• Luke Chapter Two - The Savior Is Born

    Luke Chapter Two - The Savior Is Born https://pilgrimdevotions.com/luke-chapter-two-the-savior-is-born/
    Luke Chapter Two – The Savior Is Born
    The Savior Is Born Luke 2:34–35 (ESV) 34 And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 90 Views
  • Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle

    Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia. Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.” Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight. 2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.” Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia.

    Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine.

    There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times: “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.”

    Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis. This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia. The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’ That’s the bottom line. All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III. This will not be getting any better.”

    There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia. So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war. It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too. Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe. NATO Headquarters will be toast. D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive. So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.”

    Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.” In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo. Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit. The banking stocks are in deadly peril. I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers. I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards. I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped. This is what my sources tell me is going to happen. The ‘when’ is up to God.”
    Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle https://rumble.com/v5evt5x-threat-of-wwiii-is-not-fear-porn-steve-quayle.html Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia. Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.” Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight. 2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.” Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia. Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine. There is also this breaking headline from the Asian Times: “Biden, NATO effectively declaring war on Russia.” Quayle warns, “This is not a trial run, the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban missile crisis. This is World War III. . . .We are seeing people crazy or people demonically possessed, in my opinion, talking about launching western missiles, German, British or US missiles into Russia. The Russian Ambassador to the UN said on Friday (9/13/24), ‘If you do that, we will consider it an act of war against Russia, and all options are open to us, and none of your countries are safe.’ That’s the bottom line. All these years you warn ahead of time, and they mock you saying fear monger and fear porn. . . . Well, we are at the inception point for World War III. This will not be getting any better.” There have been nearly zero talks of peace in Ukraine, only requests for more weapons and more escalation with Russia. So, NATO is clearly wanting to start a world war. It’s not just Russia we will be fighting, but China, North Korea and Iran, too. Quayle says, “This is what is so pertinent about this show because, this weekend, everybody (NATO) is talking about giving President Zelensky (Ukraine) the okay to launch against Moscow, which will result in the thermal nuclear detonation of over 100 targets in the United States and another 100 targets plus in Europe. NATO Headquarters will be toast. D.C. will be toast. . . . The Bible has made this clear if God did not shorten the days for the elect, that’s the people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, there would be no flesh left alive. So, as we sit here podcasting, 250 million Americans are at risk.” Even if nuclear war does not break out and the world gets a reprieve for a while, the financial system will not be fixed. JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is warning of something coming that is “worse than recession.” In simple terms, Quayle says, “Dimon is warning because the banks are in deep doo-doo. Last week, you may remember billionaire Warren Buffett started dumping Bank of America stock. . . . I am told that Buffett dumped, all told, up around $50 billion in BofA stock. . . . When Buffett does some like this, people notice and they followed suit. The banking stocks are in deadly peril. I have been in the precious metals business for 35 years, and we are now watching clients being blocked for sending wire transfers. I am talking about the biggest 5 or 6 banks because they are running short on cash. . . . At some point, they will cut off all credit cards. I don’t know when that will be, but eventually, they will be stopped. This is what my sources tell me is going to happen. The ‘when’ is up to God.”
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1296 Views
  • WAS JESUS A MAN??? Yes or No???

    It seems that every "Christian" out there thinks that Jesus IS the Most High.....
    And it just makes no sense!

    Examine these verses!
    You CANNOT argue that Jesus was not a MAN.
    He lived as a MAN, He died as a MAN, and He was even the self proclaimed
    "Son of MAN." But right here in Mathew 24:36 He tells you that
    "NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY" only the Father knows the day!

    Jesus is NOT the Most High folks!
    He is the SON of the most high!

    He does NOT pray to himself!
    He prays to HIS FATHER, the Most High!

    Matthew 24
    1599 Geneva Bible

    30 And then shall appear the [s]sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the [t]kindreds of the earth [u]mourn, and they shall see the Son of man [v]come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    31 And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect, from the [w]four winds, and from the one end of the heavens unto the other.

    32 [x]Now learn the parable of the fig tree: when her bough is yet [y]tender, and it putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near.

