• Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support

    While this is from 2021 AND it's Tim Pool...

    It's nice to see that at least a few of the people STILL caught up in the political theater of the left / right paradigm lie are coming around to the FACT that #Police are nothing more than a foreign military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution!

    I mean they literally work for a for-profit #Corporation that is located offshore...

    You cannot get much more "foreign" than that! And this particular
    CORPORATION is responsible for the killing of a LOT of Americans..

    Americans who have NOT HARMED ANYONE, financially or physically
    WHY would you arrest an American, the BOSS of the Police, for a non-crime?

    Statutes and Codes are NOT #Law!

    And the entire "Justice System" is set up under a giant #Fraud, claiming that
    YOU "consent" to being a #Slave under Maritime Admiralty Law. Which is what our "Courts" operate under! They are treating MEN & WOMEN as if they were maritime admiralty law PRODUCTS!

    It may sound crazy, but it's a 110% TRUE and CORRECT!
    MEN & WOMEN should ALWAYS be in the #Jurisdiction of Common Law!

    But through coercion, Fraud, and deceit, and their "Implied Consent Doctrine" they claim that you "consent" to being their PROPERTY and their Slave!

    Your "Berth Certificate" turned you into a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT owned by the State. And when your parents signed it, they unknowingly GAVE YOU over to the State as their "Property"

    So the "State" created this "Legal Fiction" which is your all caps name, they PATENTED it as a hieroglyph that THEY OWN.... And then they brainwashed YOU into representing it! It's all a part of the massive fraud

    It's really fruitless to even TRY fighting them in their own corrupt courts!
    But we must, unless we close every court down and start over as COMMON LAW courts, like they should have been all along!

    These people are #Criminals
    And everything they do is designed to keep YOU broke and a SLAVE!

    They control how much your worthless paper "notes of debt" are worth, therefore they control YOU! They decide if you can eat or not, afford a house or not

    And the entire time they are claiming to "serve you."
    As they bend you over, send you to prison based on a fraudulent Maritime Admiralty Law system, as they steal HALF of everything you earn... And then steal the other half as you try to spend what's left! They even tax your phones, garbage, water, sewer....

    That's right.... they have you paying to sh*t!

    And just in case you have two dimes left to rub together, they are going to send the
    roadside #Pirates, on the high seas of maritime admiralty law (On American LAND)
    to relieve you of just a little bit more, perhaps even confiscate your stuff! Oh boy!

    They'll just use "Civil asset forfeiture," and confiscate your Home, Boat, Car, Truck, or all of the above, by simply ACCUSING YOU of a "Crime." They don't even need to PROVE IT! They just take your stuff and YOU have to "prove that you are innocent" of their made up, BS "crime" that likely don't even exist!

    So how then, can you "prove" you didn't do something THAT WAS NEVER DONE???

    They are nothing more than PIRATES, literally descendants of the Phoenicians, who have created this maritime admiralty law hocus pocus trick to scam everyone into being a SLAVE! The whole while their #Wizards on TELL-A-VISION are telling you that they are "Serving YOU" and that they "work for YOU."

    I don't know about you, but last time MY EMPLOYEE falsely accused me of something, beat me up and tossed me into a cage, after tasering or shooting me
    (Or both) I knocked his teeth out AND fired him!

    But "Our Employees" boss us around as if we were children!
    They beat us, taze us, shoot us, and imprison us anytime they feel like it!

    And it don't matter if you did it or not... there's a statute somewhere that your
    #Strawman has broken! And because you THINK that he's YOU, and you keep on representing him, they WILL get you! Lock you up, fine you, ruin your life!

    All based on a fraud thought up by psychopaths!

    A fraud where they have taken MEN & WOMEN belonging in the JURISDICTION of common law, and brainwashing them into believing that strawman is them!

    That way, when they unknowingly enter into their "Maritime Admiralty Law" courts, they will blindly "represent" that strawman, that exists only on paper! But YOU are representing him so YOU will do his prison time and pay his fines and bills!

    It's the Satanic world system of dominance and control
    YOU must actually "consent" to all of these things for it to be lawful!

    Them writing down a bunch of BS on paper claiming that "Implied Consent" in-debts you to their contract based FRAUDULENT SYSTEM is horsespit!

    It's time that you learn about your strawman, and it's time you learn that
    YOUR ACTUAL CONSENT IS REQUIRED for any of this to be lawful!

    NOBODY would "consent" to their system if they knew what it was based on!

    And it is time that the black robed priest (Wizards) of the #BAR Association go and screw themselves! Nobody has authorized them to decide the fate of mankind!

