• Dollar Dying, Russian Missiles Here, CV19 Vax—NOT!

    This past week, the so-called petrodollar officially died. What does this mean to Americans? The petrodollar ending will affect everything from interest rates and inflation to solvency of the Treasury market, and it can even affect whether the US survives as a country. In short, the US dollar is dying, and that death just got kicked into overdrive. Now that Saudi Arabia will accept many currencies for its oil, the world does not have to hold dollars. Get ready for hard times as all these useless dollars find their way back to America. When you have a lot of something, the price goes down. The dollar will survive, but the buying power of it won’t be anything like it is today.

    A few weeks ago, the Biden Administration started supplying missiles to Ukraine and gave the evil regime their permission to start shooting them into Russia. What could go wrong with that hairbrained decision? How about Russia is now sending nuclear armed subs and stealth submersible craft to patrol the US coastline. How long will Russia allow the US to shoot missiles into Russia before it shoots a few into the US? If a nuke hits Saint Louis, there will be no Republicans and Democrats anymore. It will be just “We the People” sinking in the same boat. Call your Congressman and Senator and ask them if they have lost their minds to be pulling this reckless stunt with Russia, a hypersonic nuclear armed country. Really—call them.
    Dollar Dying, Russian Missiles Here, CV19 Vax—NOT! https://rumble.com/v51ipmp-dollar-dying-russian-missiles-here-cv19-vaxnot.html This past week, the so-called petrodollar officially died. What does this mean to Americans? The petrodollar ending will affect everything from interest rates and inflation to solvency of the Treasury market, and it can even affect whether the US survives as a country. In short, the US dollar is dying, and that death just got kicked into overdrive. Now that Saudi Arabia will accept many currencies for its oil, the world does not have to hold dollars. Get ready for hard times as all these useless dollars find their way back to America. When you have a lot of something, the price goes down. The dollar will survive, but the buying power of it won’t be anything like it is today. A few weeks ago, the Biden Administration started supplying missiles to Ukraine and gave the evil regime their permission to start shooting them into Russia. What could go wrong with that hairbrained decision? How about Russia is now sending nuclear armed subs and stealth submersible craft to patrol the US coastline. How long will Russia allow the US to shoot missiles into Russia before it shoots a few into the US? If a nuke hits Saint Louis, there will be no Republicans and Democrats anymore. It will be just “We the People” sinking in the same boat. Call your Congressman and Senator and ask them if they have lost their minds to be pulling this reckless stunt with Russia, a hypersonic nuclear armed country. Really—call them.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 261 Views

    SONIC MIND CONTROL ON US CITIZENS https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z6Xk8JO39wYj/
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 83 Views
  • https://www.globalresearch.ca/nato-no-fly-zones-ukraine-russia-hypersonic-strikes/5858507
    NATO Flirts with No-fly Zones Over Ukraine, Russia Responds with Hypersonic Strikes
    Officials in EU/NATO countries are flirting with the possibility of moving toward the establishment of the so-called "no-fly zones" (NFZ) over Ukraine.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 137 Views

    What a little sissy!
    DeNiro wears platform shoes because he's a sawed off little worm!

    I have no love for EITHER PARTY in the #Luciferian control system!
    They are ALL #Evil scumbags, on BOTH SIDES!

    And it's about time for people to pull their heads out their a**es and realize this is ALL an act, a show, pure #Propaganda and BS!

    IT'S ALL POLITICAL THEATRE ACTED OUT BY FREEMASONIC LUCIFERIANS DESIGNED TO DIVIDE AND CONQUER US! What a little sissy! DeNiro wears platform shoes because he's a sawed off little worm! I have no love for EITHER PARTY in the #Luciferian control system! They are ALL #Evil scumbags, on BOTH SIDES! And it's about time for people to pull their heads out their a**es and realize this is ALL an act, a show, pure #Propaganda and BS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/HolLwoSgPKZp/
    0 Commentarios 2 Acciones 516 Views
  • Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens (4 min, 52 sec)
    Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens (4 min, 52 sec) https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/129549
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 84 Views 0
  • Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens https://www.infowars.com/posts/sonic-mind-control-on-us-citizens/
    Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens https://www.infowars.com/posts/sonic-mind-control-on-us-citizens/
    Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens
    Havana Syndrome admitted to be real
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 118 Views
  • Here is a review and a introduction to my new Panasonic Lumix G7 Camera

