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  • No debate till after Democrats convention in August, Kamala Harris should go and get Democrats nomination first before coming to debate Trump because Trump has already been nominated by Republican Party
    No debate till after Democrats convention in August, Kamala Harris should go and get Democrats nomination first before coming to debate Trump because Trump has already been nominated by Republican Party
    0 Comments 0 Shares 104 Views
  • FBI has no right to interview Trump because since the year 2015 FBI has being a serious weapons Democrats used as threat against Trump & as it stands now Trump need a serious self defense as security till after November 5th 2024 election
    FBI has no right to interview Trump because since the year 2015 FBI has being a serious weapons Democrats used as threat against Trump & as it stands now Trump need a serious self defense as security till after November 5th 2024 election
    0 Comments 0 Shares 125 Views
  • Democrats are playing Games , they don’t know that Biden himself have much political force more than any other candidate that will come out, , now the New game has begins and who will be the next, Queen Hillary Clinton
    Democrats are playing Games , they don’t know that Biden himself have much political force more than any other candidate that will come out, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, now the New game has begins and who will be the next, Queen Hillary Clinton
    0 Comments 0 Shares 171 Views
  • Well done Mr president for drooping out from the race, finally finally president Biden have accepted to decamped out from 2024 presidential election, at list there will be No Uniparty again and another round of pandemic will never come up on 2024 election
    Well done Mr president for drooping out from the race, finally finally president Biden have accepted to decamped out from 2024 presidential election, at list there will be No Uniparty again and another round of pandemic will never come up on 2024 election
    0 Comments 0 Shares 121 Views
  • You can’t kill who God is his shade, Democrats has done their worst by trying to kill Trump .
    You can’t kill who God is his shade, Democrats has done their worst by trying to kill Trump .
    0 Comments 0 Shares 202 Views
  • CNN has disgrace themselves in the so call debate, Joe Biden is incompetent and every body around the world knows that Biden is incompetent , so why would CNN show Biden incompetency
    CNN has disgrace themselves in the so call debate, Joe Biden is incompetent and every body around the world knows that Biden is incompetent , so why would CNN show Biden incompetency
    0 Comments 0 Shares 256 Views
  • I am running up for my father burial , I traveled that is why I am off line for more than one month now
    I am running up for my father burial , I traveled that is why I am off line for more than one month now
    0 Comments 0 Shares 257 Views
  • Every day Trump court case shows that pentagon-Biden still wants to keep the power but what they will see is 3rd world war
    Every day Trump court case shows that pentagon-Biden still wants to keep the power but what they will see is 3rd world war
    0 Comments 0 Shares 208 Views
  • Michael choose to paid that $130,000 just to commit Trump into that secret deal Michael Cohen made with Stormy Daniels and that is what we called dubbing strategy
    0 Comments 0 Shares 136 Views
  • Michael choose to paid that $130,000 just to commit Trump into that secret deal Michael Cohen made with Stormy Daniels and that is what we called dubbing strategy
    Michael choose to paid that $130,000 just to commit Trump into that secret deal Michael Cohen made with Stormy Daniels and that is what we called dubbing strategy
    0 Comments 1 Shares 253 Views
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