• Olmos Park Open Carry - Tazered and Arrested Full Video

    There's a group of criminals in America that believe ONLY THEY MAY BE ARMED and everyone else must be disarmed

    This group of #Criminals are the POLICY ENFORCERS
    of the #Corporation of the United States

    And they are hands down,
    the most #Violent criminals we have in America!

    EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK they are threatening to harm,
    or harming their countrymen

    And when they are doing that, they are stealing the property of Americans through "Civil Asset Forfeiture" where they CLAIM your property was obtained through "criminal activity"

    The CLAIM alone gets your property stolen by these criminal thugs, who wear body armor, carry multiple firearms and tasers... but they are always "Scared"
    (so they claim)

    Let me give you blue belly scumbags some free advice.....
    "If you don't go around harming your fellow Americans on a daily basis, and violating their inalienable human rights, and stealing their property... you wouldn't be scared of them!

    I'd be scared too if I treated my fellow man the way you do!
    You are "fearful" because you KNOW deep down, that YOU are the #Criminal

    It's YOU who commits crimes against your fellow man every day!
    It's YOU who ruins the lives of millions of Americans and destroys their families
    It's YOU responsible for children growing up without parents

    It's YOU who Americans "FEAR"
    I've never met ANY AMERICAN that was "scared of criminals"
    I meet Americans EVERY DAY that are scared Police will cage them or steal their money, their assets, or even their lives!

    It's the POLICE who unlawfully kidnap children from their parents based solely on the word of some "Child Protective Services" scumbag who DOES NOT HAVE the required COURT ORDER!

    It's YOU!
    It's always YOU!
    The criminals in blue

    Olmos Park Open Carry - Tazered and Arrested Full Video There's a group of criminals in America that believe ONLY THEY MAY BE ARMED and everyone else must be disarmed This group of #Criminals are the POLICY ENFORCERS of the #Corporation of the United States And they are hands down, the most #Violent criminals we have in America! EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK they are threatening to harm, or harming their countrymen And when they are doing that, they are stealing the property of Americans through "Civil Asset Forfeiture" where they CLAIM your property was obtained through "criminal activity" BUT THEY CANNOT PROVE IT! The CLAIM alone gets your property stolen by these criminal thugs, who wear body armor, carry multiple firearms and tasers... but they are always "Scared" (so they claim) Let me give you blue belly scumbags some free advice..... "If you don't go around harming your fellow Americans on a daily basis, and violating their inalienable human rights, and stealing their property... you wouldn't be scared of them! I'd be scared too if I treated my fellow man the way you do! You are "fearful" because you KNOW deep down, that YOU are the #Criminal It's YOU who commits crimes against your fellow man every day! It's YOU who ruins the lives of millions of Americans and destroys their families It's YOU responsible for children growing up without parents It's YOU who Americans "FEAR" I've never met ANY AMERICAN that was "scared of criminals" I meet Americans EVERY DAY that are scared Police will cage them or steal their money, their assets, or even their lives! It's the POLICE who unlawfully kidnap children from their parents based solely on the word of some "Child Protective Services" scumbag who DOES NOT HAVE the required COURT ORDER! It's YOU! It's always YOU! The criminals in blue https://youtu.be/GrDAPPiu1QE
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  • Police should be REQUIRED BY LAW to have an active insurance policy for general liability, to pay out the lawsuits and police misconduct claims!

    And those cops should also be CRIMINALLY CHARGED under federal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 every single time they violate the rights of Americans!

    I have been telling people this for YEARS!

    I install replacement windows for a living.....
    My job REQUIRES me to purchase a ONE MILLION DOLLAR general liability insurance policy. Without it I can't work!

    I DON'T carry a gun, shoot people, taze people, bust out people's car windows, imprison people with torture cuffs, or put people into a cage while I'm at work.....

    I simply install windows, and MUST HAVE liability insurance!

    Don't you think it's beyond reasonable to ask that #Police Officers be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry a general liability insurance policy, just like I have to have, since they DO all of the things listed above!

    They DO carry a gun, they DO commit violence against other Americans, they DO put people into shackles, they DO damage the property of Americans, and they DO harm Americans on a regular basis

    Is it REALLY necessary for ME to be forced to have general liability insurance in order to "Change a window" when we have
    MEN IN BODY ARMOR WITH GUNS AND TASERS who don't have insurance?

