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This week even more boomsThis week even more boomsThe Gateway Pundit has a pretty good history of getting the scoop before it becomes part of public dialog. It will be interesting to see if more tangible evidence surfaces and how this plays out. If this turns out to be true, a couple of interesting questions come to mind. First, Is Seth Rich's death tied to the NSA's knowledge of the communication between Rich and Wikileaks? Second and equally important. Why would the NSA have this information in the first place? They have no domestic role into their communications monitoring (Reference USSID-18). Finally, How much of Russian Collusion, Impeachment, Flynn prosecution, all of it, really about covering the tracks on the Seth Rich death? Again, if this story proves to be true.
#SethRich, #NSA, #RussiaCollusion, #Crowdstrike, #DNCEmails
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