I praise and exalt my Father on a daily basis...
    But you'll not ever find me inside of a 5-1C3 "church"

    These are NOT places praising the most high!
    These are state controlled facilities that teach everything BUT the word!

    READ your own bible!
    Have your own relationship with the most high!

    Gather at your home, your office, wherever....
    But avoid the state controlled places called "church"

    Have you ever noticed that just about all of them have a "steeple?"
    The steeple certainly has that #Obelisk look don't it?

    IT'S ALL CRASHING DOWN RIGHT IN FRONT OF US... I praise and exalt my Father on a daily basis... But you'll not ever find me inside of a 5-1C3 "church" These are NOT places praising the most high! These are state controlled facilities that teach everything BUT the word! READ your own bible! Have your own relationship with the most high! Gather at your home, your office, wherever.... But avoid the state controlled places called "church" Have you ever noticed that just about all of them have a "steeple?" The steeple certainly has that #Obelisk look don't it? https://old.bitchute.com/video/fFvr5AGJfJEr/
    The long infiltrated 'churches' are now being set to lose their associated titles into politically correct newspeak. Source: Wake Up Call https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BInkipZcOzQ Truther's Lair - Your one stop source of mirrors and original cont…
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 328 مشاهدة

    There's a corrupt, illegitimate #Corporation in Washington DC.
    And it's run by the #Jews and their #Banker friends who worship #Satan!

    But we call America a "Christian Nation"
    Our capitals are ALL surrounded by #Pagan false gods and #Obelisks...

    Paying homage to Osiris... but we are a Christian nation?

    The MEN and WOMEN of America need to WAKE UP and cast the ENEMY WITHIN the hell OUT of the United States.

    And then bankrupt their little corporation and seize it's stolen assets!

    THEY SEE YOU AS THE ENEMY There's a corrupt, illegitimate #Corporation in Washington DC. And it's run by the #Jews and their #Banker friends who worship #Satan! But we call America a "Christian Nation" Our capitals are ALL surrounded by #Pagan false gods and #Obelisks... Paying homage to Osiris... but we are a Christian nation? The MEN and WOMEN of America need to WAKE UP and cast the ENEMY WITHIN the hell OUT of the United States. And then bankrupt their little corporation and seize it's stolen assets! https://www.bitchute.com/video/2PVTDpBDx846/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 958 مشاهدة

    In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. -- GEOMANSEE

    In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. (THUMBNAIL: Charleston, SC at 26:52 mark, Philadelphia, PA at 0:40 mark and Princeton, NJ at 8:48 mark)). Thank you all for helping me continue grow, learn, and share! I look forward to uncovering more of our hidden yet magnificent past and hope you stay tuned.

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0:09
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3:19
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 4:49
    Audubon, Pennsylvania 5:25
    Durham, North Carolina 6:43
    Princeton, New Jersey 8:48
    Niagara Falls, New York 10:01
    Buffalo, New York 11:16
    Washington DC 15:09
    Cincinnati, Ohio 19:29
    Savannah, Georgia 24:13
    Charleston, South Carolina 26:52

    Savannah 27:40
    Charleston 28:10
    Philadelphia 28:49

    In typical fashion, this video features all of the Reset architectural standards that can be seen worldwide with the same lousy back stories: Numerous churches and cathode-rals, reset mansions, half-buried buildings, a county courthouse, a state capitol, several obelisks (male) and domes (female, 1 green) often opposite an obelisk, spires and related antiquitech, more underground ancient infrastructure, parks, museums, a demolished star fort, a waterfall, disused water infrastructure, and George Washington again in many places. Personally, my growth and understanding of resets and our hidden past has been exponentially sped up since seeing places in person. While watching videos like mine or others may be great, I highly recommend you get out and explore your area both near and far. Only then will the pieces of the puzzle truly connect in a meaningful way! When exploring, I tend to ask simple questions and draw few conclusions. How were the majority of the buildings in this video constructed in the 1800s? That was the bloodiest century on earth. Where did the labor and resources come from? The transportation infrastructure? Who are the makers of all the brick and cutters of stone? Most importantly, did the populations of these places warrant a need for such buildings at the time? Most are hardly used to capacity today.

    Everything you have ever been taught is a lie by design!

    The root breakdown of the word GOVERNMENT is GOVERN (TO CONTROL) and MENT (THE MIND). Governments are MIND CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS, put in place to keep the Unconscious Sheeple (aka Citizens) DUMBED DOWN, DIVIDED, and CONQUERED.

    Science is FAKE, Science is a RELIGION, Science is SCIENCE FICTION. DON'T BE BLINDED BY SCIENCE!!!

