• Watch investigator / journalist @Sonia_Elijah on this evening's @TheRedactedInc episode talking with @ClaytonMorris and @natalimorris about her recent investigation looking at evidence that strongly suggests #Pfizer #BioNTech fabricated key data to gain regulatory approval of their #mRNA vaccine. The Interview with Sonia begins at Time Stamp 01:41:39…

    Names starting with "@" are Twitter file handles.

    #SoniaElijah #ClaytonMorris #NataliMorris (no "e" after the "i" letter. )


    So-called #Vaccines or #Pharmakia (#Bioweapons) #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #Warfare #WarCrimes #GainOfFunction #DirectEvolution #DirectedEvolution #Pfertilty #DiedSuddenly #DiedUnexpectedly #SuddenDeath #Coincidence #Placebo #Nuremburg2Now #NurembergTrials #NurembergTribunal
    Watch investigator / journalist @Sonia_Elijah on this evening's @TheRedactedInc episode talking with @ClaytonMorris and @natalimorris about her recent investigation looking at evidence that strongly suggests #Pfizer #BioNTech fabricated key data to gain regulatory approval of their #mRNA vaccine. The Interview with Sonia begins at Time Stamp 01:41:39… https://rumble.com/v2egyey-warnings-the-economy-is-about-to-get-much-worse-more-banks-on-the-brink-red.html Names starting with "@" are Twitter file handles. #SoniaElijah #ClaytonMorris #NataliMorris (no "e" after the "i" letter. 😉) — https://knollfrank.github.io/HowBadIsMyBatch/batchCodeTable.html — So-called #Vaccines or #Pharmakia (#Bioweapons) #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #Warfare #WarCrimes #GainOfFunction #DirectEvolution #DirectedEvolution #Pfertilty #DiedSuddenly #DiedUnexpectedly #SuddenDeath #Coincidence #Placebo #Nuremburg2Now #NurembergTrials #NurembergTribunal
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 13853 Vue
  • https://yournews.com/2023/03/16/2535863/boosters-4-babies-stop-fda-killings/

    So-called #Vaccines or #Pharmakia (#Bioweapons) #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #PrayForTheChildren #SaveTheChildren #SaveOurChildren #PrayForTheChildren
    https://yournews.com/2023/03/16/2535863/boosters-4-babies-stop-fda-killings/ So-called #Vaccines or #Pharmakia (#Bioweapons) #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #PrayForTheChildren #SaveTheChildren #SaveOurChildren #PrayForTheChildren
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 8692 Vue
  • Dear Congress: Ignoring Pfizer's Bioweapon Crimes Doesn't Make Them Go Away, it Makes the United States Complicit in Biowarfare https://open.substack.com/pub/karenkingston/p/dear-congress-ignoring-pfizers-bioweapon?r=26o7hm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email


    So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #Warfare #WarCrimes #GainOfFunction #DirectEvolution #DirectedEvolution #Pfertilty #mRNA #DiedSuddenly #DiedUnexpectedly #SuddenDeath #Coincidence #Biowarfare #Russia (in the context) #OccupationalExposure #EnvironmentalExposure, better known as #Shedding and #Transference #Nuremberg2Now #Scamdemic
    Dear Congress: Ignoring Pfizer's Bioweapon Crimes Doesn't Make Them Go Away, it Makes the United States Complicit in Biowarfare https://open.substack.com/pub/karenkingston/p/dear-congress-ignoring-pfizers-bioweapon?r=26o7hm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email https://rumble.com/v2czuaa-foreign-u.s.-biolabs-exposed-russian-general-igor-kirillov-cites-karen-king.html So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #Warfare #WarCrimes #GainOfFunction #DirectEvolution #DirectedEvolution #Pfertilty #mRNA #DiedSuddenly #DiedUnexpectedly #SuddenDeath #Coincidence #Biowarfare #Russia (in the context) #OccupationalExposure #EnvironmentalExposure, better known as #Shedding and #Transference #Nuremberg2Now #Scamdemic
    Dear Congress: Ignoring Pfizer's Bioweapon Crimes Doesn't Make Them Go Away, it Makes the United States Complicit in Biowarfare
    Congress is being told the mRNA injections are ‘gene-editing therapies.' They're not.They're bioweapons. USA will be complicit in war crimes if we don't criminally prosecute Pfizer immediately.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 12900 Vue
  • HB 154 in Idaho prohibits the use of mRNA vaccines in Idaho. This is what we would have done months ago with any other product that caused a fraction of the deaths this thing does.

