• Mere days after, the Lee family had settled into their new abode nestled among the pines. They are confronted with paranormal happenings. Initially, the disturbances seemed harmless, as the couple's two young sons began to voice concerns about peculiar lights flickering in their bedrooms and eerie shadows dancing across the walls. But the situation takes an ominous turn when Steve and Beth themselves bear witness to disturbing and terrifying paranormal events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9ygDPtbKjw #paranormal #scarystories #narration
    Mere days after, the Lee family had settled into their new abode nestled among the pines. They are confronted with paranormal happenings. Initially, the disturbances seemed harmless, as the couple's two young sons began to voice concerns about peculiar lights flickering in their bedrooms and eerie shadows dancing across the walls. But the situation takes an ominous turn when Steve and Beth themselves bear witness to disturbing and terrifying paranormal events. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9ygDPtbKjw #paranormal #scarystories #narration
    0 Comments 0 Shares 946 Views
  • The horrendous thought of being consumed, of succumbing to inscrutable forces that dwell beyond the veil of our comprehension. This eerie idea seems to resonate within the darkest corners of the human mind and even within our very souls. Within this pitch black realm. A profound event unfolds, involving a young woman. And what occurs would blur the delicate boundary between the world of the supernatural and the tangible world. Scaring the curious minds of those who experienced it, causing them to ponder if there certainly is a devil that lurks within the darkness. However, things will take a circus-like turn in the oddest of ways. So join me as I explore the untold story of the terrifying exorcism of Martha Brossier, which took place in the 16th Century in France.
    The horrendous thought of being consumed, of succumbing to inscrutable forces that dwell beyond the veil of our comprehension. This eerie idea seems to resonate within the darkest corners of the human mind and even within our very souls. Within this pitch black realm. A profound event unfolds, involving a young woman. And what occurs would blur the delicate boundary between the world of the supernatural and the tangible world. Scaring the curious minds of those who experienced it, causing them to ponder if there certainly is a devil that lurks within the darkness. However, things will take a circus-like turn in the oddest of ways. So join me as I explore the untold story of the terrifying exorcism of Martha Brossier, which took place in the 16th Century in France. https://youtu.be/Q0a2nsXOe4U
    0 Comments 0 Shares 792 Views
  • In the heart of Wisconsin lies a quiet rural community with a chilling secret. For decades, the residents of Elkhorn and the surrounding areas have shared eerie encounters with a mysterious creature that has become known as the "Beast of Bray Road." Is it a mere legend, a modern myth, or a genuine menace lurking in the shadows?
    In the heart of Wisconsin lies a quiet rural community with a chilling secret. For decades, the residents of Elkhorn and the surrounding areas have shared eerie encounters with a mysterious creature that has become known as the "Beast of Bray Road." Is it a mere legend, a modern myth, or a genuine menace lurking in the shadows? https://youtu.be/wHv0fTPstJo
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1303 Views
  • Kerry Breen - Eerie new NASA image shows "ghostly cosmic hand" 16,000 light-years from Earth:


