• https://medforth.biz/menopause-in-your-20s-young-girls-are-not-being-warned-about-this-side-effect-of-transitioning/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 53 Просмотры
  • ‘Chestfeeding’ to be banned in NHS crackdown


    The NHS is to crack down on transgender ideology in hospitals, with terms like “chestfeeding” set to be banned.

    Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, will this week announce a series of changes to the NHS constitution which sets out patients’ rights.

    Referring to “people who have ovaries” rather than “women” will also be prohibited under plans to ensure hospitals use clear language based on biological sex.

    The new constitution will ban transgender women from being treated on single-sex female hospital wards to ensure women and girls receive “privacy and protection” in hospitals.

    Patients will also be given the right to request that intimate care is carried out by someone of the same biological sex.

    It follows concerns from patients about biological men being allowed in women’s hospital wards. NHS guidance has previously stated that trans patients could be placed in single-sex wards on the basis of the gender with which they identified.

    Kemi Badenoch, the women and equalities minister, has backed calls for a public inquiry into the “pervasive influence” of transgender ideology in the NHS.

    The new NHS constitution will emphasise the importance of using “sex-specific” language in the health service after references to women were expunged from advice on the menopause and diseases such as cervical and ovarian cancer.
    ‘Chestfeeding’ to be banned in NHS crackdown https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/04/27/nhs-to-limit-trans-ideology-with-new-constitution/ The NHS is to crack down on transgender ideology in hospitals, with terms like “chestfeeding” set to be banned. Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, will this week announce a series of changes to the NHS constitution which sets out patients’ rights. Referring to “people who have ovaries” rather than “women” will also be prohibited under plans to ensure hospitals use clear language based on biological sex. The new constitution will ban transgender women from being treated on single-sex female hospital wards to ensure women and girls receive “privacy and protection” in hospitals. Patients will also be given the right to request that intimate care is carried out by someone of the same biological sex. It follows concerns from patients about biological men being allowed in women’s hospital wards. NHS guidance has previously stated that trans patients could be placed in single-sex wards on the basis of the gender with which they identified. Kemi Badenoch, the women and equalities minister, has backed calls for a public inquiry into the “pervasive influence” of transgender ideology in the NHS. The new NHS constitution will emphasise the importance of using “sex-specific” language in the health service after references to women were expunged from advice on the menopause and diseases such as cervical and ovarian cancer.
    ‘Chestfeeding’ to be banned in NHS crackdown
    The health service is to limit trans ideology with new constitution
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1142 Просмотры
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    https://herbalremedies.one/herbal-remedies-for-menopause/ Best Women’s Health Hormonal Herbal Remedies for PMS, Menopause and hormonal imbalance that balance your hormones, prevent osteoporosis, mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain naturally without harmful side effects. #menopause #hotflashes #nightsweats #hormones #women
    Natural Menopause Remedies
    Natural Menopause Remedies Natural Menopause Remedies can help you avoid the most uncomfortable meno
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    Mia Lybkaer Kronborg Nielsen - New Bigg’s killer whale research: https://www.whaleresearch.com/post/new-bigg-s-killer-whale-research #BiggsKillerWhales #KillerWhales #Whales #SocialBond #Menopause #Cetology
    New Bigg’s killer whale research:
    Bigg’s killer whale females maintain close relationships with their adult sons, while daughters disperse Post-reproductive mother T60 and her adult son T60C. (Photograph © Copyright 2023 Center for Whale Research). Drawing upon an impressive dataset spanning nearly half a century of observations collected on Bigg’s killer whales by CWR, DFO, Bay Cetology, and numerous other Canadian and American organizations, researchers explored how the social bond between mother and offspring change with age
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  • University Slammed For Erasing The Word ‘Woman’ From It’s Maternity And Menopause Policies https://www.infowars.com/posts/university-slammed-for-erasing-the-word-woman-from-its-maternity-and-menopause-policies/
    University Slammed For Erasing The Word ‘Woman’ From It’s Maternity And Menopause Policies https://www.infowars.com/posts/university-slammed-for-erasing-the-word-woman-from-its-maternity-and-menopause-policies/
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  • Die Quinton Meerwassertherapie ist eine leider in Vergessenheit geratene natürliche Therapie mit sehr breiter und positiver gesundheitlicher Wirkung und vielen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, bei geringen Kosten.

    In meiner näheren Verwandtschaft bzw. Bekanntschaft haben einige wirklich SEHR, SEHR gute Erfahrungen mit dieser Therapie gemacht, d.h. ich kann diese Therapie sehr empfehlen!!

