciferian lunatics that deceive this world ARE INTO IT!

    There are things in this world that once you see them....
    You can NEVER "unsee them"

    If you want to change he world...
    You MUST start by changing YOURSELF!

    Take back your Authority and STOP giving it away to Luciferian psychopaths!

    STOP supporting the #Criminal enforcers of the Luciferian psychopaths!

    STOP funding the #Terrorists who call themselves "government"

    Put your Faith and Trust in the Most High!
    And He will cure your blindness and protect you from the demons of this world

    9/11 PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING "ENEMY OF THE STATE" (1998) + ADOLF HITLER ILLUMINATI-JESUIT STOOGE While I'm not really into the #Gematria... The #Luciferian lunatics that deceive this world ARE INTO IT! There are things in this world that once you see them.... You can NEVER "unsee them" If you want to change he world... You MUST start by changing YOURSELF! Take back your Authority and STOP giving it away to Luciferian psychopaths! STOP supporting the #Criminal enforcers of the Luciferian psychopaths! STOP funding the #Terrorists who call themselves "government" Put your Faith and Trust in the Most High! And He will cure your blindness and protect you from the demons of this world https://www.bitchute.com/video/FwoKRyz5AhHI/
    9/11 Predictive Programming "Enemy of the State" (1998) + Adolf Hitler Illuminati-Jesuit Stooge
    The number "201" is very important to the Jesuits, remember "Event 201" by Bill Gates and Company where they simulated a coronavirus outbreak in October 2019, just before the real "simulation" in 2020? June 13th leaves "201" days in the year Ju…
    1 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 125 Views
  • Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support

    While this is from 2021 AND it's Tim Pool...

    It's nice to see that at least a few of the people STILL caught up in the political theater of the left / right paradigm lie are coming around to the FACT that #Police are nothing more than a foreign military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution!

    I mean they literally work for a for-profit #Corporation that is located offshore...

    You cannot get much more "foreign" than that! And this particular
    CORPORATION is responsible for the killing of a LOT of Americans..

    Americans who have NOT HARMED ANYONE, financially or physically
    WHY would you arrest an American, the BOSS of the Police, for a non-crime?

    Statutes and Codes are NOT #Law!

    And the entire "Justice System" is set up under a giant #Fraud, claiming that
    YOU "consent" to being a #Slave under Maritime Admiralty Law. Which is what our "Courts" operate under! They are treating MEN & WOMEN as if they were maritime admiralty law PRODUCTS!

    It may sound crazy, but it's a 110% TRUE and CORRECT!
    MEN & WOMEN should ALWAYS be in the #Jurisdiction of Common Law!

    But through coercion, Fraud, and deceit, and their "Implied Consent Doctrine" they claim that you "consent" to being their PROPERTY and their Slave!

    Your "Berth Certificate" turned you into a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT owned by the State. And when your parents signed it, they unknowingly GAVE YOU over to the State as their "Property"

    So the "State" created this "Legal Fiction" which is your all caps name, they PATENTED it as a hieroglyph that THEY OWN.... And then they brainwashed YOU into representing it! It's all a part of the massive fraud

    It's really fruitless to even TRY fighting them in their own corrupt courts!
    But we must, unless we close every court down and start over as COMMON LAW courts, like they should have been all along!

    These people are #Criminals
    And everything they do is designed to keep YOU broke and a SLAVE!

    They control how much your worthless paper "notes of debt" are worth, therefore they control YOU! They decide if you can eat or not, afford a house or not

    And the entire time they are claiming to "serve you."
    As they bend you over, send you to prison based on a fraudulent Maritime Admiralty Law system, as they steal HALF of everything you earn... And then steal the other half as you try to spend what's left! They even tax your phones, garbage, water, sewer....

    That's right.... they have you paying to sh*t!

    And just in case you have two dimes left to rub together, they are going to send the
    roadside #Pirates, on the high seas of maritime admiralty law (On American LAND)
    to relieve you of just a little bit more, perhaps even confiscate your stuff! Oh boy!

    They'll just use "Civil asset forfeiture," and confiscate your Home, Boat, Car, Truck, or all of the above, by simply ACCUSING YOU of a "Crime." They don't even need to PROVE IT! They just take your stuff and YOU have to "prove that you are innocent" of their made up, BS "crime" that likely don't even exist!

