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  • With the promises of government comes the despair of the masses. The campaign of progressive fears lead to opening arms to authoritarian safety measures that lead to total slavery. Everytime you wear a mask as you drive ALONE down the highway you are condoning their campaign of fear. Lack of faith has opened up an acceptance for the road to socialistic communism. Hyper-inflation is all but certain eventually as they try to keep the farm from starving.

    History has shown us the next phase that's coming. 1918 is repeating like history always does and we never learn from the past. We've exported our dependence on foreign sources as the government and leftist agenda promised we didn't need those jobs. There was always a reason, not technical enough, they caused to much pollution, or it was going to be cheaper to manufacture it overseas. The desire of safety and campaign of fear has circumvented the desire for constitutional rights. Enjoy your history lesson as you live it and write it. All of it has occurred before...
    With the promises of government comes the despair of the masses. The campaign of progressive fears lead to opening arms to authoritarian safety measures that lead to total slavery. Everytime you wear a mask as you drive ALONE down the highway you are condoning their campaign of fear. Lack of faith has opened up an acceptance for the road to socialistic communism. Hyper-inflation is all but certain eventually as they try to keep the farm from starving. History has shown us the next phase that's coming. 1918 is repeating like history always does and we never learn from the past. We've exported our dependence on foreign sources as the government and leftist agenda promised we didn't need those jobs. There was always a reason, not technical enough, they caused to much pollution, or it was going to be cheaper to manufacture it overseas. The desire of safety and campaign of fear has circumvented the desire for constitutional rights. Enjoy your history lesson as you live it and write it. All of it has occurred before...
    Influenza pandemic fueled rise of Nazi Party, research shows
    The influenza pandemic that gripped the globe a century ago helped the Nazi Party rise to power in Germany, a new study says. Right-wing extremists such as the Nazis won a greater share of the vote…
    2 Commentarios 1 Acciones 195 Views
  • If you want to piece together the truth you must step past all their propagandistic illusions.
    If you want to piece together the truth you must step past all their propagandistic illusions.
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 134 Views
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