I am NOT a "citizen" of ANY #Government!

    A "Citizen" is a voluntary #Slave!
    Are YOU volunteering to be a SLAVE of a corporation???

    I'm certainly NOT!

    When you "consent" to being a "citizen" or check the box declaring that you are a "US Citizen" or "Canadian Citizen" you are declaring that you VOLUNTARILY give up your inalienable rights as a MAN or a WOMAN and consent to being the PROPERTY of these corporations!

    Then they can RULE OVER YOU under "Maritime Admiralty Law"
    Which is the form of law Fraudulently used in EVERY COURT IN THE WORLD!

    You are putting yourself into the #Jurisdiction of the WATER!
    Just like you were at sea.....

    At Sea "The Captain" can do whatever he wants to you!
    Declare you guilty and make you "Walk the plank"

    Screw that!
    I'll stay in the Jurisdiction of the LAND where MEN and WOMEN belong,
    under COMMON LAW! Do no harm and you are fine!

    Instead of 128,000 BS "rules" or go to prison!

    THE WHITE RABBIT - I AM NOT A CITIZEN OF THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT I am NOT a "citizen" of ANY #Government! A "Citizen" is a voluntary #Slave! Are YOU volunteering to be a SLAVE of a corporation??? I'm certainly NOT! When you "consent" to being a "citizen" or check the box declaring that you are a "US Citizen" or "Canadian Citizen" you are declaring that you VOLUNTARILY give up your inalienable rights as a MAN or a WOMAN and consent to being the PROPERTY of these corporations! Then they can RULE OVER YOU under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Which is the form of law Fraudulently used in EVERY COURT IN THE WORLD! You are putting yourself into the #Jurisdiction of the WATER! Just like you were at sea..... At Sea "The Captain" can do whatever he wants to you! Declare you guilty and make you "Walk the plank" Screw that! I'll stay in the Jurisdiction of the LAND where MEN and WOMEN belong, under COMMON LAW! Do no harm and you are fine! Instead of 128,000 BS "rules" or go to prison! https://old.bitchute.com/video/QGJcQ1hlgHuI/
    UTL COMMENT:- 'No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon'. [demon Mammon the money-changers Banks w/ Crown International BAR …
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 146 Просмотры

    #Police don't give a sh*t about #Violent #Crime!
    Most violent crime is committed by Police!

    Police are #Criminals who seek to raise revenue!
    These scumbags WORK FOR A FOR-PROFIT #CORPORATION that claims to be your "government" but it's NOT!

    It's an organized criminal operation operating based on #Fraud
    under "Maritime Admiralty Law"

    Every last one of them should be tried under COMMON LAW as a MAN or WOMAN who is doing REAL HARM to Americans "under the color of law"

    These are literally modern day #Pirates!
    They are pirates because their ONLY JURISDICTION IS ON THE WATER!

    That is where the FRAUD comes in!
    They are claiming that YOU have "consented" to be ruled as a #Slave under
    maritime admiralty law, which you MUST DO for this to be LAWFUL!

    WHY DID THE COP DRESSED AS A CHICKEN NOT CROSS THE ROAD? #Police don't give a sh*t about #Violent #Crime! Most violent crime is committed by Police! Police are #Criminals who seek to raise revenue! These scumbags WORK FOR A FOR-PROFIT #CORPORATION that claims to be your "government" but it's NOT! It's an organized criminal operation operating based on #Fraud under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Every last one of them should be tried under COMMON LAW as a MAN or WOMAN who is doing REAL HARM to Americans "under the color of law" These are literally modern day #Pirates! They are pirates because their ONLY JURISDICTION IS ON THE WATER! That is where the FRAUD comes in! They are claiming that YOU have "consented" to be ruled as a #Slave under maritime admiralty law, which you MUST DO for this to be LAWFUL! https://old.bitchute.com/video/iyiXDQtFtaNF/
    Why Did the Cop Dressed as a Chicken NOT Cross the Road?
    Zebra crossings, cops in chicken costumes, dogs painted to look like pandas, and real pandas that have turned into white elephants. Money should have intrinsic value AND transactional privacy: Go to https://davidknight.gold/ for great deals on phys…
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 166 Просмотры
    ..."KAMALANOMICS = BIDENOMICS = OBAMANOMICS" => SLIPPING INTO "SOCIALIST SLAVERY" https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/166/594/642/original/d519b44c3c8ad767.jpg
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 112 Просмотры
  • The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers | Christian J. Pinto | Adullam Films

