• The United States in particular contrived a carefully crafted technical and legal framework through which it is able to quietly fortify its biological-military capabilities in foreign countries rather than domestically where the public might learn about their presence and revolt.
    Just like how the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) bioweapon is now believed to have been developed at biolaboratories in places like Ukraine and China, nuclear dirty bombs are also being built on foreign soil for use in the endless wars the U.S. continues to wage and fight.
    The United States in particular contrived a carefully crafted technical and legal framework through which it is able to quietly fortify its biological-military capabilities in foreign countries rather than domestically where the public might learn about their presence and revolt. Just like how the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) bioweapon is now believed to have been developed at biolaboratories in places like Ukraine and China, nuclear dirty bombs are also being built on foreign soil for use in the endless wars the U.S. continues to wage and fight. https://newstarget.com/2024-06-27-false-flag-dirty-bomb-radioactive-materials-shipped-ukraine.html
    FALSE FLAG dirty bomb radioactive materials now routinely shipped to Ukraine
    The world’s power brokers are secretly sending loads of radioactive substances to Ukraine so a “dirty bomb” can be created and detonated “under someone else’s flag,” it has been confirmed. Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov of the Russian armed forces said that “available operational information” shows that radioactive substances continue to be sent by the West […]
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 669 Views
  • Fauci knew the Chinese military was involved in all research at Wuhan laboratories, including that China’s military ran a bioweapons program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology labs. Yet, Dr. Fauci continued to use taxpayer money to fund the research projects in Wuhan, China.
    Fauci knew the Chinese military was involved in all research at Wuhan laboratories, including that China’s military ran a bioweapons program at the Wuhan Institute of Virology labs. Yet, Dr. Fauci continued to use taxpayer money to fund the research projects in Wuhan, China. https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/under-oath-fauci-must-answer-these-questions-5660314?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=ZeroHedge
    Under Oath, Fauci Must Answer These Questions
    We must demand answers for the numerous unresolved issues related to Dr. Fauci’s potential role in the origins of COVID-19, and the subsequent cover-up.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 765 Views
  • Unelected globalist technocrat, Bill Gates: "The issue of food systems and how with climate change, a lot of farmers aren't able to grow their crops, which is a tragedy for them. We'll talk about using innovation to absolutely solve that problem."

    Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on agriculture, a lot of farmers aren't able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, in order to assume absolute control of the global food supply, under the guise of "saving the planet".
    Unelected globalist technocrat, Bill Gates: "The issue of food systems and how with climate change, a lot of farmers aren't able to grow their crops, which is a tragedy for them. We'll talk about using innovation to absolutely solve that problem." Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on agriculture, a lot of farmers aren't able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, in order to assume absolute control of the global food supply, under the guise of "saving the planet".
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 912 Views 1
  • https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/03/mhra-pfizer-and-uk-officials-accused-of-misconduct-fraud-and-gross-negligent-manslaughter-in-new-criminal-investigation/
    This is in the UK (for now). We need similar proceedings to happen here in the United States. On March 8, 2024, a new criminal investigation was launched against Pfizer, MHRA and UK officials. The investigating officer, Mark Sexton of the Acton Police Station in London, has charged UK officials with misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, fraud by false representation, corporate manslaughter and gross negligent manslaughter. Officer Sexton is backed by a team of lawyers, including Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss and Dr. Sam White.
    Under crime number 6029679/21, the investigation specifically seeks to hold accountable a member of the British Parliament, Sir Graham Stuart Brady, and a British doctor, Dame June Munro Raine, who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the UK’s Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This investigation is part of a much larger investigation that Officer Sexton submitted back in 2021. Three years ago, Officer Sexton submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith Criminal Investigation Department, which was signed off by two detectives.
    Mark Sexton writes that the investigation is twenty-seven months in progress since the original crime report was released. He says, “They can’t whitewash this one because too many people know what’s going on and the excess deaths cannot be hidden or ignored any longer.” Excess deaths in the UK are driven by cardiovascular events that are tied to the covid-19 vaccine. The Metropolitan Police of Greater London, which is tasked with protecting members of the royal family, members of the government, and other public health officials, is trying to shut the case down. However, over 400 expert witnesses, whistleblowers and victims stand to testify against the criminal actions taken by pharmaceutical companies and government officials over the past four years. At least 40 world experts are prepared to give evidence of criminality. One of the expert witnesses is former biotech research executive, Dr. Michael Yeadon. Yeadon’s letter to Ben Bates of the UK metropolitan police is being shared widely. Yeadon is a former Vice President for Pfizer. For several years, Yeadon led Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics, and knows how these interventions are made and what they are for.
    Yeadon lays out verifiable evidence that the covid-19 “vaccines” weren’t vaccines at all, but were intentionally formulated to cause mass harm and then unlawfully mandated on populations. He refutes the existence of an alleged “global pandemic” and documents the harms caused by government lockdowns and other restrictions that coerced populations to take part in a deadly experiment. The illusion of a pandemic was created by the misuse and abuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. Governments funded PCR fraud and erected a web of deceitful financial incentives, encouraging hospital systems and laboratories to use high cycle thresholds on new PCR tests. This created a wave of artificial positives for an alleged disease that there was no symptom-specific diagnostics for. The illnesses that were presented in 2020 were not treated properly; therefore, the lack of early antiviral treatment, misdiagnoses, prescription error, ventilator-associated pneumonia and various forms of medical malfeasance and malpractice was behind the deaths observed in hospitals in 2020 and beyond.
    Yeadon writes, “The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person ‘had covid.’ There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease.”
    https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/03/mhra-pfizer-and-uk-officials-accused-of-misconduct-fraud-and-gross-negligent-manslaughter-in-new-criminal-investigation/ This is in the UK (for now). We need similar proceedings to happen here in the United States. On March 8, 2024, a new criminal investigation was launched against Pfizer, MHRA and UK officials. The investigating officer, Mark Sexton of the Acton Police Station in London, has charged UK officials with misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, fraud by false representation, corporate manslaughter and gross negligent manslaughter. Officer Sexton is backed by a team of lawyers, including Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss and Dr. Sam White. Under crime number 6029679/21, the investigation specifically seeks to hold accountable a member of the British Parliament, Sir Graham Stuart Brady, and a British doctor, Dame June Munro Raine, who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the UK’s Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This investigation is part of a much larger investigation that Officer Sexton submitted back in 2021. Three years ago, Officer Sexton submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith Criminal Investigation Department, which was signed off by two detectives. Mark Sexton writes that the investigation is twenty-seven months in progress since the original crime report was released. He says, “They can’t whitewash this one because too many people know what’s going on and the excess deaths cannot be hidden or ignored any longer.” Excess deaths in the UK are driven by cardiovascular events that are tied to the covid-19 vaccine. The Metropolitan Police of Greater London, which is tasked with protecting members of the royal family, members of the government, and other public health officials, is trying to shut the case down. However, over 400 expert witnesses, whistleblowers and victims stand to testify against the criminal actions taken by pharmaceutical companies and government officials over the past four years. At least 40 world experts are prepared to give evidence of criminality. One of the expert witnesses is former biotech research executive, Dr. Michael Yeadon. Yeadon’s letter to Ben Bates of the UK metropolitan police is being shared widely. Yeadon is a former Vice President for Pfizer. For several years, Yeadon led Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics, and knows how these interventions are made and what they are for. Yeadon lays out verifiable evidence that the covid-19 “vaccines” weren’t vaccines at all, but were intentionally formulated to cause mass harm and then unlawfully mandated on populations. He refutes the existence of an alleged “global pandemic” and documents the harms caused by government lockdowns and other restrictions that coerced populations to take part in a deadly experiment. The illusion of a pandemic was created by the misuse and abuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. Governments funded PCR fraud and erected a web of deceitful financial incentives, encouraging hospital systems and laboratories to use high cycle thresholds on new PCR tests. This created a wave of artificial positives for an alleged disease that there was no symptom-specific diagnostics for. The illnesses that were presented in 2020 were not treated properly; therefore, the lack of early antiviral treatment, misdiagnoses, prescription error, ventilator-associated pneumonia and various forms of medical malfeasance and malpractice was behind the deaths observed in hospitals in 2020 and beyond. Yeadon writes, “The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person ‘had covid.’ There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease.”
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 5058 Views
  • Neurodegeneration -- the Mercury Alzheimer's disease connection

    So...... you THINK dentists want you healthy?
    Maybe they do, but the people who train them DON'T!

    medical research laboratories have established that dental amalgam tooth fillings are a major contributor to mercury body burden.


    DON'T trust your health to modern day alchemists!
    You may want to listen to the
    "Secret Covenant of the Illuminati | ODD TV Version"

    Neurodegeneration -- the Mercury Alzheimer's disease connection So...... you THINK dentists want you healthy? Maybe they do, but the people who train them DON'T! medical research laboratories have established that dental amalgam tooth fillings are a major contributor to mercury body burden. In other words AMALGAM DENTAL FILLINGS CONTAIN MERCURY! DON'T trust your health to modern day alchemists! You may want to listen to the "Secret Covenant of the Illuminati | ODD TV Version" https://youtu.be/pPVxiDpsNDg
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2453 Views
  • I fear that everyone who consented to having the useless #PCR "test" performed on them in order to keep their jobs or to be granted access to the local pub or whatever..... Has unwittingly been contaminated with whatever was in the vaccines

    While the scamdemic was still underway I shared many articles where laboratories had confirmed that "hydrogel" was on the cotton swabs....

    Along with a cancer causing agent that was used to "disinfect" the swabs

    The entire #Evil plan was to #Genocide the people of the world
    And I would say that it was likely more effective than any of us yet know!

    DON'T CONSENT to any of their tests!
    Your LIFE and your health is worth more than any job!
    And certainly worth more than a beer at the tavern
    I fear that everyone who consented to having the useless #PCR "test" performed on them in order to keep their jobs or to be granted access to the local pub or whatever..... Has unwittingly been contaminated with whatever was in the vaccines While the scamdemic was still underway I shared many articles where laboratories had confirmed that "hydrogel" was on the cotton swabs.... Along with a cancer causing agent that was used to "disinfect" the swabs The entire #Evil plan was to #Genocide the people of the world And I would say that it was likely more effective than any of us yet know! DON'T CONSENT to any of their tests! Your LIFE and your health is worth more than any job! And certainly worth more than a beer at the tavern
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 2869 Views
    0 Σχόλια 1 Μοιράστηκε 185 Views
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 149 Views

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