    You see..... Police definitely DON'T WANT to be required to purchase their own insurance policy! Do you know WHY???

    I'll tell you... If these Police had their own liability insurance every time that an American citizen wins a case of police brutality or misconduct, and / or wrongful death when they kill the innocent..

    And that would make their premiums go up...

    And when it has happened several times
    (Like happens with bad cops) their policy would be CANCELLED leaving them unable to ever work as a police officer again!

    This is something that MUST HAPPEN!
    We can no longer tolerate a #Criminal gang of blue line thugs who are "Above the Law" and are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE!

    And body cameras should be MANDATORY and activated throughout the shift of ALL POLICE OFFICERS!

    If they turn them off it should be an automatic 25 years in prison!

    The body cameras and dash cameras should be LIVE-STREAMED to servers controlled by CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES of regular Americans (Like myself and James Freeman) and to Police headquarters, after a 5 minute delay

    THE AMERICAN PEOPLE should NEVER get a redacted version of the body cameras, after all, THEY ARE THE BOSS!

    Every body camera in America should be viewable after a 5 minute delay, it should be released for ANYONE to look at it, at any time, and for any reason... and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it be edited whatsoever!

    STOP enabling criminal behavior by Police!
    STOP enabling criminals to walk free among us!


    Because if you should fail to do this....
    Your children and grandchildren will live as #Slaves and under #Tyranny
    Police should be REQUIRED BY LAW to have an active insurance policy for general liability, to pay out the lawsuits and police misconduct claims! And those cops should also be CRIMINALLY CHARGED under federal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 241 and 18 U.S.C. § 242 every single time they violate the rights of Americans! I have been telling people this for YEARS! I install replacement windows for a living..... My job REQUIRES me to purchase a ONE MILLION DOLLAR general liability insurance policy. Without it I can't work! I DON'T carry a gun, shoot people, taze people, bust out people's car windows, imprison people with torture cuffs, or put people into a cage while I'm at work..... I simply install windows, and MUST HAVE liability insurance! Don't you think it's beyond reasonable to ask that #Police Officers be REQUIRED BY LAW to carry a general liability insurance policy, just like I have to have, since they DO all of the things listed above! They DO carry a gun, they DO commit violence against other Americans, they DO put people into shackles, they DO damage the property of Americans, and they DO harm Americans on a regular basis Is it REALLY necessary for ME to be forced to have general liability insurance in order to "Change a window" when we have MEN IN BODY ARMOR WITH GUNS AND TASERS who don't have insurance? You see..... Police definitely DON'T WANT to be required to purchase their own insurance policy! Do you know WHY??? I'll tell you... If these Police had their own liability insurance every time that an American citizen wins a case of police brutality or misconduct, and / or wrongful death when they kill the innocent.. THEIR INSURANCE WOULD HAVE TO PAY THE LAWSUIT! And that would make their premiums go up... And when it has happened several times (Like happens with bad cops) their policy would be CANCELLED leaving them unable to ever work as a police officer again! This is something that MUST HAPPEN! We can no longer tolerate a #Criminal gang of blue line thugs who are "Above the Law" and are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE! And body cameras should be MANDATORY and activated throughout the shift of ALL POLICE OFFICERS! If they turn them off it should be an automatic 25 years in prison! The body cameras and dash cameras should be LIVE-STREAMED to servers controlled by CITIZEN OVERSIGHT COMMITTEES of regular Americans (Like myself and James Freeman) and to Police headquarters, after a 5 minute delay THE AMERICAN PEOPLE should NEVER get a redacted version of the body cameras, after all, THEY ARE THE BOSS! Every body camera in America should be viewable after a 5 minute delay, it should be released for ANYONE to look at it, at any time, and for any reason... and under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should it be edited whatsoever! STOP enabling criminal behavior by Police! STOP enabling criminals to walk free among us! DEMAND POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY WITH EVERY BREATHE YOU TAKE, RIGHT UP UNTIL THE VERY LAST ONE! Because if you should fail to do this.... Your children and grandchildren will live as #Slaves and under #Tyranny
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