    If you believe that the "Founding Fathers" were heroes and "Christians" then you have certainly been DECEIVED! It was an #Evil and quite brilliant deception, but it was a deception without a doubt!

    These were very intelligent men certainly...
    Not only did they draw up some really brilliant "Founding Documents" that people still cite as the basis of American Freedom today....

    But what these men really done with their documents, was to ENSLAVE A PEOPLE while convincing those people they had been "Freed" and had their rights protected with the SAME DOCUMENTS that actually enslaved them!

    Deceived and enslaved by the most #Evil men alive, who serve Lucifer himself.
    People don't like to admit they've been duped....

    But let me be the first to tell you, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED!
    You were duped by some of the best, most evil con men to have ever lived, but you were certainly, without a shred of doubt, duped, tricked, deceived!

    The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers | Christian J. Pinto | Adullam Films If you believe that the "Founding Fathers" were heroes and "Christians" then you have certainly been DECEIVED! It was an #Evil and quite brilliant deception, but it was a deception without a doubt! These were very intelligent men certainly... Not only did they draw up some really brilliant "Founding Documents" that people still cite as the basis of American Freedom today.... But what these men really done with their documents, was to ENSLAVE A PEOPLE while convincing those people they had been "Freed" and had their rights protected with the SAME DOCUMENTS that actually enslaved them! Deceived and enslaved by the most #Evil men alive, who serve Lucifer himself. People don't like to admit they've been duped.... But let me be the first to tell you, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED! You were duped by some of the best, most evil con men to have ever lived, but you were certainly, without a shred of doubt, duped, tricked, deceived! https://youtu.be/DZmrknQFdTM
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 180 Просмотры
  • The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers | Christian J. Pinto | Adullam Films

    If you believe that the "Founding Fathers" were heroes and "Christians" then you have certainly been DECEIVED! It was an #Evil and quite brilliant deception, but it was a deception without a doubt!

    These were very intelligent men certainly...
    Not only did they draw up some really brilliant "Founding Documents" that people still cite as the basis of American Freedom today....

    But what these men really done with their documents, was to ENSLAVE A PEOPLE while convincing those people they had been "Freed" and had their rights protected with the SAME DOCUMENTS that actually enslaved them!

    Deceived and enslaved by the most #Evil men alive, who serve Lucifer himself.
    People don't like to admit they've been duped....

    But let me be the first to tell you, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED!
    You were duped by some of the best, most evil con men to have ever lived, but you were certainly, without a shred of doubt, duped, tricked, deceived!

    The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers | Christian J. Pinto | Adullam Films If you believe that the "Founding Fathers" were heroes and "Christians" then you have certainly been DECEIVED! It was an #Evil and quite brilliant deception, but it was a deception without a doubt! These were very intelligent men certainly... Not only did they draw up some really brilliant "Founding Documents" that people still cite as the basis of American Freedom today.... But what these men really done with their documents, was to ENSLAVE A PEOPLE while convincing those people they had been "Freed" and had their rights protected with the SAME DOCUMENTS that actually enslaved them! Deceived and enslaved by the most #Evil men alive, who serve Lucifer himself. People don't like to admit they've been duped.... But let me be the first to tell you, YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED! You were duped by some of the best, most evil con men to have ever lived, but you were certainly, without a shred of doubt, duped, tricked, deceived! https://youtu.be/DZmrknQFdTM
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 177 Просмотры
  • UN’s Pact For The Future (er-I-Mean) – TYRANNY

