• Massimo Luciani - New evidence for the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the Omega Centauri globular cluster:


    #OmegaCentauri #BlackHole #Hubble #SpaceTelescope #HST #OrbitalMechanics #Astrophysics #Astronomy
    Massimo Luciani - New evidence for the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the Omega Centauri globular cluster: https://english.tachyonbeam.com/2024/07/12/new-evidence-for-the-presence-of-an-intermediate-mass-black-hole-in-the-omega-centauri-globular-cluster/ #OmegaCentauri #BlackHole #Hubble #SpaceTelescope #HST #OrbitalMechanics #Astrophysics #Astronomy
    New evidence for the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in the Omega Centauri globular cluster
    An article published in the journal 'Nature' reports evidence that the globular cluster Omega Centauri contains an intermediate-mass black hole. A team of...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 432 Views
  • Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter:


    #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter: https://english.tachyonbeam.com/2024/06/26/structures-found-in-the-great-red-spot-area-on-jupiter/ #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter
    An article published in the journal 'Nature Astronomy' reports the identification of structures in the planet Jupiter's upper atmosphere above the Great Red...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 826 Views

    Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior...

    Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous!

    He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves....
    But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball!

    The same is true of James Corbett!
    And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious!

    ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are...

    And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS!
    I agree with 100% of Larkin says......

    Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway!

    Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world
    CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment!

    “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55

    VICTIMS AND VICTIMIZERS Larkin is definitely smarter than most, especially in the area of human behavior... Once he realizes that any "physics" that supposedly supports the #Heliocentric fairy tale, is just more #Freemason bullspit... he'll really be dangerous! He grasps the lies of the #Parasite Class, and the mentality of the #Slaves.... But he has never let go of that brainwashing from the #Rockefeller funded schools that convinced him we live on a spinning ball! The same is true of James Corbett! And in 2024... That has to make you suspicious! ALL of the talk about politics, freemason controllers, and bankers controlling the entire world CANNOT BE COMPLETE until you have realized how #Evil they truly are... And how brainwashed humanity TRULY IS! I agree with 100% of Larkin says...... Right up until he claims "flat earthers don't understand physics" anyway! Until humanity comes to the realization that they live on a flat & stationary earth, just like the Bible says we do, a FACT which every "scientist" in the world CANNOT REFUTE by any legitimate experiment! “People need to be aware that there is a range of models that could explain the observations… For instance, I can construct you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you cannot disprove it based on observations… You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds… What I want to bring into the open is the fact that we are using philosophical criteria in choosing our models. A lot of cosmology tries to hide that.” - George Ellis – W. Wayt Gibbs, “Profile: George F. R. Ellis,” Scientific American, October 1995, Vol. 273, No.4, p. 55 https://www.bitchute.com/video/edkLwmluxII/
    Victims and Victimizers
    To subscribe to "The Rose Channel," just go to: http://www.TheRoseChannel.com ( To get the NOVEL, "The Jones Plantation," go to: http://www.TheJonesPlantationBook.com ) Feel free to keep enjoying the free stuff on this channel. And if you want to …
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1152 Views
  • Measure A Constant Velocity?

    Next time ANYONE tries to tell you that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics"
    send them HERE! Where their #Freemason "education" will be challenged, and they may actually learn something about REAL PHYSICS!

    Measure A Constant Velocity? Next time ANYONE tries to tell you that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics" send them HERE! Where their #Freemason "education" will be challenged, and they may actually learn something about REAL PHYSICS! https://youtu.be/BPxf3HbntYc
    0 Comments 0 Shares 444 Views

    EVERYONE really should read this book!
    Larken Rose's work is something that everyone needs to be exposed to!
    The ONLY THING that Larken Rose has ever said that I disagree with is that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics"

    Actually.... YES, THEY DO!
    And better than your average glober too!

    And just for him.... Look into https://www.youtube.com/@KryptonitePhysics on YouTube,
    Where they blow the globe out of the water USING PHYSICS!

    I like Corbett, he is one helluva researcher!
    But having said that.....

    He also ticks me off!
    This video starts out with #Globe brainwashing, as does many of his videos!

    And you'll have a really hard time convincing me that Corbett, being the caliber of researcher that he is, actually believes that globe BS!

    I mean it's pretty easy for normal people, who do little research to be fooled!

    But James Corbett does a LOT of research! Same as David Whitehead does! And as far as that goes... Larken Rose is a glober!

    Yet ALL of these guys believe in the Globe deception!
    Corbett has that globe behind him on every show!

    And to be honest.... it makes it hard to trust him!
    Now I'm aware that people must ACTUALLY LOOK INTO FLAT EARTH and the #Evidence for it, to break the brainwashing....

    But I find it hard to believe that a researcher of the caliber of either of these guys, could do all of the research they do, and choose to just ignore the libraries full of information proving that the "Globe" is a LIE, the greatest #Hoax ever pulled on mankind!

    Wouldn't you agree?

