• As ALWAYS, it is the fake #Jews and #Bankers, #Rothschild of course! This is NOT a state secret folks!

    The genocidal Kalergi plan
    to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe

    These people have TOLD YOU what they plan to do, and now that they are DOING IT, they will DENY IT! Just like these fake Jews ALWAYS DO!

    They do the same thing with #Chemtrails!

    "Yes, we made it rain in Dubai. And we currently hold 384 patents for "weather modification." And as long as it's THEM talking about it, it's okay! As soon as YOU talk about it they cry "Conspiracy Theory"

    And unfortunately.... a lot of people have no more sense than a box of wet rocks and believe those LIES, despite the people having said as much as national television, in books and movies and magazines etc!

    What you are seeing is being funded by YOUR ENEMY
    and #Satan's servants, the bankers and Rothschilds, and fake Jews

    And as soon as you point out WHAT THEY, THEMSELVES SAID, they will cry "Antisemitism" like they always do! It's amazing that people buy into their BS any longer, but they do

    I have not read the entire article, but it appears to be truthful at a glance... use YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD!

    KALERGI PLAN: What everyone needs to know
    The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe
    by cymrusofren

    The hot potato of immigration – a perfectly reasonable debate for citizens of any country to have but one that many from all political persuasions are often unable to have without resorting to hysteria and polarisation.

    Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life. And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law.

    But it isn’t that simple. Sadly there are political leaders and planners who seek to create and use mass immigration and the forced movement of people for their own nefarious purposes. Not many people have heard of the The Kalergi Pan European plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Free Mason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism) which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union.

    As ALWAYS, it is the fake #Jews and #Bankers, #Rothschild of course! This is NOT a state secret folks! The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe These people have TOLD YOU what they plan to do, and now that they are DOING IT, they will DENY IT! Just like these fake Jews ALWAYS DO! They do the same thing with #Chemtrails! "Yes, we made it rain in Dubai. And we currently hold 384 patents for "weather modification." And as long as it's THEM talking about it, it's okay! As soon as YOU talk about it they cry "Conspiracy Theory" And unfortunately.... a lot of people have no more sense than a box of wet rocks and believe those LIES, despite the people having said as much as national television, in books and movies and magazines etc! What you are seeing is being funded by YOUR ENEMY and #Satan's servants, the bankers and Rothschilds, and fake Jews And as soon as you point out WHAT THEY, THEMSELVES SAID, they will cry "Antisemitism" like they always do! It's amazing that people buy into their BS any longer, but they do I have not read the entire article, but it appears to be truthful at a glance... use YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD! KALERGI PLAN: What everyone needs to know The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe by cymrusofren The hot potato of immigration – a perfectly reasonable debate for citizens of any country to have but one that many from all political persuasions are often unable to have without resorting to hysteria and polarisation. Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life. And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law. But it isn’t that simple. Sadly there are political leaders and planners who seek to create and use mass immigration and the forced movement of people for their own nefarious purposes. Not many people have heard of the The Kalergi Pan European plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Free Mason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism) which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union. https://themillenniumreport.com/2018/05/kalergi-plan-what-everyone-needs-to-know/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 914 Ansichten
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/the-chain-of-issuance-the-people-patents-that-built-the-financial-surveillance-network/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 405 Ansichten
  • How Reality Has Been Altered Since 1951

    How the scumbags of this world control EVERYONE by manipulating their reality, telling lies, and suppressing technology!

    There are LAWS AGAINST creating "Free Energy" and any other type of energy! The #Criminals we call "government" have passed "Laws" (Statutes and Codes that apply to "Legal Fictions ONLY)
    that prevent YOU from marketing new tech without their approval!

    And if you create the better mousetrap (Or whatever) and they don't want it going public (Or they just want it) they can just TAKE IT!

    Understand... YOU have been at war your entire life!
    With the people claiming to "represent you"

    When in truth, all they do is DECEIVE and CONTROL and manipulate your reality! They Brainwash you in schools and on television, in movies, using billboards, social media, and radio!

    These people are worse than ANY genocidal maniac in world history! They are injecting POISONS into your children to keep the dumb, cooperative, docile #Slaves!

    They are poisoning your FOOD as well as your drinking water with #Fluoride! And let's NOT forget the FACT that our entire
    "System of Government" is a LIE! The #Courts are a LIE

    These people use the courts and #Police to maintain control over YOU, their SLAVE! And you won't invent anything that benefits man without first getting their permission! And they WILL refuse to give it, because they LIKE HAVING YOU AS A SLAVE!

    While this guy is off on a few things....
    He did some good research here on #Patents and the ciorruption of what we call "government" which is just a for-profit CORPORATION!

    How Reality Has Been Altered Since 1951 How the scumbags of this world control EVERYONE by manipulating their reality, telling lies, and suppressing technology! There are LAWS AGAINST creating "Free Energy" and any other type of energy! The #Criminals we call "government" have passed "Laws" (Statutes and Codes that apply to "Legal Fictions ONLY) that prevent YOU from marketing new tech without their approval! And if you create the better mousetrap (Or whatever) and they don't want it going public (Or they just want it) they can just TAKE IT! Understand... YOU have been at war your entire life! With the people claiming to "represent you" When in truth, all they do is DECEIVE and CONTROL and manipulate your reality! They Brainwash you in schools and on television, in movies, using billboards, social media, and radio! These people are worse than ANY genocidal maniac in world history! They are injecting POISONS into your children to keep the dumb, cooperative, docile #Slaves! They are poisoning your FOOD as well as your drinking water with #Fluoride! And let's NOT forget the FACT that our entire "System of Government" is a LIE! The #Courts are a LIE These people use the courts and #Police to maintain control over YOU, their SLAVE! And you won't invent anything that benefits man without first getting their permission! And they WILL refuse to give it, because they LIKE HAVING YOU AS A SLAVE! While this guy is off on a few things.... He did some good research here on #Patents and the ciorruption of what we call "government" which is just a for-profit CORPORATION! https://rumble.com/v584pmt-trump-shooting-military-insider-shares-latest-intel.html
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1479 Ansichten
  • This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform!
    So I posted it to wordpress!

