Right on point brother Bryan! Those scumbag pigs WILL KILL YOU and MSM won't even divulge the NAME of the murdering swine! Much less will you get a parade with sirens wailing!
They'll "Investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing" and give a half-hearted "ooops apology" It's sickening how hey get on TV and whine and cry like babies when one of the tyrants dies....
But when it's you, they act like they killed a cockroach or something, they don't even act as if you were a human being. It's sickening and Satanic
While I agree that I don't want to become LIKE THEM,
and lose my humanity.... it's tough
These tyrant scumbags have destroyed
TOO MANY American lives!
They've taken TOO MANY American lives!
#Police essentially destroyed my life,
altered and devastated the outcome forever!
Basically screwed my career and everything else!
Over bullspit
I've never even been convicted of ANYTHING except a misdemeanor DUI 15 years ago!
But I've been to jail over 100 times!
And EVERY TIME they had no case!
Just malicious attempted prosecution
And let's not forget
Police have made it so that I rarely drive at all...
If I do... I'll end up running across some scumbag who'll write me $1500 in tickets, possibly tow my car! So that really helps me go to work and earn a living!
It has gotten so bad that I decided I'd rather just be poor than to risk a trip to the gray bar motel and have my car stolen!
(Held for ransom)
They've beaten me down from owning 5 vehicles
to not owning one at all.
Police have trashed my career causing me to go from
making 6 figures to doing side jobs and hustling for a living...
and that is their goal!
But you know what???
I've never paid them a DIME on any of the traffic tickets I've gotten
So when people tell me "There's just a few bad apples"
These costume wearing scumbags ARE the
#Criminals you fear!
And to be quite honest.....
They belong in the cages they so enjoy putting you and I into!
READ Proverbs 6:16-19
Proverbs 6:16-19
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
The check EVERY BOX folks!
And I KNOW that these guys have been "trained" to be like they are....
And they've went through the Satanic ritual abuse too....
But it's no excuse!
They are true CRIMINALS!
Right on point brother Bryan! Those scumbag pigs WILL KILL YOU and MSM won't even divulge the NAME of the murdering swine! Much less will you get a parade with sirens wailing!
They'll "Investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing" and give a half-hearted "ooops apology" It's sickening how hey get on TV and whine and cry like babies when one of the tyrants dies....
But when it's you, they act like they killed a cockroach or something, they don't even act as if you were a human being. It's sickening and Satanic
While I agree that I don't want to become LIKE THEM,
and lose my humanity.... it's tough
These tyrant scumbags have destroyed
TOO MANY American lives!
They've taken TOO MANY American lives!
The #Police essentially destroyed my life,
altered and devastated the outcome forever!
Basically screwed my career and everything else!
Over bullspit
I've never even been convicted of ANYTHING except a misdemeanor DUI 15 years ago!
But I've been to jail over 100 times!
And EVERY TIME they had no case!
Just malicious attempted prosecution
And let's not forget #Kidnapping!
Police have made it so that I rarely drive at all...
If I do... I'll end up running across some scumbag who'll write me $1500 in tickets, possibly tow my car! So that really helps me go to work and earn a living!
It has gotten so bad that I decided I'd rather just be poor than to risk a trip to the gray bar motel and have my car stolen!
(Held for ransom)
They've beaten me down from owning 5 vehicles
to not owning one at all.
Police have trashed my career causing me to go from
making 6 figures to doing side jobs and hustling for a living...
and that is their goal!
But you know what???
I've never paid them a DIME on any of the traffic tickets I've gotten
So when people tell me "There's just a few bad apples"
These costume wearing scumbags ARE the #Criminals you fear!
And to be quite honest.....
They belong in the cages they so enjoy putting you and I into!
READ Proverbs 6:16-19
Proverbs 6:16-19
16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
The check EVERY BOX folks!
And I KNOW that these guys have been "trained" to be like they are....
And they've went through the Satanic ritual abuse too....
But it's no excuse!
They are true CRIMINALS!