• https://www.tumblr.com/rosaliachristian/722821991215890432/the-queen-of-sheba-is-an-individual-shrouded-in?source=share
    Rosalia Christian
    The queen of Sheba is an individual shrouded in mystique, alternately portrayed as a demi-goddess, an oracle, even a kingdom. But the Bible is clear in its depiction: The foreign queen was a real wom…
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  • https://world-signals.com/news/2022/01/18/israeli-study-fourth-vaccine-is-partially-effective-against-omicron/
    #israel #study #research #omicron #vaccine #dose4 #booster #news #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #sheba
    https://world-signals.com/news/2022/01/18/israeli-study-fourth-vaccine-is-partially-effective-against-omicron/ #israel #study #research #omicron #vaccine #dose4 #booster #news #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #sheba
    Israeli study: Fourth vaccine is “partially” effective against Omicron
    The authors of the Israeli study said on Monday that fourth doses of Pfizer and Moderna's Covid-19 vaccines are only "partially" effective against a variant of
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  • 3)
    This is matched up with the example of Eli the high priest and his sons, also priests. He admonished his sons for their depredations, which cause the congregants themselves to sin, but they did not repent. They ignored him and kept up their arrogant sinning ways. He did not discipline his sons properly to keep them straight under his teachings; and as a result, the Lord told him through a prophet that his lineage would be cut off from the Levitical priesthood. Many would be slaughtered by the Philistines. Worse yet, the Ark of the Covenant would be held hostage by the invading armies of Philistine. When that happened, that caused Eli to drop off his chair, breaking his neck, and he died. His sons Hophni and Phinehas died. His pregnant daughter-in-law was devastated by the news of the deaths of her family members, which cause her to go into labor. She died after giving birth to Phineas’s first child, Ichabod. Tragedy struck Israel and its inhabitants because of the sins of her people and the lawlessness of her leaders.
    1 Samuel 2:12-36, 4:1-22.
    Action and reaction. Cause and effect. Boomerang. God will not allow His name to go long offended.
    God is no respecter of persons. David, a man of God, knew that; but his tolerance of sin in his family was like that of Eli. Maybe he forgot, maybe he didn't, but God didn't lose David. However, he sent prophets to his house after the affair with Bathsheba and then his committing the murder of her husband Urias. Nathan the prophet said to David that the sword would not depart from his house.
    Antinomianism, or lawlessness, or serial iniquity is a very serious matter. It teaches that there are no consequences for sin. It teaches that one does not have to repent from sin. It teaches that we are loved by God, accepted by God, cherished by God and that He knows our hearts. All of this is true – YES, IT IS TRUE. But God wants us to repent and become holy, because He is holy. But now people are learning to say no to repentance, instead of saying no to sin by way of God’s lovely grace.
    This was also epitomized by a movement in the 1970s as the "love gospel" movement. The love gospel was yet another teaching of lawlessness where people would practice their Christianity by loving one another but not admonishing each other when they sinning. Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest and born-again Christian, said the love gospel was about accepting everyone into the churches but not caring about how they were living. No holiness encouragement, no repentance for sins, no teaching about sanctification by the Holy Spirit, not using His grace, or anything like that.
    And the lawlessness teaching came up again in a reality show about a group of church ministers who, although they did good works, did not give proper credit to Jesus Christ. Taking the credit away from God for good to come from serving Him and His people is no small matter.
    Because of this antinomian teaching, because of hypergrace, because of compromising with sin, because of living lawlessly, because of embracing iniquity according to Romans 1:20-32, because of refusing to repent by instruction of some – NOT ALL -- preachers and teachers and other church leaders who themselves are compromised by sin and abominations, there will be a lot of very upset people who want to get into heaven but can’t. Because there is unrepented or unforgiven sin in their lives. Jesus was not messing around when He said not everyone is going to heaven because of unrepented or unforgiven sin – unrepented or unforgiven sin destroys our communications with God, it destroys our relationship with God.
    When Jesus comes to rapture the church, and I have sin, I will not be in heaven. We don't know when Jesus will return. This is why I must be ready. If I offend someone, I apologize to them. If I was offended by someone, I forgive them. The keys of the kingdom, binding and loosing are powerful. Christianity=repentance. Many Christians will not enter heaven not only because of unrepentance, but also because of unforgiveness. As long as we are living and breathing still, we need to forgive others or we will not be forgiven.
    Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
    Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
    Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    3) This is matched up with the example of Eli the high priest and his sons, also priests. He admonished his sons for their depredations, which cause the congregants themselves to sin, but they did not repent. They ignored him and kept up their arrogant sinning ways. He did not discipline his sons properly to keep them straight under his teachings; and as a result, the Lord told him through a prophet that his lineage would be cut off from the Levitical priesthood. Many would be slaughtered by the Philistines. Worse yet, the Ark of the Covenant would be held hostage by the invading armies of Philistine. When that happened, that caused Eli to drop off his chair, breaking his neck, and he died. His sons Hophni and Phinehas died. His pregnant daughter-in-law was devastated by the news of the deaths of her family members, which cause her to go into labor. She died after giving birth to Phineas’s first child, Ichabod. Tragedy struck Israel and its inhabitants because of the sins of her people and the lawlessness of her leaders. 1 Samuel 2:12-36, 4:1-22. Action and reaction. Cause and effect. Boomerang. God will not allow His name to go long offended. God is no respecter of persons. David, a man of God, knew that; but his tolerance of sin in his family was like that of Eli. Maybe he forgot, maybe he didn't, but God didn't lose David. However, he sent prophets to his house after the affair with Bathsheba and then his committing the murder of her husband Urias. Nathan the prophet said to David that the sword would not depart from his house. Antinomianism, or lawlessness, or serial iniquity is a very serious matter. It teaches that there are no consequences for sin. It teaches that one does not have to repent from sin. It teaches that we are loved by God, accepted by God, cherished by God and that He knows our hearts. All of this is true – YES, IT IS TRUE. But God wants us to repent and become holy, because He is holy. But now people are learning to say no to repentance, instead of saying no to sin by way of God’s lovely grace. This was also epitomized by a movement in the 1970s as the "love gospel" movement. The love gospel was yet another teaching of lawlessness where people would practice their Christianity by loving one another but not admonishing each other when they sinning. Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit priest and born-again Christian, said the love gospel was about accepting everyone into the churches but not caring about how they were living. No holiness encouragement, no repentance for sins, no teaching about sanctification by the Holy Spirit, not using His grace, or anything like that. And the lawlessness teaching came up again in a reality show about a group of church ministers who, although they did good works, did not give proper credit to Jesus Christ. Taking the credit away from God for good to come from serving Him and His people is no small matter. Because of this antinomian teaching, because of hypergrace, because of compromising with sin, because of living lawlessly, because of embracing iniquity according to Romans 1:20-32, because of refusing to repent by instruction of some – NOT ALL -- preachers and teachers and other church leaders who themselves are compromised by sin and abominations, there will be a lot of very upset people who want to get into heaven but can’t. Because there is unrepented or unforgiven sin in their lives. Jesus was not messing around when He said not everyone is going to heaven because of unrepented or unforgiven sin – unrepented or unforgiven sin destroys our communications with God, it destroys our relationship with God. When Jesus comes to rapture the church, and I have sin, I will not be in heaven. We don't know when Jesus will return. This is why I must be ready. If I offend someone, I apologize to them. If I was offended by someone, I forgive them. The keys of the kingdom, binding and loosing are powerful. Christianity=repentance. Many Christians will not enter heaven not only because of unrepentance, but also because of unforgiveness. As long as we are living and breathing still, we need to forgive others or we will not be forgiven. Mat 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 177 Views
  • With a new light in his heart, with a new composure on his face, talking much with Isaac of the vision which had broken upon his noble soul, Abraham returned to his young men. “And they rose up and went together to Beersheba, and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba;” but the halo of the vision lit up the common places of his life, as it shall do for us, when from the mounts of sacrifice we turn back to the lowlands of daily duty.
    With a new light in his heart, with a new composure on his face, talking much with Isaac of the vision which had broken upon his noble soul, Abraham returned to his young men. “And they rose up and went together to Beersheba, and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba;” but the halo of the vision lit up the common places of his life, as it shall do for us, when from the mounts of sacrifice we turn back to the lowlands of daily duty. https://thepilgrimjournal.com/abraham-or-the-obedience-of-faith-chapter-xxi/
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 131 Views
    READ 1 KINGS 1:1–53
    “Everyone makes mistakes.” But can a person fail so dramatically that his or her life is ruined?

