• Peanuts Gang : Christmas Song "Linus & Lucy"
    Peanuts Gang : Christmas Song "Linus & Lucy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00gXEn1ehDg
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 938 Vue
  • #WhatChristmasIsAllAbout

    #Christmas #TrueMeaningOfChristmas #ChristIsBorn #Christ #Messiah #Savior #Angels #GoodNews #Gospel #KeepChristInChristmas #Peanuts #Linus #CharlieBrown #CharlieBrownChristmas #Bible #ScriptureQuote #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    #WhatChristmasIsAllAbout #Christmas #TrueMeaningOfChristmas #ChristIsBorn #Christ #Messiah #Savior #Angels #GoodNews #Gospel #KeepChristInChristmas #Peanuts #Linus #CharlieBrown #CharlieBrownChristmas #Bible #ScriptureQuote #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    0 Commentaires 2 Parts 3078 Vue
  • The year Linus seen the Great Pumpkin at Mrs. Schroder's
    The year Linus seen the Great Pumpkin at Mrs. Schroder's 🤣 👹 💩
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 422 Vue
  • 12 OCTOBER (1873)

    ‘Forever with the Lord’

    ‘To be with Christ; which is far better.’ Philippians 1:23

    Picture yourself sitting in a gloomy dungeon, a captive of the cruel tyrant Nero, and under the supervision of the infamous prefect Tigellinus, the most detestable of Nero’s attendants. Conceive yourself as expecting soon to be taken out perhaps to such a horrible death as the refined cruelty of the monster had often devised, as, for instance, to be smeared with bituminous matter and burned in the despot’s garden to adorn a holiday. What would be your feelings?

    If you were not a Christian I should expect you to tremble with the fear of death, and even if you were a believer, I should not marvel if the flesh shrunk from the prospect. Paul was an utter stranger to any feeling of the kind. He had not the slightest dread of martyrdom. He calls his expected death a departure, a loosing of the cable which holds his ship to the shore, and a putting forth upon the main ocean. So far from being afraid to die, he stands fully prepared, waits patiently, and even anticipates joyfully the hour when his change shall come.

    On the other hand, I can imagine that amidst the miseries of a wretched prison, subject to frequent insults from a rude soldiery, you might be seized with a desire to escape from life. Good men have felt the power of that feeling. Elijah said, ‘take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.’ Job sighed to be hidden in the grave, and often, under far less afflictions than those which vexed the apostle, good men have said, ‘Would God this life were at an end and these miseries over; I am weary; when will death release me?’

    I see nothing of that in the apostle; he is not restive under the chain; there is not a trace of impatience about him. He joyfully admits that to be with Christ is far better, but sees reasons for remaining here and therefore cheerfully submits to whatever may be the Lord’s will. His mind is so wrapped up with God and free from self that he cannot choose. What a blessed state to be in!

    FOR MEDITATION: Consider the words which sum up Paul’s state of mind as he faced difficult circumstances and an uncertain future—ready (Acts 21:13), expectation and hope (Philippians 1:20), content (Philippians 4:11). His secret is surely to be found in Isaiah 26:3 and Philippians 4:6–7.

