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  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/lawless-kingdom-rape-is-reported-every-hour-london/
    LAWLESS KINGDOM: A Rape Is Reported Every Hour in London | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran
    The failed policy of accepting unchecked mass migration has wrecked the social fabric of the United Kingdom, leading to the emergence of the ‘grooming gangs’ and the explosion of sexual violence rates.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 23 Vue

  • Fentanyl, a weapon of war.
    US Drug Enforcement Agency Closing 2 Offices in China https://rumble.com/v5fohw5-us-drug-enforcement-agency-closing-2-offices-in-china.html
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    Fentanyl, a weapon of war. US Drug Enforcement Agency Closing 2 Offices in China https://rumble.com/v5fohw5-us-drug-enforcement-agency-closing-2-offices-in-china.html God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 53 Vue
  • There is no lower form of life on Earth than the "Jackboot Thug Pig"

    These violent Road #Pirates attack peace loving people
    who have harmed nobody, EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK!

    It's quite possible, that just like the "Blue Bloods" are descendants of the evil Nephilim, this group of "Blue Belly" cowards who pin a pentagram on their chest and violently attack peaceful people are also related to the Nephilim!

    These "Policy Enforcers" of the #Corporation of the United States HATE AMERICANS and have an "us vs them" attitude! This is just another FRONT GROUP for Luciferians
    MANY are Lucifer worshiping Freemasons

    These cowards DO NOT protect Americans, who we are told are their "Bosses" They instead brutalize, abuse, cage, and even KILL THEM!

    Know who they DO PROTECT???
    People like Bill Gates, the WHO, and Politicians who are committing #Genocide right before your eyes! They exist to PROTECT THE EVIL DOERS FROM YOU!

    Remember, these blue belly scumbags have their own "Fraternal Order of Police" where they go to worship dark forces, just like ALL OTHER "Fraternal Orders" do!

    Every last one of them are SWINE
    Unworthy of even being considered MEN!

    Pond Scum even seems desirable when put beside the Jackboot Thu Pig!

    Police CHECK EVERY BOX listed in Proverbs 6:16-19
    "Things that Yahuwah HATES"

    Pathetic #Traitors to their country and countrymen!
    "Police" truly are the "ENEMY OF EVERY AMERICAN!"

    They are "Policy Enforcers" for a #Criminal for-profit CORPORATION located offshorebmaking them literally the "Foreign Standing Army on US Soil" which is outright prohibited in the Constitution
    There is no lower form of life on Earth than the "Jackboot Thug Pig" These violent Road #Pirates attack peace loving people who have harmed nobody, EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! It's quite possible, that just like the "Blue Bloods" are descendants of the evil Nephilim, this group of "Blue Belly" cowards who pin a pentagram on their chest and violently attack peaceful people are also related to the Nephilim! These "Policy Enforcers" of the #Corporation of the United States HATE AMERICANS and have an "us vs them" attitude! This is just another FRONT GROUP for Luciferians MANY are Lucifer worshiping Freemasons These cowards DO NOT protect Americans, who we are told are their "Bosses" They instead brutalize, abuse, cage, and even KILL THEM! Know who they DO PROTECT??? People like Bill Gates, the WHO, and Politicians who are committing #Genocide right before your eyes! They exist to PROTECT THE EVIL DOERS FROM YOU! Remember, these blue belly scumbags have their own "Fraternal Order of Police" where they go to worship dark forces, just like ALL OTHER "Fraternal Orders" do! Every last one of them are SWINE Unworthy of even being considered MEN! These are the COWARDS OF THE THIN BLUE LINE GANG! Pond Scum even seems desirable when put beside the Jackboot Thu Pig! Police CHECK EVERY BOX listed in Proverbs 6:16-19 "Things that Yahuwah HATES" Pathetic #Traitors to their country and countrymen! "Police" truly are the "ENEMY OF EVERY AMERICAN!" They are "Policy Enforcers" for a #Criminal for-profit CORPORATION located offshorebmaking them literally the "Foreign Standing Army on US Soil" which is outright prohibited in the Constitution
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 84 Vue
  • https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/fbi-seize-horrific-obama-freak-off-tapes-featuring-underage-justin-bieber/
    FBI Seize 'Horrific' Obama 'Freak Off' Tapes Featuring Underage Justin Bieber
    The FBI are scrambling to cover up "damaging" footage of the Obamas and other VIP elites engaged in depraved sex acts with minors including underage popstars, according to witnesses who were present during some of their worst excesses.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 42 Vue
  • https://americafirstreport.com/us-navy-directed-to-prepare-for-war-with-china-by-2027/
    US Navy Directed to Prepare for War With China by 2027
    (The Epoch Times)—The U.S. Navy on Sept. 19 released a new strategic document centered on countering communist China’s aggression in
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  • https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/sep/21/biden-letting-ukraine-strike-deep-within-russia-key-to-ending-war-zelenskyy-says
    Strikes inside Russia with US missiles key to Ukraine’s plan to end war, says Zelenskyy
    Zelenskyy will present ‘victory plan’ to US president during trip to Washington next week, when he is also likely to hold talks with Trump
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  • Deep State Knows It Cannot Cheat Kamela In – Martin Armstrong

    Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong predicted less than a month ago that there would be another assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and the Deep State was going to do everything possible to start a war with Russia. He was right on both counts. All the chaos, debate fraud and push for World War III comes down to the Deep State knows it cannot cheat enough to put Kamala Harris into the White House in November. Forget the phony polls where they all say Kamala is running neck and neck with Trump. Armstrong says his “Socratees” computer program shows Kamala’s real approval rating is around 10%, and all his computer models say Kamala is going to lose big in November no matter how much they cheat. Armstrong says, “Just about everybody in politics looks at Socratees now because its track record on politics has been phenomenal for 30 years. They know what is going on.”

    So, is the Biden Administration panicking with this second clumsy attempt to assassinate Trump while playing golf? Is our own government trying to kill Trump because they know they cannot win? Armstrong says, “I believe so. . . . Look, these people have been warmongers. . . . This is their power. They have gotten so close to destroying Russia, which is their end goal here. Handing long-range missiles to Ukraine, this is like hiring somebody to kill your spouse and then saying, well, he shot, I didn’t. . . . Trump and RFK Jr. are against war. . . . My concern here is they need to create war before January, if not even before the election. I think this is what all this stuff is about with the long-range missiles to shoot into Russia. If Trump does get in, they have to trap him into war. The whole nonsense about Russia Gate and all the rest was because Trump is against war. . . . The neocons called Trump Putin’s puppet because Trump will not engage in war against Russia. This is what this is all about.”

    Will the demonic Deep State try yet another assassination of Trump? Armstrong says, “I would not put it past them. Maybe next time they use Monkey Pox or Bird Flu. Look, Trump represents a real threat to their power. If Trump gets in, the neocons are out. Who wrote that recent article for the Washington Post that said Trump would be a “dictator”? It was Victoria Nuland’s husband. Why? Because Victoria Nuland was thrown out of Trump’s Administration. She has been in every administration except Trump’s. . . . This is the neocons against the American people. The computer has been showing that this may be the very last election we have. Just look at the chaos that has been going on at this stage.”

    Armstrong is afraid that Putin may be overthrown in Russia because his response has been too timid against NATO. Armstrong says, “Putin knows the neocons want war, and he won’t take the bait.” Armstrong is also afraid that if Putin does get booted out of office, then the people who replace him will be far worse, and brutal war would follow.

    Armstrong says the evil people in Washington will hide in bunkers when the atomic weapons drop on the rest of America. He thinks a big problem coming will be shortages in everything –including food. If there is bigger war, the economy will plunge, and interest rates will skyrocket. Greatest Depression here we come.