    The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring forth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, CAA, NSA, DEA, DOD, DHS, DOJ, NATO, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not agencies/organizations protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG "HOAX" EVENTS. The Democrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves.

    AMERICA IS THE OLD WORLD: RESET OBSERVATIONS & EXPLORATIONS PT. II In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. -- GEOMANSEE In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. (THUMBNAIL: Charleston, SC at 26:52 mark, Philadelphia, PA at 0:40 mark and Princeton, NJ at 8:48 mark)). Thank you all for helping me continue grow, learn, and share! I look forward to uncovering more of our hidden yet magnificent past and hope you stay tuned. ----------------- Timestamps: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0:09 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3:19 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 4:49 Audubon, Pennsylvania 5:25 Durham, North Carolina 6:43 Princeton, New Jersey 8:48 Niagara Falls, New York 10:01 Buffalo, New York 11:16 Washington DC 15:09 Cincinnati, Ohio 19:29 Savannah, Georgia 24:13 Charleston, South Carolina 26:52 Cemeteries: Savannah 27:40 Charleston 28:10 Philadelphia 28:49 ------------------ In typical fashion, this video features all of the Reset architectural standards that can be seen worldwide with the same lousy back stories: Numerous churches and cathode-rals, reset mansions, half-buried buildings, a county courthouse, a state capitol, several obelisks (male) and domes (female, 1 green) often opposite an obelisk, spires and related antiquitech, more underground ancient infrastructure, parks, museums, a demolished star fort, a waterfall, disused water infrastructure, and George Washington again in many places. Personally, my growth and understanding of resets and our hidden past has been exponentially sped up since seeing places in person. While watching videos like mine or others may be great, I highly recommend you get out and explore your area both near and far. Only then will the pieces of the puzzle truly connect in a meaningful way! When exploring, I tend to ask simple questions and draw few conclusions. How were the majority of the buildings in this video constructed in the 1800s? That was the bloodiest century on earth. Where did the labor and resources come from? The transportation infrastructure? Who are the makers of all the brick and cutters of stone? Most importantly, did the populations of these places warrant a need for such buildings at the time? Most are hardly used to capacity today. Everything you have ever been taught is a lie by design! The root breakdown of the word GOVERNMENT is GOVERN (TO CONTROL) and MENT (THE MIND). Governments are MIND CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS, put in place to keep the Unconscious Sheeple (aka Citizens) DUMBED DOWN, DIVIDED, and CONQUERED. Science is FAKE, Science is a RELIGION, Science is SCIENCE FICTION. DON'T BE BLINDED BY SCIENCE!!! The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring forth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, CAA, NSA, DEA, DOD, DHS, DOJ, NATO, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not agencies/organizations protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG "HOAX" EVENTS. The Democrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves. https://www.bitchute.com/video/v2RQaO9lcAot/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 5404 مشاهدة

    Imagine that....
    baby-killers and blood drinking rapists don't like #Christians

    F*ck em!
    Americans need to destroy Satanic monuments across this country!
    Starting in Washington DC with the Satanic Obelisk there!

    #BLM and #Antifa burned down cities across America and #Police
    did not do sh*t about it, because THEY PROTECT & DEFEND #Evil!

    Know what they DON'T "Protect & Defend"???
    The #Constitution they swore an OATH to God to protect & Defend!

    The state and ALL of it's minions are EVIL
    They do evil, support evil, refuse to prosecute EVIL!

    But they'll prosecute YOU!
    And supposedly "work for YOU"
    What a f*cking joke!

    MILLSTONE REPORT: MICHAEL CASSIDY CHARGED WITH HATE CRIME, SECULAR BLASPHEMY LAWS TARGET CHRISTIANS Imagine that.... baby-killers and blood drinking rapists don't like #Christians F*ck em! Americans need to destroy Satanic monuments across this country! Starting in Washington DC with the Satanic Obelisk there! #BLM and #Antifa burned down cities across America and #Police did not do sh*t about it, because THEY PROTECT & DEFEND #Evil! Know what they DON'T "Protect & Defend"??? The #Constitution they swore an OATH to God to protect & Defend! The state and ALL of it's minions are EVIL They do evil, support evil, refuse to prosecute EVIL! But they'll prosecute YOU! And supposedly "work for YOU" What a f*cking joke! https://www.bitchute.com/video/KlsbSxr3i2fr/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1748 مشاهدة
  • Call me a radical.....
    But I think the best use for this SEA OF TRACTORS would be to bulldoze the #Corporate #Government buildings and every False god and obelisk they have erected around them!