    #NeutronStar #Pulsar #PSRB150958 #PulsarWind #Nebula #PWN #MSH1552 #NASA #Chandra #XRay #Polarimetry #IXPE #XRayPolarization #Spooky #CosmicHand #Halloween #XRayAstronomy #Astrophysics #Astronomy
    Kerry Breen - Eerie new NASA image shows "ghostly cosmic hand" 16,000 light-years from Earth: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nasa-image-collapsed-star-ghostly-cosmic-hand-halloween/ #NeutronStar #Pulsar #PSRB150958 #PulsarWind #Nebula #PWN #MSH1552 #NASA #Chandra #XRay #Polarimetry #IXPE #XRayPolarization #Spooky #CosmicHand #Halloween #XRayAstronomy #Astrophysics #Astronomy
    Eerie new NASA image shows "ghostly cosmic hand" 16,000 light-years from Earth
    NASA's Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer telescope studied the nebula for about 17 days, the agency said, marking the longest time it has focused on one object.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 6819 Views
  • https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bonus-savages-eerie-prediction-about-israel-and-hamas/id635045292?i=1000631845528
    ‎The Michael Savage Show: BONUS - SAVAGE'S EERIE PREDICTION ABOUT ISRAEL AND HAMAS on Apple Podcasts
    ‎Show The Michael Savage Show, Ep BONUS - SAVAGE'S EERIE PREDICTION ABOUT ISRAEL AND HAMAS - Oct 19, 2023
    0 Comments 0 Shares 499 Views
  • An eerie dark cloud of censorship has descended over the United States of America, once called the land of the free. George Orwell’s Newspeak has become the official language of America’s ruling elite.
    An eerie dark cloud of censorship has descended over the United States of America, once called the land of the free. George Orwell’s Newspeak has become the official language of America’s ruling elite. https://www.trunews.com/stream/tucker-carlson-silenced-eerie-dark-cloud-of-censorship-descends-over-land-of-the-free
    TruNews is the world's leading news source that reports, analyzes, and comments on global events and trends with a conservative, orthodox Christian worldview.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 468 Views
  • Rapid-onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD) - Dr Robert Malone

    Psychology Today, 2018

    “In general, cis-gendered people are considered evil and unsupportive, regardless of their actual views on the topic. To be heterosexual, comfortable with the gender you were assigned at birth, and non-minority places you in the ‘most evil’ of categories with this group of friends. Statement of opinions by the evil cis-gendered population are consider phobic and discriminatory and are generally discounted as unenlightened.”

    Parents further reported being derogatorily called “breeders” by their children, or being routinely harassed by children who played “pronoun-police." The observation that they no longer recognized their child’s voice came up time and again in parental reports. In turn, the eerie similarity between the youth's discourse and trans-positive online content was repeatedly emphasized. Youth were described as “sounding scripted," “reading from a script,” “wooden,” “like a form letter,” “verbatim,” “word for word," or “practically copy and paste."

    Littman raises cautions about encouraging young people’s desire to transition in all instances. From the cases reviewed in her study, she concluded that what she terms “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) appears to be a novel condition that emerges from cohort and contagion effects and novel social pressures. From this perspective, ROGD likely exhibits an aetiology and epidemiology that is distinct from the "classical" cases of gender dysphoria documented in the DSM.

    Littman hypothesizes that ROGD can be cast as a maladaptive coping m
    Rapid-onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD) - Dr Robert Malone https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/rapid-onset-gender-dysphoria-rogd?utm_source=direct&r=8opxq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Psychology Today, 2018 “In general, cis-gendered people are considered evil and unsupportive, regardless of their actual views on the topic. To be heterosexual, comfortable with the gender you were assigned at birth, and non-minority places you in the ‘most evil’ of categories with this group of friends. Statement of opinions by the evil cis-gendered population are consider phobic and discriminatory and are generally discounted as unenlightened.” Parents further reported being derogatorily called “breeders” by their children, or being routinely harassed by children who played “pronoun-police." The observation that they no longer recognized their child’s voice came up time and again in parental reports. In turn, the eerie similarity between the youth's discourse and trans-positive online content was repeatedly emphasized. Youth were described as “sounding scripted," “reading from a script,” “wooden,” “like a form letter,” “verbatim,” “word for word," or “practically copy and paste." Littman raises cautions about encouraging young people’s desire to transition in all instances. From the cases reviewed in her study, she concluded that what she terms “rapid-onset gender dysphoria” (ROGD) appears to be a novel condition that emerges from cohort and contagion effects and novel social pressures. From this perspective, ROGD likely exhibits an aetiology and epidemiology that is distinct from the "classical" cases of gender dysphoria documented in the DSM. Littman hypothesizes that ROGD can be cast as a maladaptive coping m
    “Rapid-onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD):
    Cohort and contagion effects from novel social pressures
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1802 Views
  • See someone who pushed through a major Hunter Biden deal for his firm connected to Bank of China.
    Someone who worked at Bear Stearns, where #Epstein worked and had a role in the Enforcement Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

    Was a Vice President and Assistant General Counsel at J.P. Morgan where she primarily supported the securities clearing business acquired from Bear Stearns.