    Here is a review and a introduction to my new Panasonic Lumix G7 Camera 😋 https://rumble.com/v4w4zo9-2024-05-17-panasonic-lumix-g7-review.html
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 117 Views
  • Demonic Globalist Elite Starting World War III – Steve Quayle, Greg Hunter

    Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has amassed a deep network of sources, especially in the military. Quayle is hearing that America is closer to nuclear war than it has ever been. Quayle says, “This is a detonation broadcast because of everything that is ready to explode: in the economy, in the world of WWIII, the events taking place in Ukraine and the events taking place off of the West Coast of the United States. Never in the history of the United States and Russia have we had multiple submarines, strategic missile submarines doing tests in international waters warning the US government, especially the FAA and the Pentagon, that they are going to be using dummy warheads. . . . Here is the striking thing about this. The United States, Western Europe and the NATO confederation have declared in the next 10 days they are going to be moving up to 90,000 men onto the border in Ukraine. We have declared that F-16’s (that can carry nuclear missiles) are going into Ukraine. . . . or around Ukraine. Russia has said that when they touch down, they will hit them on the ground. What is more astonishing is the time period for this test missile launch is also 10 days. It syncs up totally with NATO’s time frame to deploy troops and F-16’s. . . .Russia is the leading nuclear power in the world, and they have advanced technology, such as hypersonic missiles we, the United States, do not possess. . . . We are talking about somebody making the wrong decision, and at that point, it’s WWIII from then on. This is not a military exercise.”

    Quayle says there are no peace talks to cool things down and deescalate tensions. Quayle points out, “Everybody wants war, and it’s the West triggering the war. You get into the Deagel Report and there is going to be 250 million less Americans by 2025. This means the population of the United States is going down to around 90 million to 100 million people. The Deagel Report was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, and how did they know this? It’s simple, we are watching the globalists and the elite initiate World War III. . . . The Russians have told us their time of patience is over. We need to talk about how dangerous this is. One wrong move and everything you have known in the United States, our freedoms are over. . . . I am fighting for the undoing of World War III. We have some, and I won’t call them insane, I would call them ‘demonic infectons.’ . . . . They are running the country. . . . A demon is a disembodied evil spirit. This is not a human being.”

    Quayle says another huge warning sign that something is very wrong on multiple levels is the Friday closing price of gold and silver. Gold is now well over $2,400 an ounce after a nearly $40 per ounce run-up before the weekend. Silver is more than $31 per ounce after nearly an 8% jump on Friday. Quayle says, “Nobody wants to be short metals over the weekend. This is a sign people are worried.”

    Quayle also says, “Russia is saying we are 300 miles off your coast, and by the way, we are going to be launching some missiles. The Russians are demonstrating they have the capability, and in my opinion, this is the last step. They are pissed off at NATO. They are pissed off at Great Britian, and they are totally pissed off at the United States.”

