• https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/_theSRNEWSProgramOnThisDayIn2023CommandingMeToMarchFourthOnwa.htm
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  • https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/_theSRNEWSProgramOnThisDayIn2023CommandingMeToMarchFourthOnwa.htm
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  • The Society of John De Graeme в Твиттере: "#OnThisDay 1707
    The Society of John De Graeme в Твиттере: "#OnThisDay 1707
    0 Comments 0 Shares 798 Views
  • On this day 47 years ago, the great philosopher Alan Watts died at age 58 in his sleep.

    In this lecture, he teaches about love and peace. These two things we all need but the masses are brainwashed since birth to love tyranny, war, violence, and endless competition. That's why Disney exists. That's why Hollywood exists. That's why we have these circuses that they call competitive sports. Because the ruling class of this world does NOT want love and peace. They want a culture of fear and endless warfare.

    But you love watching basketball, don't you? You like watching football? You like watching the Avengers and other crap like that, don't you? What about you little brainwashed kids, you like watching Cinderella and shit like that where fascists and tyrants are called queens and princesses? Right?

    And if anyone thinks it's possible to undo all this culture of dumbing-down and brainwashing, he/she is insane. It's not possible. Alan Watts couldn't do it. And many other philosophers and writers couldn't do it either. It's impossible.

    The masses have been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery.

    Don't won't waste a single moment of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.

    #AlanWatts #RIPAlanWatts #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #Wisdom #Philosophy

    On this day 47 years ago, the great philosopher Alan Watts died at age 58 in his sleep. In this lecture, he teaches about love and peace. These two things we all need but the masses are brainwashed since birth to love tyranny, war, violence, and endless competition. That's why Disney exists. That's why Hollywood exists. That's why we have these circuses that they call competitive sports. Because the ruling class of this world does NOT want love and peace. They want a culture of fear and endless warfare. But you love watching basketball, don't you? You like watching football? You like watching the Avengers and other crap like that, don't you? What about you little brainwashed kids, you like watching Cinderella and shit like that where fascists and tyrants are called queens and princesses? Right? And if anyone thinks it's possible to undo all this culture of dumbing-down and brainwashing, he/she is insane. It's not possible. Alan Watts couldn't do it. And many other philosophers and writers couldn't do it either. It's impossible. The masses have been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery. Don't won't waste a single moment of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads. #AlanWatts #RIPAlanWatts #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #Wisdom #Philosophy Sources: https://is.gd/SJwzsQ https://is.gd/RpV9Xy
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2K Views
  • 19 years ago, around three thousand innocent people were murdered on 9/11. The heinous crime that took place that day plagued the Middle East with the misery and desolation of war.

    Countries were invaded, citizens were murdered in mass, people were tortured, properties were stolen, resources were sacked, families were destroyed, and freedoms were forfeited.

    Considering the vast power grab the federal government freely practiced after 9/11 leaves no doubt that the U.S. government itself planned and orchestrated the terrorist attack against its own citizens on 9/11.

    The Problem-Reaction-Solution doctrine involves manufacturing a problem to cause a public reaction or shock so that those in power can furnish their premeditated solution. And EVERY TIME those in power use this terrorist doctrine, the solution ALWAYS gives more power and authority to the government.

    Here are the 7 powers that the American government now enjoys thanks to 9/11:

    1. Orwellian government mass surveillance.
    2. Intrusive harassment of American citizens, utter disregard for the constitutional right for a fair trial, and indefinite imprisonment of citizens.
    3. Ever-expanding war budget and endless warfare.
    4. A militarized police state that freely oppresses American citizens with unreasonably excessive searches, home raids, and systematic theft (aka seizures) of properties and assets.
    5. A Big Brother type of airport security that forces citizens to routinely stand in line like cattle, be searched, X-rayed or frisked, and sometimes openly raped with impunity by an airport employee through a procedure known as "cavity search" which involves forcefully stripping passengers naked and violating their bodies by examining the inside of their vagina and rectum.
    6. Utter disregard to the First Amendment right for the freedom of speech by outsourcing the suppression of this liberty to the private sector in the hands of unaccountable private companies like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    7. A veil of secrecy over government actions and behavior under the guise of national security.