    Laut dem Buch "Die QUINTON Meerwassertherapie, die Heilkraft des Meeres" von Jean-Claude Secondé (Das Neue Licht-Verlag), ISBN 9789088790843, kann die Quinton Meerwassertherapie zur Behandlung folgenderErkrankungen bzw. Gesundheitsstörungen eingesetzt werden:
    Krebs (gedacht nur als unterstützende, zusätzliche Therapie, nicht als alleinige Therapie!!)
    Nässendes Ekzem
    Insektenstiche (d.h. die Folgen davon abmildern bzw. Infektionen verhindern oder behandeln etc.)
    Morbus Crohn
    Gastritis (Magenschleimhautentzündung)
    rektale Darmspülung mit einer kleinen Menge Quinton Isotonic oder Hypertonic zur Darmpflege, bzw. nach der eigentlichen Darmspülung
    Dysmenorrhö (schmerzhafte Monatsblutung)
    Juckreiz (im Genitalbereich)
    Dehydratisierung (für Kinder im Rahmen der Pädiatrie)
    Mangelernährung (bei Kindern im Rahmen der Pädiatrie)
    Durchfall (bei Kindern im Rahmen der Pädiatrie)
    Windelausschlag bei Säuglingen
    Infantile Magen-Darm-Grippe (Durchfall, Erbrechen)
    Dehydratisierung / Mangelernährung (für ältere Personen im Rahmen der Geriatrie)
    Zystitis (Blasenentzündung)
    Antiaging / Wirkung gegen die Alterung
    Chronische Müdigkeit (CFS)
    Hypoglykämie (Unterzuckerung)
    Wiederaufbau des Immunsystems im Rahmen der Rekonvaleszenz
    Multiple Sklerose (die Quinton Meerwassertherapie erhebt keinen Anspruch, dies heilen zu können, es sei aber begleitend nützlich)
    Saisonbedingte Depressionen
    Fibromyalgie (chronische Muskelschmerzen)
    Akutes Gelenkrheuma
    Brüche (Nachbehandlung)
    Rachitis oder Wachstumsstörung
    Perkutane Hydrotomie
    Infektionen (z. Bsp. Erkältungen)
    Mononukleose (Infektionskrankheit viralen Ursprungs)
    unterstützend bei einem chirurgischen Eingriff
    Anorexie (Magersucht)
    Bulimie (Magersucht bzw. Eßstörung)
    Arteriosklerose (z. Bsp. Gefäßverkalkung bzw. allgemein Verlust der Geschmeidigkeit der Gefäßwände)
    Positive Wirkung auf den Cholesterinspiegel
    zur Verminderung von Komplikationen nach Zahnextraktion
    bei freiliegenden Zähnen
    Blepharitis (Augenlidentzündung)
    Allergie, Schnupfen, Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung
    Infizierte Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung
    Ohrentzündung ohne Perforation
    beim Sport zur Wettkampfvorbereitung
    Stillen (Verbesserung der Milchqualität und Menge)
    Übelkeit oder Erbrechen
    Sexuelle Asthenie (Müdigkeit, Lustlosigkeit, Stimulationsbedürfnis)
    Tierärztliche Anwendung bei Tieren im Fall von Blutarmut, Nährstoffmangel, Dehydratisierung, Piroplasmose (Parasit, der sich in der Leber festsetzt), Verletzungen (Wunden)
    Die Quinton Meerwassertherapie ist eine leider in Vergessenheit geratene natürliche Therapie mit sehr breiter und positiver gesundheitlicher Wirkung und vielen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, bei geringen Kosten. In meiner näheren Verwandtschaft bzw. Bekanntschaft haben einige wirklich SEHR, SEHR gute Erfahrungen mit dieser Therapie gemacht, d.h. ich kann diese Therapie sehr empfehlen!! Laut dem Buch "Die QUINTON Meerwassertherapie, die Heilkraft des Meeres" von Jean-Claude Secondé (Das