    #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #Warfare #WarCrimes
    HB 154 in Idaho prohibits the use of mRNA vaccines in Idaho. This is what we would have done months ago with any other product that caused a fraction of the deaths this thing does. https://twitter.com/RMConservative/status/1626393820538580994?s=20 #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #TheJab #StopTheShots #StopTheJab #Nuremberg2 #Warfare #WarCrimes
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 6535 Vue
  • Life Insurance Data Suggests that Adults Aged 35-44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer

    Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall. https://bit.ly/3xkl7Um

    According to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States, death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100% higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021.

    - This data comes from the Society of Actuaries based on 2.3 million death claims.

    Hedge fund manager, Edward Dowd, also notes that excess deaths peaked around the time Biden rolled out his corporate mandate and companies rushed to comply, making vaccines mandatory for employees.

    Of course, the mainstream media and so-called health "experts" acknowledge none of this data.

    They continue with their meme of "safe and effective" and the naïve still buy into it to their detriment.

    #covid19 #coviddeaths #covid #covidvaccine
    Life Insurance Data Suggests that Adults Aged 35-44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer Death claims for working-age adults under group life insurance policies spiked well beyond expected levels last summer and fall. https://bit.ly/3xkl7Um According to data from 20 of the top 21 life insurance companies in the United States, death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100% higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021. - This data comes from the Society of Actuaries based on 2.3 million death claims. Hedge fund manager, Edward Dowd, also notes that excess deaths peaked around the time Biden rolled out his corporate mandate and companies rushed to comply, making vaccines mandatory for employees. Of course, the mainstream media and so-called health "experts" acknowledge none of this data. They continue with their meme of "safe and effective" and the naïve still buy into it to their detriment. #covid19 #coviddeaths #covid #covidvaccine
    Adults Aged 35–44 Died At Twice The Expected Rate Last Summer, Life Insurance Data Suggests
    "In that three-month period, the change was such that, there was something that occurred..."
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1606 Vue
  • WebMD Propaganda: The New War on Science: 4 Reasons People Reject Good Data

    The deception is built right into the article title. https://wb.md/3zAz7JU

    If you reject the approved "science" narrative, you are at war with it. You can't have a difference of opinion. Your only position is as a combatant rejecting real "science" if you disagree with the "experts".

    If you reject the "experts" (like Fauci et al), not only are you at war with science, you are also rejecting "good data".

    What does WebMD mean by "good data"?

    First, they denigrate by evoking flat earthers, those who believe the earth revolves about the sun and anyone who doesn't accept that microbes cause disease (germ theory), which implies those who reject "science" are in this group.

    Aviva Philipp-Muller, PhD, one of the authors of the paper this post is based upon is quoted as saying:

    - “If you come to conclusions through gut instincts or listening to people that have no knowledge on a topic, you can come to believe just about anything,”

    - "And sometimes it can be dangerous for society when people believe things that are wrong. We’ve seen this in real time, as some people have rejected COVID-19 vaccines not for any scientific reason, but through nonscientific means.”

    The article then states:

    - "Backing up Philipp-Muller’s point: A recent analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that about 234,000 COVID deaths could have been prevented if vaccination rates were higher."

    Is that why the CDC data based VAERS under reporting admits to nearly 30,000 deaths (29,981) because the vaccine is so effective? https://bit.ly/38Li5fi

    VAERS is under reported by a factor of 40 to 100 times. No one really knows because so few of the reports are actually submitted even though required by law. Multiply the above by 40 to 100 to come closer to the real totals.

    However, if you dare question the "science" that never states the VAERS data report totals, you are anti-science.

    - But if you bend to their will, you are acceptable in their eyes.

    Granted, you may end up dead from the shot, but at least it will be a "righteous" death.

    WebMD, just another source of Big Pharma propaganda.