    33 So likewise ye, when ye see all these things, know that the kingdom of God is near, even at the doors.

    34 Verily I say unto you, this [z]generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

    35 [aa]Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

    36 [ab]But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of heaven, but my father only.

    There are many other passages where He says that His words are not His own, but of HE WHO SENT ME. Preachers seem to even need this lesson!

    While I'm no bible scholar by any means.....
    I do know that the FATHER is NOT also "The Son"

    The Father dwells within the Son, He gives the Son messages for the people, and spiritually "they are one" because Jesus is FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER!

    But He is not the father! He is the SON!
    He's my Lord and Savior, He's the head of the church and He has ALL AUTHORITY on this earth! But those things were given to Him BY THE FATHER!

    There are so many examples of Jesus Himself denying being the Father!
    Jesus was baptized by John, and the heavens opened and the Most High said "This is my beloved SON, with whom I'm well pleased"

    So..... what happened there?
    Are you claiming that Yahuwah Himself was baptized, and after He left his human body, jumped up into heaven to then speak to John???

    You have to be mentally ill to believe this!
    And I already know 100 people will argue with me about this.....

    But I also know their arguments make no sense!
    They turn the entire bible into nonsense!

    There is the FATHER, and at His Right Hand is the SON!
    The Father's spirit fills the SON, the SON speaks the Father's words....
    But He is NOT the Father!

    At least not without some SERIOUS MENTAL GYMNASTICS!!!
    WAS JESUS A MAN??? Yes or No??? It seems that every "Christian" out there thinks that Jesus IS the Most High..... And it just makes no sense! Examine these verses! You CANNOT argue that Jesus was not a MAN. He lived as a MAN, He died as a MAN, and He was even the self proclaimed "Son of MAN." But right here in Mathew 24:36 He tells you that "NO MAN KNOWS THE DAY" only the Father knows the day! Jesus is NOT the Most High folks! He is the SON of the most high! He does NOT pray to himself! He prays to HIS FATHER, the Most High! Matthew 24 1599 Geneva Bible 30 And then shall appear the [s]sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the [t]kindreds of the earth [u]mourn, and they shall see the Son of man [v]come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect, from the [w]four winds, and from the one end of the heavens unto the other. 32 [x]Now learn the parable of the fig tree: when her bough is yet [y]tender, and it putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near. 33 So likewise ye, when ye see all these things, know that the kingdom of God is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, this [z]generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. 35 [aa]Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. 36 [ab]But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of heaven, but my father only. There are many other passages where He says that His words are not His own, but of HE WHO SENT ME. Preachers seem to even need this lesson! While I'm no bible scholar by any means..... I do know that the FATHER is NOT also "The Son" The Father dwells within the Son, He gives the Son messages for the people, and spiritually "they are one" because Jesus is FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER! But He is not the father! He is the SON! He's my Lord and Savior, He's the head of the church and He has ALL AUTHORITY on this earth! But those things were given to Him BY THE FATHER! There are so many examples of Jesus Himself denying being the Father! Jesus was baptized by John, and the heavens opened and the Most High said "This is my beloved SON, with whom I'm well pleased" So..... what happened there? Are you claiming that Yahuwah Himself was baptized, and after He left his human body, jumped up into heaven to then speak to John??? You have to be mentally ill to believe this! And I already know 100 people will argue with me about this..... But I also know their arguments make no sense! They turn the entire bible into nonsense! There is the FATHER, and at His Right Hand is the SON! The Father's spirit fills the SON, the SON speaks the Father's words.... But He is NOT the Father! At least not without some SERIOUS MENTAL GYMNASTICS!!!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 592 Views

    He is correct!
    Humans REALLY DO ignore #Genocide!

    Now... If you claim that some #Media narrative about a few people dying is a #HOAX all of the sudden you become Lucifer himself....... Because "People died" supposedly

    But in the grand scheme of things.....
    Where MILLIONS, and quite possibly BILLIONS will die.....

    Well THAT is just a "Conspiracy Theory"
    Or so we are told!

    The people who died are likely people who cursed your existence....
    and they likely hated you and your opinion about their "savior" Big Pharma"

    And they even likely wanted to FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE JAB!
    I understand that many of these people were NOT very nice people...