    C. H. Spurgeon and Terence Peter Crosby, 365 Days with Spurgeon (Volume 4), (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2007), 296.
    12 OCTOBER (1873) ‘Forever with the Lord’ ‘To be with Christ; which is far better.’ Philippians 1:23 SUGGESTED FURTHER READING: 2 Timothy 4:6–18 Picture yourself sitting in a gloomy dungeon, a captive of the cruel tyrant Nero, and under the supervision of the infamous prefect Tigellinus, the most detestable of Nero’s attendants. Conceive yourself as expecting soon to be taken out perhaps to such a horrible death as the refined cruelty of the monster had often devised, as, for instance, to be smeared with bituminous matter and burned in the despot’s garden to adorn a holiday. What would be your feelings? If you were not a Christian I should expect you to tremble with the fear of death, and even if you were a believer, I should not marvel if the flesh shrunk from the prospect. Paul was an utter stranger to any feeling of the kind. He had not the slightest dread of martyrdom. He calls his expected death a departure, a loosing of the cable which holds his ship to the shore, and a putting forth upon the main ocean. So far from being afraid to die, he stands fully prepared, waits patiently, and even anticipates joyfully the hour when his change shall come. On the other hand, I can imagine that amidst the miseries of a wretched prison, subject to frequent insults from a rude soldiery, you might be seized with a desire to escape from life. Good men have felt the power of that feeling. Elijah said, ‘take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.’ Job sighed to be hidden in the grave, and often, under far less afflictions than those which vexed the apostle, good men have said, ‘Would God this life were at an end and these miseries over; I am weary; when will death release me?’ I see nothing of that in the apostle; he is not restive under the chain; there is not a trace of impatience about him. He joyfully admits that to be with Christ is far better, but sees reasons for remaining here and therefore cheerfully submits to whatever may be the Lord’s will. His mind is so wrapped up with God and free from self that he cannot choose. What a blessed state to be in! FOR MEDITATION: Consider the words which sum up Paul’s state of mind as he faced difficult circumstances and an uncertain future—ready (Acts 21:13), expectation and hope (Philippians 1:20), content (Philippians 4:11). His secret is surely to be found in Isaiah 26:3 and Philippians 4:6–7. C. H. Spurgeon and Terence Peter Crosby, 365 Days with Spurgeon (Volume 4), (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2007), 296.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 760 Vue
  • But what most people do not know about this great man is that he relentlessly fought with the Medical establishment for Vitamin C. Yes Vitamin C will sound very silly and simple for you. But let me quote you Dr. Klenner here, who by the way cured numerous polio, Multiple Sclerosis, SLE, Hepatitis and other chronic "untreatable" diseases with the help of Vitamins and Supplements, most importantly Vitamin C- " Some Doctors would standby and watch their patients die rather than use Vitamin C, because in their finite minds, it exists only as a Vitamin." This will give you an idea about Vitamin C. You can search the web and find numerous articles and videos about Linus Paulings crusade against his critiques- the Big Pharma and their paid people. But today here I will share a few of his treatment plan proposals for various diseases. Remember these are just a few of his proposals/recommendations.

    Linus Pauling Therapy:
    Most of the Cardiac drugs compensate for the low Vitamin C intake of majority of people on earth. There are some drugs which actually exacerbate Heart problems.
    Linus Pauling recommended Vitamin C and Aminoacid Lysine at the dosage of 5000 to 6000 mg each in his "Unified Theory" Lecture.

    1. Vitamin C 6000 to 18000 mg (major portion as Ascorbic acid and minor portion as Sodium ascorbate) starting with low dose and gradually increasing the dose for better bowel tolerance. Vitamin C is known to cause gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea in some people. Slow building up will eliminate this side effect. But most of the people tolerate high dose oral Vitamin C quite well.

    2. 2000 to 6000 mg of Lysine daily.
    Pauling recommended 5000 to 6000mg of Lysine for CVS diseases and 2000 mg for prevention. From his 1993 Unified Theory Lecture- Pauling recounts himself advising a well known Biochemist, a National Medal of Science recipient in US to take 5 gms of Lysine alongwith 6 gms of Vit C for his anginal heart attacks. The person started with 1 gram and gradually reached 5 gms a day and told Linus Pauling that it worked like a miracle and that he was able to reduce his heart medications by half and he could walk 2 miles without any symptoms and even chop down trees and wood without having any kind of heart related symptoms.

    3. In his 1986 book "How to live Longer and Feel Better", Pauling advised in addition to 6 to 18gms of Vitamin C and Lysine-
    Vitamin E 800 IU to 3200 IU
    Vitamin A 20,000 to 40,000 IU
    Super B Complex one or two per day
    Daily multivitamin supplement
    Eat less sugar
    Drink plenty of water.
    Today, high dose Vitamin C is used in cancer treatment regimens in many cancer institutes in Germany, Mexico, Spain and even in US. When Pauling was alive, he was ridiculed and made fun of by many people.