    SUMMARY: The United Nations Pact For The Future is a document lavished with praise by the Mockingbird Media and Globalist dominated governments (SADLY, including my USA). The Pact is loaded with Double-Speak terminology sounding great yet in reality is a precursor leading the world’s masses into a slavery of ONE-World Government where national sovereignty is erased. That means for America, the final torching of our Liberty Documents – the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. …MORE TO READ!
    UN’s Pact For The Future (er-I-Mean) – TYRANNY https://slantedright2.blogspot.com/2024/09/uns-pact-for-future-er-i-mean-tyranny.html SUMMARY: The United Nations Pact For The Future is a document lavished with praise by the Mockingbird Media and Globalist dominated governments (SADLY, including my USA). The Pact is loaded with Double-Speak terminology sounding great yet in reality is a precursor leading the world’s masses into a slavery of ONE-World Government where national sovereignty is erased. That means for America, the final torching of our Liberty Documents – the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. …MORE TO READ! #UNPactForTyranny
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 278 Просмотры

    I am CERTAIN that you all will find this hard to believe.....

    I was "Yes Sir, No Sir, anything you say sir" etc....

    Of course since that time I have been arrested over 50 times
    WITHOUT A SINGLE CONVICTION ( Because I had done nothing wrong )

    And I have learned a few things about these cops!
    Your FIRST MISTAKE is thinking the cop is a MAN like you are!
    HE IS NOT! He is an "Order Follower" and a Coward POS working for a #Corporation

    HIS JOB is to extort money out of YOU, the #Slave, owned by the Corporation! He is taught that YOU ARE HIS ENEMY!

    It's always "The BLUE vs YOU"

    It's also a mistake to THINK that this coward POS won't take you to jail just because you have done nothing wrong! He don't CARE! He may even shoot your innocent a**!

    This scumbag is an enemy of every American!
    He does NOT "Keep anyone safe" (Except HIMSELF)

    I'll bet you money right now the scumbag would use a pregnant lady to hide behind in a shootout! And I'm not kidding you!

    This guy is PATHETIC, just like I used to be!

    But you only have to arrest me without cause 40 times or so... before I'm on to you! It actually didn't take that long... But I maintained my respectful behavior that long!

    The #Police ARE MORE LIKELY to abuse and arrest you if you kiss their ass! This is the TRUTH!

    You have to check these clowns!
    Ask James Freeman!

    A "Knuckle-Dragger" this guy says....
    MF the "knuckle-dragger is standing in front of you wearing a bullet-proof vest and has a gun! And you will be lucky if you are not killed or charged with a bogus felony tonight!

    I've NEVER told ANYONE to "Run" and neither has ANYONE with a brain in their head! YOU CAN'T OUTRUN MOTOROLA DUMBASS!

    But you ARE a bootlicker, and people like YOU are the problem!
    I used to be just like you. I thought that I had just had some bad luck with cops, and a couple of bad experiences....


    YOU are allowing this "knuckle-dragger" to go around screwing over innocent Americans IN YOUR NAME as you "support his criminality"

    You are so DUMB that you really believe this turd "Does good" in the community!

    You have been sipping the kool-aid deep my friend!