    But I still feel like WE OWE THEM #Justice!

    Sitting around and allowing a group of international MURDERERS to get away with their crime, and to continue distributing their POISONS around the world so that they can kill even more brainwashed normies is an abomination!

    I feel as if it is something we WILL have to answer for!
    I'm ASHAMED of my country and the people in it!

    To allow the wholesale slaughter of MILLIONS / BILLIONS without bringing those responsible to justice is just pure COWARDICE!

    And granted.... The #Criminals have a "defense force" guarding them FROM YOU...
    And that "defense force" is your local #Police... So what???

    They can be brought to justice too!

    We are at WAR, and we are LOSING BADLY!
    And that is because most people don't even realize we are under attack!

    And those that do don't do anything to put an end to it!
    We have 300 million (supposedly) armed Americans, and we FEAR some badge wearing clowns that work for a criminal cabal murdering all of mankind?

    I'll tell you right now, we are MUCH SAFER on the field of battle than we are sitting around waiting for their next plan to actually kill us!
    (Like the poisoning of our food and water)

    Something has got too give!
    The CORPORATION must be put out of business permanently

    And nobody is going to do it for us!

    YOUR CALCULATIONS OF THE FUTURE ARE MEANINGLESS WITHOUT A PROPER = SIGN He is correct! Humans REALLY DO ignore #Genocide! Now... If you claim that some #Media narrative about a few people dying is a #HOAX all of the sudden you become Lucifer himself....... Because "People died" supposedly But in the grand scheme of things..... Where MILLIONS, and quite possibly BILLIONS will die..... Well THAT is just a "Conspiracy Theory" Or so we are told! The people who died are likely people who cursed your existence.... and they likely hated you and your opinion about their "savior" Big Pharma" And they even likely wanted to FORCE YOU TO TAKE THE JAB! I understand that many of these people were NOT very nice people... But I still feel like WE OWE THEM #Justice! Sitting around and allowing a group of international MURDERERS to get away with their crime, and to continue distributing their POISONS around the world so that they can kill even more brainwashed normies is an abomination! I feel as if it is something we WILL have to answer for! I'm ASHAMED of my country and the people in it! To allow the wholesale slaughter of MILLIONS / BILLIONS without bringing those responsible to justice is just pure COWARDICE! And granted.... The #Criminals have a "defense force" guarding them FROM YOU... And that "defense force" is your local #Police... So what??? They can be brought to justice too! We are at WAR, and we are LOSING BADLY! And that is because most people don't even realize we are under attack! And those that do don't do anything to put an end to it! We have 300 million (supposedly) armed Americans, and we FEAR some badge wearing clowns that work for a criminal cabal murdering all of mankind? I'll tell you right now, we are MUCH SAFER on the field of battle than we are sitting around waiting for their next plan to actually kill us! (Like the poisoning of our food and water) Something has got too give! The CORPORATION must be put out of business permanently And nobody is going to do it for us! https://old.bitchute.com/video/P6YX7D0bTJyM/
    your calculations of the future are meaningless without a proper = sign
    Thanks to (WOR) for letting me lift his shit- channel: https://old.bitchute.com/channel/ZMv79MtHJ9al/ Support & Contact CashApp - $blackpilledham Buy Me A Coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/blackpilledham Email - [email protected]
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1320 Views
  • I don't believe trump is some kind of savior, I have doubts about him. I am voting for him hoping he can at least slow the decline down, because I know blowjob harris is going to accelerate the decline. Until we get AiPAC cocksuckers out of our government we will continue to decline. I know they are going to cheat again, hopefully we get enough votes to show it, still pissed no one has really done anything in 4 years to fix the sieve of corruption that our elections are.
    I don't believe trump is some kind of savior, I have doubts about him. I am voting for him hoping he can at least slow the decline down, because I know blowjob harris is going to accelerate the decline. Until we get AiPAC cocksuckers out of our government we will continue to decline. I know they are going to cheat again, hopefully we get enough votes to show it, still pissed no one has really done anything in 4 years to fix the sieve of corruption that our elections are.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 750 Views
  • Paganism Defined: Part 5
    Based from the story of Nimrod, the mystery religion was created. This religion spread among the different ancient empires of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, & Rome. This is what paganism is. The purest definition of it. Paganism is the collection of all polytheistic beliefs centered around a central belief. The stories may change, but there are always 4 central figures. They are:

    • Father god
    • The Sun god
    • The Moon goddess (a.k.a Mother god)
    • The son of god

    Now we do not pretend to be luciferin experts. Nor do we contest to being scholars of greek/roman mythology and other religions, but in today’s Information Age, there is enough information available for anyone to gain a broader understanding.

    The chart below illustrates the god & goddess worship of the pagans of different cultures, empires, and religions. It’s impossible not to see the connection from all the stories of these gods & goddesses. The easiest distinction you will find when identifying pagan worshippers is if they worship both Father & Mother god. If there is a both masculine & feminine god in their belief system, then they are a pagan.

    Pagan god List
    Pagan god List

    Now with all of these sun god’s and moon goddesses, another similarity is that they are all birthed from the same father. This father is the ultimate god. He is the creator and bearer of light, of knowledge. He is Father god like referenced earlier. The main connection that most people do not make is that all of these names refer to actually one god. That is lucifer. It’s the same story just different names. Same purposes just different names.

    Names of Lucifer

    Satan is the master deceiver. This is how he will unite the world to worship him. They already are. They’ve been doing it in his name through silence and secrecy for thousands of years. He has created many gods & beliefs centered around him that people all around the world accept & worship. It doesn’t matter which god it is they choose because if it is not true belief in Jesus Christ, it will lead everyone to satan. This is part of the great deception.

    A lot of the prophecy matches God’s true prophecy of the messiah through Jesus Christ. Satan the deceiver has used God’s plan to deceive man. This is what an Anti-Christ is.

    The basis and understanding of this information will allow for greater understanding of the traditions the world keep. It will make you think about what god you actually might be serving without actualization.

    The key points to know are:

    Lucifer is the sun-god
    The birthday of the sun-god is December 25th, the Winter Solstice, the time when the sun is closest to the earth.
    Pagans worship the moon, the moon goddess, Goddess Diana, Ishtar, and her many other names. She is the female, fertility deity. The virgin mother of god.
    She is worshipped on Easter, to celebrate her return each year
    The son of god is always prophesied to return to be a savior of earth
    This is just a summary of the overall connection. It should provoke thought in the reader to make connections with traditions, beliefs, and customs in their own life and review them.

    Paganism Defined: Part 5 03 NOV Based from the story of Nimrod, the mystery religion was created. This religion spread among the different ancient empires of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, & Rome. This is what paganism is. The purest definition of it. Paganism is the collection of all polytheistic beliefs centered around a central belief. The stories may change, but there are always 4 central figures. They are: • Father god • The Sun god • The Moon goddess (a.k.a Mother god) • The son of god Now we do not pretend to be luciferin experts. Nor do we contest to being scholars of greek/roman mythology and other religions, but in today’s Information Age, there is enough information available for anyone to gain a broader understanding. The chart below illustrates the god & goddess worship of the pagans of different cultures, empires, and religions. It’s impossible not to see the connection from all the stories of these gods & goddesses. The easiest distinction you will find when identifying pagan worshippers is if they worship both Father & Mother god. If there is a both masculine & feminine god in their belief system, then they are a pagan. Pagan god List Pagan god List Now with all of these sun god’s and moon goddesses, another similarity is that they are all birthed from the same father. This father is the ultimate god. He is the creator and bearer of light, of knowledge. He is Father god like referenced earlier. The main connection that most people do not make is that all of these names refer to actually one god. That is lucifer. It’s the same story just different names. Same purposes just different names. Names of Lucifer Satan is the master deceiver. This is how he will unite the world to worship him. They already are. They’ve been doing it in his name through silence and secrecy for thousands of years. He has created many gods & beliefs centered around him that people all around the world accept & worship. It doesn’t matter which god it is they choose because if it is not true belief in Jesus Christ, it will lead everyone to satan. This is part of the great deception. A lot of the prophecy matches God’s true prophecy of the messiah through Jesus Christ. Satan the deceiver has used God’s plan to deceive man. This is what an Anti-Christ is. The basis and understanding of this information will allow for greater understanding of the traditions the world keep. It will make you think about what god you actually might be serving without actualization. The key points to know are: Lucifer is the sun-god The birthday of the sun-god is December 25th, the Winter Solstice, the time when the sun is closest to the earth. Pagans worship the moon, the moon goddess, Goddess Diana, Ishtar, and her many other names. She is the female, fertility deity. The virgin mother of god. She is worshipped on Easter, to celebrate her return each year The son of god is always prophesied to return to be a savior of earth This is just a summary of the overall connection. It should provoke thought in the reader to make connections with traditions, beliefs, and customs in their own life and review them. https://truthunedited.com/study/paganism-defined/
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1917 Views
  • King Pelayo: A Symbol of Resistance and Inspiration for Christian Nationalists