    Linus Carl Pauling was the one who coined the term "Orthomolecular" which means the 'right molecules.' Orthomolecular Medicine is developing into a branch in itself in past few years. It is sad that we dont get to know people like Dr. Pauling. Doctors dont know him, general population dont know him. Even kids who learn 'general knowledge' at schools dont get to know names such as Dr. Pauling.
    But what most people do not know about this great man is that he relentlessly fought with the Medical establishment for Vitamin C. Yes Vitamin C will sound very silly and simple for you. But let me quote you Dr. Klenner here, who by the way cured numerous polio, Multiple Sclerosis, SLE, Hepatitis and other chronic "untreatable" diseases with the help of Vitamins and Supplements, most importantly Vitamin C- " Some Doctors would standby and watch their patients die rather than use Vitamin C, because in their finite minds, it exists only as a Vitamin." This will give you an idea about Vitamin C. You can search the web and find numerous articles and videos about Linus Paulings crusade against his critiques- the Big Pharma and their paid people. But today here I will share a few of his treatment plan proposals for various diseases. Remember these are just a few of his proposals/recommendations. Linus Pauling Therapy: Most of the Cardiac drugs compensate for the low Vitamin C intake of majority of people on earth. There are some drugs which actually exacerbate Heart problems. Linus Pauling recommended Vitamin C and Aminoacid Lysine at the dosage of 5000 to 6000 mg each in his "Unified Theory" Lecture. 1. Vitamin C 6000 to 18000 mg (major portion as Ascorbic acid and minor portion as Sodium ascorbate) starting with low dose and gradually increasing the dose for better bowel tolerance. Vitamin C is known to cause gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea in some people. Slow building up will eliminate this side effect. But most of the people tolerate high dose oral Vitamin C quite well. 2. 2000 to 6000 mg of Lysine daily. Pauling recommended 5000 to 6000mg of Lysine for CVS diseases and 2000 mg for prevention. From his 1993 Unified Theory Lecture- Pauling recounts himself advising a well known Biochemist, a National Medal of Science recipient in US to take 5 gms of Lysine alongwith 6 gms of Vit C for his anginal heart attacks. The person started with 1 gram and gradually reached 5 gms a day and told Linus Pauling that it worked like a miracle and that he was able to reduce his heart medications by half and he could walk 2 miles without any symptoms and even chop down trees and wood without having any kind of heart related symptoms. 3. In his 1986 book "How to live Longer and Feel Better", Pauling advised in addition to 6 to 18gms of Vitamin C and Lysine- Vitamin E 800 IU to 3200 IU Vitamin A 20,000 to 40,000 IU Super B Complex one or two per day Daily multivitamin supplement Eat less sugar Drink plenty of water. Today, high dose Vitamin C is used in cancer treatment regimens in many cancer institutes in Germany, Mexico, Spain and even in US. When Pauling was alive, he was ridiculed and made fun of by many people. Linus Carl Pauling was the one who coined the term "Orthomolecular" which means the 'right molecules.' Orthomolecular Medicine is developing into a branch in itself in past few years. It is sad that we dont get to know people like Dr. Pauling. Doctors dont know him, general population dont know him. Even kids who learn 'general knowledge' at schools dont get to know names such as Dr. Pauling.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 440 Vue
  • What exactly is this alpha helix and what is its relevance to science, biology and chemistry?

    The alpha (α) helix is a central structural motif present in proteins of all living organisms. The amino acids that make up protein molecules are arranged like pearls along a string that can form a spiral to make the α-helix structure. Using calculations of bond angles and turning the atoms in the amino acids around each other to make new theoretical hydrogen bonds along the protein chain, the α-helix structure came to Pauling during, the story is told, when he was laid up in bed with a cold—he quite frequently suffered from colds and secondary sinus infections. The theory for the α-helix structure was formulated by Pauling while convalescing.

    The α-helix was a key piece of knowledge by which investigators astutely used in order to propose the structural model of DNA. Scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin and even Linus Pauling himself applied the α-helix motif of protein chains to formulate the double helix and (inaccurately) the triple helix structural models of DNA.

    Students of Biochemistry courses and especially Biochemistry undergraduate majors, are regularly taught all about the famous α-helix structure and its discovery. The hydrogen bonds and the peptide bond angles, their bond rotations, the side chain orientations, etc., in the α-helix are all classically taught in lectures and are unfailingly presented in any good Biochemistry textbook.

    The α-helix is one of my favorite molecular structures; in fact, for my Ph.D. thesis, I studied a bacterial antimicrobial efflux pump that shared an evolutionarily conserved amino acid sequence motif; this particular sequence motif had an α-helix structure to it. I think it’s an elegant and beautiful structure.

