• Idaho Farmer Questions Governor Brad Little About The Farmland Water Curtailment (2 min, 57 sec): “You and Governor from Utah were talking about this ‘little water issue’ quickly became the largest water curtailment in the history of the United States, and we need to face that. It's not a little water issue.
    …The environment my farm was in when that water curtailment came out. I have water that is in the fifties, and I was obligated to shut off water if I didn't sign that. And I only have an acre and a half of water on my average, close to my farm. Not even enough to grow potatoes, and I'm a potato grower. — Unless I agreed to that gun that was held in my head.”
    Idaho Farmer Questions Governor Brad Little About The Farmland Water Curtailment (2 min, 57 sec): “You and Governor from Utah were talking about this ‘little water issue’ quickly became the largest water curtailment in the history of the United States, and we need to face that. It's not a little water issue. …The environment my farm was in when that water curtailment came out. I have water that is in the fifties, and I was obligated to shut off water if I didn't sign that. And I only have an acre and a half of water on my average, close to my farm. Not even enough to grow potatoes, and I'm a potato grower. — Unless I agreed to that gun that was held in my head.” https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/135704
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 530 Visualizações 0
  • https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/05/03/how-to-store-potatoes.aspx?ui=23a40083dee449fb65f273a1ede1a8184a18570fa0c7308472180c3b2c066909&sd=20211201&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art3ReadMore&cid=20240503_HL2&foDate=false&mid=DM1566755&rid=11862938
    How to Store Potatoes Properly
    Potatoes are a staple ingredient in the kitchen, but are you storing them properly? If some of your spuds go to waste, these tips may help.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 560 Visualizações

  • The history of food is as old as human civilization itself, with various cultures developing unique cuisines and culinary traditions over millennia. Here's a brief overview of some key moments and developments in food history:

    Hunter-Gatherer Era: For thousands of years, early humans survived by hunting animals and gathering edible plants. This period laid the foundation for basic cooking techniques such as roasting and boiling.

    Agricultural Revolution (10,000 BCE): The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities marked a significant turning point in food history. The cultivation of crops such as wheat, rice, and barley led to the development of farming villages and the domestication of animals for food.

    Ancient Civilizations: Civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley contributed to the advancement of agriculture, irrigation systems, and culinary practices. They developed cooking methods, fermentation techniques, and food preservation methods like drying and salting.

    Classical Era (Greece and Rome): Greek and Roman civilizations greatly influenced Western culinary traditions. They introduced olive oil, wine, and various herbs and spices to cooking. The Greeks also established the concept of symposia, social gatherings where food, wine, and conversation were central.

    Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages saw the rise of feudalism and the dominance of the Catholic Church in Europe. Monasteries played a crucial role in preserving and developing culinary techniques. The use of spices, herbs, and exotic ingredients became more widespread among the nobility.

    Age of Exploration (15th–17th centuries): European exploration of the Americas, Asia, and Africa brought about the Columbian Exchange, which facilitated the global exchange of foods, plants, and animals. Potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and chili peppers were introduced to Europe, while coffee, tea, and spices became more accessible.

    Industrial Revolution (18th–19th centuries): Technological advancements revolutionized food production, transportation, and preservation. Canned foods, refrigeration, and pasteurization transformed the way people consumed and accessed food. Mass production and urbanization also led to the rise of fast food and convenience foods.

    20th Century: The 20th century saw further industrialization of food production, as well as the emergence of food science and technology. Fast food chains proliferated, and processed foods became ubiquitous in Western diets. However, there was also a growing interest in organic and sustainable food practices.

    Contemporary Food Trends: In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional and regional cuisines, as well as a focus on health, sustainability, and ethical food production. Food globalization continues, with fusion cuisines and cross-cultural culinary influences becoming more prominent.