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda #ProblemReactionSolution #911Attacks #MassSurveillance #OrwellianNightmare #BigBrother #BigBrotherIsWatching #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #TSA #AirportSecurity

    19 years ago, around three thousand innocent people were murdered on 9/11. The heinous crime that took place that day plagued the Middle East with the misery and desolation of war. Countries were invaded, citizens were murdered in mass, people were tortured, properties were stolen, resources were sacked, families were destroyed, and freedoms were forfeited. Considering the vast power grab the federal government freely practiced after 9/11 leaves no doubt that the U.S. government itself planned and orchestrated the terrorist attack against its own citizens on 9/11. The Problem-Reaction-Solution doctrine involves manufacturing a problem to cause a public reaction or shock so that those in power can furnish their premeditated solution. And EVERY TIME those in power use this terrorist doctrine, the solution ALWAYS gives more power and authority to the government. Here are the 7 powers that the American government now enjoys thanks to 9/11: 1. Orwellian government mass surveillance. 2. Intrusive harassment of American citizens, utter disregard for the constitutional right for a fair trial, and indefinite imprisonment of citizens. 3. Ever-expanding war budget and endless warfare. 4. A militarized police state that freely oppresses American citizens with unreasonably excessive searches, home raids, and systematic theft (aka seizures) of properties and assets. 5. A Big Brother type of airport security that forces citizens to routinely stand in line like cattle, be searched, X-rayed or frisked, and sometimes openly raped with impunity by an airport employee through a procedure known as "cavity search" which involves forcefully stripping passengers naked and violating their bodies by examining the inside of their vagina and rectum. 6. Utter disregard to the First Amendment right for the freedom of speech by outsourcing the suppression of this liberty to the private sector in the hands of unaccountable private companies like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. 7. A veil of secrecy over government actions and behavior under the guise of national security. #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda #ProblemReactionSolution #911Attacks #MassSurveillance #OrwellianNightmare #BigBrother #BigBrotherIsWatching #BigBrotherIsWatchingYou #TSA #AirportSecurity Sources: https://is.gd/1bU5GD https://is.gd/25CY6D https://is.gd/i9z5zM https://is.gd/FewAQh https://is.gd/nMQXWV https://is.gd/Zlbk2l https://is.gd/uqY8X0 https://is.gd/QZlB1K https://is.gd/3Tvojx https://is.gd/MhUrrx https://is.gd/jWMFcq https://is.gd/v56ZQ1 https://is.gd/8R1uQG https://is.gd/yii62E https://is.gd/HB8gxv https://is.gd/C8VNkI
    0 Comments 0 Shares 9K Views
  • The inside job on September 11 is the crime of the century. It was planned and orchestrated by the military-industrial complex on the commands of the criminal cabal of Zionist international bankers.

    Every post exposing the truth about this inside job helps. The more we post about it and share the work of others, the more people we wake up from deception and enslavement.

    This September 11, never forget that the three World Trade Center buildings were pulled down by pre-planted explosives to usher a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere.

    The Institute of Northern Engineering released a 4-year $300K study last year proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the collapse of WTC 7 involved the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building which can only be accomplished through pre-planted explosives.

    WTC7, which was never hit by an airplane, dropped like a rock straight down symmetrically into its own footprint after eyewitnesses heard sequential explosions in the building.

    A commercial civilian airliner did NOT hit the Pentagon on 9/11 as government propaganda claims. The Pentagon was forced to release a video 5 years ago after a request was officially submitted via the Freedom of Information Act. The video shows a flying object that resembles NOTHING like a commercial airplane but more like a missile hitting the building.

    On July 24, 2019, New York fire commissioners called for a new investigation into the catastrophic events that unfolded that day due to the overwhelming evidence that pre-planted explosives destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings.

    America's War Of Terror is a genocidal racist war against Muslims that's designed to be a forever war and it's currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone.

