• This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform!
    So I posted it to wordpress!

    Get it, share it, and then STOP IT!

    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory”
    and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!

    Download them, SHARE THEM!

    It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere!
    Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply!

    Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS!

    This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform! So I posted it to wordpress! Get it, share it, and then STOP IT! Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT! Download them, SHARE THEM! And then go after EVERY PATENT HOLDER ON THIS LIST! It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere! Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply! Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS! https://conservativethinkingamericans.wordpress.com/2024/04/20/geo-engineering-is-not-a-conspiracy-theory-and-here-is-a-list-of-patents-that-prove-it/
    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!
    Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they are not manipulating the weather!That is all a “Conspiracy Theory!”Just like these 42 pages of geoengineering PATENTS!I wonder when they started patenting “…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 759 Views
  • This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform!
    So I posted it to wordpress!

    Get it, share it, and then STOP IT!

    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory”
    and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!

    Download them, SHARE THEM!

    It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere!
    Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply!

    Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS!

    This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform! So I posted it to wordpress! Get it, share it, and then STOP IT! Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT! Download them, SHARE THEM! And then go after EVERY PATENT HOLDER ON THIS LIST! It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere! Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply! Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS! https://conservativethinkingamericans.wordpress.com/2024/04/20/geo-engineering-is-not-a-conspiracy-theory-and-here-is-a-list-of-patents-that-prove-it/
    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!
    Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they are not manipulating the weather!That is all a “Conspiracy Theory!”Just like these 42 pages of geoengineering PATENTS!I wonder when they started patenting “…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 669 Views

    ROTHSCHILD, ROTHSCHILD, SLOMKOWSKI, US PATENTS https://www.bitchute.com/video/BNhsVzpicNIi/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 648 Views

    If you have a "Warranty deed" and not a LAND PATENT then the CORPORATION of the US owns your property and not you!
    Find it on Youtube about "Land Patents"

    JUST ANNOUNCED.. GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN HUNDREDS OF FARMS AND TAKES IT! YOUR NEXT? | FARMERS WARNING! If you have a "Warranty deed" and not a LAND PATENT then the CORPORATION of the US owns your property and not you! ' GET A LAND PATENT! Find it on Youtube about "Land Patents" https://www.bitchute.com/video/W9InqneHg6oH/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 484 Views
  • https://patents.google.com/patent/US10105389B1/en
    US10105389B1 - Method and compositions for treating cancerous tumors - Google Patents
    The present invention relates to the use of chlorine dioxide compositions for treating cancerous tumors. The present invention relates to compositions and methods for treating cancerous tumors, including naïve, metastatic and recurrent cancers. The compositions comprise chlorine dioxide in an effective amount, which is injected into the cancerous tumor at least once, and often at least several times over the course of treatment. The chlorine dioxide compositions are injected directly into the cancerous tumor and the resulting tumor is effectively eliminated from the patient or subject over a period of one to several days to a few weeks, often after a single injection, or multiple injections at one session into the tumor. Often, an initial injection or multiple injections at one session are sufficient to dissolve the cancerous tumor. Often the cancer is eliminated (as evidenced by no remission) in a period of no more than several days to about two-three months and does not recur.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 721 Views
  • Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You
    Tucker Carlson interview Bret Weinstein regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic.
    Story at-a-glance

    Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are
    American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied
    Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it
    The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology
    By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health

    Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0YfTKghURs Tucker Carlson interview Bret Weinstein regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic. Story at-a-glance Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3813 Views
  • Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You
    Tucker Carlson interview Bret Weinstein regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic.
    Story at-a-glance

    Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are
    American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied
    Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it
    The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology
    By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health

    Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0YfTKghURs Tucker Carlson interview Bret Weinstein regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic. Story at-a-glance Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3448 Views

    the WORLD is controlled through patents

    0 Comments 0 Shares 1731 Views
  • Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston Greg Hunter

    Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.” Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA. Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines. mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines. Big Tech will not be happy until it is in literally everything. Meanwhile, the public is waking up to the mRNA disaster with the CV19 bioweapon vax. Kingston explains, “People are waking up to the fact the Covid 19 injections contain mRNA, and mRNA has been an epic failure. It’s my understanding less than 2% of American got this last round of the boosters. . . . Although people are waking up to the fact that the Covid injections or the mRNA injections are causing disease, disabilities and death, they are not preventing anything. I think people are also waking up to the fact that mRNA is being used in all vaccines. This includes routine childhood vaccines and the annual flu vaccine. This is not being disclosed to them. Dr. Peter McCullough has said, and I said last year, no more shots—at all. . . . They made this an Emergency Use Authorization, and that means the government will not be disclosing that to them. I think any of the shots is another big danger right now – and I mean any of these shots.”