Neue Licht-Verlag), ISBN 9789088790843, kann die Quinton Meerwassertherapie zur Behandlung folgenderErkrankungen bzw. Gesundheitsstörungen eingesetzt werden: Akne Ekzem Krebs (gedacht nur als unterstützende, zusätzliche Therapie, nicht als alleinige Therapie!!) Nässendes Ekzem Pilzinfektion Insektenstiche (d.h. die Folgen davon abmildern bzw. Infektionen verhindern oder behandeln etc.) Schuppenflechte Venengeschwür Juckreiz Aphten Colitisspastica Verstopfung Reizdarmsyndrom Durchfall Morbus Crohn Gastritis (Magenschleimhautentzündung) Magen-Darm-Grippe rektale Darmspülung mit einer kleinen Menge Quinton Isotonic oder Hypertonic zur Darmpflege, bzw. nach der eigentlichen Darmspülung Vaginitis Dysmenorrhö (schmerzhafte Monatsblutung) Menopause Prämenopause Juckreiz (im Genitalbereich) Osteoporose Dehydratisierung (für Kinder im Rahmen der Pädiatrie) Mangelernährung (bei Kindern im Rahmen der Pädiatrie) Durchfall (bei Kindern im Rahmen der Pädiatrie) Windelausschlag bei Säuglingen Infantile Magen-Darm-Grippe (Durchfall, Erbrechen) Dehydratisierung / Mangelernährung (für ältere Personen im Rahmen der Geriatrie) Zystitis (Blasenentzündung) Antiaging / Wirkung gegen die Alterung Diabetes Chronische Müdigkeit (CFS) Hypoglykämie (Unterzuckerung) Schilddrüse Wiederaufbau des Immunsystems im Rahmen der Rekonvaleszenz Heuschnupfen Multiple Sklerose (die Quinton Meerwassertherapie erhebt keinen Anspruch, dies heilen zu können, es sei aber begleitend nützlich) Parkinson Alzheimer Saisonbedingte Depressionen Schlaflosigkeit Streß Arthritis Arthrose Muskelkrämpfe Fibromyalgie (chronische Muskelschmerzen) Akutes Gelenkrheuma Brüche (Nachbehandlung) Sehnenentzündung Rachitis oder Wachstumsstörung Spasmophilie Bandscheibenvorfall Perkutane Hydrotomie Rückenschmerzen Infektionen (z. Bsp. Erkältungen) Mononukleose (Infektionskrankheit viralen Ursprungs) unterstützend bei einem chirurgischen Eingriff Anorexie (Magersucht) Bulimie (Magersucht bzw. Eßstörung) Arteriosklerose (z. Bsp. Gefäßverkalkung bzw. allgemein Verlust der Geschmeidigkeit der Gefäßwände) Positive Wirkung auf den Cholesterinspiegel Karies zur Verminderung von Komplikationen nach Zahnextraktion Zahnfleischentzündung Zahnfleischbluten bei freiliegenden Zähnen Blepharitis (Augenlidentzündung) Hagelkorn Gerstenkorn Nasenschleimhautentzündung Allergie, Schnupfen, Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung Infizierte Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung Ohrentzündung ohne Perforation Asthma Bronchitis Grippe Kehlkopfentzündung Mandelentzündung beim Sport zur Wettkampfvorbereitung Stillen (Verbesserung der Milchqualität und Menge) Blutarmut Übelkeit oder Erbrechen Wochenbettdepression Andropause Sexuelle Asthenie (Müdigkeit, Lustlosigkeit, Stimulationsbedürfnis) Impotenz Unfruchtbarkeit Tierärztliche Anwendung bei Tieren im Fall von Blutarmut, Nährstoffmangel, Dehydratisierung, Piroplasmose (Parasit, der sich in der Leber festsetzt), Verletzungen (Wunden)
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1616 Просмотры
  • The Quinton seawater therapy ("marine therapy") is a forgotten therapy with very wide health benefits and applications and at low cost!

