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  • MeWe needs to get a more modern server so brave browser can be used. Not changing my browser because they want to put things in my iMac I don't want...
    MeWe needs to get a more modern server so brave browser can be used. Not changing my browser because they want to put things in my iMac I don't want...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 522 Views
  • Some how people that aren't too smart think that changing your anatomy changes your gender. People have been changing anatomy (caste-rating) horses and dogs and all kinds of animals for a long time and still haven't changed a single gender...
    Some how people that aren't too smart think that changing your anatomy changes your gender. People have been changing anatomy (caste-rating) horses and dogs and all kinds of animals for a long time and still haven't changed a single gender...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 422 Views
  • I dont know what Constitution the Supreme court is looking at but they need to throw it away and get the one for the united states of America. The one they seem to follow is flawed...
    I dont know what Constitution the Supreme court is looking at but they need to throw it away and get the one for the united states of America. The one they seem to follow is flawed...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 382 Views
  • Transgender? Fact is your DNA tells what your gender is. Fact is it's unchangeable. Fact is saying it's different is a lie. Lying is a sin. Repent, Confess, and be baptized. I imagine you know the alternative...
    Transgender? Fact is your DNA tells what your gender is. Fact is it's unchangeable. Fact is saying it's different is a lie. Lying is a sin. Repent, Confess, and be baptized. I imagine you know the alternative...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 416 Views
  • Biden is a threat to National security and by not guarding the border it is treason according to the constitution, he was sworn to uphold...All our democratic representatives wether Republican or Democrat were sworn to uphold the Constitution. If they wont uphold their oath they are to be stripped of their office and removed from the premisses...IE replaced
    Biden is a threat to National security and by not guarding the border it is treason according to the constitution, he was sworn to uphold...All our democratic representatives wether Republican or Democrat were sworn to uphold the Constitution. If they wont uphold their oath they are to be stripped of their office and removed from the premisses...IE replaced
    0 Comments 0 Shares 418 Views
  • Kamala is an anchor baby, not eligible for presidency. therefore the run for Vice president is illegal under the constitution.
    Kamala is an anchor baby, not eligible for presidency. therefore the run for Vice president is illegal under the constitution.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 508 Views
  • Just go out in public and talk to people, you'r going to find out that most People aren't racist, Well except for black people. Most black people are racist.
    Just go out in public and talk to people, you'r going to find out that most People aren't racist, Well except for black people. Most black people are racist.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 430 Views
  • 0 Comments 0 Shares 398 Views
  • When you add any %to a total amount owed it don't matter if you call it a sir charge, a convenience fee, a processing fee, or what ever you dream up. It's a TAX. Like it or not you do not have the right to just add another tax at checkout.
    When you add any %to a total amount owed it don't matter if you call it a sir charge, a convenience fee, a processing fee, or what ever you dream up. It's a TAX. Like it or not you do not have the right to just add another tax at checkout.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 386 Views
  • well I'm here again we'll see how long it takes to be forgotten this time...
    well I'm here again we'll see how long it takes to be forgotten this time...
    1 Comments 0 Shares 504 Views
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