    Throughout history, food has not only been essential for survival but also a reflection of cultural identity, social status, and economic conditions. The evolution of culinary traditions and food systems has been shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including geography, politics, religion, technology, and globalization.
    The history of food is as old as human civilization itself, with various cultures developing unique cuisines and culinary traditions over millennia. Here's a brief overview of some key moments and developments in food history: Hunter-Gatherer Era: For thousands of years, early humans survived by hunting animals and gathering edible plants. This period laid the foundation for basic cooking techniques such as roasting and boiling. Agricultural Revolution (10,000 BCE): The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities marked a significant turning point in food history. The cultivation of crops such as wheat, rice, and barley led to the development of farming villages and the domestication of animals for food. Ancient Civilizations: Civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley contributed to the advancement of agriculture, irrigation systems, and culinary practices. They developed cooking methods, fermentation techniques, and food preservation methods like drying and salting. Classical Era (Greece and Rome): Greek and Roman civilizations greatly influenced Western culinary traditions. They introduced olive oil, wine, and various herbs and spices to cooking. The Greeks also established the concept of symposia, social gatherings where food, wine, and conversation were central. Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages saw the rise of feudalism and the dominance of the Catholic Church in Europe. Monasteries played a crucial role in preserving and developing culinary techniques. The use of spices, herbs, and exotic ingredients became more widespread among the nobility. Age of Exploration (15th–17th centuries): European exploration of the Americas, Asia, and Africa brought about the Columbian Exchange, which facilitated the global exchange of foods, plants, and animals. Potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and chili peppers were introduced to Europe, while coffee, tea, and spices became more accessible. Industrial Revolution (18th–19th centuries): Technological advancements revolutionized food production, transportation, and preservation. Canned foods, refrigeration, and pasteurization transformed the way people consumed and accessed food. Mass production and urbanization also led to the rise of fast food and convenience foods. 20th Century: The 20th century saw further industrialization of food production, as well as the emergence of food science and technology. Fast food chains proliferated, and processed foods became ubiquitous in Western diets. However, there was also a growing interest in organic and sustainable food practices. Contemporary Food Trends: In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional and regional cuisines, as well as a focus on health, sustainability, and ethical food production. Food globalization continues, with fusion cuisines and cross-cultural culinary influences becoming more prominent. Throughout history, food has not only been essential for survival but also a reflection of cultural identity, social status, and economic conditions. The evolution of culinary traditions and food systems has been shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including geography, politics, religion, technology, and globalization.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5630 Visualizações 1

    Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.).

    What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE!

    They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture.

    If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist".

    Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ).

    On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us.

    I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    —GERMANOPHOBIA/ANTIGERMANISM: EXPOSING ANTI-GERMAN RACISTS. COMMENTS MADE BY GERMANOPHOBES AND TEUTOPHOBES (PART 1)— Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.). What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE! They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture. If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist". Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ). On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us. I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5633 Visualizações
    This is an 1892 Photo of a Hot Potato Vendor on the streets of Manhattan. These Potatoes were also known as "Mickeys" and besides providing a quick snack, they were often carried in pockets and used as hand warmers on cold Winter days.
    TIME CAPSULE ⭕ This is an 1892 Photo of a Hot Potato Vendor on the streets of Manhattan. These Potatoes were also known as "Mickeys" and besides providing a quick snack, they were often carried in pockets and used as hand warmers on cold Winter days. https://picsur.org/i/f9492e63-65d5-46c6-bd48-17cff22b1ac7.jpg
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 728 Visualizações
  • You say potato I say potatoe.
    You say potato I say potatoe. https://imgflip.com/i/8cogr7
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 191 Visualizações
  • * Westminster Wasp - Morganic from Mars (MoMar) Has IPO *
    >> CAUTION: Satire Rising >>
    Do you buy #Organic ? Do you dig #Morgarnic ? Morganic from Mars (MoMar) has a bold and exciting (not to mention long awaited) IPO next week. They hope to raise $34.7B (not million ♂) by the end of Novembeard. They are also considering a merger with Phobos & Deimos' House of Beanz (based in Cleveland). They plan to grow RED tomatoes and RED potatoes on the RED planet. This will be done w/o messing with the genes of these tiny little green machines. A seven rocket expedition to Mars is set for 2025 thx to Eal & Muskh.
    MoMar's top notch team of botanists and horticulturalists will be growing #MorganicMartian fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, and seaweed. #Oceans_ONE MoMar was founded by Mr. & Mrs. Gothick - Americans.