    #science #covid19 #covidvaccines #coviddeaths #anti-science #science #vaccinepropaganda
    WebMD Propaganda: The New War on Science: 4 Reasons People Reject Good Data The deception is built right into the article title. https://wb.md/3zAz7JU If you reject the approved "science" narrative, you are at war with it. You can't have a difference of opinion. Your only position is as a combatant rejecting real "science" if you disagree with the "experts". If you reject the "experts" (like Fauci et al), not only are you at war with science, you are also rejecting "good data". What does WebMD mean by "good data"? First, they denigrate by evoking flat earthers, those who believe the earth revolves about the sun and anyone who doesn't accept that microbes cause disease (germ theory), which implies those who reject "science" are in this group. Aviva Philipp-Muller, PhD, one of the authors of the paper this post is based upon is quoted as saying: - “If you come to conclusions through gut instincts or listening to people that have no knowledge on a topic, you can come to believe just about anything,” - "And sometimes it can be dangerous for society when people believe things that are wrong. We’ve seen this in real time, as some people have rejected COVID-19 vaccines not for any scientific reason, but through nonscientific means.” The article then states: - "Backing up Philipp-Muller’s point: A recent analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that about 234,000 COVID deaths could have been prevented if vaccination rates were higher." Is that why the CDC data based VAERS under reporting admits to nearly 30,000 deaths (29,981) because the vaccine is so effective? https://bit.ly/38Li5fi VAERS is under reported by a factor of 40 to 100 times. No one really knows because so few of the reports are actually submitted even though required by law. Multiply the above by 40 to 100 to come closer to the real totals. However, if you dare question the "science" that never states the VAERS data report totals, you are anti-science. - But if you bend to their will, you are acceptable in their eyes. Granted, you may end up dead from the shot, but at least it will be a "righteous" death. WebMD, just another source of Big Pharma propaganda. #science #covid19 #covidvaccines #coviddeaths #anti-science #science #vaccinepropaganda
    The New War on Science: 4 Reasons People Reject Good Data
    Scientific skepticism is a global phenomenon. Social psychology researchers sought to find out why and what we can do about it.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2333 Vue
    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iBu8uF4n2BXD/
    2. https://ugetube.com/watch/1QaWjBCovMw9tXb
    3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/108612378074094060 (Photos in Comments)
    4. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40740324
    5. https://rutube.ru/video/50214709f95b17b173e54cf41bf55ac6/
    6. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/VL1JDR5
    Any leaders who didn't comply to the pharmaceutical criminal cabal and their crimes against humanity, including many countries in Africa, had assassination attempts on their lives. Japan never forced covid vaccines or face masks on people. Japan even pulled off the market, millions of contaminated vaccines, with metals in them, and made available to the public Ivermectin as an alternative to the toxic injections. In the end, the crooked cabal will just call it another Covid death. It is obvious that there was complicity from security, to allow a shooter to come from the back.

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/AyvqtHSZTENs/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/1LNAkBX
    3. https://ugetube.com/watch/RxTXXSGNtaepYjf

    #JapanPrimeMinister #ShinzoAbe #Japan #ShinzoAbeShot #CovidVaccine #CovidDeath #BigPharma #Japanese
    JAPAN PRIME MINISTER SHINZO ABE WAS ASSASSINATED BY BIG PHARMA POISON VACCINE PEDDLERS 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/iBu8uF4n2BXD/ 2. https://ugetube.com/watch/1QaWjBCovMw9tXb 3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/108612378074094060 (Photos in Comments) 4. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40740324 5. https://rutube.ru/video/50214709f95b17b173e54cf41bf55ac6/ 6. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/VL1JDR5 Any leaders who didn't comply to the pharmaceutical criminal cabal and their crimes against humanity, including many countries in Africa, had assassination attempts on their lives. Japan never forced covid vaccines or face masks on people. Japan even pulled off the market, millions of contaminated vaccines, with metals in them, and made available to the public Ivermectin as an alternative to the toxic injections. In the end, the crooked cabal will just call it another Covid death. It is obvious that there was complicity from security, to allow a shooter to come from the back. 日本の安倍晋三首相は、多くの大手製薬会社とその毒ワクチンの行商人に暗殺されました。 アフリカの多くの国を含む、製薬犯罪の陰謀団と人道に対する罪に従わなかった指導者は、彼らの生活に暗殺の試みをしました。日本は、人々にコビッドワクチンやフェイスマスクを強制することはありませんでした。日本は、金属を含む何百万もの汚染されたワクチンを市場から撤退させ、有毒な注射の代わりにイベルメクチンを一般に公開しました。結局、曲がったカバールはそれを別のコビッドの死と呼ぶでしょう。射手が後ろから来ることを可能にするために、セキュリティからの共謀があったことは明らかです。 COVID VACCINE DEATHS & INJURIES IGNORED BY NEWS MEDIA: メディアに無視されたコロナワクチンの死亡と負傷 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/AyvqtHSZTENs/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/1LNAkBX 3. https://ugetube.com/watch/RxTXXSGNtaepYjf #JapanPrimeMinister #ShinzoAbe #Japan #ShinzoAbeShot #CovidVaccine #CovidDeath #BigPharma #Japanese
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 2953 Vue
    The #plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did #Covid really spread, and did the #Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis has unveiled a shocking connection between this #pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of #Eden.