    Get it, share it, and then STOP IT!

    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory”
    and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!

    Download them, SHARE THEM!

    It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere!
    Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply!

    Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS!

    This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform! So I posted it to wordpress! Get it, share it, and then STOP IT! Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT! Download them, SHARE THEM! And then go after EVERY PATENT HOLDER ON THIS LIST! It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere! Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply! Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS! https://conservativethinkingamericans.wordpress.com/2024/04/20/geo-engineering-is-not-a-conspiracy-theory-and-here-is-a-list-of-patents-that-prove-it/
    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!
    Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they are not manipulating the weather!That is all a “Conspiracy Theory!”Just like these 42 pages of geoengineering PATENTS!I wonder when they started patenting “…
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1100 Ansichten
  • This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform!
    So I posted it to wordpress!

    Get it, share it, and then STOP IT!

    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory”
    and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!

    Download them, SHARE THEM!

    It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere!
    Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply!

    Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS!

    This list is TOO LONG to post on this platform! So I posted it to wordpress! Get it, share it, and then STOP IT! Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT! Download them, SHARE THEM! And then go after EVERY PATENT HOLDER ON THIS LIST! It's time for them to go to PRISON for spraying toxins into our atmosphere! Sickening and killing the people below, destroying the soil, killing the vegetation, and poisoning the water supply! Get off your couch, and make certain this STOPS! https://conservativethinkingamericans.wordpress.com/2024/04/20/geo-engineering-is-not-a-conspiracy-theory-and-here-is-a-list-of-patents-that-prove-it/
    Geo-Engineering is NOT a “conspiracy theory” and here is a list of patents that PROVE IT!
    Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they are not manipulating the weather!That is all a “Conspiracy Theory!”Just like these 42 pages of geoengineering PATENTS!I wonder when they started patenting “…
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 999 Ansichten

    ROTHSCHILD, ROTHSCHILD, SLOMKOWSKI, US PATENTS https://www.bitchute.com/video/BNhsVzpicNIi/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 954 Ansichten

    If you have a "Warranty deed" and not a LAND PATENT then the CORPORATION of the US owns your property and not you!
    Find it on Youtube about "Land Patents"

    JUST ANNOUNCED.. GOVERNMENT SHUTS DOWN HUNDREDS OF FARMS AND TAKES IT! YOUR NEXT? | FARMERS WARNING! If you have a "Warranty deed" and not a LAND PATENT then the CORPORATION of the US owns your property and not you! ' GET A LAND PATENT! Find it on Youtube about "Land Patents" https://www.bitchute.com/video/W9InqneHg6oH/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 793 Ansichten
  • https://patents.google.com/patent/US10105389B1/en
    US10105389B1 - Method and compositions for treating cancerous tumors - Google Patents
    The present invention relates to the use of chlorine dioxide compositions for treating cancerous tumors. The present invention relates to compositions and methods for treating cancerous tumors, including naïve, metastatic and recurrent cancers. The compositions comprise chlorine dioxide in an effective amount, which is injected into the cancerous tumor at least once, and often at least several times over the course of treatment. The chlorine dioxide compositions are injected directly into the cancerous tumor and the resulting tumor is effectively eliminated from the patient or subject over a period of one to several days to a few weeks, often after a single injection, or multiple injections at one session into the tumor. Often, an initial injection or multiple injections at one session are sufficient to dissolve the cancerous tumor. Often the cancer is eliminated (as evidenced by no remission) in a period of no more than several days to about two-three months and does not recur.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1043 Ansichten
  • Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You
    Tucker Carlson interview Bret Weinstein regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic.
    Story at-a-glance

    Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are
    American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied
    Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it
    The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology
    By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health

    Understanding the WHO’s Plans for You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0YfTKghURs Tucker Carlson interview Bret Weinstein regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic. Story at-a-glance Many have reflected on the fact that Big Pharma has a perverse incentive to promote ill health, as its financial bottom line depends on it. But few understand just how elaborate its efforts to that end are American podcaster and former professor of evolutionary biology Bret Weinstein describes the pharmaceutical industry as an intellectual property racket. Big Pharma patents molecules, compounds and technologies, and then looks for diseases against which their patents can be applied Pharma is engaged in a continuous effort to portray its intellectual properties as more useful and safer than they are, and to persuade the medical establishment, journals, medical societies, hospitals and government to direct people toward drugs they wouldn’t otherwise be taking. So, when COVID-19 happened, the industry was more than prepared to take advantage of it The introduction of the mRNA platform technology was central to the entire COVID response. The technology has a lethal flaw that would prevent it from getting to the market under normal circumstances. The COVID pandemic allowed Pharma to bypass this obstacle and deploy this incredibly lucrative technology By way of amendments to the International Health Regulations and the pandemic treaty, the World Health Organization seeks to achieve global dominion and total control of the masses under the guise of public health
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4275 Ansichten

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