• Armageddon: It's Coming!
    Things need to be said , Are you guys watching Israel????

    The Bible says the first time God destroyed the earth by water and he promised to never do that again. (The real meaning of the Rainbow) he went on to say I will destroy it by fire the second time. I won’t even pretend I understand all of the book of Revelation, but I do understand quite plainly that I do wish to spend eternity in Heaven. I have been hearing about the second coming of Christ and the events unfolding since I was a child. The "Mark of the Beast" Artificial Intelligence, microchips, no cash/digital currency, total government dependency/control. When we are raising a family, working long hours, some two jobs, lots of things go unnoticed or just get ignored. No one can comprehend how bad it will be, but we see it happening, bit by bit, on the news everyday. While the devil is preparing people for the antichrist, God is preparing people for the Rapture. I don’t know when the rapture will take place but I know that I’m not planning to be left behind when that trumpet sounds! I also believe right now that God is giving us a chance to turn our lives around and live according to His will. We need to get the Gospel message out! Until the good Lord calls me away from this world to go home, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the one and only true Lord and Savior. Despite the fact that I am human, and I fail a lot, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.

    This is the best challenge I have seen on the web, so if the Holy Spirit moves you and you’re not ashamed, just COPY & PASTE, and make this your status update. I’m a believer in God The Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit Amen. .
    Armageddon: It's Coming! Things need to be said , Are you guys watching Israel???? The Bible says the first time God destroyed the earth by water and he promised to never do that again. (The real meaning of the Rainbow) he went on to say I will destroy it by fire the second time. I won’t even pretend I understand all of the book of Revelation, but I do understand quite plainly that I do wish to spend eternity in Heaven. I have been hearing about the second coming of Christ and the events unfolding since I was a child. The "Mark of the Beast" Artificial Intelligence, microchips, no cash/digital currency, total government dependency/control. When we are raising a family, working long hours, some two jobs, lots of things go unnoticed or just get ignored. No one can comprehend how bad it will be, but we see it happening, bit by bit, on the news everyday. While the devil is preparing people for the antichrist, God is preparing people for the Rapture. I don’t know when the rapture will take place but I know that I’m not planning to be left behind when that trumpet sounds! I also believe right now that God is giving us a chance to turn our lives around and live according to His will. We need to get the Gospel message out! Until the good Lord calls me away from this world to go home, I want to make it clear that I believe in Jesus Christ as the one and only true Lord and Savior. Despite the fact that I am human, and I fail a lot, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. This is the best challenge I have seen on the web, so if the Holy Spirit moves you and you’re not ashamed, just COPY & PASTE, and make this your status update. I’m a believer in God The Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit Amen. ❤️. https://youtu.be/2jIR4ZuaDCw?si=jBHssXGhIXoY18MN
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2275 Просмотры
  • Former WEF 'Global Leader for Tomorrow' turned whistleblower, economist Professor Richard Werner, explains how—according to his sources—CBDC will ultimately be held on small microchips implanted under the skin, and Universal Basic Income will be used to bribe people into accepting this gross invasion of their freedom, privacy and bodily autonomy.
    Former WEF 'Global Leader for Tomorrow' turned whistleblower, economist Professor Richard Werner, explains how—according to his sources—CBDC will ultimately be held on small microchips implanted under the skin, and Universal Basic Income will be used to bribe people into accepting this gross invasion of their freedom, privacy and bodily autonomy.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2010 Просмотры 0
  • There is a woman or I would rather call her a superheroine named "Jane Bürgermeister" who already back in 2009 EXACTLY predicted what would happen from 2020 to now, she described EXACTLY what would happen and described exactly what really happened so far from 2020 to now, please read the last sentence again if you did not understand what I just said. Please note that of course her predictions referred to the 2009 swine flu "pandemic", but what she described back then is EXACTLY what happened since 2020, just to make sure that you understand me correctly:
    It is unfortunate that many or most of you cannot speak german, but this is exactly what she says in this video, I listened to it myself.
    At least I found a ca. 6 minute clip from the german video which has (quite crappy, but sufficient) english subtitles:
    detailing a small part of her german video. The subtitle translation itself is relatively sh*tty, but for the most part correct, of course it also contains "the usual" errors and omissions by whoever was the translator.
    There is also an english followup video from 2010 which miraculously somehow survived at Google (Youtube) (?!) to this very day:
    Please also read the following text to find out what happened next:
    Here you can read a general article about Jane Bürgermeister, which does not say very much unfortunately and which does not repeat her exact predictions she gave in the german video I mentioned above:
    Here a more detailed article about Jane Bürgermeister:
    At least these are some other english sources of information regarding her. I guess a lot of stuff, if not most about her, was scrubbed from the Internet, especially her blog(s) and internet sites.