    So how then, can you "prove" you didn't do something THAT WAS NEVER DONE???

    They are nothing more than PIRATES, literally descendants of the Phoenicians, who have created this maritime admiralty law hocus pocus trick to scam everyone into being a SLAVE! The whole while their #Wizards on TELL-A-VISION are telling you that they are "Serving YOU" and that they "work for YOU."

    I don't know about you, but last time MY EMPLOYEE falsely accused me of something, beat me up and tossed me into a cage, after tasering or shooting me
    (Or both) I knocked his teeth out AND fired him!

    But "Our Employees" boss us around as if we were children!
    They beat us, taze us, shoot us, and imprison us anytime they feel like it!

    And it don't matter if you did it or not... there's a statute somewhere that your
    #Strawman has broken! And because you THINK that he's YOU, and you keep on representing him, they WILL get you! Lock you up, fine you, ruin your life!

    All based on a fraud thought up by psychopaths!

    A fraud where they have taken MEN & WOMEN belonging in the JURISDICTION of common law, and brainwashing them into believing that strawman is them!

    That way, when they unknowingly enter into their "Maritime Admiralty Law" courts, they will blindly "represent" that strawman, that exists only on paper! But YOU are representing him so YOU will do his prison time and pay his fines and bills!

    It's the Satanic world system of dominance and control
    YOU must actually "consent" to all of these things for it to be lawful!

    Them writing down a bunch of BS on paper claiming that "Implied Consent" in-debts you to their contract based FRAUDULENT SYSTEM is horsespit!

    It's time that you learn about your strawman, and it's time you learn that
    YOUR ACTUAL CONSENT IS REQUIRED for any of this to be lawful!

    NOBODY would "consent" to their system if they knew what it was based on!

    And it is time that the black robed priest (Wizards) of the #BAR Association go and screw themselves! Nobody has authorized them to decide the fate of mankind!

    OR to attempt to circumvent NATURAL LAW and COMMON LAW using a fairy tale story about maritime admiralty law! It's NOT okay! These black robed wizards have been fooling the masses for a long time!

    They are just another part of the Corporation! Along with the Vatican, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Illuminati, Every Freemason controlled "College" or School, the medical industrial complex, the play actors in Congress, the "BAR," and all of the scumbags from the World Economic Forum & the military industrial complex, and every "Secret Society" and "Church of Satan" on Earth!

    They are ALL in on it!
    And you cannot fight an enemy when you don't know who he is!
    ALL of the people listed above ARE YOUR ENEMIES!

    And they are trying real hard to enslave you GOOD!
    So you best WAKE UP and smell the coffee!

    And take back control over your own life!
    While kicking every tyrant scumbag to the curb!
    And the Courts and Corporations too!

    The entirety of the "system" they have built must be dismantled!
    We don't NEED "government" to "Protect and Serve" us into the poorhouse

    We can hire PRIVATE firms to keep us safe, Like in the old days, we hire a mayor and a sheriff.... if either gets crossways with the people, we just FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT!

    No "Investigation" that last 10 years or any of that BS, GOODBYE, you are FIRED!
    And when they harm an American, they better be able to PROVE that American was bent on harming them or we hang them! Matter closed

    We don't NEED 12,000 pages of federal laws, and 42,000 pages of state laws!
    ALL that we need is "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto YOU"

    And everything will be fine!

    Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support While this is from 2021 AND it's Tim Pool... It's nice to see that at least a few of the people STILL caught up in the political theater of the left / right paradigm lie are coming around to the FACT that #Police are nothing more than a foreign military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution! I mean they literally work for a for-profit #Corporation that is located offshore... You cannot get much more "foreign" than that! And this particular CORPORATION is responsible for the killing of a LOT of Americans.. Americans who have NOT HARMED ANYONE, financially or physically WHY would you arrest an American, the BOSS of the Police, for a non-crime? Statutes and Codes are NOT #Law! And the entire "Justice System" is set up under a giant #Fraud, claiming that YOU "consent" to being a #Slave under Maritime Admiralty Law. Which is what our "Courts" operate under! They are treating MEN & WOMEN as if they were maritime admiralty law PRODUCTS! It may sound crazy, but it's a 110% TRUE and CORRECT! MEN & WOMEN should ALWAYS be in the #Jurisdiction of Common Law! But through coercion, Fraud, and deceit, and their "Implied Consent Doctrine" they claim that you "consent" to being their PROPERTY and their Slave! Your "Berth Certificate" turned you into a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT owned by the State. And when your parents signed it, they unknowingly GAVE YOU over to the State as their "Property" So the "State" created this "Legal Fiction" which is your all caps name, they PATENTED it as a hieroglyph that THEY OWN.... And then they brainwashed YOU into representing it! It's all a part of the massive fraud It's really fruitless to even TRY fighting them in their own corrupt courts! But we must, unless we close every court down and start over as COMMON LAW courts, like they should have been all along! These people are #Criminals And everything they do is designed to keep YOU broke and a SLAVE! They control how much your worthless paper "notes of debt" are worth, therefore they control YOU! They decide if you can eat or not, afford a house or not And the entire time they are claiming to "serve you." As they bend you over, send you to prison based on a fraudulent Maritime Admiralty Law system, as they steal HALF of everything you earn... And then steal the other half as you try to spend what's left! They even tax your phones, garbage, water, sewer.... That's right.... they have you paying to sh*t! And just in case you have two dimes left to rub together, they are going to send the roadside #Pirates, on the high seas of maritime admiralty law (On American LAND) to relieve you of just a little bit more, perhaps even confiscate your stuff! Oh boy! They'll just use "Civil asset forfeiture," and confiscate your Home, Boat, Car, Truck, or all of the above, by simply ACCUSING YOU of a "Crime." They don't even need to PROVE IT! They just take your stuff and YOU have to "prove that you are innocent" of their made up, BS "crime" that likely don't even exist! So how then, can you "prove" you didn't do something THAT WAS NEVER DONE??? They are nothing more than PIRATES, literally descendants of the Phoenicians, who have created this maritime admiralty law hocus pocus trick to scam everyone into being a SLAVE! The whole while their #Wizards on TELL-A-VISION are telling you that they are "Serving YOU" and that they "work for YOU." I don't know about you, but last time MY EMPLOYEE falsely accused me of something, beat me up and tossed me into a cage, after tasering or shooting me (Or both) I knocked his teeth out AND fired him! But "Our Employees" boss us around as if we were children! They beat us, taze us, shoot us, and imprison us anytime they feel like it! And it don't matter if you did it or not... there's a statute somewhere that your #Strawman has broken! And because you THINK that he's YOU, and you keep on representing him, they WILL get you! Lock you up, fine you, ruin your life! All based on a fraud thought up by psychopaths! A fraud where they have taken MEN & WOMEN belonging in the JURISDICTION of common law, and brainwashing them into believing that strawman is them! That way, when they unknowingly enter into their "Maritime Admiralty Law" courts, they will blindly "represent" that strawman, that exists only on paper! But YOU are representing him so YOU will do his prison time and pay his fines and bills! It's the Satanic world system of dominance and control YOU must actually "consent" to all of these things for it to be lawful! Them writing down a bunch of BS on paper claiming that "Implied Consent" in-debts you to their contract based FRAUDULENT SYSTEM is horsespit! It's time that you learn about your strawman, and it's time you learn that YOUR ACTUAL CONSENT IS REQUIRED for any of this to be lawful! NOBODY would "consent" to their system if they knew what it was based on! And it is time that the black robed priest (Wizards) of the #BAR Association go and screw themselves! Nobody has authorized them to decide the fate of mankind! OR to attempt to circumvent NATURAL LAW and COMMON LAW using a fairy tale story about maritime admiralty law! It's NOT okay! These black robed wizards have been fooling the masses for a long time! They are just another part of the Corporation! Along with the Vatican, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Illuminati, Every Freemason controlled "College" or School, the medical industrial complex, the play actors in Congress, the "BAR," and all of the scumbags from the World Economic Forum & the military industrial complex, and every "Secret Society" and "Church of Satan" on Earth! They are ALL in on it! And you cannot fight an enemy when you don't know who he is! ALL of the people listed above ARE YOUR ENEMIES! And they are trying real hard to enslave you GOOD! So you best WAKE UP and smell the coffee! And take back control over your own life! While kicking every tyrant scumbag to the curb! And the Courts and Corporations too! The entirety of the "system" they have built must be dismantled! We don't NEED "government" to "Protect and Serve" us into the poorhouse We can hire PRIVATE firms to keep us safe, Like in the old days, we hire a mayor and a sheriff.... if either gets crossways with the people, we just FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT! No "Investigation" that last 10 years or any of that BS, GOODBYE, you are FIRED! And when they harm an American, they better be able to PROVE that American was bent on harming them or we hang them! Matter closed We don't NEED 12,000 pages of federal laws, and 42,000 pages of state laws! ALL that we need is "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto YOU" And everything will be fine! https://ugetube.com/watch/conservatives-stomp-on-thin-blue-line-flag-as-police-violate-constitution-cops-losing-all-support_XoTqCeynO2cxWsG.html
    Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support
    Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support. Trump supporters and conservatives were fed up with police officers who attacked them as they rallied. Democrats and fa
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 636 Views