    The α-helix structure figures prominently in the inner workings of many proteins, perhaps, for example, by binding to key substrates in enzymes in order to catalyze biochemical reactions or by changing its protein configurations of transporter proteins during the uptake of nutrients by cells or by expelling toxic compounds (like antimicrobials) or waste products from cells. Virtually all biochemical and cellular functions involving proteins will have their molecular mechanisms carried out by protein structures composed of the α-helix.
    What exactly is this alpha helix and what is its relevance to science, biology and chemistry? The alpha (α) helix is a central structural motif present in proteins of all living organisms. The amino acids that make up protein molecules are arranged like pearls along a string that can form a spiral to make the α-helix structure. Using calculations of bond angles and turning the atoms in the amino acids around each other to make new theoretical hydrogen bonds along the protein chain, the α-helix structure came to Pauling during, the story is told, when he was laid up in bed with a cold—he quite frequently suffered from colds and secondary sinus infections. The theory for the α-helix structure was formulated by Pauling while convalescing. The α-helix was a key piece of knowledge by which investigators astutely used in order to propose the structural model of DNA. Scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin and even Linus Pauling himself applied the α-helix motif of protein chains to formulate the double helix and (inaccurately) the triple helix structural models of DNA. Students of Biochemistry courses and especially Biochemistry undergraduate majors, are regularly taught all about the famous α-helix structure and its discovery. The hydrogen bonds and the peptide bond angles, their bond rotations, the side chain orientations, etc., in the α-helix are all classically taught in lectures and are unfailingly presented in any good Biochemistry textbook. The α-helix is one of my favorite molecular structures; in fact, for my Ph.D. thesis, I studied a bacterial antimicrobial efflux pump that shared an evolutionarily conserved amino acid sequence motif; this particular sequence motif had an α-helix structure to it. I think it’s an elegant and beautiful structure. The α-helix structure figures prominently in the inner workings of many proteins, perhaps, for example, by binding to key substrates in enzymes in order to catalyze biochemical reactions or by changing its protein configurations of transporter proteins during the uptake of nutrients by cells or by expelling toxic compounds (like antimicrobials) or waste products from cells. Virtually all biochemical and cellular functions involving proteins will have their molecular mechanisms carried out by protein structures composed of the α-helix.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 494 Vue
  • Linus Pauling, the world's most qualified advocate of vitamin C, urged people to take pure ascorbic acid powder or crystals

    Ascorbic acid powder or crystals can be purchased in bulk relatively inexpensively. Pure powder is more quickly dissolved than tablets and therefore can be absorbed somewhat faster by the body. Linus Pauling favored taking pure ascorbic acid, as it is entirely free of tableting excipients.
    Linus Pauling, the world's most qualified advocate of vitamin C, urged people to take pure ascorbic acid powder or crystals Ascorbic acid powder or crystals can be purchased in bulk relatively inexpensively. Pure powder is more quickly dissolved than tablets and therefore can be absorbed somewhat faster by the body. Linus Pauling favored taking pure ascorbic acid, as it is entirely free of tableting excipients.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 497 Vue
  • People used to consume much more raw foods which brought higher content of vitamin C, thermal processing destroys it. For comparison, gorillas, whose biology is similar to humans, consume 5, 6 grams daily of vitamin C from their food. That’s because like humans they lack an enzyme needed to organically synthesise vitamin C. A goat will synthesise 13 grams daily, and up to 100 grams daily during an infection. So that should give you an idea of the amounts needed for humans.
    Linus Pauling, who I mentioned earlier, consumed 18 grams daily until the day he died. He lived 93 years, had prostate cancer for the last 20, and was still scientifically engaged in his last years of life. In a conversation with the president of the Food and Drug Administration, Linus Pauling plainly said it is a crime not to inform the population about the advantages of taking daily doses of vitamin C.
    (Linus Pauling didn’t know he had prorate cancer they didn’t check back then)

    People used to consume much more raw foods which brought higher content of vitamin C, thermal processing destroys it. For comparison, gorillas, whose biology is similar to humans, consume 5, 6 grams daily of vitamin C from their food. That’s because like humans they lack an enzyme needed to organically synthesise vitamin C. A goat will synthesise 13 grams daily, and up to 100 grams daily during an infection. So that should give you an idea of the amounts needed for humans. Linus Pauling, who I mentioned earlier, consumed 18 grams daily until the day he died. He lived 93 years, had prostate cancer for the last 20, and was still scientifically engaged in his last years of life. In a conversation with the president of the Food and Drug Administration, Linus Pauling plainly said it is a crime not to inform the population about the advantages of taking daily doses of vitamin C. (Linus Pauling didn’t know he had prorate cancer they didn’t check back then) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00028PH2Q/ref=as_glm?linkCode=ml2&tag=markkahl-20
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 519 Vue

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