    Then their BAR Association controlled "Courts"

    Then "We the People" could slap up some Pole Barns up
    (Cheap Metal Buildings) with insulation, add A/C and heat, and start over with nothing more than a #Sheriff and a Posse of regular folks!

    Maybe a couple county employees, but NOT hundreds or thousands! "Taxes"??? Sure, everyone could kick in 10 bucks a year to pay them AND help construct the county buildings! Pretty simple!

    When it comes time to "Vote" on anything, every LOCAL individual comes to town hall, Votes, and keep his uniquely identifiable receipt, which he could validate at anytime if he smelled BS!

    People always have visions of #Anarchy as being fires in the streets and people being murdered and robbed everywhere! (Like an #Antifa rally)

    But in reality, the "Old West" was an ANARCHY!
    EVERYONE was armed, people behaved or got shot!

    Those who didn't were hunted down and HUNG by the #Sheriff and his Posse! It was a far superior system than we currently have!

    Justice did not cost millions of dollars OR take 27 years to obtain! It was quick, efficient and JUST! Compare that to the joke of a "Justice System" we now have!

    "Federal Agents" show up in town trying to arrest people for BS "Crimes" HANG THEM TOO, as the Criminal scumbags they really are!

    Just a thought. But BILLIONS of People allowing a very few to completely destroy their lives, their health, and their ability to earn a living is just INSANITY in my view, when we could squash them like the cockroaches they are!

    I mean I know people with bulldozers and track hoes!
    Short work to tear down some Pagan structures folks!

    And anyone who runs out during? Spend 50 cents and deal with them too! Or sit around and await extermination

    THE PEOPLE gotta put "Politics" aside and wake up to the fact that it's nothing more than a control grid of controlled opposition, led by ENEMIES of the people!


    ETYMOLOGY Poli = The prefix poli- is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning “many”. It appears in English vocabulary words such as polysyllabic, polyhedron, and Polynesia. An easy way to remember that poli- means “many” is through the word polygon, which is a geometric figure with “many” angles.0

    Okay now tics (ticks) A blood sucking #Parasite

    So we got Poli tics


    Is this what we want???

    Call me a radical..... But I think the best use for this SEA OF TRACTORS would be to bulldoze the #Corporate #Government buildings and every False god and obelisk they have erected around them! Then their BAR Association controlled "Courts" Then "We the People" could slap up some Pole Barns up (Cheap Metal Buildings) with insulation, add A/C and heat, and start over with nothing more than a #Sheriff and a Posse of regular folks! Maybe a couple county employees, but NOT hundreds or thousands! "Taxes"??? Sure, everyone could kick in 10 bucks a year to pay them AND help construct the county buildings! Pretty simple! When it comes time to "Vote" on anything, every LOCAL individual comes to town hall, Votes, and keep his uniquely identifiable receipt, which he could validate at anytime if he smelled BS! People always have visions of #Anarchy as being fires in the streets and people being murdered and robbed everywhere! (Like an #Antifa rally) But in reality, the "Old West" was an ANARCHY! EVERYONE was armed, people behaved or got shot! Those who didn't were hunted down and HUNG by the #Sheriff and his Posse! It was a far superior system than we currently have! Justice did not cost millions of dollars OR take 27 years to obtain! It was quick, efficient and JUST! Compare that to the joke of a "Justice System" we now have! "Federal Agents" show up in town trying to arrest people for BS "Crimes" HANG THEM TOO, as the Criminal scumbags they really are! Just a thought. But BILLIONS of People allowing a very few to completely destroy their lives, their health, and their ability to earn a living is just INSANITY in my view, when we could squash them like the cockroaches they are! I mean I know people with bulldozers and track hoes! Short work to tear down some Pagan structures folks! And anyone who runs out during? Spend 50 cents and deal with them too! Or sit around and await extermination THE PEOPLE gotta put "Politics" aside and wake up to the fact that it's nothing more than a control grid of controlled opposition, led by ENEMIES of the people! Politics ETYMOLOGY Poli = The prefix poli- is derived from an ancient Greek word meaning “many”. It appears in English vocabulary words such as polysyllabic, polyhedron, and Polynesia. An easy way to remember that poli- means “many” is through the word polygon, which is a geometric figure with “many” angles.0 Okay now tics (ticks) A blood sucking #Parasite So we got Poli tics MANY BLOOD SUCKING PARASITES! Is this what we want??? https://gab.com/MorpheusMAGA/posts/110034302362402581
    1 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2343 مشاهدة