    IS THIS YOUTUBER A BOOTLICKER FOR DOING THIS DURING A TRAFFIC STOP? I am CERTAIN that you all will find this hard to believe..... BUT I USED TO BE LIKE THIS GUY! I was "Yes Sir, No Sir, anything you say sir" etc.... Of course since that time I have been arrested over 50 times WITHOUT A SINGLE CONVICTION ( Because I had done nothing wrong ) And I have learned a few things about these cops! Your FIRST MISTAKE is thinking the cop is a MAN like you are! HE IS NOT! He is an "Order Follower" and a Coward POS working for a #Corporation HIS JOB is to extort money out of YOU, the #Slave, owned by the Corporation! He is taught that YOU ARE HIS ENEMY! It's always "The BLUE vs YOU" It's also a mistake to THINK that this coward POS won't take you to jail just because you have done nothing wrong! He don't CARE! He may even shoot your innocent a**! This scumbag is an enemy of every American! He does NOT "Keep anyone safe" (Except HIMSELF) I'll bet you money right now the scumbag would use a pregnant lady to hide behind in a shootout! And I'm not kidding you! This guy is PATHETIC, just like I used to be! But you only have to arrest me without cause 40 times or so... before I'm on to you! It actually didn't take that long... But I maintained my respectful behavior that long! The #Police ARE MORE LIKELY to abuse and arrest you if you kiss their ass! This is the TRUTH! You have to check these clowns! Ask James Freeman! A "Knuckle-Dragger" this guy says.... MF the "knuckle-dragger is standing in front of you wearing a bullet-proof vest and has a gun! And you will be lucky if you are not killed or charged with a bogus felony tonight! I've NEVER told ANYONE to "Run" and neither has ANYONE with a brain in their head! YOU CAN'T OUTRUN MOTOROLA DUMBASS! But you ARE a bootlicker, and people like YOU are the problem! I used to be just like you. I thought that I had just had some bad luck with cops, and a couple of bad experiences.... THE TRUTH IS ALL EXPERIENCES WITH THESE CLOWNS ARE BAD YOU are allowing this "knuckle-dragger" to go around screwing over innocent Americans IN YOUR NAME as you "support his criminality" You are so DUMB that you really believe this turd "Does good" in the community! You have been sipping the kool-aid deep my friend! https://old.bitchute.com/video/owKlPPZ26iQ/
    Is this YOUTUBER a BOOTLICKER for Doing THIS During a Traffic Stop?
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Sub my new channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheDisturbingIllusion Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patre…
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 282 Просмотры
  • Isn’t it strange how Barry and Michelle Obama are so closely tied—in friendship and lifestyle—to convicted rapists and accused slavemasters and traffickers? That’s the question many people are asking again as we witness the downfall of Obama’s good friend, Sean “Diddy” Combs.
    Isn’t it strange how Barry and Michelle Obama are so closely tied—in friendship and lifestyle—to convicted rapists and accused slavemasters and traffickers? That’s the question many people are asking again as we witness the downfall of Obama’s good friend, Sean “Diddy” Combs. https://revolver.news/2024/09/why-are-michelle-barack-obama-closely-linked-to-rapists-sex-traffickers/
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 307 Просмотры
  • You may want to take note...
    Just about ALL of these #Evil people call themselves "government"

    It is the 10% of people who have enslaved,
    and constantly rob and abuse the other 90%!

    They are the DECEIVERS who tell you untruths!
    They are the manipulators who thought up a system of #Slavery
    that appears to be #Freedom!

    It's the ENTIRE "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System!
    Their "Black Robed Priests" protect #Criminals and fine or jail the innocent. Then they cash in on their "Cestui Que Vie" BONDS!

    These evil people BELIEVE they have the right to RULE YOU!

    They force their illegitimate "Statutes and Codes" upon you despite you having never "consented" to be a part of their PRIVATE SOCIETY!

    But they CLAIM you did! They CLAIM you have consented to something that you don't even know EXISTS!

    EVIL does not quite adequately describe the treachery and the #TREASON that these people have committed!

