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  • My initial prediction for the next year, possibly the next two (please God, let me be wrong):

1) the Democrats will get rid of the filibuster.
2) they will get rid of the 60% rule.

Those two things will pretty much give them the ability to do what they want politically.

3) at some point they will make DC, and PortoRico states, effectively ensuring their control over the Senate.
4) they will likely begin packing the Supreme Court with leftist ideologues, further strengthening their control.
5) they will increase gun control legislation to make it practically impossible to legally own firearms.
6) they will ban civil militias and in particular they will declare the Proud Boys a terrorist organization.
7) they will suppress any attempts at election reform so they can remain in and control power
8) they will continue to use and increase the use of Covid and other things, as an excuse to limit travel, group gatherings, and religious activities.
9) they will pass “hate speech” laws to limit what people can publicly say, and will empower “thought police” to enforce political correctness as a guise to suppress free though.
10) they will mandate immunizations and require proof of immunizations in order to travel and conduct business.
11) they will likely begin a policy of “chipping” citizens as a mechanism for public identification and immunization verification. Think 666
12) they will begin the implementation of the use of so called FEMA camps to begin housing and ‘re-educating’ violators of thought crimes.

I’m sure I’m omitting things, but that’s my initial thoughts. I hope I’m wrong but I think this will likely be the end of the United States as we know it. Within the next twenty years we will fall to the communist level of Venezuela. This will probably not be resolved. There will likely be armed revolt.
    My initial prediction for the next year, possibly the next two (please God, let me be wrong):

1) the Democrats will get rid of the filibuster.
2) they will get rid of the 60% rule.

Those two things will pretty much give them the ability to do what they want politically.

3) at some point they will make DC, and PortoRico states, effectively ensuring their control over the Senate.
4) they will likely begin packing the Supreme Court with leftist ideologues, further strengthening their control.
5) they will increase gun control legislation to make it practically impossible to legally own firearms.
6) they will ban civil militias and in particular they will declare the Proud Boys a terrorist organization.
7) they will suppress any attempts at election reform so they can remain in and control power
8) they will continue to use and increase the use of Covid and other things, as an excuse to limit travel, group gatherings, and religious activities.
9) they will pass “hate speech” laws to limit what people can publicly say, and will empower “thought police” to enforce political correctness as a guise to suppress free though.
10) they will mandate immunizations and require proof of immunizations in order to travel and conduct business.
11) they will likely begin a policy of “chipping” citizens as a mechanism for public identification and immunization verification. Think 666
12) they will begin the implementation of the use of so called FEMA camps to begin housing and ‘re-educating’ violators of thought crimes.

I’m sure I’m omitting things, but that’s my initial thoughts. I hope I’m wrong but I think this will likely be the end of the United States as we know it. Within the next twenty years we will fall to the communist level of Venezuela. This will probably not be resolved. There will likely be armed revolt.
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