• #JFKjr, #JFK, #Uncanny, #Eerie, #GlitchInTheMatrix, #ClutterFree, #2beclutterfree, #JimMorrison, #RushLimbaugh, #JimiHendrix, #MorganFreeman, #Elvis, #ElvisTriplets, #JFKjrWedding, #CarolynBessette, #CarlolynsTwinSisters, #Magnolia, #Lolita, #StanleyKubrick, #AbrahamLincoln, #JuanOSavin, #CumberlandIsland, #FirstAfricanBaptistChurch, #AmazingGrace, #MyChainsAreGone, #GreenBerets, #PatrickBouvierKennedy, #PatrickKennedy, #ArabellaKennedy, #MontaukProject, #JacquelynKennedy, #GaryCaradori,

    See the interesting numbers associated with these lots sold on eBay with collectibles including #TheKidByTheSideOfTheRoad books, collectible magazines surrounding the Kennedy Family, #George, #GeorgeMagazine, #Autopsies for some high profile people and an interesting array of movie and book collections. #Pedogate, #HumanScourge

    Something up with this sight?

    How about the SPF extension and all we have seen recently involving Solar Flares along with a certain Cybersecurity? #Synchronicity and #Serendipity much? You decide!

    #JFKjr, #JFK, #Uncanny, #Eerie, #GlitchInTheMatrix, #ClutterFree, #2beclutterfree, #JimMorrison, #RushLimbaugh, #JimiHendrix, #MorganFreeman, #Elvis, #ElvisTriplets, #JFKjrWedding, #CarolynBessette, #CarlolynsTwinSisters, #Magnolia, #Lolita, #StanleyKubrick, #AbrahamLincoln, #JuanOSavin, #CumberlandIsland, #FirstAfricanBaptistChurch, #AmazingGrace, #MyChainsAreGone, #GreenBerets, #PatrickBouvierKennedy, #PatrickKennedy, #ArabellaKennedy, #MontaukProject, #JacquelynKennedy, #GaryCaradori, See the interesting numbers associated with these lots sold on eBay with collectibles including #TheKidByTheSideOfTheRoad books, collectible magazines surrounding the Kennedy Family, #George, #GeorgeMagazine, #Autopsies for some high profile people and an interesting array of movie and book collections. #Pedogate, #HumanScourge Something up with this sight? How about the SPF extension and all we have seen recently involving Solar Flares along with a certain Cybersecurity? #Synchronicity and #Serendipity much? You decide! https://www.bitchute.com/video/mNAN9ovqrihx/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 14848 Views
    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/8JrvhKCsMgzc/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/zPltnLH
    As much as the Moon landings were most probably faked, and were just more easy stealing of gullible taxpayers money, this particular interview with an actor referred to as Tom, was staged, as it's obvious from watching the whole thing, that he was directed to play the part of famous film director Stanley Kubrick, who suspiciously died right after filming "Eyes Wide Shut", an awful film in my view, that was exposing the fascist elite, and their satanic evil ways. Sometimes, the final frontier is not space exploration, but finding out the truth between all the lies, and pouring more fakery over fakery, does not help the truth. Is it possible that director Stanley Kubrick might have filmed the fake moon landing mission? Possibly, but why would they even ask a well known talkative celebrity to film such a immense fraud on the American people and the world, when anybody corrupt could have done it just as bad, and considering how low quality those NASA film were, anybody could have filmed them just as poorly.

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yO0wdnkH20cJ/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/M710d6i
    3. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37059860
    4. https://archive.org/details/were-nasa-apollo-moon-landing-missions-fake

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/mzfBahLq7w0q/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/kohIWeS
    3. https://ugetube.com/watch/qP4nnr9stc9jxK1

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jy0YwBnqCoci/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/iWWnVvM

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/HHqR0VRLOZyk/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/xEy7j0e

    #StanleyKubrick #MoonLanding #NASA #StanleyKubrickMoonLanding #Moon #Apollo #Space #Exploration #FakeMoonLanding #MoonLandingHoax
    FAKE STANLEY KUBRICK INTERVIEW ABOUT FAKE NASA MOON LANDING 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/8JrvhKCsMgzc/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/zPltnLH As much as the Moon landings were most probably faked, and were just more easy stealing of gullible taxpayers money, this particular interview with an actor referred to as Tom, was staged, as it's obvious from watching the whole thing, that he was directed to play the part of famous film director Stanley Kubrick, who suspiciously died right after filming "Eyes Wide Shut", an awful film in my view, that was exposing the fascist elite, and their satanic evil ways. Sometimes, the final frontier is not space exploration, but finding out the truth between all the lies, and pouring more fakery over fakery, does not help the truth. Is it possible that director Stanley Kubrick might have filmed the fake moon landing mission? Possibly, but why would they even ask a well known talkative celebrity to film such a immense fraud on the American people and the world, when anybody corrupt could have done it just as bad, and considering how low quality those NASA film were, anybody could have filmed them just as poorly. NASA FAKE MOON LANDING MISSIONS: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yO0wdnkH20cJ/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/M710d6i 3. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37059860 4. https://archive.org/details/were-nasa-apollo-moon-landing-missions-fake NASA AND THE GREATEST LIE EVER TOLD: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/mzfBahLq7w0q/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/kohIWeS 3. https://ugetube.com/watch/qP4nnr9stc9jxK1 NASA LYING TO US: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Jy0YwBnqCoci/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/iWWnVvM NASA AND THE FAKE SPACE STATION TAXPAYERS MONEY GRABBING RACKET: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/HHqR0VRLOZyk/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/xEy7j0e #StanleyKubrick #MoonLanding #NASA #StanleyKubrickMoonLanding #Moon #Apollo #Space #Exploration #FakeMoonLanding #MoonLandingHoax
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1630 Views
  • See a run down of what has been going on for decades.
    Evidence throughout the ages.

    Who was Tippit?
    JFK's coffin dropped out to sea?
    What is the SEC?

    Evidence of what truly lies beneath?
    What evidence of what is really out there is Out There?
    When will the Reveal of it be?
    Does the military have documentation?

    Was it ever Religion against Religions?
    Democrat against Republican?
    Race against Race?
    Who tried to pit humanity against one another?
    You decide.

    How do we come back from it all?

    See a letter read from JFKjr. right after his disappearance to Donald Trump on Larry King Live back in early 90's.

    Do you have faith in God Above?
    If the Bible tells you so?
    What is Really Afoot?
    Have a look if you dare want a glitch in that matrix
    #JFK, #JFKjr, #ThePlan, #Jesters, #AmericanPie, #HelterSkelter, #StanleyKubrick


    See a run down of what has been going on for decades. Evidence throughout the ages. Who was Tippit? JFK's coffin dropped out to sea? What is the SEC? Evidence of what truly lies beneath? What evidence of what is really out there is Out There? When will the Reveal of it be? Does the military have documentation? Was it ever Religion against Religions? Democrat against Republican? Race against Race? Who tried to pit humanity against one another? You decide. How do we come back from it all? See a letter read from JFKjr. right after his disappearance to Donald Trump on Larry King Live back in early 90's. Do you have faith in God Above? If the Bible tells you so? What is Really Afoot? Have a look if you dare want a glitch in that matrix #JFK, #JFKjr, #ThePlan, #Jesters, #AmericanPie, #HelterSkelter, #StanleyKubrick https://www.bitchute.com/video/HWjMkTcowCIy/
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