    Seems like she and a few other individual heros like her (like Mr. Wolfgang Wodarg, at least as far as I heard) saved us from the planned swine flu "vaccination" genocide of 2009 (which was planned to happen exactly as the 2020 coronavirus "pandemic") and therefore gained us 11 years. Unfortunately now we have to endure all this sh*t with 11 years delay.
    Please note that in the german video she very briefly talks about "microchips" which were, according to her, supposed to be contained in the "vaccination" (in the 2009 "vaccination" already!), I personally would doubt this, as it seems that the technology was not advanced enough back then and is probably not advanced enough now, but as I am no expert in this field, I cannot confirm or deny it.
    If you can dig up more english information about M(r)s Jane Bürgermeister, please compile it and share it!!!
    Please share and distribute this information, as this is clear proof that all this was planned for a long, long time already!!!
    #coronavirus #covid19 #covid-19 #covid #janebürgermeister #janeburgermeister
    There is a woman or I would rather call her a superheroine named "Jane Bürgermeister" who already back in 2009 EXACTLY predicted what would happen from 2020 to now, she described EXACTLY what would happen and described exactly what really happened so far from 2020 to now, please read the last sentence again if you did not understand what I just said. Please note that of course her predictions referred to the 2009 swine flu "pandemic", but what she described back then is EXACTLY what happened since 2020, just to make sure that you understand me correctly: https://achern-weiss-bescheid.de/2022/02/03/jane-burgermeister-heute-verschollen-spricht-2009-von-den-dingen-die-wir-heute-erleben It is unfortunate that many or most of you cannot speak german, but this is exactly what she says in this video, I listened to it myself. At least I found a ca. 6 minute clip from the german video which has (quite crappy, but sufficient) english subtitles: https://odysee.com/@TruthPills:5/jane-burgermeister:8 detailing a small part of her german video. The subtitle translation itself is relatively sh*tty, but for the most part correct, of course it also contains "the usual" errors and omissions by whoever was the translator. There is also an english followup video from 2010 which miraculously somehow survived at Google (Youtube) (?!) to this very day: https://anonym.to/?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-HL1Dy-Fgc&t=2s Please also read the following text to find out what happened next: https://lettersfromvienna.substack.com/p/jane-to-the-rescue Here you can read a general article about Jane Bürgermeister, which does not say very much unfortunately and which does not repeat her exact predictions she gave in the german video I mentioned above: https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/Jane_B%C3%BCrgermeister Here a more detailed article about Jane Bürgermeister: https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2351638/posts At least these are some other english sources of information regarding her. I guess a lot of stuff, if not most about her, was scrubbed from the Internet, especially her blog(s) and internet sites. Seems like she and a few other individual heros like her (like Mr. Wolfgang Wodarg, at least as far as I heard) saved us from the planned swine flu "vaccination" genocide of 2009 (which was planned to happen exactly as the 2020 coronavirus "pandemic") and therefore gained us 11 years. Unfortunately now we have to endure all this sh*t with 11 years delay. Please note that in the german video she very briefly talks about "microchips" which were, according to her, supposed to be contained in the "vaccination" (in the 2009 "vaccination" already!), I personally would doubt this, as it seems that the technology was not advanced enough back then and is probably not advanced enough now, but as I am no expert in this field, I cannot confirm or deny it. If you can dig up more english information about M(r)s Jane Bürgermeister, please compile it and share it!!! Please share and distribute this information, as this is clear proof that all this was planned for a long, long time already!!! #coronavirus #covid19 #covid-19 #covid #janebürgermeister #janeburgermeister
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 3254 Просмотры
  • Stockpile guns and ammunition. They don’t require microchips or computers. The new world order has been attempting —and will continue to attempt — to disarm you. You don’t have to worry about shooting people—you, and definitely your descendants, will have to shoot drones, robots and surveillance cameras.
    Stockpile guns and ammunition. They don’t require microchips or computers. The new world order has been attempting —and will continue to attempt — to disarm you. You don’t have to worry about shooting people—you, and definitely your descendants, will have to shoot drones, robots and surveillance cameras.
    2 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1118 Просмотры 2
  • https://www.bitchute.com/video/QxtDEY0ikq66/ TECH COMPANY PROMOTING IMPLANTED MICROCHIPS IN EMPLOYEES #vax #microchip #forced #employees
    https://www.bitchute.com/video/QxtDEY0ikq66/ TECH COMPANY PROMOTING IMPLANTED MICROCHIPS IN EMPLOYEES #vax #microchip #forced #employees
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 339 Просмотры
  • https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/wef-augmented-reality-technology-implant-microchips-kids/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=f7cf9f90-f6de-447f-8b4c-3b94cd5f6219
    WEF: ‘Solid, Rational Reasons’ to Implant Microchips in Kids
    Claiming “augmented reality” technology “has the ability to transform society and individual lives,” the World Economic Forum recently suggested there are “solid,” “rational” and “ethical” reasons to consider implanting children with microchips.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 166 Просмотры
  • Former DARPA executive and now Google CEO, Regina Dugan, wants you to swallow the Microchips ID.