    #Mars #ElonMusk #GotVit_K ? #Got_Iodine ? #More_Organic #NASA #StillAlive #FourYears #Got_WATER ? #WatneyPower #RISK #Mutiny_on_ARES #IM_4th
    #WestminsterWasp #WestminsterWaspWED #SatireRising #Morganic

    The Martian (trailer):

    Did Johannes Kepler (d. 1630) invent #SciFi ?

    Kepler was a committed Christian:
    * Westminster Wasp - Morganic from Mars (MoMar) Has IPO * >> CAUTION: Satire Rising >> Do you buy #Organic ? Do you dig #Morgarnic ? Morganic from Mars (MoMar) has a bold and exciting (not to mention long awaited) IPO next week. They hope to raise $34.7B (not million ♂) by the end of Novembeard. They are also considering a merger with Phobos & Deimos' House of Beanz (based in Cleveland). They plan to grow RED tomatoes and RED potatoes on the RED planet. This will be done w/o messing with the genes of these tiny little green machines. A seven rocket expedition to Mars is set for 2025 thx to Eal & Muskh. MoMar's top notch team of botanists and horticulturalists will be growing #MorganicMartian fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, sprouts, mushrooms, algae, and seaweed. #Oceans_ONE MoMar was founded by Mr. & Mrs. Gothick - Americans. #Mars #ElonMusk #GotVit_K ? #Got_Iodine ? #More_Organic #NASA #StillAlive #FourYears #Got_WATER ? #WatneyPower #RISK #Mutiny_on_ARES #IM_4th #WestminsterWasp #WestminsterWaspWED #SatireRising #Morganic The Martian (trailer): https://youtu.be/ej3ioOneTy8 Did Johannes Kepler (d. 1630) invent #SciFi ? https://somniumproject.wordpress.com/ Kepler was a committed Christian: https://creation.com/johannes-kepler
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 10426 Visualizações
  • Is Questioning Tyranny Jail Worthy?

    I am convinced tyranny is about to go to explode to fully bare to bring down whatever remnant of American Liberty exists. I pray I am wrong.

    When people like Owen Shroyer can go to jail for merely questioning if the 2020 Election was rigged, then the full Commie Press is afoot.

    AND SO, HERE are some tyranny videos focusing on Shroyer, but one looks at Lara Logan preparing a series of J6 documentaries on X/Twitter. Who knows, perhaps questioning tyranny is jail worthy for me. Nah… Probably not. Currently I’m too small potatoes. Wouldn’t it be interesting if a bunch of us small potatoes gather together enough to be MANY LARGE BAGS OF POTATOES? ---READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3Phagm3
    #AmerikanPersecution #J6PoliticalPersecution #OwenShroyer
    Is Questioning Tyranny Jail Worthy? I am convinced tyranny is about to go to explode to fully bare to bring down whatever remnant of American Liberty exists. I pray I am wrong. When people like Owen Shroyer can go to jail for merely questioning if the 2020 Election was rigged, then the full Commie Press is afoot. AND SO, HERE are some tyranny videos focusing on Shroyer, but one looks at Lara Logan preparing a series of J6 documentaries on X/Twitter. Who knows, perhaps questioning tyranny is jail worthy for me. Nah… Probably not. Currently I’m too small potatoes. Wouldn’t it be interesting if a bunch of us small potatoes gather together enough to be MANY LARGE BAGS OF POTATOES? ---READ & WATCH: https://bit.ly/3Phagm3 #AmerikanPersecution #J6PoliticalPersecution #OwenShroyer
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2575 Visualizações
  • Party of Professional Couch Potatoes
    Party of Professional Couch Potatoes
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 245 Visualizações

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