    9/11 was 19 years ago, but still, until today we are forced into lines like sheep and searched like criminals. And now with this new planned crisis that's COVID19, do you really think that the mask of shame and social distancing will stop anytime soon?

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda

    The inside job on September 11 is the crime of the century. It was planned and orchestrated by the military-industrial complex on the commands of the criminal cabal of Zionist international bankers. Every post exposing the truth about this inside job helps. The more we post about it and share the work of others, the more people we wake up from deception and enslavement. This September 11, never forget that the three World Trade Center buildings were pulled down by pre-planted explosives to usher a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The Institute of Northern Engineering released a 4-year $300K study last year proving beyond any reasonable doubt that the collapse of WTC 7 involved the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building which can only be accomplished through pre-planted explosives. WTC7, which was never hit by an airplane, dropped like a rock straight down symmetrically into its own footprint after eyewitnesses heard sequential explosions in the building. A commercial civilian airliner did NOT hit the Pentagon on 9/11 as government propaganda claims. The Pentagon was forced to release a video 5 years ago after a request was officially submitted via the Freedom of Information Act. The video shows a flying object that resembles NOTHING like a commercial airplane but more like a missile hitting the building. On July 24, 2019, New York fire commissioners called for a new investigation into the catastrophic events that unfolded that day due to the overwhelming evidence that pre-planted explosives destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings. America's War Of Terror is a genocidal racist war against Muslims that's designed to be a forever war and it's currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone. 9/11 was 19 years ago, but still, until today we are forced into lines like sheep and searched like criminals. And now with this new planned crisis that's COVID19, do you really think that the mask of shame and social distancing will stop anytime soon? #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #NWO #NewWorldOrder #NeverForget #September11 #WTC7 #WTC #WorldTradeCenterBuilding7 #WorldTradeCenter #SecretaryRumsfeld #DeputySecretaryWolfowitz #GeneralWesleyClark #WesleyClark #ProxyWar #WarIsARacket #WarForProfit #BusinessOfWar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Afghanistan #Lebanon #Syria #Somalia #Sudan #Iran #September11 #NeverForget #IraqWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror #Rothschilds #Zionists #Zionist #Zion #Zionism #Israel #GreaterIsrael #ISIS #AlQaeda Sources: https://is.gd/25CY6D https://is.gd/i9z5zM https://is.gd/FewAQh https://is.gd/1bU5GD https://is.gd/nMQXWV https://is.gd/Zlbk2l https://is.gd/uqY8X0 https://is.gd/QZlB1K https://is.gd/3Tvojx https://is.gd/MhUrrx https://is.gd/jWMFcq https://is.gd/v56ZQ1 https://is.gd/8R1uQG https://is.gd/yii62E https://is.gd/HB8gxv https://is.gd/C8VNkI
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7K Views
  • It takes courage to stand up to the colonizer who stole your land and stare him straight in the eye.

    While the world is busy with the COVID19 hoax, Jews are busy stealing more land in Palestine and are planning to steal more.

    It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels.

    And it doesn't end there either! The longterm plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all other nations with a rod of iron."

    World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world.

    Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition.

    On this day 19 years ago, it was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism.

    It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims last year just like the Israelis did to Palestine.

    On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China into concentration camps ("Vocational Education and Training Centers" in doublespeak) where they are humiliated, tortured, indoctrinated, and enslaved.

    But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone.

    A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief.

    There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies.

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #September11 #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #AIPAC #AmericaFirst #DualCitizenship #Antisemitism #Rothschilds #AmericanIsraelPublicAffairsCommittee #AmericanJewishCommittee #AJC #ADL #Rothschilds #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #DavidBenGurion #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination #Talmud

