This drone scam is likely part of a planned FALSE FLAG EVENT!
If you listen to these people, they are planting the seed that the drones are"trying to sniff something out." (Like this stinking, BULLSHIT story?)
And we are back to the "missing nuclear materials" narrative...
This tells me these #Criminals, ENEMIES OF EVERY AMERICAN, are planning some kind of false flag attack, which I assure you, WON'T BE NUCLEAR!
It may be a giant explosion, a bomb, toxic materials, whatever....
Designed to keep YOU out of the area... and to kill Americans...
But it won't be a "nuclear device"
And it is quite possible that these "drones" (With the exception of the crashed one)
are nothing more than holograms! PROJECT BLUE BEAM!
The criminals within the government have already deceived Americans once with holograms, and are likely doing it again RIGHT NOW!
After all... They need to test the equipment and work out any bugs BEFORE the fake "Alien Invasion"
This drone scam is likely part of a planned FALSE FLAG EVENT!
If you listen to these people, they are planting the seed that the drones are"trying to sniff something out." (Like this stinking, BULLSHIT story?)
And we are back to the "missing nuclear materials" narrative...
This tells me these #Criminals, ENEMIES OF EVERY AMERICAN, are planning some kind of false flag attack, which I assure you, WON'T BE NUCLEAR!
It may be a giant explosion, a bomb, toxic materials, whatever....
Designed to keep YOU out of the area... and to kill Americans...
But it won't be a "nuclear device"
And it is quite possible that these "drones" (With the exception of the crashed one)
are nothing more than holograms! PROJECT BLUE BEAM!
The criminals within the government have already deceived Americans once with holograms, and are likely doing it again RIGHT NOW!
After all... They need to test the equipment and work out any bugs BEFORE the fake "Alien Invasion"
This drone scam is likely part of a planned FALSE FLAG EVENT!
If you listen to these people, they are planting the seed that the drones are"trying to sniff something out." (Like this stinking, BULLSHIT story?)
And we are back to the "missing nuclear materials" narrative...
This tells me these #Criminals, ENEMIES OF EVERY AMERICAN, are planning some kind of false flag attack, which I assure you, WON'T BE NUCLEAR!
It may be a giant explosion, a bomb, toxic materials, whatever....
Designed to keep YOU out of the area... and to kill Americans...
But it won't be a "nuclear device"
And it is quite possible that these "drones" (With the exception of the crashed one)
are nothing more than holograms! PROJECT BLUE BEAM!
The criminals within the government have already deceived Americans once with holograms, and are likely doing it again RIGHT NOW!
After all... They need to test the equipment and work out any bugs BEFORE the fake "Alien Invasion"