    OR to attempt to circumvent NATURAL LAW and COMMON LAW using a fairy tale story about maritime admiralty law! It's NOT okay! These black robed wizards have been fooling the masses for a long time!

    They are just another part of the Corporation! Along with the Vatican, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Illuminati, Every Freemason controlled "College" or School, the medical industrial complex, the play actors in Congress, the "BAR," and all of the scumbags from the World Economic Forum & the military industrial complex, and every "Secret Society" and "Church of Satan" on Earth!

    They are ALL in on it!
    And you cannot fight an enemy when you don't know who he is!
    ALL of the people listed above ARE YOUR ENEMIES!

    And they are trying real hard to enslave you GOOD!
    So you best WAKE UP and smell the coffee!

    And take back control over your own life!
    While kicking every tyrant scumbag to the curb!
    And the Courts and Corporations too!

    The entirety of the "system" they have built must be dismantled!
    We don't NEED "government" to "Protect and Serve" us into the poorhouse

    We can hire PRIVATE firms to keep us safe, Like in the old days, we hire a mayor and a sheriff.... if either gets crossways with the people, we just FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT!

    No "Investigation" that last 10 years or any of that BS, GOODBYE, you are FIRED!
    And when they harm an American, they better be able to PROVE that American was bent on harming them or we hang them! Matter closed

    We don't NEED 12,000 pages of federal laws, and 42,000 pages of state laws!
    ALL that we need is "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto YOU"

    And everything will be fine!

    Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support While this is from 2021 AND it's Tim Pool... It's nice to see that at least a few of the people STILL caught up in the political theater of the left / right paradigm lie are coming around to the FACT that #Police are nothing more than a foreign military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution! I mean they literally work for a for-profit #Corporation that is located offshore... You cannot get much more "foreign" than that! And this particular CORPORATION is responsible for the killing of a LOT of Americans.. Americans who have NOT HARMED ANYONE, financially or physically WHY would you arrest an American, the BOSS of the Police, for a non-crime? Statutes and Codes are NOT #Law! And the entire "Justice System" is set up under a giant #Fraud, claiming that YOU "consent" to being a #Slave under Maritime Admiralty Law. Which is what our "Courts" operate under! They are treating MEN & WOMEN as if they were maritime admiralty law PRODUCTS! It may sound crazy, but it's a 110% TRUE and CORRECT! MEN & WOMEN should ALWAYS be in the #Jurisdiction of Common Law! But through coercion, Fraud, and deceit, and their "Implied Consent Doctrine" they claim that you "consent" to being their PROPERTY and their Slave! Your "Berth Certificate" turned you into a maritime admiralty law PRODUCT owned by the State. And when your parents signed it, they unknowingly GAVE YOU over to the State as their "Property" So the "State" created this "Legal Fiction" which is your all caps name, they PATENTED it as a hieroglyph that THEY OWN.... And then they brainwashed YOU into representing it! It's all a part of the massive fraud It's really fruitless to even TRY fighting them in their own corrupt courts! But we must, unless we close every court down and start over as COMMON LAW courts, like they should have been all along! These people are #Criminals And everything they do is designed to keep YOU broke and a SLAVE! They control how much your worthless paper "notes of debt" are worth, therefore they control YOU! They decide if you can eat or not, afford a house or not And the entire time they are claiming to "serve you." As they bend you over, send you to prison based on a fraudulent Maritime Admiralty Law system, as they steal HALF of everything you earn... And then steal the other half as you try to spend what's left! They even tax your phones, garbage, water, sewer.... That's right.... they have you paying to sh*t! And just in case you have two dimes left to rub together, they are going to send the roadside #Pirates, on the high seas of maritime admiralty law (On American LAND) to relieve you of just a little bit more, perhaps even confiscate your stuff! Oh boy! They'll just use "Civil asset forfeiture," and confiscate your Home, Boat, Car, Truck, or all of the above, by simply ACCUSING YOU of a "Crime." They don't even need to PROVE IT! They just take your stuff and YOU have to "prove that you are innocent" of their made up, BS "crime" that likely don't even exist! So how then, can you "prove" you didn't do something THAT WAS NEVER DONE??? They are nothing more than PIRATES, literally descendants of the Phoenicians, who have created this maritime admiralty law hocus pocus trick to scam everyone into being a SLAVE! The whole while their #Wizards on TELL-A-VISION are telling you that they are "Serving YOU" and that they "work for YOU." I don't know about you, but last time MY EMPLOYEE falsely accused me of something, beat me up and tossed me into a cage, after tasering or shooting me (Or both) I knocked his teeth out AND fired him! But "Our Employees" boss us around as if we were children! They beat us, taze us, shoot us, and imprison us anytime they feel like it! And it don't matter if you did it or not... there's a statute somewhere that your #Strawman has broken! And because you THINK that he's YOU, and you keep on representing him, they WILL get you! Lock you up, fine you, ruin your life! All based on a fraud thought up by psychopaths! A fraud where they have taken MEN & WOMEN belonging in the JURISDICTION of common law, and brainwashing them into believing that strawman is them! That way, when they unknowingly enter into their "Maritime Admiralty Law" courts, they will blindly "represent" that strawman, that exists only on paper! But YOU are representing him so YOU will do his prison time and pay his fines and bills! It's the Satanic world system of dominance and control YOU must actually "consent" to all of these things for it to be lawful! Them writing down a bunch of BS on paper claiming that "Implied Consent" in-debts you to their contract based FRAUDULENT SYSTEM is horsespit! It's time that you learn about your strawman, and it's time you learn that YOUR ACTUAL CONSENT IS REQUIRED for any of this to be lawful! NOBODY would "consent" to their system if they knew what it was based on! And it is time that the black robed priest (Wizards) of the #BAR Association go and screw themselves! Nobody has authorized them to decide the fate of mankind! OR to attempt to circumvent NATURAL LAW and COMMON LAW using a fairy tale story about maritime admiralty law! It's NOT okay! These black robed wizards have been fooling the masses for a long time! They are just another part of the Corporation! Along with the Vatican, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta, the Illuminati, Every Freemason controlled "College" or School, the medical industrial complex, the play actors in Congress, the "BAR," and all of the scumbags from the World Economic Forum & the military industrial complex, and every "Secret Society" and "Church of Satan" on Earth! They are ALL in on it! And you cannot fight an enemy when you don't know who he is! ALL of the people listed above ARE YOUR ENEMIES! And they are trying real hard to enslave you GOOD! So you best WAKE UP and smell the coffee! And take back control over your own life! While kicking every tyrant scumbag to the curb! And the Courts and Corporations too! The entirety of the "system" they have built must be dismantled! We don't NEED "government" to "Protect and Serve" us into the poorhouse We can hire PRIVATE firms to keep us safe, Like in the old days, we hire a mayor and a sheriff.... if either gets crossways with the people, we just FIRE THEM ON THE SPOT! No "Investigation" that last 10 years or any of that BS, GOODBYE, you are FIRED! And when they harm an American, they better be able to PROVE that American was bent on harming them or we hang them! Matter closed We don't NEED 12,000 pages of federal laws, and 42,000 pages of state laws! ALL that we need is "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto YOU" And everything will be fine! https://ugetube.com/watch/conservatives-stomp-on-thin-blue-line-flag-as-police-violate-constitution-cops-losing-all-support_XoTqCeynO2cxWsG.html
    Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support
    Conservatives STOMP On Thin Blue Line Flag As Police Violate Constitution, Cops LOSING All Support. Trump supporters and conservatives were fed up with police officers who attacked them as they rallied. Democrats and fa
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 656 Visualizações
  • Horses don't want to walk over a gay crosswalk.
    Horses don't want to walk over a gay crosswalk. 😂
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 117 Visualizações 2
  • Not Many Know This Will Send You To Jail

    Personally.... I would not p*ss on a thin blue line scumbag if he were on fire... and defacing an American flag with that thin blue line horsespit should be a crime!

    The "Thin Blue Line" flag is a GANG SYMBOL
    Nothing more and nothing less

    The scumbags who wear this abomination is a GANG of #Criminals
    who are enemies of every American