  • (admin) Mr Hilders videos are shadowbanned on youtube but if you have the link you can watch it.
    NWO Mind Bending Public Ugly Art in Plymouth England - Brian Gerrish
    Mileau...the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops. How does public Art affect the group mind in Plymouth.
    Public Art commissioned to condition you. Brian Gerrish leads us on a tour in Plymouth England showing you public art meant to condition your outlook and affect your space. Art in public does affect people...their outlook .... their perceptions... and expectations their attitude. Clever manipulation by those who commission the artists to condition you. Some of the art goes back to Egyptian power sculpture obelisks which end in a pyramid at the top. The Vatican, Washington DC, and the City of London have such obelisks. All are independent states. When one looks upon art such as these what are they saying? What do they represent? What hidden meanings are being hidden right out in the open? The effect they have on you is intended and certain people who carry agendas have left their mark hidden in plain view.
    The UK Column
    (admin) Mr Hilders videos are shadowbanned on youtube but if you have the link you can watch it. NWO Mind Bending Public Ugly Art in Plymouth England - Brian Gerrish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV-sQbir63A Mileau...the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops. How does public Art affect the group mind in Plymouth. Public Art commissioned to condition you. Brian Gerrish leads us on a tour in Plymouth England showing you public art meant to condition your outlook and affect your space. Art in public does affect people...their outlook .... their perceptions... and expectations their attitude. Clever manipulation by those who commission the artists to condition you. Some of the art goes back to Egyptian power sculpture obelisks which end in a pyramid at the top. The Vatican, Washington DC, and the City of London have such obelisks. All are independent states. When one looks upon art such as these what are they saying? What do they represent? What hidden meanings are being hidden right out in the open? The effect they have on you is intended and certain people who carry agendas have left their mark hidden in plain view. The UK Column http://www.ukcolumn.org/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1258 مشاهدة

    Which #Hospital are you willing to bet your life on???
    WHICH ONE???

    Which one of the hospitals, doctors, or the regulatory agencies which supposedly "Keeps you safe" DO YOU NOW TRUST, after watching them continue injecting the #Genocide JAB into people right up until this very day??

    Which #Pharmacy or Pharmacists do you now trust to provide you council on Big Pharma's POISONS which these demons are attempting to inject into your children???

    WHICH #Government, which has given FULL IMMUNITY TO BIG PHARMA, as they attempted to FORCE YOU TO COMMIT SUICIDE WITH THEIR JAB???

    WHICH #Court do you now trust to deliver "fair and EQUAL JUSTICE" after observing them violating their own laws, rules of conduct, and even the "common humanity" we ALL thought that every man/woman possessed???

    WHICH ONE???
    You need to explain it to me!
    Because in my book these people have PROVEN they are controlled by #Satan and #Evil

    I'll be honest with you..... ANYONE who has even an ounce of discernment would NEVER AGAIN trust ANY OF THESE CORRUPT INSTITUTIONS!

    Institutions that were actually CREATED BY #Luciferians to be used against mankind at a later date!

    Sure..... They did a pretty good job hiding themselves in the shadows.....
    Up until 2020 when they let their Luciferian allegiances show for ALL TO SEE!

    The United States was CREATED by Luciferians!
    George Washington WAS A LUCIFERIAN!

    EVERYTHING this country was founded on was based in Luciferian Principles!
    LOOK at the statues which surround every state capital!

    LOOK at the Obelisks which litter our country!

    LOOK at the capital dome, where you can see "The Apotheosis of Washington" where he is depicted "Becoming a god" and is surrounded by every FALSE GOD the Greeks and Romans created unto themselves!!!

    You WON'T FIND the one true God, The CREATOR of all things, anywhere within our Luciferian government.... Because THEIR "god" is LUCIFER!
    It's why you see the "Torch held high" on the tranny "Statue of Libertus"

    Folks..... You have been DECEIVED by the devil and his minions!
    I only seek to awaken you!

    The BIBLE calls every American "idolaters".....
    Their "idols" are the flag, the statue of Libertus, Obelisks, and thousands of other "idols" you "Pledge Allegiance to"

    We fight about leaving "Under GOD" in the pledge of allegiance.....

    Exodus Chapter 20

    3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

    4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

    5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

    6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

    If you want to bow to idols that's your business.... You just should not pretend to be a Christian as you do it! I'm only seeking to point out how we have fallen!
    And we need to correct our course!