    It takes courage to stand up to the colonizer who stole your land and stare him straight in the eye. While the world is busy with the COVID19 hoax, Jews are busy stealing more land in Palestine and are planning to steal more. It's worth noting that Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? Because the mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL of the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels. And it doesn't end there either! The longterm plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all other nations with a rod of iron." World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world. Unlike today, there'll be no doubt at all who rules the world when the New World Order comes to fruition. On this day 19 years ago, it was the Zionists who destroyed the three World Trade Center buildings in New York City by pre-planted explosives ushering a Zionist War Of Terror (War On Terror in doublespeak) against Muslims everywhere. The objective was to demonize Muslims everywhere as terrorists so it becomes easier for Israel/America to colonize more territory in the Middle East under the guise of fighting terrorism. It's the Zionist banking class who ordered their Indian puppet government to reduce Kashmir into an open-air concentration camp for Muslims last year just like the Israelis did to Palestine. On the orders of the Zionist banking class, the CCP is rounding up millions of Muslims in China into concentration camps ("Vocational Education and Training Centers" in doublespeak) where they are humiliated, tortured, indoctrinated, and enslaved. But the oppression of Muslims by Indian and Chinese authorities is part of a larger holocaust by Zionists against Muslims around the globe. America's War Of Terror is specifically aimed against Muslims. It's designed to be a forever war, which is currently taking place in the Muslim nations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. The American government is estimated to have killed at least 3.1 MILLION Muslims in these countries alone. A black site is a CIA-operated secret torture prison for Muslims where CIA agents and military personnel freely explore the depth of human torture and cruelty. The unspeakable torture that takes place in these torture houses against Muslims is beyond belief. There's a global holocaust against Muslims by Zionists happening NOW and journalists are being silenced and barred from talking about it by Zionist-owned corporate media. Because truth is treason in the empire of lies. #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #September11 #Zion #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #ZionistState #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #AIPAC #AmericaFirst #DualCitizenship #Antisemitism #Rothschilds #AmericanIsraelPublicAffairsCommittee #AmericanJewishCommittee #AJC #ADL #Rothschilds #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #DavidBenGurion #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination #Talmud Sources: https://is.gd/KGJA72 https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/n4HU3o https://is.gd/nIi7Ze https://is.gd/AMeKou https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e https://is.gd/jfjzh6 https://is.gd/mCEoCj https://is.gd/W2ocVF https://is.gd/DGu0R1 https://is.gd/6rtiVp
    0 Comments 0 Shares 7K Views
  • This month marks 75 years since the United States government committed a hateful war crime against the innocent citizens of Japan. And while celebrations broke out across the United States and other Allied nations after the bombing, hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese citizens who survived the horrific genocide began to experience inexplicable combinations of symptoms such as high fever, dizziness, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, bloody stools, nosebleeds, and whole-body weakness. Their hair fell out in large clumps, their wounds secreted extreme amounts of pus, and their gums swelled and bled. Purple spots appeared on their bodies with signs of hemorrhaging beneath the skin. Infections ravaged their internal organs. Within a few days of the onset of symptoms, many people lost consciousness, mumbled deliriously, and died in extreme pain. Others languished for weeks before either dying or slowly recovering. The mass murder took the lives of around 200,000 people in the 4 months of the 2 atomic bombings. America remains the only country in the world to use nuclear bombs on densely populated major civilian cities. No other nation-state has committed this level of terrorism. 75 years have passed and the U.S. government has never even apologized for the genocide.

    #Genocide #Nagasaki #Hiroshima #HiroshimaBombing #NagasakiBombing #HiroshimaAndNagasaki #WW2 #Japan #TheManhattanProject #LittleBoy #FatMan #OnThisDay #AtomicBombings #NuclearWar #NuclearWeapons