    There is no more WORTHLESS, unproductive scumbag human being than a Cop!

    These people are purveyors of MISERY and wrongdoing!
    They are the most worthless profession on earth...
    of the lowest character, and the highest criminality

    Giving these psychopaths a badge and a gun ans IMMUNITY is like allowing the Fox to guard the henhouse, arming him, and giving him protection when he kills the chickens! It's a bad f*cking joke!

    Just like these demonic scumbags...
    A profession of #Criminality, working for the #Corporation of the United States

    A "For-Profit CORPORATION which has brauinwashed YOU into believing they are your "government" and not just #OrganizedCrime (Which is what they REALLY ARE!)

    WHEN PSYCHO COPS TRY TO INTIMIDATE THE WRONG GUY! There is no more WORTHLESS, unproductive scumbag human being than a Cop! These people are purveyors of MISERY and wrongdoing! They are the most worthless profession on earth... of the lowest character, and the highest criminality Giving these psychopaths a badge and a gun ans IMMUNITY is like allowing the Fox to guard the henhouse, arming him, and giving him protection when he kills the chickens! It's a bad f*cking joke! Just like these demonic scumbags... A profession of #Criminality, working for the #Corporation of the United States A "For-Profit CORPORATION which has brauinwashed YOU into believing they are your "government" and not just #OrganizedCrime (Which is what they REALLY ARE!) https://www.bitchute.com/video/kh8tnLn1Vhc/
    When Psycho Cops Try to Intimidate the WRONG GUY!
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/highimpactflix ✅ CashApp: https://cash.app/$HighImpactDonate…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 420 Views

    How healthy is plant-based meat? What the research shows | Prof. Christopher Gardner
    WTF??!!!... THESE DAMNED, INSANE, PSYCHOPATHIC, "SOCIAL-ENGINEERS" WANT TO FORCE EVERYBODY TO HAVE TO .."EAT ZE BUGS", ...OR, EAT THEIR PATENTED, HIGHLY-PROCESSED, "PLANT-BASED", "FAKE", "LAB-GROWN-TUMOR-MEAT"!!! 💩💥 How healthy is plant-based meat? What the research shows | Prof. Christopher Gardner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVJKIgsY_g4
    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 297 Views
  • This Cult-owned, Gates-owned, corrupt moron tells you they plan to destroy the food system and create widespread hunger while claiming it is to save us from something that is not happening. The fact that CO2 increases food production is lost on this psychopath who will make sure that he is never hungry. Cult evil on public display. — David Icke (1 min, 7 sec)
    This Cult-owned, Gates-owned, corrupt moron tells you they plan to destroy the food system and create widespread hunger while claiming it is to save us from something that is not happening. The fact that CO2 increases food production is lost on this psychopath who will make sure that he is never hungry. Cult evil on public display. — David Icke (1 min, 7 sec) https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/130273
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 255 Views 0
  • Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism

    Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09VZBYS34&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_1CFDRWTRQH217PKYJYJT
    Political Ponerology: The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism
    Shared via Kindle. Description: REVISED, EXPANDED EDITION The first manuscript of this book was thrown into the fire just minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy was personally delivered to a contact in...
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 359 Views
  • Things are not normal.
    The progressive left are psychopaths.
    They are intentionally destroying the country.
    This is all on purpose.

    This NOV may be our last chance.
    Things are not normal. The progressive left are psychopaths. They are intentionally destroying the country. This is all on purpose. This NOV may be our last chance.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 201 Views 0

    our future if we don't get control of the psychopaths

    THE GREAT RESET: ARE THE OLD WORLD DEAD IN THE CATACOMBS? our future if we don't get control of the psychopaths https://www.bitchute.com/video/AapGBOXIcRGp/
    Credit: My Lunch Box (Be sure to sub!): The Old World is in The Catacombs? https://youtu.be/x2c-dSktnzE?si=drzw5ztqvPq2J0-m
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 193 Views

    You see......
    When it comes to the #Criminals within the #Corporation of the "United States" I have a very unique perspective!