    In closing, Quayle says, “People ask me what shall I do? And I say there is an answer, and his name is Jesus. There is a Bible, and God says call me on the day of your trouble, and I will hear you. I am telling people to get right with the Lord. . . . The United States declared war on the Living God, and the Democrats and the Zombie Cons went along with it. . . . If you are looking for a political solution for a spiritual problem, you are already dead.”
    Demonic Globalist Elite Starting World War III – Steve Quayle, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v4vv9nu-demonic-globalist-elite-starting-world-war-iii-steve-quayle.html Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has amassed a deep network of sources, especially in the military. Quayle is hearing that America is closer to nuclear war than it has ever been. Quayle says, “This is a detonation broadcast because of everything that is ready to explode: in the economy, in the world of WWIII, the events taking place in Ukraine and the events taking place off of the West Coast of the United States. Never in the history of the United States and Russia have we had multiple submarines, strategic missile submarines doing tests in international waters warning the US government, especially the FAA and the Pentagon, that they are going to be using dummy warheads. . . . Here is the striking thing about this. The United States, Western Europe and the NATO confederation have declared in the next 10 days they are going to be moving up to 90,000 men onto the border in Ukraine. We have declared that F-16’s (that can carry nuclear missiles) are going into Ukraine. . . . or around Ukraine. Russia has said that when they touch down, they will hit them on the ground. What is more astonishing is the time period for this test missile launch is also 10 days. It syncs up totally with NATO’s time frame to deploy troops and F-16’s. . . .Russia is the leading nuclear power in the world, and they have advanced technology, such as hypersonic missiles we, the United States, do not possess. . . . We are talking about somebody making the wrong decision, and at that point, it’s WWIII from then on. This is not a military exercise.” Quayle says there are no peace talks to cool things down and deescalate tensions. Quayle points out, “Everybody wants war, and it’s the West triggering the war. You get into the Deagel Report and there is going to be 250 million less Americans by 2025. This means the population of the United States is going down to around 90 million to 100 million people. The Deagel Report was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, and how did they know this? It’s simple, we are watching the globalists and the elite initiate World War III. . . . The Russians have told us their time of patience is over. We need to talk about how dangerous this is. One wrong move and everything you have known in the United States, our freedoms are over. . . . I am fighting for the undoing of World War III. We have some, and I won’t call them insane, I would call them ‘demonic infectons.’ . . . . They are running the country. . . . A demon is a disembodied evil spirit. This is not a human being.” Quayle says another huge warning sign that something is very wrong on multiple levels is the Friday closing price of gold and silver. Gold is now well over $2,400 an ounce after a nearly $40 per ounce run-up before the weekend. Silver is more than $31 per ounce after nearly an 8% jump on Friday. Quayle says, “Nobody wants to be short metals over the weekend. This is a sign people are worried.” Quayle also says, “Russia is saying we are 300 miles off your coast, and by the way, we are going to be launching some missiles. The Russians are demonstrating they have the capability, and in my opinion, this is the last step. They are pissed off at NATO. They are pissed off at Great Britian, and they are totally pissed off at the United States.” In closing, Quayle says, “People ask me what shall I do? And I say there is an answer, and his name is Jesus. There is a Bible, and God says call me on the day of your trouble, and I will hear you. I am telling people to get right with the Lord. . . . The United States declared war on the Living God, and the Democrats and the Zombie Cons went along with it. . . . If you are looking for a political solution for a spiritual problem, you are already dead.”
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1546 Views
  • https://greatgameindia.com/24-chinese-hypersonic-missiles-will-sink-top-u-s-aircraft-carrier/
    24 Chinese Hypersonic Missiles Will Sink Top U.S. Aircraft Carrier - GreatGameIndia
    A paper released in the Chinese-language Journal of Test and Measurement Technology claimed that 24 Chinese hypersonic missiles will sink a top U.S. aircraft carrier.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 275 Views
  • I clipped this from a post....
    EVERYONE should read it!

    If we want to change the WORLD, we must start by changing OURSELVES!
    Being "tolerant" of #Evil is NOT the position a Christian takes!

    I'll be "tolerant" of Freemasons, just like Jesus was "tolerant" of the money-changers!
    Speaking of which... We should not be tolerant of them either!

    #Bankers are modern money changers folks!
    And they are stealing the earth, which was given to YOU, using worthless paper!

    The Advent Truth

    Freemasonry: the all-embracing Heresy
    Freemasonry is a pagan cult that pretends to embrace all religions, but only in order to negate them all. Our lust for more power, money, and sex is unleashed inside this all-embracing heresy called Roman Catholic Freemasonry. The lower instincts become the higher. Accordingly, culture has been degraded and we have no real collective identity or ideals, just animal appetites. Lead by this satanic "G"ay m.a.f.i.a, all the humanity is becoming a bizarre sex cult.

    Inside the Freemasonry, only their inner circles are aware that the "Craft" is in fact devoted to Satanism, serving pagan gods behind a veil of false Judaism (Synagogue of Satan). These masonic Satanists disguise their agenda in warm and fuzzy buzzwords like "economic justice" and "international peace".

    They also have drafted a new world constitution called the "Earth Charter". In 2002, the Earth Charter was presented to the United Nations (UN) in a pantheistic 21st Century replica of the Ark of the Covenant called "the Ark of Hope". For many centuries, the world has been subject to a gradual and subtle process of Masonic occultist indoctrination.