    This month marks 75 years since the United States government committed a hateful war crime against the innocent citizens of Japan. And while celebrations broke out across the United States and other Allied nations after the bombing, hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese citizens who survived the horrific genocide began to experience inexplicable combinations of symptoms such as high fever, dizziness, nausea, headaches, diarrhea, bloody stools, nosebleeds, and whole-body weakness. Their hair fell out in large clumps, their wounds secreted extreme amounts of pus, and their gums swelled and bled. Purple spots appeared on their bodies with signs of hemorrhaging beneath the skin. Infections ravaged their internal organs. Within a few days of the onset of symptoms, many people lost consciousness, mumbled deliriously, and died in extreme pain. Others languished for weeks before either dying or slowly recovering. The mass murder took the lives of around 200,000 people in the 4 months of the 2 atomic bombings. America remains the only country in the world to use nuclear bombs on densely populated major civilian cities. No other nation-state has committed this level of terrorism. 75 years have passed and the U.S. government has never even apologized for the genocide. #Genocide #Nagasaki #Hiroshima #HiroshimaBombing #NagasakiBombing #HiroshimaAndNagasaki #WW2 #Japan #TheManhattanProject #LittleBoy #FatMan #OnThisDay #AtomicBombings #NuclearWar #NuclearWeapons Sources: https://is.gd/7k8IY5 https://is.gd/teUD18 https://is.gd/VuQf6c https://is.gd/D1NyLH
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3K Views
  • On this day 38 years ago, the Israeli colonial regime invaded Lebanon murdering thousands. After invading southern Lebanon 4 years earlier, Israel launched a massive attack on 6 June 1982. The war caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people and led to the massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Israel has been an expansionist colonial regime since its proclamation 72 years ago by the Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion. And it has been supported financially and militarily by the likewise colonial government of the United States fo America from the first day of Israel's inception. Harry S. Truman was the first president to recognize the new colonial regime on the exact same day of its proclamation on May 14, 1948. Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? The mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels. And it doesn't end there either! The longterm plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all other nations with a rod of iron." World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world. And you thought the Nazis were bad?! It's the Zionists who created the Nazis!

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Lebanon #LebanonFirstWar #War1982 #SabraAndShatila #RefugeeCamps #Israel #IDF #IsraeliAttack #War #SabraAndShatilaMassacre #FirstLebanonWar #WarOf1982 #OperationPeaceForGalilee #PeaceForGalilee #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #Zionism #ZionistState #Zion #Zionist #Zionists #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #DavidBenGurion #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination #Talmud

    On this day 38 years ago, the Israeli colonial regime invaded Lebanon murdering thousands. After invading southern Lebanon 4 years earlier, Israel launched a massive attack on 6 June 1982. The war caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people and led to the massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Israel has been an expansionist colonial regime since its proclamation 72 years ago by the Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion. And it has been supported financially and militarily by the likewise colonial government of the United States fo America from the first day of Israel's inception. Harry S. Truman was the first president to recognize the new colonial regime on the exact same day of its proclamation on May 14, 1948. Israel has no official national border but only armistice lines. Why? The mission of the Zionist regime is to establish "Greater Israel" by colonizing ALL the Middle East, which allegedly was promised to the Jewish descendants of the god-sent real estate agent Abraham according to Jewish novels. And it doesn't end there either! The longterm plan of the Zionist regime is a New World Order in which Greater Israel rules ALL nations on Earth. According to the Talmud, all Gentiles will become slaves to the Jews when the prophecized "day of days" comes in which Jews would "rule all other nations with a rod of iron." World domination by Zionists is neither a theory nor an opinion but a fact that's clearly documented in the Talmud. Since long ago, Zionists have already fulfilled this hateful Talmudic prophecy of world-domination through Zionist Central Banks and their slavery-based fiatmoney because EVERY country on Earth now has a Zionist Central Bank except for Cuba, Iran, and Syria. However, this Zionist New World Order agenda aims at transforming this economic and financial hegemony into a Nazi-like military occupation of ALL countries of the world. And you thought the Nazis were bad?! It's the Zionists who created the Nazis! #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #Zionism #Zionist #Zionists #IsraeliOccupation #ColonialOccupation #Palestine #Palestinian #Palestinians #PalestinianCitizens #Lebanon #LebanonFirstWar #War1982 #SabraAndShatila #RefugeeCamps #Israel #IDF #IsraeliAttack #War #SabraAndShatilaMassacre #FirstLebanonWar #WarOf1982 #OperationPeaceForGalilee #PeaceForGalilee #GreaterIsrael #JewishState #Israel #Zionism #ZionistState #Zion #Zionist #Zionists #JewWorldOrder #Israeli #DavidBenGurion #NewWorldOrder #DayOfDays #WorldDomination #Talmud Sources: https://is.gd/cSXkOE https://is.gd/AxYypm https://is.gd/QEUpWv https://is.gd/n4HU3o https://is.gd/nIi7Ze https://is.gd/AMeKou https://is.gd/0uGiLJ https://is.gd/9MHf8e
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5K Views
  • On this day in history, the Israeli colonial regime deliberately attacked the USS Liberty murdering 34 crew members and wounding 171 others knowing that it's an American Navy ship. It was a massacre. And although it clearly was an act of war against an American Navy vessel, the United States government kept it a secret. Many Americans today haven't even heard about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel. Do you see now the undying support American politicians have for Israel? Even when the Israelis attack the United States Navy, America's politicians will continue to bend the knee and lick the Zionist boot. Why do you wonder? This country was already sold and paid for since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established by an act of treason by congress and a racist puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothchilds and their Israel. Since then, the majority of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. They deceive the public while laughing all the way to the Zionist banks that control them. In every American presidential election, ALL treasonous candidates are expected to publicly announce their undying support to one and only one foreign power: Israel. Not Australia. Not Britain. Not Canada. Not any other country. Just Israel. Why? Why is Israel the ONLY country in the world that every presidential nominee MUST bend the knee to? Because, of course, Zionists control America's finances and monetary system and with that control, they command EVERYTHING else. It's time to prosecute the traitors. The system cannot be fixed by the system. The system is the problem. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution. ALL politicians are muppets to the banks. It's always been the banks behind your misery and enslavement. All wars, hunger, famine, disease, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by the banks. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make ALL DEBT completely illegal. A debt-free decentralized opensource currency is the future.