    I'll be honest here.....
    You are either NOT an honest person OR you are too hardheaded and stubborn to look into something that goes against your worldview, to STILL, in 2024, believe the fairy tale of "Space" and all of NASA's BS!

    I mean folks.....
    ALL YOU GOTTA DO is to check out Rob Skiba's channel....
    Or even Eric Dubay's channel (despite him having some wayward spiritual issues)

    And get yourself some "guide posts" or places to start.... Then research the rest for yourself! FE is a big deal, with tons of evidence PROVING that whatever this earth is, it's NOT a spinning wet rock with an atmosphere in a space vacuum

    I READ THE MOST DANGEROUS SUPERSTITION (AND YOU CAN, TOO!) EVERYONE really should read this book! Larken Rose's work is something that everyone needs to be exposed to! The ONLY THING that Larken Rose has ever said that I disagree with is that "Flat Earthers don't understand physics" Actually.... YES, THEY DO! And better than your average glober too! And just for him.... Look into https://www.youtube.com/@KryptonitePhysics on YouTube, Where they blow the globe out of the water USING PHYSICS! I like Corbett, he is one helluva researcher! But having said that..... He also ticks me off! This video starts out with #Globe brainwashing, as does many of his videos! And you'll have a really hard time convincing me that Corbett, being the caliber of researcher that he is, actually believes that globe BS! I mean it's pretty easy for normal people, who do little research to be fooled! But James Corbett does a LOT of research! Same as David Whitehead does! And as far as that goes... Larken Rose is a glober! Yet ALL of these guys believe in the Globe deception! Corbett has that globe behind him on every show! And to be honest.... it makes it hard to trust him! Now I'm aware that people must ACTUALLY LOOK INTO FLAT EARTH and the #Evidence for it, to break the brainwashing.... But I find it hard to believe that a researcher of the caliber of either of these guys, could do all of the research they do, and choose to just ignore the libraries full of information proving that the "Globe" is a LIE, the greatest #Hoax ever pulled on mankind! Wouldn't you agree? I'll be honest here..... You are either NOT an honest person OR you are too hardheaded and stubborn to look into something that goes against your worldview, to STILL, in 2024, believe the fairy tale of "Space" and all of NASA's BS! I mean folks..... ALL YOU GOTTA DO is to check out Rob Skiba's channel.... Or even Eric Dubay's channel (despite him having some wayward spiritual issues) And get yourself some "guide posts" or places to start.... Then research the rest for yourself! FE is a big deal, with tons of evidence PROVING that whatever this earth is, it's NOT a spinning wet rock with an atmosphere in a space vacuum https://www.bitchute.com/video/2nTLG8Gq7U5l/
    Kryptonite Physics
    This channel looks into the world of physics, putting physics in the simplest form possible , enabling a greater understanding for all. Primarily looking at the physics of rotations. Exploring what we think is unquestionable. If something is a theory, you can guaranty it is not the only theory on that subject. A great amount of people agreeing on a theory is not validity, it doesn't make it a fact. A million people believing a lie, one person standing to say its untrue, will not be listened to. the lie becomes truth.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1321 Views
  • C. Alex Young, Raúl Cortés, Armando Caussade - Sun news June 15, 2024: Sunspot region growing quickly:


    #SunspotRegion #AR3712 #AuroraForecast #Astrophysics #SpaceWeather #Astronomy
    C. Alex Young, Raúl Cortés, Armando Caussade - Sun news June 15, 2024: Sunspot region growing quickly: https://earthsky.org/sun/sun-news-activity-solar-flare-cme-aurora-updates/ #SunspotRegion #AR3712 #AuroraForecast #Astrophysics #SpaceWeather #Astronomy
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1153 Views
  • Historical Perspectives
    Ancient Civilizations: Early human societies measured time using natural phenomena—such as the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans developed calendars and astronomical observations.

    Mechanical Clocks: The invention of mechanical clocks in medieval Europe revolutionized timekeeping. By the 14th century, clocks with escapements allowed for more accurate tracking of hours and minutes.

    Standard Time: The 19th century saw the establishment of standard time zones, essential for railways and communication networks. Sir Sandford Fleming proposed a worldwide standard time system in 1879, leading to the adoption of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

    Scientific Developments

    Relativity Theory: Albert Einstein's theories of relativity in the early 20th century fundamentally altered our understanding of time. Time is relative, affected by speed and gravity, leading to the concept of spacetime.

    Quantum Mechanics: In the realm of the very small, time behaves differently. Quantum mechanics introduces probabilities and uncertainties, challenging classical notions of time as a linear, continuous progression.

    Technological Advances
    Atomic Clocks: The development of atomic clocks in the mid-20th century provided unprecedented precision. These clocks, based on the vibrations of atoms, are accurate to within billionths of a second.

    Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS technology relies on the precision of atomic clocks to provide accurate positioning information. Time synchronization is crucial for the system's accuracy.