    In closing, Armstrong says, “The Deep State is scared to death of Trump winning in November because he now knows how to play the game. . . . and Secretary of State Tony Blinken is running the country” because we know Joe Biden is not.
    Deep State Knows It Cannot Cheat Kamela In – Martin Armstrong https://rumble.com/v5fcv7w-deep-state-knows-it-cannot-cheat-kamala-in-martin-armstrong.html Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong predicted less than a month ago that there would be another assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and the Deep State was going to do everything possible to start a war with Russia. He was right on both counts. All the chaos, debate fraud and push for World War III comes down to the Deep State knows it cannot cheat enough to put Kamala Harris into the White House in November. Forget the phony polls where they all say Kamala is running neck and neck with Trump. Armstrong says his “Socratees” computer program shows Kamala’s real approval rating is around 10%, and all his computer models say Kamala is going to lose big in November no matter how much they cheat. Armstrong says, “Just about everybody in politics looks at Socratees now because its track record on politics has been phenomenal for 30 years. They know what is going on.” So, is the Biden Administration panicking with this second clumsy attempt to assassinate Trump while playing golf? Is our own government trying to kill Trump because they know they cannot win? Armstrong says, “I believe so. . . . Look, these people have been warmongers. . . . This is their power. They have gotten so close to destroying Russia, which is their end goal here. Handing long-range missiles to Ukraine, this is like hiring somebody to kill your spouse and then saying, well, he shot, I didn’t. . . . Trump and RFK Jr. are against war. . . . My concern here is they need to create war before January, if not even before the election. I think this is what all this stuff is about with the long-range missiles to shoot into Russia. If Trump does get in, they have to trap him into war. The whole nonsense about Russia Gate and all the rest was because Trump is against war. . . . The neocons called Trump Putin’s puppet because Trump will not engage in war against Russia. This is what this is all about.” Will the demonic Deep State try yet another assassination of Trump? Armstrong says, “I would not put it past them. Maybe next time they use Monkey Pox or Bird Flu. Look, Trump represents a real threat to their power. If Trump gets in, the neocons are out. Who wrote that recent article for the Washington Post that said Trump would be a “dictator”? It was Victoria Nuland’s husband. Why? Because Victoria Nuland was thrown out of Trump’s Administration. She has been in every administration except Trump’s. . . . This is the neocons against the American people. The computer has been showing that this may be the very last election we have. Just look at the chaos that has been going on at this stage.” Armstrong is afraid that Putin may be overthrown in Russia because his response has been too timid against NATO. Armstrong says, “Putin knows the neocons want war, and he won’t take the bait.” Armstrong is also afraid that if Putin does get booted out of office, then the people who replace him will be far worse, and brutal war would follow. Armstrong says the evil people in Washington will hide in bunkers when the atomic weapons drop on the rest of America. He thinks a big problem coming will be shortages in everything –including food. If there is bigger war, the economy will plunge, and interest rates will skyrocket. Greatest Depression here we come. In closing, Armstrong says, “The Deep State is scared to death of Trump winning in November because he now knows how to play the game. . . . and Secretary of State Tony Blinken is running the country” because we know Joe Biden is not.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 56 Vue
  • https://www.eurasiantimes.com/rampant-russian-activity-near-alaska/
    U.S Fortifies Alaska With Warships, Fighter Squadron, Military & Missile Unit Amid Russian Threats & Claims
    In response to increased Russian military activities near Alaska, the US military has bolstered its presence in the region by deploying a destroyer, stationing an Army unit with long-range missile capabilities, and placing fighter squadrons and other aircraft on high alert. In recent weeks, the US Navy destroyer USS Sterett has been stationed off the […]
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaBCGTNU8dU
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  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJvun_Wozz0
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  • Genesis
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  • The truth.
    God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    The truth. God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 27 Vue
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  • Haha
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  • Histamine Intolerance Support: What to Use?

    Histamine Intolerance Support: What to Use? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIB_wzBSeHY&list=TLPQMjEwOTIwMjSde-8kZQlQsQ&index=16
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  • This is why I don't argue with idiots & Nazis on social media. Arguing with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to a corpse.
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