    Bathsheba may have thought so. One night with David changed everything. Her husband was dead. An illegitimate son was conceived and then died. Later, Solomon was born, and David promised him the throne. But, Adonijah claimed to be king. Bathsheba and Solomon could be executed as threats to the throne. It looked like David was going to forsake her and Solomon. But David followed through on his promise, and Solomon became king.

    “I will surely carry out this very day what I swore to you by the Lord, the God of Israel: Solomon your son shall be king after me, and he will sit on my throne in my place” (1 Kings 1:30).

    Perhaps it seems your life has been ruined by mistakes you have made. God will be true to His promise to forgive. What’s more, He will place your life back on track.

    Prayer for Today: Forgive me, and place my life back on track.

    Quicklook: 1 Kings 1:28–40
    GOD'S WORD FOR TODAY DAILY DEVOTIONAL BACK ON TRACK READ 1 KINGS 1:1–53 “Everyone makes mistakes.” But can a person fail so dramatically that his or her life is ruined? Bathsheba may have thought so. One night with David changed everything. Her husband was dead. An illegitimate son was conceived and then died. Later, Solomon was born, and David promised him the throne. But, Adonijah claimed to be king. Bathsheba and Solomon could be executed as threats to the throne. It looked like David was going to forsake her and Solomon. But David followed through on his promise, and Solomon became king. “I will surely carry out this very day what I swore to you by the Lord, the God of Israel: Solomon your son shall be king after me, and he will sit on my throne in my place” (1 Kings 1:30). Perhaps it seems your life has been ruined by mistakes you have made. God will be true to His promise to forgive. What’s more, He will place your life back on track. Prayer for Today: Forgive me, and place my life back on track. Quicklook: 1 Kings 1:28–40
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 133 Views
    Bible Study / Daily Devotional
    Daily Devotions
    Average reading time is about 4 and a half minutes

    Principally, all sin is against God and must be confessed only to Him in the closet of prayer. Notice that even after David sinned with Bathsheba and killed Uriah, he prayed, “Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight” (Psalm 51:4).

    When Achan was identified by God for stealing, his sin was against God and the people. Joshua told him, “I beg you, give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession to Him, and tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me” (Joshua 7:19). Because his sin directly affected the people, or church, he was commanded to acknowledge this publicly. But the confession was to God, not man—because only God can forgive sin. “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins” (Isaiah 43:25).

    But if we hurt, offend, or abuse another human, whether Christian or pagan, we should acknowledge it and ask them to forgive us. “If you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Matthew 5:23, 24).

    Public sin should be acknowledged publicly; offences against individuals should be addressed only with those involved; private sin should be confessed to God privately. Such confession should not be taken lightly. It needs to come from a humble heart. True confession explains what was done. There are no excuses. Paul’s example of such specific honesty can be seen in Acts 26:10, 11.

    When we genuinely confess our sins to God (and to each other), we will experience God’s love and peace. We will be cleansed from unrighteousness.
    Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16
    MUST WE CONFESS OUR SINS TO OUR CHRISTIAN BRETHREN IN ORDER TO BE FORGIVEN? Bible Study / Daily Devotional Daily Devotions Average reading time is about 4 and a half minutes Principally, all sin is against God and must be confessed only to Him in the closet of prayer. Notice that even after David sinned with Bathsheba and killed Uriah, he prayed, “Against You, You only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight” (Psalm 51:4). When Achan was identified by God for stealing, his sin was against God and the people. Joshua told him, “I beg you, give glory to the Lord God of Israel, and make confession to Him, and tell me now what you have done; do not hide it from me” (Joshua 7:19). Because his sin directly affected the people, or church, he was commanded to acknowledge this publicly. But the confession was to God, not man—because only God can forgive sin. “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins” (Isaiah 43:25). But if we hurt, offend, or abuse another human, whether Christian or pagan, we should acknowledge it and ask them to forgive us. “If you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Matthew 5:23, 24). Public sin should be acknowledged publicly; offences against individuals should be addressed only with those involved; private sin should be confessed to God privately. Such confession should not be taken lightly. It needs to come from a humble heart. True confession explains what was done. There are no excuses. Paul’s example of such specific honesty can be seen in Acts 26:10, 11. When we genuinely confess our sins to God (and to each other), we will experience God’s love and peace. We will be cleansed from unrighteousness. KEY BIBLE TEXTS Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 126 Views

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