    Cultural Aspects

    Perception of Time: Different cultures perceive and value time differently. Western cultures often see time linearly and quantitatively, while many Eastern cultures view it cyclically and qualitatively.

    Time in Art and Literature: Time has been a central theme in art, Lost Time" to Salvador Dalí's "The Persistence of Memory" explore the nature and impact of time.

    Future Directions

    Temporal Physics: Research in temporal physics explores the nature of time, including the possibility of time travel, the directionality of time, and the flow of time in different environments.

    Artificial Intelligence and Time: AI can change how we interact with and manage time, from personal productivity tools to large-scale simulations of temporal processes.

    Societal Changes: As technology accelerates, our relationship with time continues to evolve. Concepts like the "singularity" suggest a future where time's progression could be fundamentally different from our current understanding.
    Historical Perspectives Ancient Civilizations: Early human societies measured time using natural phenomena—such as the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. The Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayans developed calendars and astronomical observations. Mechanical Clocks: The invention of mechanical clocks in medieval Europe revolutionized timekeeping. By the 14th century, clocks with escapements allowed for more accurate tracking of hours and minutes. Standard Time: The 19th century saw the establishment of standard time zones, essential for railways and communication networks. Sir Sandford Fleming proposed a worldwide standard time system in 1879, leading to the adoption of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Scientific Developments Relativity Theory: Albert Einstein's theories of relativity in the early 20th century fundamentally altered our understanding of time. Time is relative, affected by speed and gravity, leading to the concept of spacetime. Quantum Mechanics: In the realm of the very small, time behaves differently. Quantum mechanics introduces probabilities and uncertainties, challenging classical notions of time as a linear, continuous progression. Technological Advances Atomic Clocks: The development of atomic clocks in the mid-20th century provided unprecedented precision. These clocks, based on the vibrations of atoms, are accurate to within billionths of a second. Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS technology relies on the precision of atomic clocks to provide accurate positioning information. Time synchronization is crucial for the system's accuracy. Cultural Aspects Perception of Time: Different cultures perceive and value time differently. Western cultures often see time linearly and quantitatively, while many Eastern cultures view it cyclically and qualitatively. Time in Art and Literature: Time has been a central theme in art, Lost Time" to Salvador Dalí's "The Persistence of Memory" explore the nature and impact of time. Future Directions Temporal Physics: Research in temporal physics explores the nature of time, including the possibility of time travel, the directionality of time, and the flow of time in different environments. Artificial Intelligence and Time: AI can change how we interact with and manage time, from personal productivity tools to large-scale simulations of temporal processes. Societal Changes: As technology accelerates, our relationship with time continues to evolve. Concepts like the "singularity" suggest a future where time's progression could be fundamentally different from our current understanding.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2225 Views
  • Clare Sansom - Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy:


    #Neptunium237 #Neptunium #Isotope #ActinideMetal #LaserSpectroscopy #Spectroscopy #IonizationPotential #Ionization #RadioactiveWaste #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Clare Sansom - Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy: https://phys.org/news/2024-05-probing-neptunium-atomic-laser-spectroscopy.html #Neptunium237 #Neptunium #Isotope #ActinideMetal #LaserSpectroscopy #Spectroscopy #IonizationPotential #Ionization #RadioactiveWaste #AtomicPhysics #Physics
    Probing neptunium's atomic structure with laser spectroscopy
    A new technique developed by researchers in Germany can measure ionization states of this element more precisely than before, with implications for its detection and remediation in radioactive waste.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 929 Views
  • Science China Press - Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction:


    #Tauonium #Tauon #Tau #Lepton #ElectroweakTheory #StandardModel #AtomicPhysics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    Science China Press - Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction: https://phys.org/news/2024-05-tauonium-smallest-heaviest-atom-pure.html #Tauonium #Tauon #Tau #Lepton #ElectroweakTheory #StandardModel #AtomicPhysics #ParticlePhysics #Physics
    Tauonium: The smallest and heaviest atom with pure electromagnetic interaction
    The hydrogen atom was once considered the simplest atom in nature, composed of a structureless electron and a structured proton. However, as research progressed, scientists discovered a simpler type of atom, consisting of structureless electrons, muons, or tauons and their equally structureless antiparticles. These atoms are bound together solely by electromagnetic interactions, with simpler structures than hydrogen atoms, providing a new perspective on scientific problems such as quantum mechanics, fundamental symmetry, and gravity.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1034 Views
  • Editors of EarthSky - Auroras last night wowed millions! Pics here:


    #Aurora #SpaceWeather #GeomagneticStorm #Geomagnetism #CoronalMassEjection #CME #XFlare #Heliophysics #Physics #Photography
    Editors of EarthSky - Auroras last night wowed millions! Pics here: https://earthsky.org/earth/auroras-last-night-extreme-solar-storm-wow-millions-may-10-11-12-2024/ #Aurora #SpaceWeather #GeomagneticStorm #Geomagnetism #CoronalMassEjection #CME #XFlare #Heliophysics #Physics #Photography
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1275 Views
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