• Whoa and WHOA!
    Those not familiar with what happened in Las Vegas and what is really behind the scenes should give this a watch.

    Those who are from the group we were told by High Command classified as #SomeWillChooseNotToKnow. . .time to scurry along back to your entertainment. . .this is only for the Critical Thinkers and those who WANT the #Revelations you can't and don't want to handle this info. Have a Great Day and talk to you another time!

    For you Aware, #LetsRoll

    Who is Juan?

    Who was one of the Lost/Hidden Kennedy's?
    It's a she. Were there others? You decide!
    Evidence with full sources and threads inside of here Complete with the footage of the promo for an iconic, revealing event that took place last fall.

    Just walked those streets once again last summer. . .saw Hoover Dam. Remember when Ivanka was photographed next to it?
    Last summer while walking around the dam it hit over 120 degrees and my phone couldn't handle the temps. Will try to get the photos showing evidence to drop later.

    In the meantime. . .the following vid is Filled to the BRIM of evidence and tells.
    #candyland / #candyman vid Alone is worth the see. . .not to mention those murders surrounding.

    A definite must see by those who Do Want to KNOW!

    See Juan O Savin Patriot Double Down Baldwin Shooting, Poltergeist, Exorcist much? Heather O'Rourke

    Whoa and WHOA! Those not familiar with what happened in Las Vegas and what is really behind the scenes should give this a watch. Those who are from the group we were told by High Command classified as #SomeWillChooseNotToKnow. . .time to scurry along back to your entertainment. . .this is only for the Critical Thinkers and those who WANT the #Revelations you can't and don't want to handle this info. Have a Great Day and talk to you another time! For you Aware, #LetsRoll Who is Juan? Who was one of the Lost/Hidden Kennedy's? It's a she. Were there others? You decide! Evidence with full sources and threads inside of here Complete with the footage of the promo for an iconic, revealing event that took place last fall. Just walked those streets once again last summer. . .saw Hoover Dam. Remember when Ivanka was photographed next to it? Last summer while walking around the dam it hit over 120 degrees and my phone couldn't handle the temps. Will try to get the photos showing evidence to drop later. In the meantime. . .the following vid is Filled to the BRIM of evidence and tells. #candyland / #candyman vid Alone is worth the see. . .not to mention those murders surrounding. #therearenocoincidences #handofprovidence #Matrix A definite must see by those who Do Want to KNOW! See Juan O Savin Patriot Double Down Baldwin Shooting, Poltergeist, Exorcist much? Heather O'Rourke https://www.bitchute.com/video/wsfhRwoWNtjb/
    0 Comments 1 Shares 4103 Views
  • Was good seeing #NikolaTesla a few months back!
    Got to roam some of his stomping grounds from a prior time on the #TimeContinuum, then got to wander around some Great Places in the mountains of New Hampshire.
    Met some very interesting people along the way.
    #handofprovidence #praiseGod as I had been working on an addendum to this project. . .

    The Searl Effect Generator Anti-Gravity and Perpetual Motion Device, Project Looking Glass, Keely's Etheric Generator-Liberator, Boyd Bushman's Quantum Antigravity

    Acoustic Cavitation used in a Keely Motor.
    It has been established in modern engineering. . .there are infinite levels of cavitation being released in the process of cavitation.

    This imploding . . .when you have the expanded gaseous vapors, when they collapse, that's the imploding,
    when they collapse in the cavitational process infinite levels of energy are released.
    John Quixote stumbled upon it and he strived to harness these incredible forces.

    Do you find it interesting that the whole Keely Motor demonstration based upon vaporic or etheric force?
    A force based on vibratory sympathy by which he produced interatomic ether from water and air. Which is a reminder, #space , #Time, #Physics al are NOTi what most think it is or have been led to believe by the #powerestablishment

    Then when the big wigs caught wind of it. . .[you know those who attempt to control energy. . .] tried to cripple him, after he developed the famous Keely Motor (and here) from the 1860s into the 1880s when he shifted research from it to the Musical Dynasphere and other Etheric based projects.
    Interesting all that has happened to keep free energy out of the hands of the population. Could there be a reason for that? #youalreadyknow

    Then there was the induction motor Benjamin Lamme created came from Nikola Tesla's patents.
    Lamme went on to design the giant Niagara Falls generators and motors and the power plant of the Manhattan Elevated Railway in New York City.

    Among his eight US patents were inventions on induction motors, electrical ship propulsion, and Gyroscopic stabilizer systems. He designed the single-reduction motor for street railways (replacing the double-reduction motors), the Rotary Converter, railroad electrification systems, the Westinghouse Type C Induction Motor, and the first 5000 kW generators for the **giant hydroelectric generators in the Adams Power Plant at Niagara Falls, for many years the largest power station in the world.**

    Bertha Lamme Feicht worked alongside her brother in the design of the turbogenerator at Niagara Falls. Operation began locally in 1895 and power was transmitted to Buffalo, New York, in 1896.
    #Godspeed Warriors.