    In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

    #Cobra #SnakeVenom #Serpent #WatchTheWater #Vaccine #NWO #WEF #Corona #Venom #VaccineInjuries #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #WHO #UN #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset
    WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER FULL MOVIE The #plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did #Covid really spread, and did the #Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis has unveiled a shocking connection between this #pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of #Eden. In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress. https://rumble.com/v10miez-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html #Cobra #SnakeVenom #Serpent #WatchTheWater #Vaccine #NWO #WEF #Corona #Venom #VaccineInjuries #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #WHO #UN #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset
    The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2766 Vue
  • For the first time ever to come out of our country, Australian scientists have made contact with Zeee Media to provide evidence of their findings of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 Vaccines.

    Their identity is being protected so they can continue doing their important research behind the scenes in Australia, a country under extreme medical tyranny where professionals like this are terrified of speaking out, lest they be raided, lose their jobs, or worse.

    #VaccineInjuries #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #GrapheneOxide #BigPharma #CovidHoax #PandemicHoax #CoronaScandal. So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #ArrestFauci #WEF #WHO #UN #NWO #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset #PCR #Moderna #Pfizer #AstraZenca #Jansen
    For the first time ever to come out of our country, Australian scientists have made contact with Zeee Media to provide evidence of their findings of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 Vaccines. Their identity is being protected so they can continue doing their important research behind the scenes in Australia, a country under extreme medical tyranny where professionals like this are terrified of speaking out, lest they be raided, lose their jobs, or worse. https://rumble.com/vzjlyb-exclusive-australian-whistleblower-scientists-provide-evidence-of-nanotech-.html #VaccineInjuries #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #GrapheneOxide #BigPharma #CovidHoax #PandemicHoax #CoronaScandal. So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #ArrestFauci #WEF #WHO #UN #NWO #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset #PCR #Moderna #Pfizer #AstraZenca #Jansen
    EXCLUSIVE: Australian Whistleblower Scientists Provide Evidence of Nanotech & Graphene Oxide
    For the first time ever to come out of our country, Australian scientists have made contact with Zeee Media to provide evidence of their findings of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 Vaccines. Their iden
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 5142 Vue
  • https://rumble.com/vy7eix-millions-will-get-aids-from-vax-by-fall-dr-elizabeth-eads.html
    #VAIDS #VaccineInjuries #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TruthAndHealth #BigPharma #CovidHoax #PandemicHoax #CoronaScandal. So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #ArrestFauci #WEF #WHO #UN #NWO #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset #PCR #Moderna #Pfizer #AstraZenca #Jansen
    https://rumble.com/vy7eix-millions-will-get-aids-from-vax-by-fall-dr-elizabeth-eads.html #VAIDS #VaccineInjuries #BioweaponShots #CovidDeath #TruthAndHealth #BigPharma #CovidHoax #PandemicHoax #CoronaScandal. So-called #Vaccines (#Bioweapons) #ArrestFauci #WEF #WHO #UN #NWO #NewWorldOrder #GreatReset #PCR #Moderna #Pfizer #AstraZenca #Jansen
    Millions Will Get AIDS From Vax by Fall – Dr Elizabeth Eads
    Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads as she continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons and the dangerous lies by Big Pharma the FDA and CDC
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 4369 Vue
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