    You see... despite always being a decent man, not harming anyone financially or physically, and always treating people as I want to be treated..... THE STATE has not only destroyed my life and left me impoverished, but they've also tried to put me into prison KNOWING THAT I HAD COMMITTED NO CRIME!!!

    I've literally had Prosecutors just like this one, try to send me to PRISON knowing full well that I had done nothing wrong! There's something WRONG with these people!

    To begin with they serve a Satanic System of control and #Slavery!

    And they'll CLAIM to be "transparent" and to support the "Rule of law"

    But they don't! These people EARN MONEY from destroying innocent people's lives!

    And they do it fully aware of what it is they are doing! You would THINK that a prosecutor would cherish the opportunity to "right a wrong" and set an innocent man free, when he has been wrongfully arrested and jailed! But they DON'T!

    So if you ever WHY I DETEST #Police and Prosecutors and #Judges....

    You'd need a little background! You'd need to SEE how a PROSECUTOR tried to send me to PRISON for 2 years KNOWING FULL WELL I HAD DONE NOTHING WRONG!

    Get this... My ex wife's grandma raised her. She was a good woman, but suffered severe headaches from a head injury resulting from a traffic accident.

    Well.... she had one of those headaches going one day, and my crazy ex-wife was in the mood to fight! I had just returned from working out of town for a week, and had come home for the birth of my youngest son, only to find the ex wanting to fight!

    We had not even seen one another, what could she be mad about???

    I told her as much, and threatened to "go back to work" if she did not stop with the fighting nonsense! Grandma heard me say this, having heard NONE of the rest, and she got mad! So mad in fact, that she TRIED to hit me in the head with one of those telescoping umbrellas (Made of steel)

    Since I kinda like my head the way it is.... I grabbed her wrist, purely in self defense, to PREVENT GETTING STRUCK BY THE WEAPON SHE WAS SWINGING AT ME!

    The cops showed up, and naturally, they took ME to jail!
    The guy who was just trying to eat his dinner, and had been attacked!

    I went to jail for "grabbing her wrist, causing her pain"
    The Police report failed to mention that wrist was attached to a hand holding a weapon, which was being swung at my head at the time!

    Anyway, we made up blah blah, everything was fine. Grandma had apologized to me, all was forgiven, it was just a mistake, brought on by a migraine and sticking her nose where it did not belong!
    (Siding with her granddaughter, despite her being wrong )

    Long story short, grandma TRIED to get the charges dropped, and was told "The STATE is picking up the charges" so they didn't need her (A load of crap, they had no "witness")

    We fought for months trying to get the damn PROSECUTOR to drop the case!

    Grandma explained that it was HER FAULT, and not mine, and that I had done nothing wrong. The prosecutor just ignored her and pressed on with the case against me KNOWING FULL WELL THAT I DID NOTHING WRONG (with no criminal history)

    So I finally called my sister in law who works in the courts...
    She told me to "Have grandma fill out an "affidavit of non-prosecution" and give it to the DA." Which I did at my 3rd court appearance!

    IMMEDIATELY she dropped the case! Right then and there, she asked for a dismissal

    But if not for that piece of PAPER, she would have gladly sent me to prison KNOWING that I had done nothing wrong, having already spoken to the supposed "victim," who also told her that I did nothing wrong, and that it was HER who had been violent!

    And that bitch never missed a step!
    She would have KNOWINGLY imprisoned an innocent man, for a "crime" that she KNEW he did not commit! A piece of PAPER stopped her, when common decency could not!

    The bitch was Evil, like ALL OF THEM!

    They ARE the criminals who extort, rob, and kidnap the innocent....
    Under a fraudulent system of Maritime Admiralty Law, based 110% in Fraud!

    So NO....
    I don't think highly of PROSECUTORS, or their stormtroopers known as the Police!

    I think even less of the "black robed priests" of the BAR Association!

    It's all nothing more than a system of organized crime and violence!

    This bitch is a psychopath and deems herself "Above the Law."
    The SAME as every cop, judge, politician, and state employee does!