    #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #USSLiberty #AmericanNavyship #AmericanNavy #AmericanNavyVessel #UnitedStatesGovernment #Israel #Israeli #Israelis #Americans #AmericanPoliticians #Colonialism #IsraeliColonialism #AmericanHistory

    On this day in history, the Israeli colonial regime deliberately attacked the USS Liberty murdering 34 crew members and wounding 171 others knowing that it's an American Navy ship. It was a massacre. And although it clearly was an act of war against an American Navy vessel, the United States government kept it a secret. Many Americans today haven't even heard about the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel. Do you see now the undying support American politicians have for Israel? Even when the Israelis attack the United States Navy, America's politicians will continue to bend the knee and lick the Zionist boot. Why do you wonder? This country was already sold and paid for since 1913 when a Zionist central bank (the Federal Reserve) was established by an act of treason by congress and a racist puppet president called Woodrow Wilson. Since then, America's politicians are beholden to the Zionist Rothchilds and their Israel. Since then, the majority of America's politicians are traitors to the American people. They deceive the public while laughing all the way to the Zionist banks that control them. In every American presidential election, ALL treasonous candidates are expected to publicly announce their undying support to one and only one foreign power: Israel. Not Australia. Not Britain. Not Canada. Not any other country. Just Israel. Why? Why is Israel the ONLY country in the world that every presidential nominee MUST bend the knee to? Because, of course, Zionists control America's finances and monetary system and with that control, they command EVERYTHING else. It's time to prosecute the traitors. The system cannot be fixed by the system. The system is the problem. Don't vote, revolt. Every vote hurts. Revolution is the only solution. ALL politicians are muppets to the banks. It's always been the banks behind your misery and enslavement. All wars, hunger, famine, disease, unemployment, homelessness, and misery are orchestrated by the banks. The key to ending all this nightmare is to simply abolish ALL BANKS and make ALL DEBT completely illegal. A debt-free decentralized opensource currency is the future. #OnThisDay #OnThisDayInHistory #USSLiberty #AmericanNavyship #AmericanNavy #AmericanNavyVessel #UnitedStatesGovernment #Israel #Israeli #Israelis #Americans #AmericanPoliticians #Colonialism #IsraeliColonialism #AmericanHistory Sources: https://is.gd/SVlc5Q
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