    Some of my closer relatives / acquaintances got VERY, VERY good regsults from this therapy, therefore I can recommend it very much!!!

    According to the book "The QUINTON Seawater Therapy, the Healing Power of the Sea" by Jean-Claude Secondé (Das Neue Licht-publishing house), ISBN 9789088790843, please note that this is the german version, the original book is in french as far as I can see, the Quinton Marine Therapy can be used for the treatment of the following diseases / ailments / health disorders:
    Cancer (as an additional supportive therapy, not standalone!)
    Weeping eczema
    Fungal infection
    Insect bites (i.e. mitigate the consequences of them or prevent or treat infections, etc.)
    Venous ulcer
    colitis spasticity
    Irritable bowel syndrome
    Crohn's disease
    Gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa)
    rectal colonic irrigation with a small amount of Quinton Isotonic or Hypertonic for intestinal care, or after the actual colonic irrigation
    dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
    Itching (in the genital area)
    Dehydration (for children in pediatrics)
    Malnutrition (for children within the scope of pediatrics)
    Diarrhea (for children within the scope of pediatrics)
    Diaper rash in infants
    Infantile gastroenteritis (diarrhea, vomiting)
    Dehydration / malnutrition (for the elderly in the context of geriatrics)
    Cystitis (bladder infection)
    Antiaging / anti-aging effect
    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
    Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
    Thyroid gland
    Reconstruction of the immune system during convalescence
    Hay fever
    Multiple sclerosis (Quinton seawater therapy does not claim to be able to cure this, but it is useful as an adjunct)
    Parkinson's disease
    Alzheimer's disease
    Seasonal depression
    Muscle cramps
    Fibromyalgia (chronic muscle pain)
    Acute articular rheumatism
    Fractures (aftercare)
    Rickets or growth disorder
    Herniated disc
    Percutaneous hydrotomy
    Back pain
    Infections (e.g. colds)
    Mononucleosis (infectious disease of viral origin)
    supportive during a surgical intervention
    Anorexia (anorexia nervosa)
    Bulimia (anorexia or eating disorder)
    arteriosclerosis (e.g. vascular calcification or general loss of suppleness of vascular walls)
    Positive effect on cholesterol level
    to reduce complications after tooth extraction
    Gum inflammation
    bleeding gums
    in case of exposed teeth
    Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids)
    Nasal mucosa inflammation
    Allergy, rhinitis, sinusitis
    Infected sinusitis
    Ear inflammation without perforation
    during sports to prepare for competitions
    Breastfeeding (improving milk quality and quantity)
    Nausea or vomiting
    Postpartum depression
    Sexual asthenia (fatigue, listlessness, need for stimulation)
    Veterinary use in animals in case of anemia, nutrient deficiency, dehydration, piroplasmosis (parasite that settles in the liver), injuries (wounds)
    The Quinton seawater therapy ("marine therapy") is a forgotten therapy with very wide health benefits and applications and at low cost! Some of my closer relatives / acquaintances got VERY, VERY good regsults from this therapy, therefore I can recommend it very much!!! According to the book "The QUINTON Seawater Therapy, the Healing Power of the Sea" by Jean-Claude Secondé (Das Neue Licht-publishing house), ISBN 9789088790843, please note that this is the german version, the original book is in french as far as I can see, the Quinton Marine Therapy can be used for the treatment of the following diseases / ailments / health disorders: Acne Cancer (as an additional supportive therapy, not standalone!) Eczema Weeping eczema Fungal infection Insect bites (i.e. mitigate the consequences of them or prevent or treat infections, etc.) Psoriasis Venous ulcer Itching aphthae colitis spasticity Constipation Irritable bowel syndrome Diarrhea Crohn's disease Gastritis (inflammation of the gastric mucosa) gastroenteritis rectal colonic irrigation with a small amount of Quinton Isotonic or Hypertonic for intestinal care, or after the actual colonic irrigation vaginitis dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) Menopause Premenopause Itching (in the genital area) Osteoporosis Dehydration (for children in pediatrics) Malnutrition (for children within the scope of pediatrics) Diarrhea (for children within the scope of pediatrics) Diaper rash in infants Infantile gastroenteritis (diarrhea, vomiting) Dehydration / malnutrition (for the elderly in the context of geriatrics) Cystitis (bladder infection) Antiaging / anti-aging effect Diabetes Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) Thyroid gland Reconstruction of the immune system during convalescence Hay fever Multiple sclerosis (Quinton seawater therapy does not claim to be able to cure this, but it is useful as an adjunct) Parkinson's disease Alzheimer's disease Seasonal depression Insomnia Stress Arthritis Osteoarthritis Muscle cramps Fibromyalgia (chronic muscle pain) Acute articular rheumatism Fractures (aftercare) Tendonitis Rickets or growth disorder Spasmophilia Herniated disc Percutaneous hydrotomy Back pain Infections (e.g. colds) Mononucleosis (infectious disease of viral origin) supportive during a surgical intervention Anorexia (anorexia nervosa) Bulimia (anorexia or eating disorder) arteriosclerosis (e.g. vascular calcification or general loss of suppleness of vascular walls) Positive effect on cholesterol level caries to reduce complications after tooth extraction Gum inflammation bleeding gums in case of exposed teeth Blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) Hailstone Barleycorn Nasal mucosa inflammation Allergy, rhinitis, sinusitis Infected sinusitis Ear inflammation without perforation Asthma Bronchitis Flu Laryngitis tonsillitis during sports to prepare for competitions Breastfeeding (improving milk quality and quantity) Anemia Nausea or vomiting Postpartum depression Andropause Sexual asthenia (fatigue, listlessness, need for stimulation) Impotence Infertility Veterinary use in animals in case of anemia, nutrient deficiency, dehydration, piroplasmosis (parasite that settles in the liver), injuries (wounds)
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 3104 Просмотры
  • The NHS is taking "women" out of medical information about menopause --- The politicisation of language has no place in accuracy of information for patients --- But The NHS has more to worry about as a wave of detransitioners wanting compensation .......... Is growing rapidly!
    The NHS is taking "women" out of medical information about menopause --- The politicisation of language has no place in accuracy of information for patients --- But The NHS has more to worry about as a wave of detransitioners wanting compensation .......... Is growing rapidly! https://www.bitchute.com/video/iwXD625QpRI/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 925 Просмотры
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