    Big Pharma has big plans to put mRNA in everything: medicine, food, water. This is something people are going to have to work at to avoid. Kingston says, “I no longer want my body or my child’s body to be exposed to non-human DNA or bio-digital technology. I am going to do everything in my power to stop being inoculated with this stuff. It’s going to require people to find local farmers. It’s going to require people to put their foot down and not get traditional medicines. They are putting this in pills. Dr. Ana Mihalcea (aka Dr. Ana) has found this in dental supplies like Novocain. Dr. Ana has found it in insulin, as well. Before the devil can destroy, he must deceive. They have this Luciferian agenda. They don’t want to suffer the wrath of God. So, they need us to agree to this inhumane criminal experimentation. If you say you don’t agree to it, then the wrath of God falls back on them. This is also a spiritual war. I think this is why I was targeted. The train has left the station, and you can’t put it back. I think this is why Xi Jinping came to California recently. He met with bankers and Big tech and said this is how we silence people in China . . . . This is basically the Executive Order (EO) Biden wrote, which I think was written by the CCP, on how to control the narrative in America. This EO will turn up the heat and make your life a living hell if you go outside that narrative. . . . That is going to go into place starting January 17, 2024.”

    Kingston contends that the synthetic biology and new mRNA creations by Big Pharma were predicted in the Bible. Kingston points out, “The same kind of chaos and tribulation the planet is going to go through is the same when God originally created all life forms. The Bible says ‘There has not been such tribulation since the days of creation that God created until now.’ It is saying another entity started creating life. Verse 20 (Mark) says . . . ‘Unless the Lord had shortened the days, no life would have been saved. So, for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened those days.’ Other than God coming down with his wrath, I don’t see how this is going to be stopped.
    Stop Secretly Putting Deadly CV19 mRNA in Everything – Karen Kingston Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v3x5ljd-stop-putting-deadly-cv19-mrna-in-everything-karen-kingston.html Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has warned from the very beginning the dangers of the so-called CV19 “vaccines.” Kingston repeatedly showed the dangers of the nanotechnology called mRNA. Big Pharma patents say it is, in fact, an electromagnetic device that now is secretly slated to be in all vaccines. mRNA “synthetic biology” is also already showing up in our food, water and many medicines. Big Tech will not be happy until it is in literally everything. Meanwhile, the public is waking up to the mRNA disaster with the CV19 bioweapon vax. Kingston explains, “People are waking up to the fact the Covid 19 injections contain mRNA, and mRNA has been an epic failure. It’s my understanding less than 2% of American got this last round of the boosters. . . . Although people are waking up to the fact that the Covid injections or the mRNA injections are causing disease, disabilities and death, they are not preventing anything. I think people are also waking up to the fact that mRNA is being used in all vaccines. This includes routine childhood vaccines and the annual flu vaccine. This is not being disclosed to them. Dr. Peter McCullough has said, and I said last year, no more shots—at all. . . . They made this an Emergency Use Authorization, and that means the government will not be disclosing that to them. I think any of the shots is another big danger right now – and I mean any of these shots.” Big Pharma has big plans to put mRNA in everything: medicine, food, water. This is something people are going to have to work at to avoid. Kingston says, “I no longer want my body or my child’s body to be exposed to non-human DNA or bio-digital technology. I am going to do everything in my power to stop being inoculated with this stuff. It’s going to require people to find local farmers. It’s going to require people to put their foot down and not get traditional medicines. They are putting this in pills. Dr. Ana Mihalcea (aka Dr. Ana) has found this in dental supplies like Novocain. Dr. Ana has found it in insulin, as well. Before the devil can destroy, he must deceive. They have this Luciferian agenda. They don’t want to suffer the wrath of God. So, they need us to agree to this inhumane criminal experimentation. If you say you don’t agree to it, then the wrath of God falls back on them. This is also a spiritual war. I think this is why I was targeted. The train has left the station, and you can’t put it back. I think this is why Xi Jinping came to California recently. He met with bankers and Big tech and said this is how we silence people in China . . . . This is basically the Executive Order (EO) Biden wrote, which I think was written by the CCP, on how to control the narrative in America. This EO will turn up the heat and make your life a living hell if you go outside that narrative. . . . That is going to go into place starting January 17, 2024.” Kingston contends that the synthetic biology and new mRNA creations by Big Pharma were predicted in the Bible. Kingston points out, “The same kind of chaos and tribulation the planet is going to go through is the same when God originally created all life forms. The Bible says ‘There has not been such tribulation since the days of creation that God created until now.’ It is saying another entity started creating life. Verse 20 (Mark) says . . . ‘Unless the Lord had shortened the days, no life would have been saved. So, for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened those days.’ Other than God coming down with his wrath, I don’t see how this is going to be stopped.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 12045 Views

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