    "Rules for THEE, but NOT for me"
    Nothing more than organized CRIME

    TYRANNICAL DIST. ATTORNEY DESTROYS HERSELF IN PR STUNT! (AND MORE LIVE) You see...... When it comes to the #Criminals within the #Corporation of the "United States" I have a very unique perspective! You see... despite always being a decent man, not harming anyone financially or physically, and always treating people as I want to be treated..... THE STATE has not only destroyed my life and left me impoverished, but they've also tried to put me into prison KNOWING THAT I HAD COMMITTED NO CRIME!!! I've literally had Prosecutors just like this one, try to send me to PRISON knowing full well that I had done nothing wrong! There's something WRONG with these people! To begin with they serve a Satanic System of control and #Slavery! And they'll CLAIM to be "transparent" and to support the "Rule of law" But they don't! These people EARN MONEY from destroying innocent people's lives! And they do it fully aware of what it is they are doing! You would THINK that a prosecutor would cherish the opportunity to "right a wrong" and set an innocent man free, when he has been wrongfully arrested and jailed! But they DON'T! So if you ever WHY I DETEST #Police and Prosecutors and #Judges.... You'd need a little background! You'd need to SEE how a PROSECUTOR tried to send me to PRISON for 2 years KNOWING FULL WELL I HAD DONE NOTHING WRONG! Get this... My ex wife's grandma raised her. She was a good woman, but suffered severe headaches from a head injury resulting from a traffic accident. Well.... she had one of those headaches going one day, and my crazy ex-wife was in the mood to fight! I had just returned from working out of town for a week, and had come home for the birth of my youngest son, only to find the ex wanting to fight! We had not even seen one another, what could she be mad about??? I told her as much, and threatened to "go back to work" if she did not stop with the fighting nonsense! Grandma heard me say this, having heard NONE of the rest, and she got mad! So mad in fact, that she TRIED to hit me in the head with one of those telescoping umbrellas (Made of steel) Since I kinda like my head the way it is.... I grabbed her wrist, purely in self defense, to PREVENT GETTING STRUCK BY THE WEAPON SHE WAS SWINGING AT ME! The cops showed up, and naturally, they took ME to jail! The guy who was just trying to eat his dinner, and had been attacked! I went to jail for "grabbing her wrist, causing her pain" The Police report failed to mention that wrist was attached to a hand holding a weapon, which was being swung at my head at the time! Anyway, we made up blah blah, everything was fine. Grandma had apologized to me, all was forgiven, it was just a mistake, brought on by a migraine and sticking her nose where it did not belong! (Siding with her granddaughter, despite her being wrong ) Long story short, grandma TRIED to get the charges dropped, and was told "The STATE is picking up the charges" so they didn't need her (A load of crap, they had no "witness") We fought for months trying to get the damn PROSECUTOR to drop the case! Grandma explained that it was HER FAULT, and not mine, and that I had done nothing wrong. The prosecutor just ignored her and pressed on with the case against me KNOWING FULL WELL THAT I DID NOTHING WRONG (with no criminal history) So I finally called my sister in law who works in the courts... She told me to "Have grandma fill out an "affidavit of non-prosecution" and give it to the DA." Which I did at my 3rd court appearance! IMMEDIATELY she dropped the case! Right then and there, she asked for a dismissal But if not for that piece of PAPER, she would have gladly sent me to prison KNOWING that I had done nothing wrong, having already spoken to the supposed "victim," who also told her that I did nothing wrong, and that it was HER who had been violent! And that bitch never missed a step! She would have KNOWINGLY imprisoned an innocent man, for a "crime" that she KNEW he did not commit! A piece of PAPER stopped her, when common decency could not! The bitch was Evil, like ALL OF THEM! They ARE the criminals who extort, rob, and kidnap the innocent.... Under a fraudulent system of Maritime Admiralty Law, based 110% in Fraud! So NO.... I don't think highly of PROSECUTORS, or their stormtroopers known as the Police! I think even less of the "black robed priests" of the BAR Association! It's all nothing more than a system of organized crime and violence! This bitch is a psychopath and deems herself "Above the Law." The SAME as every cop, judge, politician, and state employee does! "Rules for THEE, but NOT for me" Nothing more than organized CRIME https://www.bitchute.com/video/Gw0UQpInr2Q/
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