    I think it is time to punch the tickets of the 10% who force EVIL onto the world! It is time they spend some time in the prisons they built FOR YOU!
    You may want to take note... Just about ALL of these #Evil people call themselves "government" It is the 10% of people who have enslaved, and constantly rob and abuse the other 90%! They are the DECEIVERS who tell you untruths! They are the manipulators who thought up a system of #Slavery that appears to be #Freedom! It's the ENTIRE "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Slave System! Their "Black Robed Priests" protect #Criminals and fine or jail the innocent. Then they cash in on their "Cestui Que Vie" BONDS! These evil people BELIEVE they have the right to RULE YOU! They force their illegitimate "Statutes and Codes" upon you despite you having never "consented" to be a part of their PRIVATE SOCIETY! But they CLAIM you did! They CLAIM you have consented to something that you don't even know EXISTS! EVIL does not quite adequately describe the treachery and the #TREASON that these people have committed! I think it is time to punch the tickets of the 10% who force EVIL onto the world! It is time they spend some time in the prisons they built FOR YOU!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 210 Просмотры

    I MUST question your discernment if you cannot see that BOTH
    the #Democrats and the #Republicans are your sworn, #Luciferian ENEMIES!

    The #Police are nothing more than Luciferian Thugs used to silence and control. If they cannot SILENCE YOU, they WILL put you into a cage!

    The #Courts, PROSECUTORS & JUDGES are a part of this Luciferian control system too, along with ALL FEDERAL AGENCIES and the "Health Industrial Complex!

    The #BAR Association sits near the top of their scam!
    But it is the #BANKERS who rule from above, using their
    WORTHLESS PAPER NOTES OF DEBT, not worth the paper they are printed on!

    The entire world has been enslaved by Luciferians with a printing machine!

    The ONLY REASON their worthless "fiat money" has any value whatsoever, is because we ALL agree that it does!

    We need to STOP ACCEPTING WORTHLESS PAPER for real world assets!

    We have ALL been played by some very evil people!
    But now that we can SEE THEM, and see what they are doing,
    It's time to rid the world of their control structure!


    It is time to STOP knuckling under to their illegitimate
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" Courts, and start holding these criminals accountable!

    Their thugs have become more and more Violent, and will continue getting worse until YOU STAND UP and hold them accountable!

    We are ARMED too folks!
    And there is a whole lot more of us than there are of THEM!

    RIGHT NOW these people are actively trying to MURDER YOU and your children!

    You are ALREADY AT WAR, so you may as well get into the battle!

    STOP sitting on the sidelines as a soft target, and get into the fight!

    CHABAD, FREEMASONRY, FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT, DONALD TRUMP FLIP-FLOPPING ON EVERYTHING I MUST question your discernment if you cannot see that BOTH the #Democrats and the #Republicans are your sworn, #Luciferian ENEMIES! The #Police are nothing more than Luciferian Thugs used to silence and control. If they cannot SILENCE YOU, they WILL put you into a cage! The #Courts, PROSECUTORS & JUDGES are a part of this Luciferian control system too, along with ALL FEDERAL AGENCIES and the "Health Industrial Complex! The #BAR Association sits near the top of their scam! But it is the #BANKERS who rule from above, using their WORTHLESS PAPER NOTES OF DEBT, not worth the paper they are printed on! The entire world has been enslaved by Luciferians with a printing machine! The ONLY REASON their worthless "fiat money" has any value whatsoever, is because we ALL agree that it does! We need to STOP ACCEPTING WORTHLESS PAPER for real world assets! We have ALL been played by some very evil people! But now that we can SEE THEM, and see what they are doing, It's time to rid the world of their control structure! It is time to hold POLICE, JUDGES, POLITICIANS, and BANKERS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS AS A MAN OR WOMAN, UNDER COMMON LAW! It is time to STOP knuckling under to their illegitimate "Maritime Admiralty Law" Courts, and start holding these criminals accountable! Their thugs have become more and more Violent, and will continue getting worse until YOU STAND UP and hold them accountable! We are ARMED too folks! And there is a whole lot more of us than there are of THEM! RIGHT NOW these people are actively trying to MURDER YOU and your children! You are ALREADY AT WAR, so you may as well get into the battle! STOP sitting on the sidelines as a soft target, and get into the fight! https://old.bitchute.com/video/7sGTjHuz9Gtk/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 362 Просмотры
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