    Contrary to Leftist propaganda, "Christian Nationalism" is NOT White Supremacist ideology. RATHER the proper perspective is re-infusing Biblical Christian Morals and Standards back into one's national consciousness and nation. And this is the case regardless of one's race: Red, Yellow, Black or White - We are ALL precious in God's sight through the Redeeming Blood of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ.
    King Pelayo: A Symbol of Resistance and Inspiration for Christian Nationalists https://news.gab.com/2024/07/king-pelayo-a-symbol-of-resistance-and-inspiration-for-christian-nationalists/ Contrary to Leftist propaganda, "Christian Nationalism" is NOT White Supremacist ideology. RATHER the proper perspective is re-infusing Biblical Christian Morals and Standards back into one's national consciousness and nation. And this is the case regardless of one's race: Red, Yellow, Black or White - We are ALL precious in God's sight through the Redeeming Blood of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1404 Views
  • Yuval Noah Harari: Christians, KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

    SUMMARY: The focus is on Yuval Noah Harari. AND Harari is a STRONG candidate for a 21st century False Prophet (or at least an antichrist spirit) which the last book of the New Testament warns the Believers in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. The ThriveTime video is lengthy but worth KNOWING YOUR ENEMY, TAKE A LOOK!
    Yuval Noah Harari: Christians, KNOW YOUR ENEMY! https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/yuval-noah-harari-christians-know SUMMARY: The focus is on Yuval Noah Harari. AND Harari is a STRONG candidate for a 21st century False Prophet (or at least an antichrist spirit) which the last book of the New Testament warns the Believers in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. The ThriveTime video is lengthy but worth KNOWING YOUR ENEMY, TAKE A LOOK! #FalseProphetHarari
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1261 Views
  • Luke 418 Academy Inner-Healing training event! Join us online for a transformative experience focused on healing from within. Our expert speakers will guide you through discovering the tools you'll need to overcome past wounds and embrace a brighter future through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.
    Luke 418 Academy Inner-Healing training event! Join us online for a transformative experience focused on healing from within. Our expert speakers will guide you through discovering the tools you'll need to overcome past wounds and embrace a brighter future through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/luke-418-academy-inner-healing-training-tickets-909281484397?aff=oddtdtcreator
    Luke 418 Academy Inner-Healing Training
    Join us at Luke 418 Academy Inner-Healing for a transformative online experience focused on healing and personal growth!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1029 Views
  • https://youtu.be/zIrbvcinYYY?si=46-XTcrs10cxgm1u

    Collective positive Spiritual Affirmations serve as a secret key to restoring peace on our troubled planet. Please join us—affirm and command peace to manifest on Earth now. The power of God is within us all, waiting to be activated to change the world. Remember, there is no external deity or savior coming to change the world for us!
    https://youtu.be/zIrbvcinYYY?si=46-XTcrs10cxgm1u Collective positive Spiritual Affirmations serve as a secret key to restoring peace on our troubled planet. Please join us—affirm and command peace to manifest on Earth now. The power of God is within us all, waiting to be activated to change the world. Remember, there is no external deity or savior coming to change the world for us!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 672 Views

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