    See how a certain virus that affects Perception called the Epstein-Barr Virus also has an Alice in Wonderland syndrome. . .when here it was Bill Barr. . .YES that #BillBar, whose dad was headmaster at the Dalton school where Epstein worked before going to Bear Stearns.

    The Virus is medical virus so how eerie and uncanny is that?

    See more here in this thread with full links, evidence and verification.

    Not a bedtime story for children, but adults should listen Very Carefully!
    Once upon a time there was a vice president.
    Who had a son named Hunter
    Who had a friend named Archer. [Sentenced in 2.2022 for scheme to defraud a Native American tribe of some $60 million in bonds. ]
    Together the Hunter and Archer were friends with Chris Heinz [a stepson to John Kerry].
    These three men started a firm called Rosemont Seneca and to the world help they claimed to carry.
    Deals were had and deals were made.
    Daddy's were quick to throw out some shade if anyone dared question their charade!

    See someone who pushed through a major Hunter Biden deal for his firm connected to Bank of China. Someone who worked at Bear Stearns, where #Epstein worked and had a role in the Enforcement Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Was a Vice President and Assistant General Counsel at J.P. Morgan where she primarily supported the securities clearing business acquired from Bear Stearns. See how a certain virus that affects Perception called the Epstein-Barr Virus also has an Alice in Wonderland syndrome. . .when here it was Bill Barr. . .YES that #BillBar, whose dad was headmaster at the Dalton school where Epstein worked before going to Bear Stearns. The Virus is medical virus so how eerie and uncanny is that? See more here in this thread with full links, evidence and verification. Not a bedtime story for children, but adults should listen Very Carefully! Once upon a time there was a vice president. Who had a son named Hunter Who had a friend named Archer. [Sentenced in 2.2022 for scheme to defraud a Native American tribe of some $60 million in bonds. ] Together the Hunter and Archer were friends with Chris Heinz [a stepson to John Kerry]. These three men started a firm called Rosemont Seneca and to the world help they claimed to carry. Deals were had and deals were made. Daddy's were quick to throw out some shade if anyone dared question their charade! https://www.facebook.com/melissa.mcgarity.14/posts/pfbid02gjcWgXeFvwGdK7CGwzh468bDQ5vt2mU4zc4CkhyfJDL3i8h78FmyTTAavyB3tkial
    Melissa McGarity
    Not a bedtime story for children, but adults should listen Very Carefully! Once upon a time there was a vice president. Who had a son named Hunter Who had a friend named Archer. [Sentenced in 2.2022...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2610 Views
  • Eerie coincidence or smoking gun? Daszak warned WHO in 2018 that next pandemic would be caused by unknown, novel pathogen new to humans
    Eerie coincidence or smoking gun? Daszak warned WHO in 2018 that next pandemic would be caused by unknown, novel pathogen new to humans https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-11-28-peter-daszak-raised-by-mass-murdering-nazi.html
    Eerie coincidence or smoking gun? Daszak warned WHO in 2018 that next pandemic would be caused by unknown, novel pathogen new to humans
    Disease ecology expert Peter Daszak, who has a PhD in zoology and specializes in parasites that attack reptiles, was one of the first people to know about the existence of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This is the same man who financed a whole collection of viruses found in bat urine, feces and bloo
    0 Comments 0 Shares 467 Views
  • . . . what the CCP has managed through 73 years of totalitarian control of communist China gives us a glimpse of the future in the U.S. under long-term Democrat domination and control of the federal government.
    . . . what the CCP has managed through 73 years of totalitarian control of communist China gives us a glimpse of the future in the U.S. under long-term Democrat domination and control of the federal government. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eerie-similarities-between-democratic-party-and-chinese-communist-party-lingo
    Eerie Similarities Between Democratic Party And Chinese Communist Party Lingo
    The CCP and the Democratic Party each have their own visions of what amount to variations on the dystopian future...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 433 Views
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