    She goes on to explain how microchips work inside the body. The pill has a small chip inside that has a switch, when you swallow it, the acids in your stomach act as an electrolyte and provide it with energy. And the switch turns it on and off and generates an 18-bit wide electrocardiogram signal in your body, and basically your entire body becomes your authentication token.

    Just FYI this video is from 2012, so you can visualize the technology they had.
    Former DARPA executive and now Google CEO, Regina Dugan, wants you to swallow the Microchips ID. She goes on to explain how microchips work inside the body. The pill has a small chip inside that has a switch, when you swallow it, the acids in your stomach act as an electrolyte and provide it with energy. And the switch turns it on and off and generates an 18-bit wide electrocardiogram signal in your body, and basically your entire body becomes your authentication token. Just FYI this video is from 2012, so you can visualize the technology they had.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 199 Просмотры 5
  • "MARK OF THE BEAST"School Announces Child Brain Microchips:
    "MARK OF THE BEAST"School Announces Child Brain Microchips: https://rumble.com/v17woo7-school-announces-child-brain-microchips-newsletter-yanked-from-website-afte.html
    School Announces Child Brain Microchips: Newsletter Yanked From Website After Public Outrage
    Government over reach has become the NORM for Australia. Maria Zeee joins the show to share the urgency of Australia’s situation. Watch this new show NOW at StewPeters.com! Get Dr. Zelenko's Anti-Shed
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 149 Просмотры
  • I thought an edit was in order!

    F*ck you and the #Government horse you rode in on bi*ch!

    NOT a bunch of #Criminals who CLAIM TO "Represent Me"
    When in fact they do JUST THE OPPOSITE!

    It's about time to rid the earth of people who THINK they know what everyone else "Needs"

    The so-called "Elites" are too busy worrying about what everyone else needs they cannot grasp the concept of handling their own business and STAYING OUT OF MINE!

    And it's going to get them KILLED eventually!
    Because people are growing very tired of their BS!

    They have a #Famine planned for YOU!
    So be prepared!

    Because you see....

    You are the unwashed masses of sheep, for them to enslave, plant microchips in, and slaughter at will when they "FEEL" that the earth does not have enough room FOR THEM!

    They think YOU NEED to be murdered so they can have more room to drive their yacht and their Porsche around undisturbed!

    They think you NEED for them to engineer you into a non-human so that demonic entities that they worship can inhabit your body!

    They think you NEED them to rule over your every day life!

    They think you NEED their giant corporations and government!

    And apparently THEY ARE RIGHT since nobody has stood up to them so far! Nobody has stopped BUYING their products and services OR has stopped watching their #Media!


    I thought an edit was in order! F*ck you and the #Government horse you rode in on bi*ch! I DECIDE WHAT I NEED! NOT a bunch of #Criminals who CLAIM TO "Represent Me" When in fact they do JUST THE OPPOSITE! It's about time to rid the earth of people who THINK they know what everyone else "Needs" The so-called "Elites" are too busy worrying about what everyone else needs they cannot grasp the concept of handling their own business and STAYING OUT OF MINE! And it's going to get them KILLED eventually! Because people are growing very tired of their BS! They have a #Famine planned for YOU! So be prepared! Because you see.... THEY DON'T THINK YOU "NEED" FOOD EITHER! You are the unwashed masses of sheep, for them to enslave, plant microchips in, and slaughter at will when they "FEEL" that the earth does not have enough room FOR THEM! They think YOU NEED to be murdered so they can have more room to drive their yacht and their Porsche around undisturbed! They think you NEED for them to engineer you into a non-human so that demonic entities that they worship can inhabit your body! They think you NEED them to rule over your every day life! They think you NEED their giant corporations and government! And apparently THEY ARE RIGHT since nobody has stood up to them so far! Nobody has stopped BUYING their products and services OR has stopped watching their #Media! YOU HAVE ABOUT 6 MONTHS! I HIGHLY SUGGEST THAT YOU GET WHAT YOU REALLY NEED BECAUSE THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET UGLY BECAUSE OF THESE PEOPLE DECIDING WHAT EVERYONE "NEEDS"
    2 Комментарии 0 Поделились 161 Просмотры
  • School Newletter Mentions MICROCHIPS In Students Brains

    School Newletter Mentions MICROCHIPS In Students Brains https://www.brighteon.com/4fc4847b-2727-4079-ac67-1d7947b81f13
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 254 Просмотры
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