    Religion is portrayed as irrelevant and the human "liberation" is defined as being able to have sex with anything and anyone, talking about bodily functions and exposing the body (the Temple of the Most High) in public. Also as humanity is continually made sicker by this heretic cult that is trying to rule over us, the man has become more and more beast-like.

    The untold fact is that we cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of a gigantic Masonic conspiracy, planned by the Vatican and the Jesuits (IHS). Without belonging to the freemasonry and participating in their pacts and filthy oaths, there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is.

    Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Zionist financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization. They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Vatican's "New World Order".

    Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, 300 mainly Zionist banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world. Masons are responsible for communism, Zionism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, anarchism and all the other "isms" in our society - "divide and conquer" they say.

    These "world revolutionary", "progressive" movements ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and "reason" and dedicated to "liberty, equality and fraternity," "public ownership" or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family ("all collective forces except our own") by promoting social division, self indulgence and "tolerance", miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual "liberation" and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush.

    Ultimately, Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including the so called "science and culture".

    In last instance, Freemasonry is a cancer on earth - a club of fraudsters - nothing but the Vatican's m.a.f.i.a. Wherever the name of the Catholic church can't appear involved, there you will find the Roman Catholic Freemasonry infiltrated - as in the schemes of the m.a.f.i.a itself.
    I clipped this from a post.... EVERYONE should read it! If we want to change the WORLD, we must start by changing OURSELVES! Being "tolerant" of #Evil is NOT the position a Christian takes! I'll be "tolerant" of Freemasons, just like Jesus was "tolerant" of the money-changers! Speaking of which... We should not be tolerant of them either! #Bankers are modern money changers folks! And they are stealing the earth, which was given to YOU, using worthless paper! The Advent Truth Admin Freemasonry: the all-embracing Heresy Freemasonry is a pagan cult that pretends to embrace all religions, but only in order to negate them all. Our lust for more power, money, and sex is unleashed inside this all-embracing heresy called Roman Catholic Freemasonry. The lower instincts become the higher. Accordingly, culture has been degraded and we have no real collective identity or ideals, just animal appetites. Lead by this satanic "G"ay m.a.f.i.a, all the humanity is becoming a bizarre sex cult. Inside the Freemasonry, only their inner circles are aware that the "Craft" is in fact devoted to Satanism, serving pagan gods behind a veil of false Judaism (Synagogue of Satan). These masonic Satanists disguise their agenda in warm and fuzzy buzzwords like "economic justice" and "international peace". They also have drafted a new world constitution called the "Earth Charter". In 2002, the Earth Charter was presented to the United Nations (UN) in a pantheistic 21st Century replica of the Ark of the Covenant called "the Ark of Hope". For many centuries, the world has been subject to a gradual and subtle process of Masonic occultist indoctrination. Religion is portrayed as irrelevant and the human "liberation" is defined as being able to have sex with anything and anyone, talking about bodily functions and exposing the body (the Temple of the Most High) in public. Also as humanity is continually made sicker by this heretic cult that is trying to rule over us, the man has become more and more beast-like. The untold fact is that we cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of a gigantic Masonic conspiracy, planned by the Vatican and the Jesuits (IHS). Without belonging to the freemasonry and participating in their pacts and filthy oaths, there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is. Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Zionist financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization. They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Vatican's "New World Order". Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, 300 mainly Zionist banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world. Masons are responsible for communism, Zionism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, anarchism and all the other "isms" in our society - "divide and conquer" they say. These "world revolutionary", "progressive" movements ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and "reason" and dedicated to "liberty, equality and fraternity," "public ownership" or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family ("all collective forces except our own") by promoting social division, self indulgence and "tolerance", miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual "liberation" and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush. Ultimately, Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including the so called "science and culture". In last instance, Freemasonry is a cancer on earth - a club of fraudsters - nothing but the Vatican's m.a.f.i.a. Wherever the name of the Catholic church can't appear involved, there you will find the Roman Catholic Freemasonry infiltrated - as in the schemes of the m.a.f.i.a itself.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2594 Views
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