    Not Many Know This Will Send You To Jail Personally.... I would not p*ss on a thin blue line scumbag if he were on fire... and defacing an American flag with that thin blue line horsespit should be a crime! The "Thin Blue Line" flag is a GANG SYMBOL Nothing more and nothing less The scumbags who wear this abomination is a GANG of #Criminals who are enemies of every American https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql144g5lLIM
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 215 Visualizações
  • JUAN O SAVIN- CHINA, unrest World Wide, Dark Horse- PART THREE Lightborn.TV 5 28 2024
    JUAN O SAVIN- CHINA, unrest World Wide, Dark Horse- PART THREE Lightborn.TV 5 28 2024
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 95 Visualizações
  • JUAN O SAVIN- CHINA, unrest World Wide, Dark Horse- PART THREE Lightborn.TV 5 28 2024
    This is the culmination of the best part of the interview. The World Wide perspective of the Coming NDE. Trump has single-handedly taken on the the DEEP STATE Monster with Dignity and Aplomb and a Court room presence that turns the table on them. In a speech from the Court House today he states "Mother Teresa could not beat these Charges". And the end game will be a PRECEDENT that they will wish they had not participated in. Foreign INTERFERENCE. A Fraudulent Election! Globalista Puppeteering!
    Juan goes into the seriousness of the China situation that will take YEARS to deal with. We all need to know at this point concentrating on the local law enforcement and services will save your life. Preserve your home and protect your Children. Very serious tone to Trumps voice. "We will take this back from the THUGS". And that is what they are. "THIS TRIAL IS RIGGED".
    Curious that.
    How did they know? and WHEN did they know?
    Realize the most "contested places" will be Major Cities, Riding it out. The bad guys will be coming into your neighborhood.
    A wise man sees trouble and gets out of the way. The Dark Horse event.
    Move into tangibles. And have a horse. I have mine! Saddle up. We ride at dawn!
    JUAN O SAVIN- CHINA, unrest World Wide, Dark Horse- PART THREE Lightborn.TV 5 28 2024 https://rumble.com/v4yal7q-juan-o-savin-cisa-unrest-world-wide-dark-horse-part-three-lightborn.tv-5-28.html This is the culmination of the best part of the interview. The World Wide perspective of the Coming NDE. Trump has single-handedly taken on the the DEEP STATE Monster with Dignity and Aplomb and a Court room presence that turns the table on them. In a speech from the Court House today he states "Mother Teresa could not beat these Charges". And the end game will be a PRECEDENT that they will wish they had not participated in. Foreign INTERFERENCE. A Fraudulent Election! Globalista Puppeteering! Juan goes into the seriousness of the China situation that will take YEARS to deal with. We all need to know at this point concentrating on the local law enforcement and services will save your life. Preserve your home and protect your Children. Very serious tone to Trumps voice. "We will take this back from the THUGS". And that is what they are. "THIS TRIAL IS RIGGED". Curious that. How did they know? and WHEN did they know? Realize the most "contested places" will be Major Cities, Riding it out. The bad guys will be coming into your neighborhood. A wise man sees trouble and gets out of the way. The Dark Horse event. Move into tangibles. And have a horse. I have mine! Saddle up. We ride at dawn!
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 524 Visualizações
  • WATCH: Smuggler Caught With Dozens of Illegals Packed Inside Horse Trailer https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-smuggler-caught-with-dozens-of-illegals-packed-inside-horse-trailer/
    WATCH: Smuggler Caught With Dozens of Illegals Packed Inside Horse Trailer https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-smuggler-caught-with-dozens-of-illegals-packed-inside-horse-trailer/
    WATCH: Smuggler Caught With Dozens of Illegals Packed Inside Horse Trailer
    27 Mexican illegals found hiding in unventilated storage compartment in sweltering heat
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 189 Visualizações
  • When The Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash
    "And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder
    One of the four beasts saying,
    'Come and see.' and I saw, and behold a white horse"

    There's a man goin' 'round takin' names
    And he decides who to free and who to blame
    Everybody won't be treated all the same
    There'll be a golden ladder reachin' down
    When the man comes around

    The hairs on your arm will stand up
    At the terror in each sip and in each sup
    Will you partake of that last offered cup
    Or disappear into the potter's ground?
    When the man comes around

    Hear the trumpets hear the pipers
    One hundred million angels singin'
    Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettledrum
    Voices callin', voices cryin'
    Some are born and some are dyin'
    It's alpha and omega's kingdom come
    And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
    The virgins are all trimming their wicks
    The whirlwind is in the thorn tree
    It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks

    Till armageddon no shalam, no shalom
    Then the father hen will call his chickens home
    The wise man will bow down before the throne
    And at his feet they'll cast their golden crowns
    When the man comes around

    Whoever is unjust let him be unjust still
    Whoever is righteous let him be righteous still
    Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still
    Listen to the words long written down
    When the man comes around

    Hear the trumpets hear the pipers
    One hundred million angels singin'
    Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettledrum
    Voices callin', voices cryin'
    Some are born and some are dyin'
    It's alpha and omega's kingdom come
    And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
    The virgins are all trimming their wicks
    The whirlwind is in the thorn trees
    It's hard for thee to kick against the prick
    In measured hundredweight and penny pound
    When the man comes around

