I would have been married, but the wife I would have had and I never met. She was aborted as a baby. That vague fact just came to me recently. As did my understanding of my purpose as to what I must do in the remaining time I/we have left . The SRNEWS Project is to watch, educate, edify, entertain and warn in puzzle form, and to prepare us all in this digital realm of the last days of man's dominion on the only planet with life on it.
  • 928 Publicações
  • 985 fotos
  • 0 Vídeos
  • 21st century Berean Word puzzle Designer em Camp Steven's
  • Mora em Lake Michigan
  • De Wet Bend
  • Estudou Serving Yeshua Hamashiach em Hard Knocks
    Class of First
  • Male
  • Solteiro
  • 03/08/1960
  • Seguido por 18 pessoas
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