    Find more information concerning the true history of #Tesla in the comments of this post on my page with FULL source links. Thank you to all who take the time to #FightTheGoodFight and all who share truth!
    Was good seeing #NikolaTesla a few months back!💥 Got to roam some of his stomping grounds from a prior time on the #TimeContinuum, then got to wander around some Great Places in the mountains of New Hampshire. Met some very interesting people along the way. #handofprovidence #praiseGod as I had been working on an addendum to this project. . . The Searl Effect Generator Anti-Gravity and Perpetual Motion Device, Project Looking Glass, Keely's Etheric Generator-Liberator, Boyd Bushman's Quantum Antigravity and Acoustic Cavitation used in a Keely Motor. It has been established in modern engineering. . .there are infinite levels of cavitation being released in the process of cavitation. This imploding . . .when you have the expanded gaseous vapors, when they collapse, that's the imploding, when they collapse in the cavitational process infinite levels of energy are released. John Quixote stumbled upon it and he strived to harness these incredible forces. Do you find it interesting that the whole Keely Motor demonstration based upon vaporic or etheric force? A force based on vibratory sympathy by which he produced interatomic ether from water and air. Which is a reminder, #space , #Time, #Physics al are NOTi what most think it is or have been led to believe by the #powerestablishment Then when the big wigs caught wind of it. . .[you know those who attempt to control energy. . .] tried to cripple him, after he developed the famous Keely Motor (and here) from the 1860s into the 1880s when he shifted research from it to the Musical Dynasphere and other Etheric based projects. Interesting all that has happened to keep free energy out of the hands of the population. Could there be a reason for that? #youalreadyknow Then there was the induction motor Benjamin Lamme created came from Nikola Tesla's patents. Lamme went on to design the giant Niagara Falls generators and motors and the power plant of the Manhattan Elevated Railway in New York City. Among his eight US patents were inventions on induction motors, electrical ship propulsion, and Gyroscopic stabilizer systems. He designed the single-reduction motor for street railways (replacing the double-reduction motors), the Rotary Converter, railroad electrification systems, the Westinghouse Type C Induction Motor, and the first 5000 kW generators for the **giant hydroelectric generators in the Adams Power Plant at Niagara Falls, for many years the largest power station in the world.** Bertha Lamme Feicht worked alongside her brother in the design of the turbogenerator at Niagara Falls. Operation began locally in 1895 and power was transmitted to Buffalo, New York, in 1896. #Godspeed Warriors. Find more information concerning the true history of #Tesla in the comments of this post on my page with FULL source links. Thank you to all who take the time to #FightTheGoodFight and all who share truth! https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/pfbid02ggN2AhoVvhxjTEGQMXz6bugiqeBACeBrvRbnrhVEDg5eUu7testR99kxKhSUGDcgl
    0 Comments 0 Shares 5325 Views
  • Doing a breakdown on Ghislaine Maxwell's secret marriage and all of the tie ins from years of research and reporting.

    Check out how the views shook out on my Bitchute channel.
    My Bitchute is where I had to archive as my followers on YouTube were warning me after my Pedophile report on all of the professors at Universities, who had been charged with pedophilia, yet far too many remained teaching.

    Saw it happen in my daughter's middle school also.
    Needless to say. . .for exposing both abroad and in my own local. . .I was threatened, family threatened complete with photo evidence and events, then entire channel with thousands of followers removed.
    1111 on my

    **Livestream Tom Hanks on Ellen, Kappy, Rachel Chandler background, her connections, Pedogate**
    #HandOfProvidence much? #GhislaineMaxwell, #GhislaineMaxwellTrial, #Epstein, #epsteindidntkillhimself, #IsaacKappy

    I'll be dropping the new thread soon and WHOA!

    Yes, Anons, Guardians and plenty of Warriors. . .#youalreadyknow, #Pedogate Some will continue in the face of bold evidence as we have been saying for years now. . .#SomeWillChooseNotToKnow and that is on them!

    Link to vid in comments on my page.
    My research notes also provided for those who would rather read/skim than listen while doing chores or working.
    Will drop link here and photo evidence of the 1111 in comments on my page. GodSPEED #lightworkers, #lightbearers, #lightbringers
    Also ties into what happened at #sunspot New Mexico [observatory] and a town in New Mexico where children were verified to be in tunnels/caves. Why did the judge let the abusers off? You decide! Fully Sourced!

    Doing a breakdown on Ghislaine Maxwell's secret marriage and all of the tie ins from years of research and reporting. Check out how the views shook out on my Bitchute channel. My Bitchute is where I had to archive as my followers on YouTube were warning me after my Pedophile report on all of the professors at Universities, who had been charged with pedophilia, yet far too many remained teaching. Saw it happen in my daughter's middle school also. Needless to say. . .for exposing both abroad and in my own local. . .I was threatened, family threatened complete with photo evidence and events, then entire channel with thousands of followers removed. 1111 on my **Livestream Tom Hanks on Ellen, Kappy, Rachel Chandler background, her connections, Pedogate** #HandOfProvidence much? #GhislaineMaxwell, #GhislaineMaxwellTrial, #Epstein, #epsteindidntkillhimself, #IsaacKappy I'll be dropping the new thread soon and WHOA! Yes, Anons, Guardians and plenty of Warriors. . .#youalreadyknow, #Pedogate Some will continue in the face of bold evidence as we have been saying for years now. . .#SomeWillChooseNotToKnow and that is on them! Link to vid in comments on my page. My research notes also provided for those who would rather read/skim than listen while doing chores or working. Will drop link here and photo evidence of the 1111 in comments on my page. GodSPEED #lightworkers, #lightbearers, #lightbringers Also ties into what happened at #sunspot New Mexico [observatory] and a town in New Mexico where children were verified to be in tunnels/caves. Why did the judge let the abusers off? You decide! Fully Sourced! https://www.bitchute.com/video/aeIasfuFAwHY/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4097 Views

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