    "And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts
    And I looked, and behold a pale horse
    And his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with him"

    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him,"
    King James Version of the Bible: Revelation 6:8.
    When The Man Comes Around by Johnny Cash "And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder One of the four beasts saying, 'Come and see.' and I saw, and behold a white horse" There's a man goin' 'round takin' names And he decides who to free and who to blame Everybody won't be treated all the same There'll be a golden ladder reachin' down When the man comes around The hairs on your arm will stand up At the terror in each sip and in each sup Will you partake of that last offered cup Or disappear into the potter's ground? When the man comes around Hear the trumpets hear the pipers One hundred million angels singin' Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettledrum Voices callin', voices cryin' Some are born and some are dyin' It's alpha and omega's kingdom come And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree The virgins are all trimming their wicks The whirlwind is in the thorn tree It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks Till armageddon no shalam, no shalom Then the father hen will call his chickens home The wise man will bow down before the throne And at his feet they'll cast their golden crowns When the man comes around Whoever is unjust let him be unjust still Whoever is righteous let him be righteous still Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still Listen to the words long written down When the man comes around Hear the trumpets hear the pipers One hundred million angels singin' Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettledrum Voices callin', voices cryin' Some are born and some are dyin' It's alpha and omega's kingdom come And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree The virgins are all trimming their wicks The whirlwind is in the thorn trees It's hard for thee to kick against the prick In measured hundredweight and penny pound When the man comes around "And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts And I looked, and behold a pale horse And his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with him" And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him," King James Version of the Bible: Revelation 6:8. https://rumble.com/v4y5f1w-when-the-man-comes-around-by-johnny-cash.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 562 Visualizações
    even if it is from Fascistbook!

    Hey guys and gals.....
    I want to issue a WARNING!

    You do know that #Nikon has made a deal with #NASA and are discontinuing the Nikon P-1000!

    It's called DAMAGE CONTROL folks!
    (Although they are a bit late)

    Well apparently NOW they are rolling out "updates"
    Firmware updates.....

    And I'll bet you money those "updates" have a Trojan horse which will mess up your camera's performanxce!

    You best GUARD CLOSELY your Nikon P-900, 950, and 1000's!!! They ARE coming for them!

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION! even if it is from Fascistbook! Hey guys and gals..... I want to issue a WARNING! You do know that #Nikon has made a deal with #NASA and are discontinuing the Nikon P-1000! It's called DAMAGE CONTROL folks! (Although they are a bit late) Well apparently NOW they are rolling out "updates" Firmware updates..... And I'll bet you money those "updates" have a Trojan horse which will mess up your camera's performanxce! You best GUARD CLOSELY your Nikon P-900, 950, and 1000's!!! They ARE coming for them! https://fb.watch/sfE16JhkuP/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 441 Visualizações
  • Hey everyone, we're excited to introduce the DJ's Expressive Threads And The Horse You Rode In On Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt. Expressive and unique design that stands out. Get yours now and rock a look that's as unique as you are! #ExpressiveThreads
    Hey everyone, we're excited to introduce the DJ's Expressive Threads And The Horse You Rode In On Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt. Expressive and unique design that stands out. Get yours now and rock a look that's as unique as you are! #ExpressiveThreads https://djsexpressivethreads.com/products/and-the-horse-you-rode-in-on-unisex-softstyle-t-shirt
    And The Horse You Rode In On Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt
    Introducing DJ's Expressive Threads And The Horse You Rode In On Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt, the perfect blend of comfort and style. Crafted from ultra-soft materials, this tee offers unbeatable comfort that you'll love to wear all day long. Made with 100% cotton for solid colors, it ensures a cozy and breathable fit. Featuring a seamless design without any side seams, this t-shirt guarantees a smooth and flattering silhouette. The ribbed knitting on the collar prevents curling damage, ensuring a polished look every time you wear it. Whether you're heading out for a casual day or want to make a statement, this unisex t-shirt is the ultimate choice. Its expressive threads and unique design will surely catch everyone's attention. Embrace comfort without compromising style with DJ's Expressive Threads And The Horse You Rode In On Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt. With its versatile design, this t-shirt can be dressed up or down for any occasion. The high-quality craftsmanship ensures durability, so you can enjoy wearing it for years to come. Express your individuality and stand out from the crowd with DJ's Expressive Threads And The Horse You Rode In On Unisex Softstyle T-Shirt.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 208 Visualizações
  • Herd of horses

    Herd of horses ➖ 🎬 https://files.catbox.moe/c3pysy.mp4
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 133 Visualizações 1
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