    A Shot in the Dark Vaccinations 2020 Documentary

    I HAVE A VERY SERIOUS QUESTION FOR EVERYONE! Which #Hospital are you willing to bet your life on??? WHICH ONE??? Which one of the hospitals, doctors, or the regulatory agencies which supposedly "Keeps you safe" DO YOU NOW TRUST, after watching them continue injecting the #Genocide JAB into people right up until this very day?? Which #Pharmacy or Pharmacists do you now trust to provide you council on Big Pharma's POISONS which these demons are attempting to inject into your children??? WHICH #Government, which has given FULL IMMUNITY TO BIG PHARMA, as they attempted to FORCE YOU TO COMMIT SUICIDE WITH THEIR JAB??? WHICH #Court do you now trust to deliver "fair and EQUAL JUSTICE" after observing them violating their own laws, rules of conduct, and even the "common humanity" we ALL thought that every man/woman possessed??? WHICH ONE??? You need to explain it to me! Because in my book these people have PROVEN they are controlled by #Satan and #Evil I'll be honest with you..... ANYONE who has even an ounce of discernment would NEVER AGAIN trust ANY OF THESE CORRUPT INSTITUTIONS! Institutions that were actually CREATED BY #Luciferians to be used against mankind at a later date! Sure..... They did a pretty good job hiding themselves in the shadows..... Up until 2020 when they let their Luciferian allegiances show for ALL TO SEE! The United States was CREATED by Luciferians! George Washington WAS A LUCIFERIAN! EVERYTHING this country was founded on was based in Luciferian Principles! LOOK at the statues which surround every state capital! LOOK at the Obelisks which litter our country! LOOK at the capital dome, where you can see "The Apotheosis of Washington" where he is depicted "Becoming a god" and is surrounded by every FALSE GOD the Greeks and Romans created unto themselves!!! You WON'T FIND the one true God, The CREATOR of all things, anywhere within our Luciferian government.... Because THEIR "god" is LUCIFER! It's why you see the "Torch held high" on the tranny "Statue of Libertus" Folks..... You have been DECEIVED by the devil and his minions! I only seek to awaken you! The BIBLE calls every American "idolaters"..... Their "idols" are the flag, the statue of Libertus, Obelisks, and thousands of other "idols" you "Pledge Allegiance to" We fight about leaving "Under GOD" in the pledge of allegiance..... As we violate EVERY RULE GOD GAVE US IN SWEARING OUR ALLEGIANCE TO DEMONS and FALSE PAGAN GODS! Exodus Chapter 20 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. If you want to bow to idols that's your business.... You just should not pretend to be a Christian as you do it! I'm only seeking to point out how we have fallen! And we need to correct our course! A Shot in the Dark Vaccinations 2020 Documentary https://vimeo.com/385451050
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1017 مشاهدة
  • And then he'd tear down the "Graven images" and obelisks that litter the United States!

    IDOLATRY is a sin folks!
    Remember that next time you are loving your American Flag, the Statue of "Libertus" or any of the other PAGAN BS around our country!

    The Capital building is surrounded by FALSE, PAGAN, Greek "gods"

    And the Capital Dome contains the "Apotheosis of Washington" which is about as Satanic and Blasphemous as it gets!

    Supposedly showing George Washington (The Freemason scumbag) rising to become a "god" and was paid for by YOU and your ancestors!

    What would Yahushua do?
    He'd rebuke every one of us for allowing all of the blasphemous idols, symbols, and "Traditions of MAN" we honor more than Yahuwah!

    THAT is what He'd do!
    (In my opinion anyway)

    I'm sorry, but I gotta either SPEAK #Truth or be quiet!
    I'm not very good at keeping quiet
    And then he'd tear down the "Graven images" and obelisks that litter the United States! IDOLATRY is a sin folks! Remember that next time you are loving your American Flag, the Statue of "Libertus" or any of the other PAGAN BS around our country! The Capital building is surrounded by FALSE, PAGAN, Greek "gods" And the Capital Dome contains the "Apotheosis of Washington" which is about as Satanic and Blasphemous as it gets! Supposedly showing George Washington (The Freemason scumbag) rising to become a "god" and was paid for by YOU and your ancestors! What would Yahushua do? He'd rebuke every one of us for allowing all of the blasphemous idols, symbols, and "Traditions of MAN" we honor more than Yahuwah! THAT is what He'd do! (In my opinion anyway) I'm sorry, but I gotta either SPEAK #Truth or be quiet! I'm not very good at keeping quiet
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 459 مشاهدة
  • The Global City State Trinity of Evil Stranglehold (The Obelisk is a Pagan Phallic Symbol of Power BTW)
    The Global City State Trinity of Evil Stranglehold (The Obelisk is a Pagan Phallic Symbol of Power BTW)
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 158 مشاهدة
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